8} Pure Souls
I didn't get any sleep after that...
I kept thinking about G! I should have stopped him, told him it wasn't his fault that everyone gets nightmares, but...
I put my hand to my chest.
I was scared.
He pulled out my soul with no remorse. I'm not sure if I understand correctly about the whole soul thing... but what I do know is that it's everything that makes me whole. That's why it hurt so bad when he removed it from me, it was like he was pulling my actual heart out.
I never came across this before... maybe because monsters are the only ones that can activate a human soul? Can I activate it? I mean G! did ask 'me' why I was hiding my soul during his nightmare. Can I bring it out? ... better not, I don't want to hurt it and/or myself.
I also noticed my soul matched my eyes color too. But what does that mean? Coincidence?
I've heard souls being referred to more than once when I'm around monsters.
Papyrus said the coolest souls he knows...
Frisk signed my soul wouldn't lie...
Asgore said he wasn't prepared for such an honest soul...
What does this all mean?
I couldn't take being trapped in the room with my thoughts any longer. I got off the bed and to the door, I lifted my hand to the button that would open it, it flung to the side exposing a dark, empty hallway.
I just need to find G! so I can put my head to rest! He said he'll be in Papyrus' room...
I glace right then left, not really sure which way it was.
This way?
💛Gaster!Sans POV💛
"...yeah, maybe that's for the best."
"What? That we would get along?"
"Well, we can't, okay? It's only been a day and she already is terrified of me... and she should be. I'm a monster and she is human."
"Maybe I do."
"Of course, I know that!" Paps flinched at my sudden outburst. "I-i'm- *sigh* I'm sorry bro... Honestly, I'm just so damn frustrated with myself! I've hurt others before, but... she was a pure soul! I can't believe I did that!"
I sat on Paps' bed with my hands clenched around my skull.
I let out a sad painful laugh, looking at Paps. "But, the crazy part is... she doesn't even realize what I've done."
"BROTHER..." Paps moved to my side, placing an arm around me. "WHY DON'T WE REST AND TALK TO (Y/N) IN THE MORNING?"
"Sure, Paps."
Paps and I got into bed and he quickly fell asleep.
You have been oddly quiet.
But your mind hasn't, do you plan to tell her the truth?
She deserves to know.
And if she comes to hate you?
She would be better off, besides... I hate humans.
As you keep telling yourself.
Can we just drop it!? I need to hate her.
To protect yourself.
Isn't that what you taught me? Isn't that what you would do?!
You are not me, Sans. You need to remind yourself of that.
💙(Y/N) POV💙
Okay! I'm lost. I must have taken the wrong turn... wait! Is it up here?
I turn right once more time and ended up in a similar hallway with no doors beside one at the very end.
Oh no. How did I end up at Frisk's door?
I look the way I came and knew I had no idea how to get back.
I walked up to the door giving it a light knock. The door opened right away. I walked in seeing Frisk on her bed with a book across her lap.
"Sorry! I hate to bug you, but I was looking for Papyrus' room."
Frisk waved me off like it was not a problem, 'You're fine. But, I think Pappy is asleep.'
"Well, actually I'm looking for G!"
'Sans? Shouldn't he have been with you?'
"It's a long story..."
Frisk scooted over and patted on the bed, 'I got time.'
I giggled and jumped in the bed with her, "Shouldn't you be resting?"
She let out a huge sigh, 'Don't you start, too. I can't sleep all day~ I might be sick, but I have a life too!'
"Hehe, sorry."
'It's okay. So, what's on your mind?'
I suppose I could ask her... as long as I don't bring up what happened with G!
"Well... you know a lot about souls right?"
'Oh boy! Do I? What do you want to know?'
Start simple.
"Um... can I summon my own soul?"
'No, a pure soul can't summon their own soul.'
"A pure soul?"
'Yeah, every human starts as a pure soul. A pure soul is someone who's soul hasn't been activated.'
"You mean when the soul is removed from within your body?"
