Chapter 21
*Sonja PoV*
"I hope they kiss," I fangirl over the two gentlemen dancing to the music.
"Sonj," Tucker laughed.
"I had to buy these songs," Steve groaned.
"Shut the fuck up mate it will be worth it," I gently hit his face.
"It wasn't cheep," he said back.
"Steve look at me, does it look like any of us give a fuck," I say as the second song ended.
We all look over to the two, Tom and Jordan were looking deeply into each other's eyes. Tom leaned down as kissed him.
I was about to squeal when Tucker stopped me, "sonja shh let them have their moment they need it," he said i nod.
*Jordan's PoV*
Tom separates our lips, he brought me into a hug, my grip on his neck tightened. Tears of happiness fill my eyes.
"Jordan are you crying," Tom asked.
"Ha yeah I am," I laugh as tears fall down my face.
"Aww are you a little to happy," he laughed as he looks down at my face.
"You idiot," I shake my head as I push his head to mine.
"I can't help it," he giggled.
"Shut up just shut up," I laugh as I bring his lips to mine. I smile as tears fall from my eyes. I pull away from the kiss.
"Jordan guess who I saw today," he asked as we hug the life out of each other.
"Who," I smile rubbing my thumb on his neck.
"Evan and delirious," he said.
"What is his real name," I ask.
"Jonathan," he said
"Ohhh," I smile.
"Jordan," he questioned.
"Tom," I laugh.
"Will you do the honor of being my boyfriend," he asked me.
"Tom will you do the honor of dating a looser like me," I laugh so does he.
"Of course my pink and purple haired nerd," he giggled.
"Tom I'm tired," I yawn.
"Jordan we slept for like 26 hours," he said.
"Yeah but you stressed me out so much, I just wanna sleep," I moan.
"Well let's go," he smiled, we separate our hug and walk out of the building.
"What about sonja and Tucker," I ask.
"They have a car they can drive home," he pulled me to the car and opened the passenger door for me.
"Why thank you," I smile.
"You are welcome fine sir," he said in his addictive British voice.
I step into his car as he gets in the other side.
"Where are we going," I ask.
"Wanna go to In n' out," he asked.
"Never been there," I say, I look over to his mouth hanging open.
"What," he asked.
"What," I ask back.
"Did you just say you never went to in n' out," he asked.
"Yeah why," I said confused.
"Sparklez sparklez sparklez you never lived until you've had there burgers," he said looking straight at me.
"Well ok then," I say more like a question.
"GOTTA GO FAST," he yelled as we drive away.
"Tom no go the sped limit," I demand.
"Aww fine," he sighed I laughed.
*Time Skip*
"Oh my god Tom this is amazing," I say as I shove animal fries in my mouth.
"I know," he laughed.
"Are you captainSparklez and Syndicate," I girl asked.
"Yes we are," Tom said as I tried to chew as fast as I can.
"Oh my god I'm a huge fan," I look over to the boy he is wearing my hate and a shirt from tom's shop.
"Hi what's your name," I ask wiping my face with a napkin.
"Nicole my name is Nicole," he smiled.
"Hi Nicole nice to met you," Tom and I say in unison.
"Can you guys sing my glasses," she asked pulling out a pair of red and blue sunglasses.
"Huh Tom look at that both our favorite colors," I smile.
"Huh yeah, how about I sign on the red with a blue market and you sign in the blue with a red marker," he asked. I nod my head, "I think I have some markers in my car. Jordan would you go get them for me."
"Yeah sure whatever," I sigh as I get up out of my seat and walk to the car. I look threw the car and found a pack of markers. "Does he have everything." I walk into the building with the two markers Tom is eating my fries MINE.
"Yeah he has a nice ass," I heard Tom say Zander giggling like crazy.
"I got the markers," I smile sitting next to Tom, Nicole was sitting in front of us.
"YAAAY," Tom yelled.
"Let's get signing," I smile as she hands us her glasses.
*Time Skip*
"Hey thanks Nicole your really cool," Tom says.
"Yeah you two are so awesome I'm so glad I got to meet you guys," she smiled as she walked out of the building with her mom, we walk out a little later.
"She was nice," I smile as I lean against his car.
"Yeah she was," he smile as he hugged me.
"I'm still tired," I yawn.
"You want to go home," he asked.
"Yeah," I say he kisses my lips, I hear a camera click.
"Shit," Tom mumbled as he pulled away.
"No no no no no no no no," I whisper.
