Exercise Days in P.E
This is from like... a week ago? I wrote it out cause I thought it is a fun day and I am just posting it a little late.
I quickly entered my combo and opened my locker only for it to get slammed shut. I snapped my attention over to Tyler who was leaning against the lockers next to mine. A wild smirk plastered to his face.
"Asshat! I have shit to do! Grades to keep up!" I complained. "Language young man," One of our teachers, Mrs. Smith, warned as she walked by us. I turned red and quickly went back to my locker.
"What?! That's a bunch of bullcrap! She gave me a fricking detention for cussing once and she lets you slide with a fricking warning?!" Tyler ranted. I got my locker open again and quickly put my foot on the edge so he couldn't close it again.
Though he doesn't do it twice in a row. He'll close it once then leave it be. "It's cause he's gay," Ethan walked up and leaned on Tyler's shoulder. I chuckled as I pulled my stuff out. "No, I'm pansexual," I closed my eyes and held my chin high.
"Well, who taught you that word? Or did you google it?" Ethan had a smug grin. "My dad," I proudly proclaimed as I shut my locker with my binder in hand.
"Really? Wouldn't he tell you that sooner? Like, when you first came out about it?" Ethan stood up straight and we began walking down the hall to our first hour. Which we luckily had together. "No no, my internet dad," I corrected them.
"Right, internet dad... Do you know how weird that sounds?" Tyler looked up at me for a split second then looked back in front of him.
"I have an entire internet family ya know," I pointed out. "To each their own," Ethan commented. We walked into our first-hour class which is History. I sat in the back with Ethan and Tyler.
I set my stuff down at my desk but grabbed my chem homework. Ethan gave me his worksheet and I started copying the rest of the answers.
A few hours past and P.E rolled round. P.E is my fourth-hour class and I have Tyler with me along with a few others from my group.
We are in the locker rooms and I am already dressed. I pull out my phone while Tyler takes his sweet time getting dressed. He's talking to people and standing around shirtless.
I lean against my gym locker and text M while I wait for Tyler's slow ass. I smiled at my phone and Tyler stopped his conversation with his other friend. "What are you doing?" Tyler tried to peek at my phone. I turned my phone off and just smiled brightly at him.
"That didn't answer my question young man," Tyler joked. "You don't need to know the answer. And I might be younger than you but I'm still taller than you," I taunted.
"Height yes, strength... I could pin you in seconds," Tyler narrowed his eyes as he looked up at me. "Bet," I smirked back. "Bet?! Oh boy you are getting cocky!" Tyler cheered. "Oh yeah?!" I raised my voice while my smile stayed. "Yeah!" Tyler yelled back.
We started giggling and then hurried out of the locker rooms. Mr. Williams gave us odd looks as we came out giggling and poking each other.
After Mr. William took roll, we went outside to the football field and track. Today was an 'exersize day'. But all we have to do it walk around the track.
"Why can't we play something fun? Like dodge ball? You know, something that gets the blood flowing," I complained to Tyler. "You want to actually do stuff today?" Tyler was shocked. "I want to do something fun," I corrected him.
"Hmmm," Tyler sudden ran really far ahead. "Wait no Tyler come back!" I ran a couple of yards then stopped and tried to jog. "TYLER!" I yelled after him as he stopped and stood looking back at me. "Come on! Run! Get the blood flowing!" Tyler called back. "Screw you!" I frowned and looked down at my phone.
My frown turned into a smile as I saw M texted me. I sent her a text back and looked up. Tyler was still waiting but I had caught up.
"What happened to want to get the blood flowing?" Tyler smirked and walked with me. "I don't want to run, it's hot outside. I wanna do something inside," I concluded. "So picky," Tyler said right before he ran ahead again. "FRICKING HECK MAN!" I complained and felt my phone buzz.
I checked and saw I got a reply from M. I let out a sigh of relief and texted her my current situation.
I caught back up to Tyler. "Can we ditch and hide out in the bathrooms?" I inquired. "What? No, that's a bunch of bullcrap. You need to exercise!" Tyler proclaimed. "Really?" I gave him a lopsided grin.
"Yeah let's go to the bathrooms," Tyler caved in. I went first and then Tyler joined me. We stood inside chatting back and forth. Tyler started examining himself in the mirror and I took this time to text M.
"Stupid fucking pimples dude, they suck ass," Tyler complained. "I feel you," I mindlessly replied as I texted M. "What kind of answer is that? You don't even have any!" Tyler turned toward me. I looked up from my phone. "I used to," I pointed out. "Yeah, 'used to'," Tyler made air quotes.
"Ya see this face? It's shinning clean!" I proclaimed. "It's shinning because it's oily," Tyler turned toward me. "Whatever," I waved him off while smiling. The bell rang and we both sighed in unison.
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