'Yeah... only a monster can remove a soul and on occasions, a soul will jump out of a human or a monster if they feel super attracted to someone.'
"Huh? I thought souls are for when you want to harm someone."
'Yeah... I see why you would think that way, but no. Back before the first war, humans and monsters coexist. It was rare, but not unexpected for a monster and a human to fall in love. Now, human and monster had different ways for sex-'
"Whoawhoawhoa!! I didn't ask a-about that! H-how do you even know about t-that!?"
'Hehe, don't let my looks fool you. I was twelve when the war began.'
"That means... you're twenty-two?!"
'Yup. Anyway, what I was saying had a point.'
I was still shocked at how Frisk looks so young but brought my focus back to the topic at hand. I nodded for her to continue.
'Anyway, almost every human was a pure soul back then because souls were used to having sex between the two races...
Kinda cute when you think about it. Souls are your... everything and at that moment you literally share yourself with someone.' Frisk pause looking at me and started laughing like no tomorrow.
'Your face! Your bright red!'
"S-shut up!" I lightly shoved Frisk with my shoulder.
'Sorry! It was just so cute!' She wiped away a tear and took a deep breath continuing, in a more serious way.
'but... that was a long ago. When the first war started monsters realized that doing damage to a soul was the quickest way to ensure victory. So they forced souls out of humans taking away their 'pureness'.'
"...Can a human hide their soul after it's been activated?"
'Sure. But, 'boss' monsters can still find it and it hurts a lot more being forced out. So, if you aren't a pure soul, you're better off showing it upfront... so your odds of survival are greater.'
I must have been making a troubled face because Frisk slams her hand on my back, smiling.
'Don't worry! You don't have to worry about that being a pure soul and all, especially since Dad let you stay, you'll be friends with all the monsters in no time!'
'King Asgore and Toriel adopted me when we first got to the surface.'
"Oh..." I looked at my hands as Frisk's words danced in my mind again and again.
So, a soul is not only for violence but for love too... is that why Papyrus and G! avoided looking at it? What would have happened if I touched it?
Frisk tapped on my arm getting my attention.
'(Y/N)? You okay?'
Is being a pure soul really important? ...well, I guess back then it was... sharing a soul with someone sound like a big deal.
"..Why do you think I'm a pure soul?"
'Well, when Sans attacked you your soul didn't come out and your soul reflex in your eyes, so I knew you weren't the type to hide your soul...
you are a pure soul right?'
"What do you mean 'reflex' and 'type'? Are you a soul reader or something?"
'Kinda, a soul is easy to read. You can tell someone's character trait by its color.'
"And what's mine?"
'Integrity. Like Pappy's trait.'
"Papyrus' soul is dark blue too?"
'No, all monsters' souls are white and shaped like an upside down heart. But monster magic is how you can find out their trait.'
"So... what does yellow mean?"
A smile spread across Frisk's face, 'Why don't you ask Sans yourself?'
Of course, she saw right through me... Speaking of G!
"*Sigh* Would you mind tell me how to get there?"
I went to stand up, but Frisk put her hand on mine, stopping me.
'(Y/N). Stop avoiding my question. Are you a pure soul?'
Frisk gasped overly dramatic, 'I didn't know you and Sans were so close~'
It took me a second to get what she meant but then my face heated up and flushed red, "What?! No! It was an accident!" I threw my hand to my mouth.
Frisk's smile faded, 'It was Sans wasn't it?'
"I-i don't want to talk about it."
'It was another nightmare, huh?'
"I don't want to talk about it."
'I can't believe he-'
"Frisk!" Frisk was startled when I shouted her name. I stood up from the bed, clearly upset.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think we should talk about this behind his back. It was an accident... h-he didn't mean to hurt me..."
I went towards the door, but Frisk clapped wanting me to turn around, I did.
'Are you scared of Sans?'
"...I don't want to talk about it."
I walked out of the room refusing to look back.
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