That's what she's wearing ↑↑
Katherine's POV
Im now at school fixing my locker and bag until a guy came to me. He was Jackson Smith "the hearthrob" in this school. I dont really care about him but he has a charm. A charm for you to fall in love. Anyways I still dont like him like all the other girls do.
Jackson:hey Katherine want some?
He handed me a sweet sugary candy. I wanted to reject it but it would be too harsh. I dont like sweets. Wait I know what I can do!
I grabbed a packet of salt from my pocket and grabbed the candy.
Me:thank you
I smiled but when I was about to put some salt on the candy jackson interrupted.
Jackson:what are you doing?
Me:just adding salt
Jackson:salt?? But that's already sweet
Me:but I love salt and salty stuff
I smiled then put salt on the candy then I chewed on the candy. It tasted salty because of the salt. Just the way I like it.
Jackson:you're really cute
Me:uhm thank you?
Suddenly a girl went to us she was tall, pretty and her face was full of makeup.
She pushed me aside a bit then pulled Jackson.
Me:uhh.. who are you?
??:im angel and stop flirting with jackson! Who are you anyways
Me:I wasn't flirting and im kathe-
Angel:ugh I dont care anyways get out of my sight
Jackson:angel stop acting like your my girlfriend
Angel:ugghh jackson cant you see she's flirting with you!
She pushed me to the locker and jackson got shocked and pulled her away. This is why I dont like people!
I grabbed some salt in my hand and threw it at her clothes.
Me:that's what you deserve now stop bothering me and stop wasting my time
I can be kind but I can be sassy too.
Angel:so you were "the salt girl" the other section was talking about
Me:salt girl?
Angel:ppft you dont know?! They tease salt girl who carries a packet of salt in her pocket everyday!
Me:what do you care!
I quickly grabbed my books and bag but then jackson pulled me.
Jackson:im sorry
Me:let go
He let go of my hand while I ran to cooking class. When I arrived the classroom I placed my bag in the corner and sat in an empty seat while waiting for the teacher.
Then a girl walked up to me she seemed nice and kind. She sat beside me.
??:hi im megan! Megan fox
Me:hi.. im katherine strauss
Megan:mean girl angel?
Me:you know her?
Megan:yup and I heard that you love salt..?
Megan:sorry if I offended you!
Me:no you didn't it's fine, uhm yup I love salt in everything I cook
We tried to cook an egg together and she tasted what I cooked.
Megan:u-ugh too salty
I tasted hers and it tasted better than mine. Mine was so salty.
Me:please teach me
Megan:your cooking skills are great dont worry the only thing that's wrong is there's too much salt.
Then jake tasted my other cooking which had some salt not too much.
Jake:wow! This taste so good this could be a recipe!!
Megan tried it and smiled widely.
Megan:see? You got it!
Me:this actually tastes good!!
My a-bit-salty cooking could be a recipe? Thanks to megan who gave me confidence to cook in front of everyone.
Then I saw jackson waving at me with a salty candy in his hand.
Why is he calling me? Why is he waving at me?
This chapter was written by MinKatylin please go follow them it would mean a lot!
Thats all folks!
See ya my little souls
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