Chapter 28
*Jordan's PoV*
"Ugh what happened last night," I groan as I wake up with the worst headache ever.
"You jordan got drunk," Tom came in the room with some water and Advil.
"Never doing that again," I groan after I take the pills.
"Yeah yeah whatever you say," he laughed at me.
"How am I going to stream with a hangover," I groan.
"I don't know, you know you don't have to stream, they won't kill you if you don't stream," he climbed in bed and brought me to his lap.
"Hm we can just get ready to move," I suggest.
"Like get packing or," his voice trailing off.
"Packing, I kinda just wanna move on with my life. I want to move on with you in my life," I look up at him.
"Well before we pack, we have to buy a plan ticket, and get your stuff shipped," he said.
"Well all I'll need is my computer I might just build a new one," I say.
"Really build a new PC," he asked.
"Yeah I see why not," I smile.
"Sure whatever, so just give your PC to someone or something," he sparked an idea.
"I could give it away to someone on twitch," I smile.
"Great idea, but we need to get your passport and stuff like that," we both got out of bed and walked into my recording room.
"I wanna leave as soon as possible," I say as I sit on his lap.
"Ok, wanna leave maybe sometime next week, all you need is put this place up for rent then pack up your clothes and ship out the PC to the person who wins it," he said.
"Yeah," i nod.
Time Skip*
"Congratulations to Skyewheel for wining my PC, send me your mailing address and I will ship their lovely thing your way," I smile.
I got asked so many times why I'm raffling off my computer.
"Ok so you guys have been asking me 'jardon why is you giving your PC away?' Well your not getting an answer ok," I laugh, "anyways I have things I need to do so this is probably the last stream from me for awhile, bye guys."
"You done yet," Tom shouted from the living room.
"Yeah I'm donw, now help me pack up my stuff," I walk into the living room.
"Fine help me up," he reached out so I could grab his hands, when I did he just pulled me on him, "let's cuddle for a bit then we can worry about that."
"At least give me a kiss after you drag me down with you," I laugh, he grabbed my face and kissed me roughly.
"Happy," he smirked as he pulled away.
"Very," I smile and rest my head on his chest.
*Time Skip*
"Ok so you want this," Tom showed me a shirt.
"Tom I'm going to bring all my clothes and shoes, so yes I want it," I laugh as I stuff more things in my suitcase.
"Ok ok," he laughed. I have about 5 it cases already filled from the clothes we bought a few days ago, I still have most of my other clothes that I'm packing the night before we leave.
"Tom I still need clothes for the next week so we can stop, we also need to pack up my computer," I yawn. It's like 3 in the morning.
"Yeah we can do that tomorrow lets get you to bed," I nod but I didn't get up, "are you coming or not." (Try's not to make joke)
"Carry me," I yawn, he laughed and picked me up. He brought me to the bed and placed me down. I felt his arms around me, I snuggle into him and fell into a blissful sleep.
*Tom's PoV*
I open my eyes, jordan and I are completely tangled. His legs twisted with mine, we aren't even lying straight. Even my mind can't comprehend who complicated this got. His head was on my neck but his body was lying across from me. HOW THE FUCK DID WE GET INTO A POSITION LIKE THIS. I scramble to find my phone before he moves. I quickly take a video.
I mouth the words 'what the fuck' then move the camera so it can see how tangled we are. I post it on Instagram saying 'what the fuck I wasn't even drunk last night jardon what happened'. His phone soon vibrates, but it's not from a notification it's a fucken phone call. I quickly grab it and answer it.
"Hello,. I whisper.
"Jordan," a female asked.
"No it's Tom," I yawn.
"Oh can I talk to him," she asked I looked at her contact name 'Erin'.
"Um he is sleeping at the moment we didn't go to sleep till late," I yawn again.
"Huh normally he doesn't like to stay up past 12," she said.
"We were packing, I'm sorry Erin please call back later I would like to go back to sleep," I say.
"Ok bye," she hung up.
"Who called me," he asked.
"Erin," I say.
"Hmm probably wants to record," he yawned then slumped back down.
"Jordan I love you," I kiss his neck.
"I love you too," he said then grabbed my head to bring his lips to mine. We untangle ourselves, he ended up straddling me. I'm sick of the bed, I pick him up and walk to a wall and slam him hard on it. He groaned a little through the kiss. I move my hands lower on his body, as his grip on my neck tighten. I wrap his legs around me and lift him out further. He pulled away smirking, I just tighten my grip on his legs.
"Come on let's get my computer cleared out," he panted.
"But I wanna stay here," I rest my head on his chest.
"Come on Tom, if you wanna move we have to do this," he jumped out of my grip, I whine at the sudden loss of his body warmth.
"Fiiiiine," I groan.
*Time Skip*
"Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan!" I spin around on his chair as he unplugs all the things for his computer.
"What do you want," he sounded annoyed.
"Do you love me," I smile.
"Yes I love you,"he sighed as he sat down on yen ground.
"Yaaaaay I love you too," I giggle.
"How the hell am I supposed to send this to Pennsylvania it will get smashed," he groaned.
"Hey it will be ok, we will pay extra for shipping it will be fine," I get up to go hug him.
"Yeah I hope, I really don't want her to get upset that the PC is broken," he hugged back.
"I love you," I smile.
"I love you too."
Here BhaanaElDashio are you happy that I updated.
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