14} Waterfall
💙(Y/N) POV💙
"Wow! This is really good! It's really nice to have some variety, things were getting snow old."
"Haha.. thanks?" I fake laugh awkwardly at the bird type monster before me, I didn't quite get his name, only because before I could ask another monster would jump in.
"This is pretty tasty. What kind of chocolate is this?" I quickly turn to the next monster speaking to me. She was a spider-type monster, though she was dressed adorably, I still unconsciously took a step back.
"Oh! It's normal milk chocolate, but it has a splash of dark chocolate in the batter, I'm surprised you could tell."
"That's because-" before she could finish another monster cut in.
"*Bark**Bark*" I look up at the very long-necked tall dog monster looking down at me.
"Oh? I'm s-sorry, I don't understand."
"Hey! Hey! My nice cream would go great with this cake, yeah?" Another monster, kinda looks like a bunny with blue fur, in a yellow shirt and red pants came up to me with what looks to be an ice cream pop in his hand.
"Oh, thank you. But, I couldn't-"
I wasn't even able to finish my sentence before more and more monsters crowded me with questions and statements of their own. I was already exhausted with baking the cake with Papyrus and correcting every mistake he made, my brain couldn't even keep track anymore and I was starting to panic.
"O-one minute. I can't- what was that?" The monsters continued to talk all at once not pausing for a moment to let me catch up.
Then I heard one question within the crowd that made my heart stop, "Is it true you're not a pure soul?"
Luckily, with everyone talking at once the question went unheard by everyone except me. Then, suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder caused me to jump and gasp, making the crowd fall silent.
"Now, now everyone. You're going to scare the poor dove away. I know you're all excited, but can't you tell she is exhausted from making such a grand cake for us all?"
"Now, if you excuse us." Sans took my hand and guided me through the crowd. As we passed a lot of the monsters apologized, I smiled gently and waved bye, hoping they weren't turned-off and would speak with me again.
It warmed my heart that they were trying so hard to get to know me, but yelling all at once is not the way to go.
"NOW, NOW. NO NEED TO BE UPSET. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL ANSWER ALL YOUR QUESTIONS!" I could hear Papyrus draw the crowd's attention away from our backs.
Sans continued leading me down the hall, "Thank you, you really saved me there." I say as I let out a huge breath of relief.
"Anytime, Dove." Sans smiled at me with an almost fondness. It surprised me, but before I said anything I noticed him passing our room.
"Umm... Sans? Where are we going?"
"I was just thinking about how we really haven't shown you around much."
"You're giving me a tour? What much is there to see? Isn't it just other rooms?"
"Heh. There's no way she would make a simple bunker with just rooms."
Sans stopped walking for a moment dropping my hand, "... she doesn't remember building this... she doesn't remember much."
"Now's not the time, Dove." Sans glanced me over, "besides you don't look proper enough to meet anyone right now. "
My face flushed in heat. "W-what?" I touch my hair, where Sans' eyes were looking, and felt dry cake dough. "Oh no, all the other monsters saw me like this!" I turned away embarrassed, "why didn't you say anything!"
Sans giggled, "Awe come on Dove, it's okay I think you look great!"
I slowly turned back towards Sans, "R-really?"
"Yup! Cute as a piece of cake!" Sans smiled wide at his terrible pun.
"Not funny!" I shouted with a smile on my face.
"It's okay Dove, I know the perfect place for you to clean up."
Sans took my hand again and continue to lead me down the hall. After many turns, we arrived at a big door with beautiful monster writing on it and was navy blue decorated with little white dots to represent stars. My eyes grew wide as I stepped closer.
"... Waterfall," I whispered to myself. Sans raised his imaginary eyebrow with a bit of a surprise.
"Yes... exactly. I doubt you know monsters' language, how did you...?"
I placed my hand against the door filled with curiosity, "The press conferences, the internet, the books, anything that I could get my hands on. When the monsters first surfaced my race was quick to get all the information we could about y'all. Of course, we were rude and pushy, as we humans always are. I was so hateful towards monsters at the time that I wanted to know everything I could to fuel the fire. However... there wasn't much... maybe that's why it hurt so bad when I met Papyrus... I wanted to hate something or someone so bad, just so it wasn't my fault." With my free hand, I tightly grip itself making my nails dig into my palm.
"Dove... " I could feel Sans' eyes on my back.
"Sorry," I say quickly dripping the subject. "I got a bit off-topic... I just remember reading about Waterfall and all of the other places underground. It's really a shame I didn't get to see it before the bombs fell. "
"Well..." Sans walked over to me, standing right behind me. "It's not exactly the same but it's pretty close." Sans placed his hand over mine and pushed on the door, opening it wide.
The site was... Gorgeous. The room itself is huge, the floor is black tiling with white splotches. Randomly throughout the room are beautiful glowing blue flowers that I could guess were suppose to replace the echo flowers in Waterfall. The walls are navy blue with sparkling gems melted in them. The roof was cover in every inch of what looked to be real stars. Plus, the lighting in the room is darker than normal making them beam even brighter. A river placed in the middle of the room two parts going outward flowing farther away, however the rest lead from the beginning of the room to the end. In the middle of the river were multiple flower pads making a bridge. Crossing them lead to a desk with a bunny monster smiling head to toe greeting us. To her sides were two mats with only a single pair of shoes on the mat to her right side.
-(Awful editing of what the Waterfall room looked like by Fruityyloopz at the beginning, so you kinda have an idea)-
I was stuck in time by the room's beauty. That I didn't even hear Sans calling my name, until about the 3rd time.
"(Y/N)? You okay?"
"... Yeah, sorry. It's just... Really pretty... Sorry. " I laughed awkwardly. "I sound like a kid, huh?"
"You are a kid," Sans said chuckling and patting my head.
"W-what? I'm like in my twenties!"
"Oh? Really now?" Sans had moved closer to me and slid his arm around my waist. "So, that means you can take a "grownup bath" with me, right?"
I felt the heat rise to my face as I stepped away removing myself from him. "Y-you know what they say the twenties is the new teenager, so yeah. Maybe not."
Sans laughed and once again I realized he was messing with me. He beckons me over as he himself made his way to the front counter.
"Hey, Bunni. Can I get two baths one male and a female?"
The lady bunny behind the counter smiled brightly and gave Sans her best customer service attitude, "Of course, Sans! Remember women and men bathe separately. Men on my left, women on my right. Place your shoes on the mats on either side of myself before entering the river to get to the bathing area. There will be a place to change and towels as well. Keep in mind we always have extra robes and can provide new clothes if need or wash the ones you currently have on if you wish to do so." I strongly felt most of that speech was veered towards me as she continued to glance my way and I was clearly lost on what to do next.
"Get Dove something new to wear. She wreaked those clothes and doesn't have much else."
"Hey! I have some... things..."
"Yeah... No, you don't. I saw what's in your bag earlier besides underwear you have like literally nothing else."
My face became beat red in an instant, "W-what you-" I was at a loss for words. "Pervert!"
Well... Except for one.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, the total?"
Bunni was having a difficult time trying not to laugh but had an amazing poker face when she went back to customer service mode and told Sans the price.
Sans then turned back to me, "So, did you get all that or do you need me to guide you in there?"
Still, in a huff, I spoke a bit louder, "I'll be fine on my own, thanks!" I quickly took off my shoes and headed towards the women's bath ignoring the laughter of the skeleton from behind me.
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