Chapter 30
*Tom's PoV*
As we pull into my drive way around 10, jordan is asleep in the back. I thank my dad as he gets in his car and leaves. I pick up jordan and carry him into the house.
"Jordan come on wake up we are home," I shake the sleeping beauty I my arms.
"Mmmmmm five more minutes," he groaned and put his head on my chest. I smirk and unlock my door. Quickly carrying him over to the pool room.
"Jordan I'll give you five seconds," I shook him again. He just slapped my arm and cuddled back onto me. I checked his pockets to see if he had his phone or anything. He didn't so he must have left them in the car.
I open the screen door, leading to the pool room. I smirked, unlatched his arms and chucked him into the pool. He screamed as he entered the pool. He surfaced with a look that could kill.
"TOM!!!!!!!!!" He screamed.
"What," I laugh wiping away the tears.
"I hate you," he glared.
"Aww come on get out," I reached my hand down so he could grab it. Nope, he had to drag me down with him. As I surface I push him towards the water fall.
"Now come on was that nice," I ask as his back hit the wall.
"You threw me in the pool first," he crossed his arms.
I pull his arms away from his chest, wrapping my own around him. I place my feet on the little ledge holding up Jordan. The water from the fall poring over us. I wipe the water trickling down his face with my thumbs running over his sexy beard. I bit my lip,trying to resist the urge to bite his neck. (Why am I turning Tom into a vampire). We stare deeply into each other's yes as the water blurs our vision.
"Tom, I'm wet," he blurted out, I cackle a little. He gave me a strange look, "what."
"Do you realize what you just said," I laugh.
"Oh god tom," he groaned and slapped my back.
"What I can't help it," I smirk.
"Wanna go get changed I'm getting cold," he shivered.
"I could warm you up," I joke around.
"Tom," he groaned and threw his head back. It takes my whole body's power not to lick his delectable neck.
"Come on, let's go," I smirk and swim away.
As I get out of the pool I shake my hair to dry it a bit. I step out of the pool and rip off my shirt, ringing it out as I wait for Jordan to get out. I strip off my wet shoes and socks, Jordan climbs out staring at me.
"What," I chuckle running my hands threw my hair.
"Damn," he licked his lips as we walked closer to me.
"Jordan," I whisper as he takes the last step that separates us.
"Tom," he mimicked as his hands gripped my hips.
"A- are you ok," I shiver as his hands slid down a bit.
"Perfectly ok," he licked my neck making a shiver of pleasure go down my spin. He kept licking my neck, making me squirm to get more of his addictive touch.
"Jordan," I moaned as he starting sucking on my neck. I clutch my arms around his neck as he chuckled the vibration of his voice making me go insane.
"Don't take your shirt off when I'm around," he pulled away from my body, my arms still grasped onto him, "tom let go."
"Never," I hiss wrapping my legs around his.
"Tom," he groaned as he took a step back taking me with him.
"Come on I'll take you to OUR room and get changed then I'll show you around," I unwrap my legs from his and grip his hand.
"O- Ok," he laugh as I cover his eyes.
I dragged him up the stairs to my correct our room. I pushed him onto my large ass bed as I rummaged through all my clothes.
"Gold blue or white," I ask as I pull out all three life to short shirts holding them up.
"Gold," he smiled as I through him the shirt. I grabbed a new pair off boxer out of the package throwing them to him as well.
"No need for pants," I wave him off as I grab my own clothes.
"Tom give me pants," he groaned. Damn Jordan what's with the groans.
"Oh calm down it won't kill you," I pull the shirt over my head.
"Please," he begged.
"Oh hush I've seen you naked this is nothing new," I wave at him as I strip my pants, I look over to Jordan seeing him red as a fire truck.
"Fine but no pants for you too mister," he said I chuckle and nod my head pulling on new boxers.
"Come on let's go," I grab his hand trying to get him off the bed. He pulled me down on top of him.
"No I don't want to," he pleaded.
"Jordan," my voice husky as I stare at his lips.
"Tom," his voice matching mine.
I nip his bottom lip clamping it in between my teeth tugging it gently. Sucking it gently as
he squirmed under me. I chuckle as I let go of his delectable lips, his breathing his heavy as his eyes shined with lust. I smile as I attack his lips with mine moving my body up on his earning a very erotic moan. I about lost myself with that sound, I had to resist the urge to devour his face. My hands roamed his body as his did the same to mine; Both of us moaning as we search each other. I pull back breathlessly as my hands rest on his hips.
"Hot," I whisper laughing at myself earning a grin from Jordan.
"My lip hurts thank you very much," he said as he rubs the back of my neck.
"Come on you'll be lost in the morning if I don't show you around," I laugh heaving myself off him.
"Ok let's go," he smiled.
*Time Skip*
"Tom," Jordan laughed as I pinned him to the bed.
"Jordan," I laugh with him.
"Come on I'm tired can we just go to sleep," he laughed as I kiss his neck, I groan in frustration as I roll over to the other pillow. I sit up striping off my shirt throwing it somewhere.
"Shirt off now," I demand, "my house my rules and it's a rule that you can not ware a shirt past hmmm eleven o'clock."
"Tom," he groaned.
"I'm kidding, but seriously can you not wear a shirt when we are in bed?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Sure," he tore off the shirt.
"Thanks," I mutter lying head on the pillow.
"Your welcome," he whisper as he rested his head on my cheats.
"Goodnight," I yawned, "I love you."
"I love you too."
Dude I did a thing and it's pretty sweet, I kinda said if I got 100 followers I would do a face reveal. So I mean if you want one follow me.
PS: Iisites_Dragon is you happy now I updated
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