Chapter 2
Tom's PoV
After I got everyone in the car I just wanted to sleep. Is that so much for a guy to ask for, if so then fuvk you.
"TOOOOM,"Sonja slurs, great it's bad enough that I have 3 drunk fucks on my hands, now one wants to talk. What could wrong.
"Yes sonj," I roll my eyes.
"I love you," she says but latches onto tucker, "but I love him more."
"I know," I laugh. She doesn't reply to me. Normally she's the sober one, while the rest of. Is are drunk. Guess it's my turn to be responsible.
"Tom," Steve wakes up.
"Nope shut your damn eyes and go back to sleep ya drunk," I snap.
"I'll give ye a right rumble mate," he says holding up his fist.
"No you won't, put your fist down and sleep," I say lowering his fist. (Mama Tom)
I here him chuckle. I'm done with this shit I didn't t sing up to be parenting 3 drunk idiots. I slowly start to drift off to sleep.
"Sir we have arrived," the driver says.
"Ok thank you sir," I says hanging him the money. I find my way out of the car, I pick up Steve and carry him to the door step, I go back a do the same with Sonja. It's a different story with Tucker, when he is drunk, you might as well have a fork lift to get his ass up. (Fun fact my dads foot was crushed by a fork lift). I drag the almost lifeless body out of the car and up the stairs, the diver was still here. I wave him over, "hey could you um get my keys and unlock the door for me?"
"Yes where are they," he asked.
"In my coat pocket," I nod my head down towards what pocket they are in.
"Ah ok," he says and reaches a had in my pocket. He grabs them rather quickly and unlocks the door.
"That you so much, stay out here for about five minutes would you?" I ask he nods and sits o the step.
I pull Tucker's body into the living room air mattress, next sonja, I put Steve on the couch.
"Ok here," I hand him another 50.
"Why thank you good sir," he said with a smile that made me happy.
"I saw the picture of your kids, they look cute, put it to good use," I nod at him and walk inside. Random good deeds right.
I wake up. Remembering all last night. "Ugh," I moan knowing I'm going to have to take care of them all. I walk over to my old desk. I grab the air horn I bought last time I was here. "Im going to record this," I mumble. I grab my camera and start to record.
"Hey guys, so last night as most of you know I came back to LA from England, we all decided to go to the bar, well I don't think Sonja Tucker and another friend were planning on passing out in the uber," I laugh, "so here the plan I'm going to, Tucker and Sonja are asleep on an air mattress, and my friend Steve is asleep on the couch, I'm going to walk downstairs and blow this air horn at them to wake them up," I laugh evilly. I walk down the stairs without a sound. I stand in the middle of the three. "One... Two... Three," I push my finger on the trigger and a loud horn noise came out.
"AHHH," I here a Australian accent.
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN," Tucker yells.
"TOM IM GOING TO KILL YOU," Sonja screamed.
"Shit guys I forgot Sonja becomes very violent when she is hungover," I say into the camera.
"Tom your a dead man," she says getting up.
"SHIT RUUN," I yell as she comes bolting towards me. I run as fast as I can out the door.
"TOM GET BACK HERE," she yells at the doorway.
"NAH ILL HEAD TO JORDAN'S PLACE," I yell still recording.
"GOOD," she screams back.
"She is going to realize that she will need my help with Tucker and Steve," I laugh walking back up the driveway and hop in my car, "shit keys might be useful." Still recording I tip toe into the house and grab my keys then run off, "well I will just vlog for the day so I'll see you in a bit."
I stop the recording and call jardon, "pick up you fucker," right after that he answers.
"Hey Tom what's up," he asks.
"Hey can I come over Steve, Tucker, and Sonja are hungover and i kinda got myself kicked out," I laugh.
He sighs "yeah sure come over wanna stream mainite or something together?" He asked.
"I don't see why not," I smile, "bye Jadrdan see you soon." I hand up the phone call, looking around I see the usual, people high as fuck, people being dicks on the road. "This is the life," the sarcasm is real in my voice.
I pull up to Jordan's flat, "shit what one is his," I whisper. I get out of the car.
"STEVE GOD DAMN IT," I here'd as I walk by a door, welp found him.
"KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP SPARKLY DICK," I yell pounding on the door.
"Calm down I'm on my way," I here him yell. The door opens, "hey Tom."
"Hey man," I say high fiveing him.
"Wanna have a Q&A stream," he asked.
"Yeah that sounds great," I say walking into his office.
Sorry I have updated in like forever
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