Chapter 88: "True Happiness"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
It happened so quickly. Before I knew it The Resurrecter had impaled Michael completely through his chest, as even he seemed to be thrown off by what had happened. "Michael!" I yelled letting go of William as I ran over to him. Michael dropped the gun onto the ground as I stopped in front of him, as The Resurrecter retracted a second later. Michael fell to the ground as I stared at him, all while his soul faded away from him.
"Finish... F-Finish... the... f-fight... "
It was already too late. His body went completely limp as I turned to looked up at another soul stuck inside the glass case with Cassidy's and Charlie's souls stuck inside still. After all this time, years of torture and pain, all that just to have his soul sucked out of his own body. He wanted to be free from this world, but not before ending his father's life. I guess that task was left to me now. Me against my maker.
"You killed both your kids. Or let me guess: that means nothings to you?" I said standing up now and looking at William. "They mean further beyond nothing after what Michael did. Years of work. Gone. Everything I had strived for to reach a better future, and he took it all away. Not just him, but everyone that has opposed me. All of them just proved to me they are the evil that has plagued our society for so long we don't even realize they are among us. Living with the normal people of this world as to hide away from those who seek to rid of them. I built you to understand what this world has come from, and here you stand with their ideals. You've become one of them... " spoke William. "And because of Michael... Margaret is gone... I will never be able to see her again." "Do you understand what you're saying?! After everything you've done?! To your children, to your own kids and wife?! They lost their lives because of your petty ambition for change?! You decided their own fate you had no right to take control of, and it destroyed anything that was left of them! If it weren't for people like me, Mangle, or Charlie to pick up the pieces they would still be broken!" I exclaimed at him. "If you understand evil... if you really know how it works... then you know that there are those who have the world view them as a villain, while they look at themselves and say they are the hero. Tell me? Do you know what role you've been playing this whole time?" William just stared at me, as we both didn't say a word for a moment. The fire around seeming to be spreading little by little in the room, which would engulf the two of us. "I see a failed creation, tainted by evil. Allow me to cleanse you of your wicked ways," responded William as I turned to see him holding his hand over something in his pocket. "Then Michael was right after all this time... A monster can't live longer than he already has," I said. I quickly grabbed the gun off the floor and shot at his arm, causing him to drop a tiny remote on the ground. He groaned in pain while covering the wound with his right hand, as I aimed my gun at him. "Do it then. Prove you are the villain here. Killing me will show the world it will always thrive as long as we allow it to," he said. I kept the gun pointed at his head, all while I stared at him. "Is this how you wish to be remembered by? Don't you fear leaving this world without killing me? Knowing that you may never reach a heaven or hell to regret such an action? The thing is... you can't... after witnessing all your friends die in front of you and losing so much... knowing your mission has leaded you to this moment... you can't pull the trigger and take a life... a human life to be precise... " spoke William. My hand was starting to shake as I was starting to have doubts about this, and towards everything. He was right. After thinking I had suppressed all my problems and confronting them, I still feared leaving this world and failing. All that effort to just let everyone die and allow William to roam this world, like he had gotten a slap on the wrist for literal crimes against humanity. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of The Resurrecter, as I quickly dodged to the side to avoid being hit. The Ressurecter retracted back into place as I quickly looked up to find William run to me and try to pull the gun out of my hands. I held on as tight as I could all while William had his foot on the remote, which was probably what controlled The Resurrecter, on the ground. Finally he managed to press the button as The Resurrecter went for me again, forcing me to let go of the gun and jump onto the floor. William did the same and landed on the floor, as the both of us got up on our feet quickly and went for the gun. Unfortunately William managed to grab it first and instantly aimed it at my chest before firing a shot. I stumbled a little as I continued to stand back up before William shot another bullet into my chest causing me to stumble again as I slowly got back up on my feet again. "You leave me with no choice," said William as he aimed his gun towards my head. He fired through my head, causing me to fall onto the ground completely. My vision was starting to go blurry as William walked in front of me and aimed the gun at my head. "I really wanted you to change the world for the better and take my place. Not like the way you chose to do so. Perhaps you still will. I will rebuild and start over again, salvage what resources I have left. In fact I can rebuild my systems again in less than a year, and Resurrection Day can begin again. Then I will have you take my place. Any memory of everything though will be wiped and you will forget everything that has happened. You will not remember your friends, everything I have done or even me, and especially your own life. All you will be is the embodiment of my work and reminder of what is necessary to save this world. When that happens the world will thank me for what I was able to do. And finally a perfect world can be born at last. Everyone will finally find true happiness.
Suddenly we both turned to the sound of a beep above from one of the intercoms, as for a second I thought it was Duality. However it was someone else who I had thought I heard their voice for one last time.
"Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you old friend, that is if you are still alive to hear this. If you are I am sure you are convinced what you are doing for this world is right, especially after the information I was given from Duality."
To think I would hear Henry's voice again, perhaps for one last time. It had seemed Duality had made a connection to Henry, perhaps one last action. After all it had seemed Duality had perished if HandUnit wasn't active. Or was this his sign of still being around?
