Chapter 25
*Jordan's PoV*
Last night, let's just say I was so not prepared for how good that would feel. Tom was that missing part of my life that I needed to help me through my depression, Tom is that person that actually makes me laugh a genuine laugh.
My eyes slowly flutter open, I instantly see a bare Tom. I try to get up since I'm extremely thirsty from last night. Nope that's not working, I groan and lye my head back on Tom's chest.
"Morning," he smiled.
"Morning," I groan.
"Last night was fun," he said.
"Yeah it was great but I'm hurting," i groan again as Tom wraps his arms around my hips.
"I'm not, I feel amazing," he bragged.
"Yeah of course you feel amazing," I sigh.
"I wonder if we bothered any of your neighbors," he said, I blush.
"Were we that loud," I ask.
"You were," he grinned.
"Oh god," I burry my face in his side.
"Oh it's ok," he rubbed my back.
"I call shower," I say.
"Yea that's if you can get up," he chuckled.
"Well I need to I promised I would stream today and I'm not streaming looking like this," I smile.
"My back hurts," he said, "your a fucken cat my god."
"Meow," I mock, "know carry me to the bathroom."
"You want me to get you cloths too," he asked.
"Yeah, or if I feel better we can shopping then I can stream," i says as he lifts me off the bed.
"Yeah sure," he said, I totally forgot we were both naked as we walk to the bathroom. I mean we could easily shower together but then we would have to shower again.
"Thank you," I kiss him as he placed me in the shower.
"Welcome," he said as he left the room.
"God I love you Tom," I laugh as I turn on the water.
"Love you too!" I heard him yell.
As I wash my hair and body I hear the door open.
"Tom," I ask poking my head out.
"I'm just putting clothes on the counter," he said.
"As long as that's all your doing," I say as I wash the last of the shampoo out of my hair.
"Yeah yeah I have to clean the bed sheets anyways," he left the bathroom, I turn off the water and wrap a towel around my hips. I dry off my body and put on the clothes. I walk out of the bathroom without my shirt on, since I hate when water gets on it.
"Love you want breakfast, or do you want me to be your breakfast," he wiggled his eyebrows as I walk into the kitchen.
"Didn't you get enough last night," I chuckle as I limp to the chair.
"I'll never get enough," he smirked.m
"Yeah yeah get the Advil," I say as he placed a glass of water in front of me.
"I see that your walking better," he smiled as he sat down next to me.
"Yeah I think I can go shopping," I said after I take the pain killers.
"Good," he smiled.
"Last night was the most fun I've had since the day we got together," I sigh grabbing his hand.
"Huh we will have to do it again," he smirked.
"Yeah, I call top," i smirk.
"Really,"he groaned and rolled his eyes, then he shot up and smirked at me.
"What," I laugh.
"I took your virginity," he smiled slyly at me.
"Oh god," I blush.
"I still can't believe a 23 year old man never had sex before last night," He smirked.
"Tom let's just go shopping," I groan and put my head down.
"Aww it's ok," he picked up my chin and placed a kiss on my lips.
"Ok let's go shopping," I say as we pull away.
"Alright let's go then, oh can we stop my Tucker's I want to get some things," he said.
"Yeah sure," I say as he helps me up form the chair.
"Your cute when you can't walk right," he chuckled, I huff.
*Time Skip*
"I'm back bitches," Tom yelled as we walk in, well Tom walked and helped me hobble in.
"Hey Tom," sonja said walking into the living room, she started laughing like crazy, "ether Jordan got hit by a car or you guys went at it last night."
"S- Shut up," I stumble over my words.
"Jesus you've been dating for a few days," she said.
"Well I'm sorry I love him," Tom said as his grip on my waist tighten.
"Ow Tom remember I'm sore," I flinch at the pain.
"I'm sorry, hey I'm going to get my my headphones stay here," he gave me a quick kiss then walked away.
"So how was your first time," sonja smirked.
"Why do you care," I ask.
"Just asking, I thought you would wait awhile to do that with Tom," she said.
"Eh that's what a lot of people thought about me," I say back.
"So I assume you already said I love you to him," she said.
"He said it back," i smile.
