Final A/N
So this is basically the end-of-book A/N, where I'm gonna make u all talk to each other!
nah jk i just wanna hear some feedback and be happy about finishing something for once!
It took me exactly 11 months to finish this so that's probably bad but hey. I did it.
Ok I wanna hear from you. Because I like hearing people's opinions and maybe I'll keep them in mind for future books or something. Idk I just wanna talk!
•Favorite Chapter/Part?
Personally, I really liked the scene where Alana and Evan came over to Jared's house in the middle of the night and watched Netflix. I also really liked writing the Halloween dance.
•Thoughts on the ending?
I thought it was a little all over the place, but I wanted to write it similarly to DEH's novel's epilogue.
•Was there enough Kleinsen?
That was one of my biggest concerns with ending the book right there was that people wouldn't be satisfied with the amount of romance that actually happened. I like plot-heavy books, usually, but I know sometimes when Kleinsens what you're looking for, Kleinsen's what you want.
I'm really glad I finally got to finish this, but now I don't know what to do next!
I have an idea for a side-book, based around Alana, but I'm not sure how dedicated I'd be to making that happen. Especially since (trigger warning: unpopular opinion) Alana's my least favorite character. But I feel like she has lots of potential for a backstory. And angst. aNgsTy aLaNa sToRy??
idk maybe.
If I do end up doing that, (or any other side-books from this same universe) I'll make another chapter with the details, just so you all know.
Over all, I'm glad this is over because I honestly had no more ideas.
That was a joke.
But it is kinda true. It had to end eventually, sorry guys.
Thanks to all of you for sticking around and actually reading this monstrosity, because honestly, I wouldn't have all the motivation I needed to finish this of it wasn't for your guys' comments and votes!
Thank you and I hope I'll see you somewhere soon!
(on wattpad ofc, not in real life. SOCIAL DISTANCING PEOPLE!)
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