Chapter 5
Listen to the song on repeat it will kill you. It's not the original but it will do.
*Jordan's PoV*
Have you ever felt trapped, in a endless room, no I windows no doors no light. Ever felt like your walking threw a hallway, never ending. The darkness is getting darker, the walls are getting smaller.
*Tom's PoV two weeks later (sorry not sorry)*
"Sonja Tucker," I whisper, my voice cracking.
"Hey good to see you up man," Tucker says with a smile. How the hell can he smile knowing that our best friend is in a coma and has eternal bleeding.
"Hey Tom why don't you grab a shower before you eat," Sonja said.
I slump up the stairs. I haven't been very happy since he went into a coma. I leave for England in 2 days. I decided not to come back for two months. Granddad is taking a turn for the worst, I told them I would watch him during the night so the rest of the family can get some rest. Jordan showed signs of never waking up so there for he is technically dead.
I turn on the water, not bothering to turn the cold on. I strip and walk into the shower letting the boiling hot water scorch my back and legs. Not even moving away from the water I just stand there, the tiredness not washing away. The feeling of never seeing my best friend again didn't wash away. I might as well go say my goodbyes today, I want to get out of the states.
I wash my hair and body just wanting to leave.
"Tom come on you've been in there for 45 minutes," I here Tucker say as he knocks.
"I'll be out in a sec," I say. I hop out of the shower I look at myself in the mirror, the bags under my eyes still there, the acne the worst it's been in years, "Tucker?"
"Yeah bud," he said.
"I wanna go home," I say.
"You are home," he said threw the door.
"No in England," I say.
"But your going there in a few days," he sounded concerned.
"I want to go home," I cry but no tears.
"Wanna go to the hospital and say goodbye to jordan," he said that, I have to think about that on do I want to see him.
"Yeah," I walk out of the bathroom fully clothed.
"Ok I'll get Sonja and we will head out, you want to go home after," I nod, "buy your ticket."
"Ok," I go online to buy the tickets the next flight 5:55 I'll have time to go see Jordan.
"Ready," both of them ask I nod. We walk out to the car, we drive to the hospital in complete silence. As we pull up I didn't want to walk in.
"Come on Tom you won't be back for 2 months the least you could do is say goodbye," Sonja said as she pushes me threw the door.
"Jordan Marron," I mumble to the lady at the desk.
"You know where to go tom," she knew my name I came here everyday the first week.
I walk slowly to the room he was in. I hesitate to open the door. Tucker opened the door and Sonja pushed me in.
"Say goodbye," they demanded.
"See ya Jordan, it's never goodbye right," I start to tear up, "I'm going back to England, granddad not doing to well, huh I guess you aren't doing to well ether," I lightly smile, "we miss you, your fans are always sending good little notes and things like that, it's been over 2 weeks I know it's not long but the doctors said you show more sings of never waking up then waking up," I let some tears fall, "oh god Jordan I made myself cry," I laugh wiping away the tears, "so my flight is at 5:55, I always text you on my way to England, I have been texting you, just talking to myself, maybe one day you could read them." the tears are a constant stream, " Tucker and Sonja are here, she said she didn't want to leave because of you," I grab his limp hand, "maybe if you can here me you could give me a sign," I wait a few minutes seeing if he would move, but nothing, "that's what I thought, I- I miss you Jordan, it's it's hard without you," I sob. "Well it's almost 4 now so I should go, see ya, because like I said it's never goodbye," I stumble out of the room to be greeted by a pair of arms wrapping around me, no two pairs of arms. Sonja and Tucker and hugging me. I sob into their arms.
"Shhh it's ok," I here Sonja coo.
"No it's not Sonja, he's dying and I can't do anything about it, DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS WITNESSING YOUR FRIEND PRACTICALLY KILL HIMSELF," I sob into their arms.
"No Tom I don't and I can't imagine what it feels like," she tired to keep tears away but failed.
"We need to go I don't want to be late for my flight," I walk away from them and out to the car. I need to leave the states.
We drive to the airport, I didn't need to bring anything, except my headphones and a charger. I walk into the airport and do the shit I have to do any other time I'm here.
I bored the plan, before I even sit down I out my headphones on and listen to music. I see someone I thought I would never see in America. Jess.
"Hey Tom," I here her say over my my music. No no no no no I don't need this right now.
"Go away," I mummer.
"Oh Tom don't be like that," she sat on the empty seat next to me.
"Please Jess just go away," my voice cracks.
"Tommy what's wrong," she put a hand on my shoulder, I swat her away.
"What are you dong here in the first place," I grumble.
"Came to see some family over here, why are you here," she did not just ask that.
"You know damn well why I'm here," I snap.
"What's with you," she snapped back.
"You know what I'm dealing with you right now I'm not In fucking mood," I spat.
"Well this is my seat so you have to deal with me," she smirked.
Just a another flight Tom.
Text Jordan yeah that should keep my mind off of things.
T= Tom
T: hey Jordan I know I just talked to you but guess who I saw.
T: Jess I know right why the fuck was she doing over here, that's what I asked. She acting like a bitch again, just like the night she left.
T: so how you feeling any better from an hour ago.
Tears spill out of my eyes.
"Tom why are crying," Jess asked full of concern.
"Jordan he's dying," I whimper.
"Oh I'm so sorry Tom I know how close you two were," I hugged me. I didn't fight it her hugs we ok but a hug right now is amazing.
Goodbye Jordan
I'm sobbing right now. ITS SO SAD.
I'm sorry I broke your feels mine are broken too.
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