I woke up with heavy weight on both of my shoulders and padding on my ears.
Sun was blazing through my window's curtains. It was brighter than usual. Like, really bright.
I shifted my focus to my shoulders. Evan leaning on my right and Alana on my left.
What a great way to start the day.
I looked at my phone and saw the time.
"Fuck!" I whispered.
I shrugged my shoulders a couple times to try to shake Alana and Evan awake. All they did was stir a little. Evan slid down a little so his head was on my hips.
"Guys. We have go to school!" I whispered loudly.
"But Jared..." Evan whimpered, still half-asleep. He grabbed onto the hem of my shirt and tried to climb back up to my shoulder. I couldn't help but blush.
"Guys get off!" I said, a little louder this time.
Man, these people were heavy sleepers.
I took off my headphones and wonked Alana with them. "OW!" She said, immediately sitting up. "The frick, Jared!"
She looked around, as if trying to remember where she was.
"I'm sorry! It's 9 freaking 30! We're supposed to be in second period!" I said.
Alana jumped off the bed. "Oh shit you're right!" She took the ear bud out of her ear and tossed it at me.
Evan stirred a little bit, before giving in and falling onto my lap.
"Can you help me with this mess?" I asked, pointing at Evan.I
Alana just laughed, "Nah, you're on your own. I gotta get to Calculus." She said before grabbing her phone, waving, and zwooping out the door.
"Wow, thanks." I mumbled sarcastically, before wonking Evan on the head like I did for Alana. He didn't even move.
"Evan, you freaking freak." I said, trying to shake him awake.
"Ok so we're doing this the hard way..." I tried to push Evan off me slowly, but he grabbed on to my shirt.
"Son of a-" I mumbled. "Evan you to wake up!" I said, my tone raised a little.
I sighed, checked the time to make sure my parents weren't home, and yelled, "EVAN GET THE FUCK UP!"
He rolled a complete 360 on my lap and said, "I'm up, I'm... up..."
"Your eyes are still closed." I said, looking down at him.
He opened his eyes slowly, his eyes meeting mine. I smiled at him and he flushed pink, before quickly sitting up and looking around.
"It looks like it's ten in the morning or something." He mumbled.
"It is." I said, "Now get your ass out of bed, we need to get to school!" I grabbed his wrist and literally pulled him off the bed.
It was just then I noticed he was in pajamas.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." I said, "You wore pjs to my house!?"
He put his hands up in defence, "I was tired!"
I grumbled and went to my dresser, throwing him a random t-shirt, a button-up, and jeans.
"Do I really need the button-up?" He asked, " That's more of a you thing. "
"Just wear the fucking clothes." I said, and he ran to the bathroom.
I grabbed a grey shirt, a red-and-gray button up, and some jeans before changing right there in my bedroom.
Right as I zipped up the jeans, Evan walked in, changed.
I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"What? What's so funny?" He asked.
He was right, the button-up was way more of a me thing, and it looked ridiculous on Evan. Not to mention, for once he wasn't wearing a polo. But I couldn't change his top, so I threw him some khaki shorts and said, "Wear these, they're much more your style".
He frowned and took the shorts, running back to the bathroom.
He came back in, still looking like a monkey. But eh, it was more bearable.
I grabbed my backpack, and walked down to the door with Evan. We grabbed our jackets and headed out.
"What about my backpack?" He said, "It's back at home."
I sighed, "Next time you come to my house on a school night, bring it." I motioned for him to get in my SUV.
We drove to his house in silence. I waited as he went in and got his backpack.
I turned on the radio and turned it off immediately after I heard the words "Old town road."
"Hey I like that song!" Evan said, and I jumped, not even noticing he was back.
"Ah well too bad." I said, driving us to school.
We got to school and the first thing I noticed was the students moving around.
"Yes!" I whispered .
"2nd just ended, which means we can make it to third without checking in as tardy!" I explained excitedly.
"But then won't they think we skipped?" Evan asked, and I shrugged.
"I mean technically we did so..."
Evan's face went white, and I took that as I sign that he's never skipped before.
"Dude it's fine." I said, "No one really cares, anyway."
He gave me a small (and obviously fake) smile and we continued walking to 3rd.
We walked in to our English and Alana, who's also in that class with us, ran up to us.
"Oh you guys made it! Grea-" she stopped mid sentence and her eyes traveled to my head. Evan bursted out laughing.
I realized I didn't brush my hair this morning.
And Evan went to the bathroom, so, chances are, he brushed his.
"How bad is it?" I mumbled.
Alana stifled a laugh, "Pretty damn bad."
I growled and took my seat.
"You could've told me." I mumbled to Evan.
"I didn't actually think much of it until just now..." He mumbled back, obviously trying not to laugh.
I glared at him for a second, before giving in and smiling.
What a great way to start the day.
Published: 7/4/19
Word Count: 995
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