Oh shoot it gets kinda gay.
Well I guess that's why you're here.
Well shit.
Before me, lying on the sidewalk is an unconscious Evan. God damnit.
I stood there, staring at him. What else was I supposed to? I was hoping that he'd wake up like three seconds after fainting, but no. Something was wrong with this boy.
After probably about three minutes of mindless staring, I walked up and kneeled beside him. "Evan wake up, you dingus." I said, trying to keep my tone lighthearted.
Given the circumstances, one would assume I was the reason Evan fainted. Scientifically, though, that doesn't really make sense. Yes, I pay attention in science class. Surprise.
I put my hands on his shoulders and lightly shook his body. Still, nothing.
Is he dead?
A sudden wave of panic washed over me with that though. There is no way I killed this boy.
I could call the hospital, but I knew Evan's mom was working a shift that night. If she found out Evan was hurt... well, let's not go there.
But I can't just leave him lying in the middle of the sidewalk!
I mean.... I could..?
I sat criss-crossed beside him, staring at his unconscious body.
I looked around for something I could do to help him. I saw a nearby water fountain and realized I was a little thirsty. I walked over and got a sip before looking over back at Evan.
Why did he pass out? Right before he did, he was talking about how he didn't like lying to the Murphys.
And then he just... kinda... passed out?
Ok but who does that?
I'm no doctor, (trust me, I know that), but I know a few reasons why someone could pass out. Heat, exhaustion, dehydration... etc, etc.
I wish I had one of those doctor tools they have hanging around their necks, because then I'd look certified to do this stuff on a sidewalk:
I walked up to Evan and sat back down beside him, putting my hand on his forehand. Maybe he was overheated?
But it was the beginning of fall, and, to me at least, it felt super cool.
After a second or so, I heard Evan say, "Jared... what are you doing?"
I jolted back, surprised from the sudden awakening.
"Jesus, Evan!" I exclaimed, "You can't just-" I looked at him for a moment before scrapping that sentence and starting a new one, "I was trying to keep you alive." I huffed.
"Oh, uh, thanks."
"Sit up." I said blankly.
"Sit up, you intellectual." I said, slightly aggravated. Evan looked at me strangely, and I rethought what I just said.
God damnit, I accidentally complimented him.
That's not my job.
"I- uh- Forget it! Just sit up, Evan!" I yelled, more annoyed with myself then him at this point.
He sat up quickly, and I shoved him back down carefully. "Slowly, dummy. Sit up slowly. You wanna pass out again?"
He sighed and waited a moment before slowly sitting up.
"You good?" I asked.
He turned his head to me and nodded. "I still feel a little dizzy, but yeah."
I nodded back and looked away from him.
There was a moment of awkward silence. Urg, I hated awkward silence. Not because it's awkward, I'm used to that, but because it's silent. I hate silence.
Out of no where, I laughed.
Oh my fricking god.
Laughing randomly is one of my gross quirks. I hate it so much. Sometimes if it's quiet, I'll unconsciously try to fill the silence by laughing. And I can't stop it most of the time. It's not like I think "yeah let's laugh at nothing." No. It's just gross and stupid.
Evan smiled sympathetically. Since we've been friends for so long, he's known about this quirk and how much I despise it.
To break the silence, I asked "When was the last time you drank?"
Evan seemed a little taken aback by the question, "I... Jared I don't drink..."
"Water, you idiot." I said. And though I wanted my tone to sound harsh, (like family friend's tones are supposed to sound), it came out soft.
I'm not a soft person.
"Oh. Um..." Evan looked up at the sky for a moment before saying, "I'm not sure?"
"The hell, Evan! You're dehydrated! Fool." I said rather loudly. I walked over to the water fountain, planning on filling up a water bottle or something to give to Evan, but then I realized I didn't have a water bottle, since we were planning to go straight to the Murphys.
"Hey do you happen to carry around a water bottle everywhere you go? That seems like something you'd do." I called from the water fountain.
"Jared we just established the fact that I'm dehydrated."
Oh yeah. Oops I'm dumb.
I turned to him and asked, "Can you stand? We need to get you home for some water."
I felt really odd being a "doctor" to Evan. Like, I want to protect him and all, he's my friend, but this is probably the nicest I've ever been to him. It was unusual, for probably both me and Evan.
Evan shrugged and tried to stand up.
He fell back down.
"That's a no then."
"Shouldn't we call the hospital?"
"Oh yes," I said sarcastically, "Call the hospital your mom works at. Because wouldn't it just be perfect if your mom picked up and we had to explain everything."
" That's a no then. " Evan mumbled.
I turned back to the water fountain and got water the only way I knew how to without a cup. With my hands.
"It was extremely smart of you to not drink. Ever." I remarked as I walked up and kneeled in front of Evan. "Drink."
"Drink, Evan." I saud behind gritted teeth.
"Evan!" I yelled, aggravated by his bluntness.
"Ok fine!" He said defeated.
He grabbed the sides of my hands like a cup and tilted the water into his mouth.
It didn't occur to me how weird that was until it was done.
"Sorry that was extremely gay." I said after an awkward laugh.
"What?" Evan said, turning to me.
" Nevermind. Can you stand up now? "
Evan tried to stand up and I tried to support him. Once he was up, I smiled.
"I'm gonna have to call the Murphys..." He mumbled.
"Yeah probably." I said, before smirking and saying "Kinda nice you didn't kill yourself, huh?"
He smiled and nodded.
"Now you, being stupid and not drinking anything, should probably go home, and not be stupid and drink something." I said.
"Only if you come too." He said, smiling, before rambling, "I mean if you don't want to that's fine-"
I shrugged, "As if I have anything better to do."
Published: 6/12/19
Word Count: 1136
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