Chapter 32
*Tom's PoV*
"TOM WAKE UP MOTHER FUCKER!" my best friend jake yelled from down stairs.
"Who's that," Jordan groaned making my chest vibrate.
"Jake, a friend," I sigh, "UP HERE MORON!"
Loud footsteps echo up the stairs and over to our room, the door fly's open. I roll over bringing Jordan with me as the big man hurdles onto the bed. Jordan groans at my weight as I lie on top of him, flipping us over Jordan cuddles into my chest once again. His soft kisses to chest making me smile.
"Who's he," Jake asks as I lift my head so I can look over at him.
"This is Jordan, my boyfriend," I smile as Jordan's head snaps up to look at me.
"Oh that's cool, I always wanted a gay friend," he smiles.
"Ok, could you like leave, we have to get dressed," I smirk.
"Umm yeah sure," he says awkwardly and ran out of the room.
I roll Jordan and I over, I plant my lips on his, his hand fly up to my neck. His hands keeps me from moving anywhere.
"My god babe," I laughs as he scolds me, "didn't you get enough last night, my legs are all cramped up!"
"Mhm no," he rolled us over so he is on top of me now. He started to kiss up and down my neck as his hands explored my chest. Our naked body's rubbing against each other.
"Come on, we need to get dressed," I chuckle.
"I don't wanna!" He groaned.
"I'll carry you downstairs naked!" I sigh. He bolts out of bed and to his closet to get cloths on. He runs around the room looking for something without a shirt on. Until he finds my sweater that I was wearing last night. He throws it on after putting on deodorant.
"I was going to wear that you know," I sigh as I roll out of bed.
"Don't care, I'll be in the bathroom," he strolls into the bathroom to do whatever he needs to do.
I pull on some bagging sweatpants and a syndicate original sweatshirt. Walking into the bathroom Jordan is brushing his teeth. I grab my toothbrush and being doing the same. I soon begin to do my hair. Jordan watches me with an amused smirk.
"You look sexy with your gray hair," he whispers then runs out of the bathroom.
I sigh and walk out of the bathroom. I walk down the stairs into the living room. Jake is sitting on the couch playing Xbox.
"I love how you walk into my house uninvited, and start playing my games!" I cry in disbelief.
"Hey your boyfriend said I could!" He countered.
"Jordan!" I glare.
"Tom!" He glares right back.
"Why!" I cry.
"Because he's your friend, make me tea peasant!" He shooed me away with his hand.
"Unbelievable. un-fucking-believable!" I grumble as I walk into the kitchen.
"I love you baby!" Jordan laughed as he jumped on the couch.
"I love you too, sadly," i whisper the last part.
"I heard that tommy boy, oh and your phone is blowing up," he laughed from the couch.
"Mkay," I walk over to my phone seeing a group chat from two crazy people.
Summer: TOM
Summer: TOM
Maddie: I would answer her if I were you. She won't give up.
Jordan: Oh hey girls.
Me: I'm here what do you to leaches want!
Jordan starts laughing, I see him hunch over and clutch his stomach.
Maddie: She wishes she could afford that shit.
Summer: Maddie don't forget I'm sitting right next to you!
Maddie: shit
Jordan: you guys wanna come to I-54?
Summer: hell yeah!
Me: We both have a plus 1 ticket.
Jordan: Yeah each of you could have our plus 1 and we'll pay for your flights and hotel.
Maddie: Guys you don't have you.
Me: Summer are you still with your dad?
Summer: um yeah, why?
Jordan: we'll pay for everything. Summer you can bring your mom, Maddie you can bring your aunt.
Me: yeah. We haven't seen you guys in like 4 months.
Summer: Guys, I'm crying you're so nice!
Maddie: she literally is crying.
Me: aww summer.
Summer: shut up before your balls are the size of your pinky toe
Jordan: well that's violent 0.0
Maddie: anyways guys we have to go, summer and I are going sledding.
Me: this is why I don't want kids Jordan.
Jordan: same
Summer and Maddie: SAME
Me: well then. Bye guys.
"Jake don't you fuck up my game," I yell.
"Mkay, well anyways I'm here to invite you and your boyfriend that we are all getting together tomorrow night for a party you guys in?" Jake asks.
"Are we "in" Jordan?" I ask him.
"I mean sure," he shrugs.
"Ok now get the fuck out of my house," I laugh.
"Ok ok fine I'm gone," he waves his hands and he slams the door shut.
"I think summer and Maddie can't life," Jordan chuckles.
"More then likely, they should both sill have there passports, so that's good for the flight," I sigh as I walk over to him and place my head on his lap.
"Yep, I'm gunna go record for a bit. And then you're going to have to give me advice on my new PC," he sighs.
"But you're so comfortable!" I groan as he moves to get up.
"I'll be back down later. Go upstairs and play some will u games," he said as he ran his figures through my hair.
"Fine, but first..."
"What do you want, you devil!"
I grab onto my sweater he is wearing and bring him into a kiss. After multiple little pecks I release him from my grasp.
"I love you," he smiles.
"I love you too, now go record before people think you quit!"
Crappy fucking chapter in my opinion. I just put the text in here because I couldn't think of anything fun for the chapter.
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