Chapter 26
*Tom's PoV*
I open my eyes to be blinded by a light. I squint and see jordan on his phone.
"Why are you up," I ask.
"Looking threw Twitter," he whispered.
"Why it's like 1 in the morning," I sit up a little.
"Here look," he showed me his phone, i look and see a rant.
"Guess I'm never watching Tom or jordan again, I was watching jordan stream while doing school work and heard him say he is dating Tom. Way to ruin a good day. Like yeah I figured jordan was gay, but Tom. No way in hell, I thought he would be straight as an arrow. Am I the only one. Like I'm not homophobic or anything, I just hate them together. Tom lives in a different country for fucks sake. How is that gunna work, I highly doubt that tom would move out to LA, and jordan said he would never move out of the country. We all know that long distance relationships don't work so why even try. We all know that they will break up some day, what's gunna happen to mianite when they do huh. Jordan and Tom are main characters so it's not like they can just leave. Are they just gunna awkwardly talk like nothing happened," said * inserts Twitter name here*.
"Jordan don't worry it's fine I love you," I hug him.
"Yeah but do you see how much thought he put in that," he sighed.
"He's just jealous," I bring him close to me.
"Whatever you say," he sighed.
"How about in the morning we get our plane tickets," I suggest.
"Yeah sure," he stared off into space.
"Jordan are you ok," I ask.
"Yeah I'm fine," he said.
"Look at me and say that," I said he turned himself to face me.
"I'm not ok," he cried.
"Oh jordy what did you see on twitter," I bring him to my lap and being to rock back and forth.
"Some of them were telling me to kill myself," he sobbed in my arms.
"Those sons of bitches," I rub his back, "don't listen to them, they are just jealous that your a famous YouTuber and have me."
"Yeah I guess," he claimed down in my arms.
"You know what I'm gunna give those fuckers a piece of my mind," I place a small kiss on his lips and get out of bed. I put on some jeans and a nice shirt.
"Don't be to harsh," he said. I nod.
As I walk to the recording room I fix my hair a little. I sit in chair and start up the computer and webcam. Once it turned on I got ready to record.
"Ok let's get this shit done, ok guys as you see I'm at Jordan's, and it's like 1:30 in the morning, as most of you know from Jordan's stream that we are dating. So story time," I move the key board out of the way and prop my feet on his desk and move the mic closer to me, "I woke up about thirty minutes ago to a blinding light that turned out to be Jordan's phone, he was staring at Twitter, more specifically a guys rant about how we weren't going to last. Being me I told him they were just jealous, he then started crying. Yes jordan was crying, ok he is human he has emotions as you do so be over you go saying that he is pussy let me tell you why. As most of you know jordan was In a coma for a few weeks, he was in a coma for reason that will stay unsaid. But he said that some of mine and his fans were telling him to go kill himself. Now if that was you, I want you to know you aren't welcome to this channel or Jordan's anymore, and I will personally ask you to fuck off. That is absolutely not expectable, normally messages like these wouldn't to get to him, but recently I've had to read the comments before he has, just to make sure nothing will happen. So seeing messages like those wasn't good. Do you guys know what it's like to have a depressed boyfriend. It's not easy but I still love him none the less, and seeing him hysterically crying because of people saying curl shit we don't know is hard. I try my hardest to keep him happy and it's been working. Until you fucks decided to fuck up his mind at tell him to kill himself. Now if I ever see that again I will block your ass and report you, ok goodbye I have nothing else to say with you people at the moment I'm absolutely disgusted with some of you," I turn off the camera and stopped recording. I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face.
"Thanks," I heard him say from the doorway.
"Anything for you," I smile as I begin to edit the video.
"I love you," he sat on my lap and began to kiss my neck.
"I love you too," I smile totally ignoring the love bites he is giving me, "you can sit here but only if you behave."
"Aw come on," he groaned and turned on my lap.
"We don't want to disturb your neighbors two nights in a now do we," I ask.
"No," he sighed, I laugh and continue to edit.
I add some music, some sound affects and lighten up the picture. Jordan slowly fell asleep sitting on my lap. I sigh at the silence in the room, I put on 'You Know You Like It' by DJ snake and some other random person. I remember all the times I would go to the clubs and grind to this song. Now maybe me and Jordan could go to clubs and grind. You never know. I put the video up to render and all that shit, it will be uploaded in abut an hour so I'll just play some games till then.
I go to play some Agar.Io, i type in the name Eat Me Fuckers since I'm bored and why not. I tweet out saying that I'm playing and I might live stream it. Thank god jordan is a heavy sleeper.
"Hey guys and welcome your faces to a random stream," I whisper into the mic, "I'll do some game requests."
*Time Skip*
I was playing a round of CS:Go with mini and mini's girlfriend on the side, I was trying to hold in my laughs but was failing miserably.
"Hmm Tom," Jordan yawned.
"Morning sleepy head," I laugh.
"Who are you talking to," he asked.
"About 56 thousand people," I chuckle.
"You are live streaming with me sleeping on your lap?" He asked confused.
"Well i was bored, there is no facecam so don't worry they can't see us," I say.
"Good I'd much rather not have them see me shirtless," he whispered.
"If you want to go back to sleep I'll keep it down," I look down at him.
"Sure," he gave me a quick kiss then snuggling into my chest.
"Well then now you guys know why I don't have facecam tonight," I laugh, "yeah so I was editing a video when jordan came out of the bedroom and sat on my lap and fell asleep since it was like 1:30 in the morning."
"You should take him to bed," Craig's girlfriend said.
"Yeah buddy take him to bed for a bit we will cover you," Craig said.
"No you guys won't," I sigh. They both laugh.
"Well I might end the stream anyways, the video is up, so see you guys later," I end the stream, pick up jordan and carry him to the room.
I think I know what we can do tonight.
Chapter hype wow.
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