Let's play a Game!!!
So basically I made up this own tag thingy. You should answer the questions below (the answers are at the bottom. DON'T CHEAT) and tag about 5 people to do it ('cause I don't want you people to waste your precious time). The questions in here must be the same when you are going to tag people. SO LET'S BEGIN!!!😁
1. Name a person the opposite gender of yours
2. Which is your favorite color out of red, black, blue, green, and yellow?
3. Your first initial.
4. Your month of birth.
5. Which color do you like more, black or white?
6. Name a person that is the same gender as yours.
7. Your favorite number.
8. Do you like California or Florida more?
9. Do you like the lake or ocean more?
Meh Answers:
1. Isaiah (Eww! *bleep* no!)😠
2. blue and green (so true!)😄
3. F (I don't think this is true in the real world)😔
4. May (no comment)😶
5. white (really? I do?)😮
6. Oli (again, so true!)😋
7. 6 (that much? wow I have social issues)😕
8. Florida (is that a compliment I hear?)😎
9. ocean (ehhhh, maybe)😏
⬇Answers at the bottom⬇
#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$ THE ANSWERS.
1. You like/love this person😂
2. If you choose:
•Red: you are alert and your life is full of love💖
•Black: you are conservative and aggressive
•Green: your soul is relaxed and you are laid back
•Blue: you are spontaneous, loves kisses and affection from the ones you love
•Yellow: you are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down
3. If your initial is:
•A-K: you have a lot of friendships and love in your life.
•L-R: you try to enjoy life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom.
•S-Z: you like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
4. If you were born on:
•Jan.- March: the year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
•Apr.- June: you will have a strong love relationship that will not last long, but the memories will last forever.
•July-Sept.: you will have a great year and will experience a molajor life changing experience for the good.
•Oct.- Dec.: your love life will not be too great, but you'll eventually find your soulmate. (is that good?)
5. If you choose:
•Black: your life will take on a different direction; it may seem hard at the time, but it will be the best thing for you, and you'll be glad for the change.
•White: you will have a friend who completly confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
6. This person is your best friend.
7. This is how many close friends you have in a life time.
8. If you choose:
•California: you like adventure
•Florida: you're laid-back dummy
9. If you choose:
•Lake: you are loyal to your friends and love and you are also very reserved
•Ocean: you are spontaneous and like to please people
Let me stop you right there. Before you start saying something, I got this little question thingy on the Internet so let me say something here.
Disclaimer(so I won't get arrested and flamed by haters):
I DO NOT OWN those questions I got from the Internet. I just did it for the fun so don't come here and comment to me saying that I stole it 'cause I did not! I repeat, I DO NOT OWN THE QUESTIONS!!!
Now that that's over, what were your answers? Sorry if you didn't like the answers but hey, don't hate the player hate the game!
(To Haters: I just did it for the fun. Apparently, you didn't seem to like or appreciate it! Or at least like to have fun!) Note that this message is for haters, not the awesome people out there.
Anyways, time to tag 5 people or less. I'm choosing to tag 5 people to do this, but it's your choice on how many though. So here's da list victims!!!
Victims for the game: (hehe. I'm so evil😈😈)
Spidey-Warrior (I told you I'd have my REVENGE!!!)
GreninjaGirl1009 (planned revenge for you. Man I'm cruel.😂)
Have fun😌! ~ 💐Flores🌹 out!!!😉✌
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