1.3k special chapter celebration part.
Your pov:
The past few days with Jared's mother has been hell she has done nothing but torture me!
I haven't even been able to get good sleep because she cries,screams and cooks in her sleep. That's right cooks. So as you can imagine I'm trying to make sure she doesn't burn down the house in her sleep preventing me from getting any.
I am sitting in my room reviewing a script but failing because I'm nodding off to sleep.
My phone goes off.
i automatically become more life like and answer quickly.
Y: hello?!
J: hey babe!
Y: hey hows everything been going?
J: its been ok i miss you.
Y: i miss you two when are you coming home?
J: in two days i promise.
Y: that feel soo far away.
J: if you keep working as hard as you do two days will be over before you know it.
Y: did you see my interview with jimmy fallon?
J: yea it was very funny you looked very sexy that day might i add,
Y: oh really
J: in fact if i were there I'd-
Jared's mother: *in the background.* is that Jared?!
Y: yea.
Jared's mother: oh let me talk to him.
She took the phone out of my hand and started talking to him.
I sighed.
She took my only happiness i had today away from me.
"Oh yea me and her have been girlfriends all week!!" She went into her room and hopped on the bed but kept the door open so i could hear the conversation." I love it here I'm actually considering moving into the neighborhood"
Shock and dread washed over my body my eyes popped out of my head.
"Oh yea i actually seen the house right across the street from you guys i like it it has a beautiful garden out front I'm looking into moving there."
I wanted to cry. She already is an annoyance if she moves across we will never be alone.
The next day she went to a doctors appointment and i had a day off.
Thank god. I invited Sawyer and joey over so i can vent.
They came over right away.
"She's moving across the street?!?!?!" Sawyer exclaimed
"Beautiful beautiful big beige Windows." I mock her voice" .its bullshit she doesn't even like this neighborhood." I say
"Seems like mother dearest has been keeping a close eye on you." Joey says with a folder in his hand. With her scarf and hat on.
"Joey what are you talking about why do you have on her stuff."
"I was in her room minding my own business when i found this folder of your pictures."
He sits beside me and shows e the folder. She had photos of me from on set.
"What the hell?!"
We go inside her room and dig through her stuff.
"What are these?" Joey says. Holding up her medication bottle.
"Oh those are her pills to help her sleep." I say.
"Oh i had these once they can knock out a horse." He sniffs the bottle. "I don't know what these are they are not it."
"What?!" I say.
I take the bottle and sniff the medicine it smells like oranges.
We drive to the pharmacy to get them analyzed it turns out they are gummy vitamin c's
She has been torturing for soo long i thought she meant no harm but now i know she has an agenda against me.
What should i do?
Sweet sweet revenge, she needs to know I'm onto her game and i can play just as well.
Talk to her about it, i don't wanna fight with her.
The choice i yours reader chan let me know in the comments below just so you know this choice doesn't effect your relationship with Jared its a simple battle between you and her he's unaware any of this is going on.
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