Chapter 27
*Tom's PoV*
"THOOOOMAS!" I jump at the sudden noise.
"Ugh," I groan and roll over.
"Come on get up," jordan jumped on me.
"Jordy get off of me," I groan.
"But tommy," he giggled.
"Why are you so damn jumpy this morning," I ask as I push him off of me.
"Because I love you and I want to spend times with you," he smiled and slapped my ass.
"Wow there jordan," I laugh.
"I'm not a horse Tom," he giggled and snuggled into me.
"I thought you wanted to get up," I wrap my arms around him.
"I don't care I just wanted you awake," he poked my neck.
"You wanna do something tonight," I ask.
"Yeah want do you wanna do," he looked up at me.
"Clubbing," I smirk.
"Hmmm never went to a club before," he said.
"I'm glad I'm here, we are going to do so much shit you never thought about doing," I facepalm.
"Really like what," he asked like a child.
"Well I like white water rafting and mountain biking in France," I smirk.
"We can travel together, all over the world and have meet ups in every country," he smiled.
"Yeah, Tom and jordan, the YouTube couple traveling," I laugh.
"Oh Tom it's like 4 by the way," he smirked.
"REALLY! Why didn't you wake me up," I rub my eyes.
"Because your cute when you sleep," he smirked.
"Well this means we will be at the club longer," I said.
"Hm well we need to take showers so we look presentable," he yawned.
"I call first shower, you take a nap till I get out," I leave the cuddle and walk to the shower.
*Time Skip*
We walk up to the bouncer, since I plan this stuff out I knew that everyone was going to be here. So Sonja, Tucker, Craig and his girlfriend, Tyler and his girlfriend, noggla and his girlfriend with her fake id, lui, and Evan and delirious.
"We are with YouTube money," I smile to the bouncer.
"Ah jordan and Tom," he asked.
"That is us," I say.
"Ok you may go," he nodded his head.
"So is this just us or," his voice trailing off.
"No everyone is here, but no one said we had to hang out with the, the hole night," I grab his hand.
"Hm ok," we walk in, lui is dancing up on a random girl, noggla and his girlfriend are talking, sonja and Tucker are who knows where, Craig is getting drunk with his girlfriend, Evan and Jon well they like dance a lot.
"So let's go get something to drink then we can go do something aright," I ask.
"This place is huge," he aws.
"Haha come on let's go," I drag him to the bar.
"Tom," I here a thick Irish accent yell over the music.
"David and Berenice how are you two," I ask or hugging David.
"We've never been better," she says.
"So I see that something has happened with you and sparklez over there," he pointed over to jordan talking to sonja and Tucker.
"Something tangs for sure," I laugh.
"So you know what Evan has plan for tonight," David asked.
"Um no why," I ask.
"He is going to play him and jon's song they have and he is going to ask him to marry him," he explained.
"I thought he was going to do that at the restaurant huh i Guess not," I chuckled.
"Tom get me a drink please," jordan wrapped his arms around me.
"How about we get drinks together," I smile.
"Then let's go," he pulled me to get a drink.
"2 land sharks please," since I've been to this club before I know what beers they have.
"Here you go sirs," the lady handed us two beers.
"Thank you Tom," he kissed me quickly then ran off.
"Haha have fun," I yell after him. I walk over to Craig and his girlfriend, she is putting something on his face.
"You look like you got in a fight with an Oreo," she laughed.
"I got in a fight with a fucken Oreo," he laughed.
"Well she's right it does," I laugh.
"Hey Tom how was getting jordan off your lap last night," he laughed.
"He kinda just clung to me, all I had to was walk and make sure he didn't fall," I laugh.
"Ahh," they both laugh. Then my favorite song came on. (You can probably guess I said it last chapter) 'you know you like it'. I smirk and walk away to find jordan. Once I find him he Is talking to everyone.
"Hey jordan," I wrap my arms around his wait.
"Hehe hey Tom," he laughed.
"Wanna go dance," I ask, swaying side to side.
"Hey let's go you guys gunna join," he asked everyone nodded.
I grab his hand, we walk to the dance floor getting looks from some people. Evan and Jon not far behind us, once we get to a spot I grab his waist and bring him to me.
"You know I love this song," I say in his ear and we move our hips together.
"Oh really," he snickered as I pull him closer to me.
"Yeah now gimme dat ass," I laugh, he laughs with me.
He turns around, he wraps his arms I wrap mine around his hips. He laughs as we move in sync, his body up against mine. Sweet dripping off of us, having the time of our lives. I grip his butt as we move faster on each other's body's.
"Group zoo tonight," he laughed.
"But you have a nice ass," I breath.
"So do you," he smirked the dance we've been dancing becomes more intense.
"Is this a Syndisparklz VS H2OVanoss grinding contest or what," Tyler shouted. Jon and even look at us as we look at them. They have some major hip action going on there.
"Wanna make a deal, who can do this the longest win," I wink playfully at the other two.
"Deal mother fuckers," Jon yelled, we walk to meet them, and shake their hands. We all are laughing like idiots.
"You ready to win," I ask him.
"As long as I'm wining it with you," he winked.
*Time skip*
We have been dancing for hours, Tyler said that me and Jordan won. Which I was expecting. It's soon time for Evan to do something.
"Hey Evan can I talk to you for a sec," I ask pulling him away from Jon.
"What do ya need bud," he asked.
"When are you going to ask him I can't take it anymore," I ask.
"Soon calm down I'm actually going to up to the booth right now so make sure he is occupied," he pushed me away and walked away.
"Jordan Jon come here for a sec," I yell, both of their heads shot in my direction. Jordan smiled, he's way to fucken drunk, Jon just looked confused as the both walk over.
"Tommy," jordan jumped on me. Yep he's drunk off his mind.
"Come on you two," I grabbed jon's arm and Jordan's hand. I looked up at the DJ booty and saw Evan nod at me.
"What is he doing up there. That mother fucker," Jon laughed.
"Just you wait," I chuckle as jordan hugs me.
"Ok excuse me but I would like to say something," Evans voice rang there the club. The rest of the group came up to us, "so I know you people are like out the fucken music back on, well breath. This is for my amazing boyfriend. Jon we've known each other for years, for awhile I just thought of you as a friend but you became ten times that. I can't Imagine ever living without you, so let's not take that risk of losing each other. Jonathan Andrew Denis will you marry me." Everyone was quite as Evan walked down with a mic in his hand. He got down on one knee as we move away from them.
"Yes Evan I will marry you," he chocked out. Evan handed me the mic as they hug.
"Alright mother fuckers let's dance," I shout into the mic.
This was a fun chapter to write TBH.
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