I stared at Evan.
Ok, what the hell was happening?
Evan was standing up beside me, his hand stuck out as if we were doing some professional business deal in which I would sign a contract, shake his hand, accidentally break that contract, and then suffer consequences.
I laughed nervously. "No..." I said quietly.
"N-no?" Evan repeated, his hand drooping a little .
"No." I said, taking my eyes off Evan and looking toward the computer screen. "It was a joke, Evan."
"Of course..." Evan said, completely lowering his hand and looking at his feet, before sitting back down.
Evan's already gotten himself into this big mess. A huge mess that doesn't seem messy to anyone but us two. Knowing Evan, though, something will happen, he'll realize his mistakes, and tell everyone.
Which is kinda stupid. Why would you reveal your secrets if you were having fun keeping them? At first, Evan seemed bothered to have to write these emails, but now it kinda seems like he's enjoying it.
And, ok I admit it, I kinda am having fun, too. And though I'll never forgive Alana for... basically everything that's been done in the Connor Project, I am having a little fun with Evan and the emails. Being a dead kid, writing emails to my best friend about things that I don't think Connor ever cared about. It's fun. I won't admit it though.
I mean, I know this whole thing is useless, in the long run, but I can, and will, enjoy it.
And though Evan seems upset with me when i screw up one of the emails, I feel like he's trying to hide a smile. Typical Evan, if you ask me.
Well, he can't hide anything from ol' Jared, here. Evan is enjoying this. And, hell, I am too. If this opportunity just ran up to me like that, there's no reason to throw it away. Might as well make worse of what was already kinda bad.
"Yes." I said after a long moment of silence. I still wasn't looking Evan in the eye, but I could just smell the small smile radiating from him.
"Hell. Yes." I could feel a smile tugging at my lips. This was amazing. I was gonna be part of something amazing. Amazingly stupid and amazingly dirty, but also amazingly fun.
I stood up quickly, almost slamming the laptop on the bench. I grabbed Evan's hands and pulled him up off the bench, so he was standing, too. I held out my hand and said, "By shaking my hand, you'll be signing the 'Evan-Connor-Jared friendship' contract, which will have a great deal of consequences if you break."
Evan laughed - not like, small giggle, but laughed - and shook my hand.
Sorry, this was a really short chapter. I should've included it in the other chapter but too late now I guess.
Published: 6/9/19
Word count: 460
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