"He's never said that to anyone before and actually meant it," she said.
"What," my eyes go wide.
"Did he sound sincere about it," she asked.
"I think," I think back to when he said it to me.
"Did he smirk like he does when he lies," she asked.
"No he said it with a sweet smile, like the one he gave me when we first kissed," I smile.
"Congratulations Jordan you got Tom to say that and mean it your one special person," she smiled.
"He sure is," Tom said as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Did you mean it," I ask.
"Mean what," he asked.
"Did you mean it when you said you loved me," I turn my head to face him.
"Yes of course," he said the hen kissed me.
"Well we need to go shopping right," I say.
"Yeah see you guys," he helped me out the door.
*Time Skip*
"Hello stream," I say into the mic.
"New clothes," was all that was said.
"Yes I got new cloths no more green shorts and black tee shirt," I smile, "anyways what game today."
"Do you have a green screen," some people in chat asked.
"I can, I have a green piece of fabric that I could use, why?" I ask.
"Do green screen magic," a donation said.
"I don't know if that's a good idea," I sigh moving around in my chair only to flinch in pain, a sudden knock on the door was heard, "let me go get that."
I try to hide the pain as I walk out the frame, I don't see Tom in any of the rooms. I open the door to see Tom smirking.
"I should shut this door on your face right now," I groan.
"Don't do that," he smiled, as he walked in dragging me with him.
"Tom I'm streaming," I whisper.
"Yeah so," he pinned me to wall.
"Be quiet," I laugh, he pins my arms above my head as he kissed me. He started to kiss down my neck to my spot. I'd much rather prefer not to moan when stream could here. But that didn't stop him from sucking that spot, I let out a small whimper.
"There go stream," he smiled as he pulled away.
"I hate you," I groan.
"You love me," he said.
"Shut up, you idiot," I grab his shirt making him lean down so I can kiss him.
"Well I love you too," he smiled as I pull away. I turned around to walk away inky to get my butt slapped. I yelp and jump into the frame.
"Oh um sorry someone was at the door," I clear my throat and straighten my shirt.
"JORDAN IS LYING," A mod said it chat.
"How do you know," I try to hide the blush.
"Jordan got pinned," he said, I blush.
"N-no I didn't," I stutter.
"Jordan you want something to drink," Tom yelled.
"I got to mute myself for a second," I say then mite my mic.
"Tom they know you pinned me against a wall," I yell.
"Damn I didn't think I slammed you on it to loud," he laughed.
"Haha very funny," I look over at chat.
"Is syndisparklz real, or was Tom just there when jordan was making out with someone," a sub said.
"They are on to us," I laugh.
"Do you just wanna tell them since you know they will ask you questions when your living In my house," he yelled back.
"I see why not," I unmute the stream, "so since you guys have amazing hearing we might as well tell you," I speed limp to the kitchen to grab Tom.
"We are telling them," he asked I nodded. We walk into the room holding hands.
"Ok guys, since in a few weeks it will be pretty obvious Tom and I decided to tell you guys that we are together," I smile as Tom grabs my hand.
"Yup now stand up," I did what I was told and stood up, he sat down and pulled me to his lap.
"Ow Tom," I groan.
"Ah yes jordan is a little sore," he laughed.
"Shut up or I'll make you leave," I say.
"Salty," he chuckled.
"Remember this is my house," I smirk.
"Anyways what are you playing," he asked.
"They said they wanted to some green screen magic," I say.
"Is that what that green fabric was in the closet," he asked I nod.
"Would you be a good boy and get it for me," I smile.
"If you come with me," he smirked.
"Yeah yeah sure," I got off his lap, we walked into my room to get the green screen. I've always planed to use it just never got around to setting it up.
*Time Skip*
We were dancing around listening to music when I tripped over Tom's feet causing us both to fall.
"Jord end the stream," he asked, i smile at the nickname.
"Yeah I should I'm tired," I yawn.
"I'm gunna go to the room," he said, and walked away.
"Ok guys we are both tired from dancing so we are going to go relax, bye guys," I end the stream.
I walk into my room, Tom has his shirt off and is lying on the bed waiting for me.
"Come cuddle," he laughed.
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