Chapter 16
*Tom's PoV*
"FUCK," I scream as I lost a game.
"Really Tom YOU HAD ONE JOB," Jordan laughed.
"Sorry," I laugh at him.
There is 5 red bulls 3 monster and we both had 5 cups of coffee. I was shaking from the caffeine.
"How many more hours," I ask.
"Ummm its 11 and we are streaming till what 7 am," he asked.
"We are," I moan.
"Well yeah so it's a 27 hour stream," he said.
"I'll go make more coffee," I get off my chair, Jordan just threw his controller down. I laugh at him and walk out of the room, sonja looks annoyed.
"Will you shut the fuck up," she asked me.
"You still have hours of that," I smile as I put another batch of coffee on.
"You should go to bed," Tucker says as he walks in the room.
"Nah I promised jordan I would stay up, hey sonja we still have blue hair dye right," I ask her she nods, "that's what I'm doing in a few hours."
"Oh lord I'm not helping you so you are going to have to do it by yourself," she said. I pour the coffee into the two biggest mugs we have, I walk over to get the creamer. I walk back into the room.
"One order of coffee for jordan Marron," I say as I place the cups down.
"Why thank you now go get a few monsters," he demanded.
"You couldn't have told me that before i got the coffee," I moan.
"Please I'll do anything," he pleaded.
"Anything huh," I smirk his smile goes away.
"I'll be back," I run "Sonja I need you to go to the drugstore and get some makeup here's 100 dollars knock yourself out," I hand her the money.
"Whoa why," she asked looking at the money.
"Jordan said he would do anything if I got him a monster," I smirk and grab a monster she just laughed and grabbed Tucker, "oh a get blue hair dye."
I walk back in the room.
"So why were you talking to sonja," Jordan asked.
"Just asking her if she can get me some makeup," I say setting the can down.
"Uhhhh why," he asked.
"You'll see when they come back ohh and I'm dying my hair tonight," I smile garb my controller.
*Time skip*
"Bitches I got 80 dollars worth of make up and 20 dollars in cheep hair dye," Sonja yelled as she ran in the room.
"Ok let me go full screen," I say as I put the stream full screen.
"Tom what are you doing," Jordan asked.
"I am doing your makeup," I say as sonja dumps out a shit ton of make up.
"I didn't sign up for this," he said.
"Yes you did when you said you would anything if I got you a monster," I smile.
"Uhhhhhh I take it back I wont do anything," he says shaking his head.
"Sonja help me here I wanna make him look like a princess," I giggle.
"Hmm ok well I'll tell you what to do, so take this and spread it all over his face," she handing me something that said 'primer'.
"M'kay," I place some on my hands and shove them on his face.
"Ok then take this brush and put the foundation on it and place it all over his face," she said I grabbed the brush and put what she said to do, I rubbed the brush all over his face.
"Tom I don't li," I cut him off by shoving the brush over his lips.
"Shhhh your my canvas you can't speak until I'm done," I say.
"Ok next take this eyeshadow primer and place it on his eye lids," she said and handed me something. I take a little out and gently put it on him he flinches as I place my finger on his eye.
"Now what," I say I heard Jordan groan.
*Time skip*
"There look," I laugh as I hold up a mirror.
"TOM OH MY GOD," he screech.
"You like, I think you should were this makeup everyday," I hold back laughs.
"Tom I hate you so much," he looked like he was about to kill me.
"Shit RUUUN," I yell he lunged towards me I fell out of my chair with him on top of me. He started ticking me. I here the door open sonja came in with her camera.
"And this is what see when I come into Tom's streaming room," she laughed as jordan continues to tickle me. Sonja walks over and take off my webcam so stream could see what was happening.
"Jordan hahah get Hahah o ha off of haha me," I laughed.
"Never," he laughed at me.
"Hana pl haha please hahaha," I laugh.
"Nope you made me look like this your going to pay," he said as he poked my side.
"Sonja haha get him haha off," I yell while laughing.
"Nah this is funny," she laughed.
"I'm going to piss myself," I laugh.
"Good," Jordan laughed.
"Stop stop please I'm begging you," I laugh. He got off of me, I roll around on the floor.
"Happy now," he asked me.
"Very," I breath. I get off the floor and sit in my chair. All I see in chat is #SYNDISPARKLEZ, "really guys really."
"Um Tom did you say you wanted to dye your hair," Jordan asked.
"Yeah," I say I run to get sonja, "Sonja where is the dye."
"Right here," she pointed to the table there are 8 different dyes 2 purple 2 pink 2 blue and 2 blond.
"Sonj why did you get blonde," I ask.
"To lighten your hair it works just red the directions," she said.
"Ok thanks," i grabbed all the dyes newspaper and 4 old bowls.
"NOO GOD DAMN IT," I hear jordan yell. I walk in the room laughing.
"Jordan do you want pink hair," I ask his eyes went wide.
"NOOO," he yelled at me.
"To bad," I place all the things down. I open one of the boxes, I read the instructions for the blonde, "m'kay put formula in activation bottle shake well." I do what the instructions say, "Jordan ready your ass hole."
"Tom what ahhhh what did you put in my hair," he moved around in his chair.
"Calm down I'm just getting you hair to become a littler color," I say calmly.
"Why," he asked.
"Of your pink and purple hair," I smile.
"Oh lord well there is no stopping you now so I guess my hair will be pink and purple for the next few weeks," he sighs.
"Yaaaaay," I say as I rub the dye all over his head.
*Time skip*
"Jordan go wash your hair and put on a old shirt you don't care about," I say to him. He gets out of his chair and walks up out of the room, "ohhh guys Jordan's gunna look like a girl."
"Tom," Tucker said.
"Yo," I say as he walks in.
"Why is Jordan's hair blonde," he asked.
"IM DYEING HIS HAIR," i laugh.
"Oh god," he laughed.
"Come here let me see you," I laugh. He walks in with blonde ass hair, I burst out laughing.
"I hate you so much," he moaned.
"Let me dye it's pink and purple then you will judge," I say to him.
"Fine," he sat down on his chair.
*Time Skip*
"Here comes pretty princess jordan," I laugh.
"Tom I hate you so so much," he says as he walks in the room with pink and purple hair.
I burst out laughing, "you you hahahah I can't," he walks up to me and slaps me.
"I'm doing your blue hair now," he said.
"I deserve that," I laugh.
*Time Skip*
I walk into the bathroom to wash out the blue dye.
"Oh shit this looks so cool," the way jordan did it, it looked like there is 2 different blues my roots are darker and the ends are lighter.
"Tom come on we are waiting," Jordan yells.
I walk into the room running my hand threw my hair. "Jordan this is so cool," I aw.
"Thanks I had to help dye my moms hair," he laughed awkwardly.
"What time is it," I ask sitting down.
"Um, 4:45," he said.
"Well fuck," I sigh.
*Time Skip all the time skips*
"ten more minutes THANK GOD I WANT SLEEP," I moan jordan is about to pass out, "Jordan wake up." I slap him on the face.
"NOO," he whined.
"We have ten more minutes until we can sleep," I shake him.
"Fine," he moans.
"Good boy," I rub his head.
"What do you wanna do," he asked.
"I don't know," i yawn, "chat."
"Kiss kiss kiss," chat chanted.
"Guys no," I say. Jordans head falls on the keyboard I pick his face up, "guys I think it's time I get Jordan's to bed, we had a great time we should do this again some time." I end the stream.
"Tom take me to bed," he yawned.
"That's what I'm doing," I pick him off his chair and carry him to the room. I place him down on the bed. I walk to the other side and crash.
So many time skips sorry not sorry.
( ・ω・ )
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