"Yo fuck boi what do you think your doing with that," Tom yelled.
"This is so going on Twitter," the young male said, no no.
"Tom," I whisper.
"Shh it's ok," he said, "delete the picture."
"Why should I," the man asked.
"Because we asked you too, know if you don't I will call the cops," Tom said, The man ran off Tom looked back at me then we both run after him.
"Get back here," I yell.
We run as fast as we can, Tom get ahead and is really close to him. We were now running on a sidewalk. Tom gets up to the guys and tackles him to the ground, he got his phone.
"You stupid ass bitch why don't you have a password on your phone," tom laughed as he deleted all the pictures.
"Jordan call the cops," I did as I was told and called the cops.
"Tom they are on there way," I walk over to Tom and smiled.
"Now you see ass hole I wasn't kidding about calling them," he smirked.
"Fuck you Tom," the male under Tom said.
"Jordan," Tom moaned.
"Sorry," I say police cars pulls up.
"How may I help you gentlemen," a woman says.
"Hi yes so I was kissing my boyfriend over here and this guys took a picture of us and you see we are both YouTubers," he pointed to the both of us.
"And well let's just say our relationship is quite new and we don't want our fans now, he said he was going to post the pictures,"I but in Tom nods.
"Ahhh I see," she said, "well I'm glad you called so we can make sure he won't do it again."
"Thank you," Tom said.
"You gentlemen may go," she said we nod and start walking away.
"Dat tackle though," I look behind me to see tom smirking.
"Thanks," he walked up me.
"I just wanna sleep," I moan.
"Get on my back," Tom said as he patted his back. I jump on his back and he walked to the car.
"Run pony run," I yell like a child.
"Naaaaah," he mimicked a horse. I giggle.
"You guys are faggits that need to burn in hell, your worse then fucken hitler," I heard a random guy say. Tears forming in my eyes, "disgusting pricks." Tears falling down my face Tom must have felt them on his back.
"Jordan what's wrong," he asked. I shake my head no on his back, "what happened."
"Insults," I whisper.
"Who insulted you," he asked.
"Us, and a guy with a black tee shirt that said, f you gays," I cry. He drops me off his back, turns around and hugs me.
"Let me go talk to him," he grabbed my hand, we walked around trying to find the guy.
"Yeah the one guy was laughing as the other guy was giving him a piggy back ride," I heard that guy.
"Him," I point to the guy.
"You have a problem with gays," Tom asked the guy.
"Ew faggit," he said as he pushed Tom away.
"Don't push him," I snarl.
"Fuck you, you homophobic ass," Tom pushed the guy back.
"Your the gay prick go fuck your pussy ass boyfriend over there," the guy pointed to me. That hit a never, I burst out crying.
"FUCK YOU MAN," Tom said running over to me, he engulfed me into a hug.
"I don't know why I'm crying," I say I to his neck.
"Want me to kick his ass," he asked.
"Wait isn't homophobic mean your afraid of homosexuality," I ask Tom nods, "I have an idea."
"You gays gunna leave or what," the guy asked.
"Yeah in a minute," I smirk and pull Tom with me to the guy.
"What are you doing," the guys asked. I wink at Tom, he must have gotten what I was hinting for. He wrapped his arms around my hips, he pulled me towards him and placed his lips on mine. "Ew you guys are absolutely disgusting," he yelled and pushed us apart.
"Don't fucken touch us," Tom growled.
"Why shouldn't I the bible says a man and woman not a man and a man," he says.
"Oh yeah because you follow the bible, yeah your tattoo that says FUCK YOU JESUS sure shows that," Tom sassed.
"Eh fuck you," the guy said.
"I bet you would," Tom said back.
"Ewwwwww you nasty," the guy said and walked away.
"You feeling better," Tom said.
"Yeah thanks to you," I smile as we hug.
"Still wanna sleep," he asked.
"Yeah I want sleep," I sigh.
"Let's go," he smiled and grabbed my hand and started walking back to the car.
*Time Skip*
"Jordan wake up we are here," Tom's voice woke me up.
"Mmmmm carry me," I moan not opening my eyes. I heard the open my seat belt unbuckled and arms go around my body, "thanks."
"Your welcome," he whispered in my ear. I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my head in his chest.
"Tom jordan," I hear sonja say, I shake my head no on his chest. He chuckles and walks up the stairs.
"Here yo go sparklez," he placed me down on the bed. He started to walk away but I pulled him onto the bed with me.
Hey guys so how's life.
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