"You may think you giving the world a gift, a present as to give them what they've always wanted. Someone to look up to and thank. But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. They will not receive a gift or a call they thought someone would finally answer. Instead people like Michael and Freddy answered the call. In a way you were all called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't realize that you are trapped! Your lust for blood has driven you in endless cycles, masking it as necessary to destroy evil. Thinking you are the world's savior where it is quite the opposite. You are the worlds devil. The worlds incarnation of evil. This is where your story ends. And to you, Michael Afton, who somehow and unfortunately fell into this depth of cruelty and evil, I thank you for fighting against fate to be come a better person and not follow into your father's footsteps. Although, there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are... right where you want to be. I am remaining as well, I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, at least not the way you think. The world will finally learn everything that has happened, what William has done, and everyone that either lost their lives or something much more precious to some, will finally find peace. The world will finally see William as a monster. And to those other monsters trapped in the corridors and that still live, be still, and give your spirits, they don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace, and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although for one of you, the darkest pit of hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting old friend... My daughter, if you can hear me, I always knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry on that day... the day you were shut out, and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms... the way you lifted others into yours. And then: what become of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear. Not my daughter. I couldn't save you then... so let me save you now. It's time to rest, for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. My friend, Funtime Freddy, I'm glad we met. I knew from the first instance your destiny lied with putting to rest William's actions and crimes against our world. Your existence was a testament to showing technology could be used for good, as well as coexisting with humanity. If anything you're this world's ideology for those ideas, and perhaps the world may recognize you as one of your own. May you find you heaven... The nightmare will finally end, a endless dream the world hasn't woken up from up. This ends for all of us. End communication."
A beep followed the end of Henry's words, as William stared at the intercom still. He seemed to be speechless and unsure of what to say, as I shared the same feeling. Perhaps this was Henry's farewell to all of us and everything the name Freddy Fazbear's had endured. He was right though this was going to end for all of us. I noticed the remote for The Resurrecter on the ground, as I slowly grabbed it and held it near my left hand so William wouldn't be able to see it. "He can't tell them," said William. "HE CAN'T TELL THEM!" William started acting irrational again as I could see he was angry once more. "I SHOULD'VE KILLED HIM WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE! HE'S GOING TO LIE TO THE WORLD AND HAVE THEM THINK I'M THE VILLAIN HERE! HE'S GOING TO RUIN EVERYTHING!" yelled William. "YOU CONVINCED HIM, DIDN'T YOU?! TO TELL THE WORLD EVERYTHING! BECAUSE OF YOU NOBODY WILL FIND TRUE HAPPINESS!" "Do you... e-even know w-what... true... happiness... is? It's the purest... f-form of... h-happiness... Not... t-temporary happiness you... get f-for a... m-moment... and forget... later o-on. True happiness... i-is when it... is... something you... c-can remember far... into... the f-future... or when y-you think... about it c-can... a-always... make you... f-feel... h-happy and... s-smile at the thought... of... i-it... I found... m-mine... when I met... F-Foxy, m-married... her... and h-had... friends... at my s-side... They m-may all b-be gone... but... j-just remembering t-them makes... me smile... T-that's... true happiness... " I said. "Y-You... found y-yours... when you... m-met Margaret, yet you d-d-destroyed... it w-when... you got her killed... a-and... brought h-her... back... to life a-as a-a... former shell... o-of herself... W-What t-true... happiness will t-the world g-get... when p-people will... lose... l-loved one's... regardless... o-of... what... t-they did? S-Some may... be criminals, s-some may b-be liars... and s-some m-m-may... even b-be murders. The thing... is p-people w-will a-always mourn... f-family, regardless o-of what t-they... d-did... If there's... a-a worse f-feeling of... l-losing... a... friend... a-a pet, or s-someone... you k-know, it's family... that h-hits the... most a-at home... And I-I'm sure... it h-hurt... when M-Margaret was... taken from... y-you... " "Don't you dare talk about her like that," said William softly. "DON'T YOU DARE!" "She c-couldn't... have known... w-what you w-were... before... b-but s-she d-d-does now... How do... y-you t-think... s-she... see's y-you... as? D-Does s-she... s-still love... you? A-After... e-everything... you did? A-After bringing... a-a p-part... o-of her back t-to l-l-life? Do... you t-think she i-is proud... o-of what... y-you've... d-done?" I asked. "YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW THAT!" screamed William at me. "Think... a-about it... If she w-were... here... r-right now, she... w-would wish... s-she had n-never met... you... s-she... probably v-views you... t-the way a-as all... of u-us do... A... m-monster," I tried to say. William aimed the gun closer to me as he got ready to fire the gun at my head once again and finish me off.
"Henry's right. This ends, for all of you. But not me... Any last words?"
"Y-You.. first... "
Before William knew it I had pressed the button for The Resurrecter as it went straight through his chest, all while blood splattered across the floor and some onto me. He slowly looked down at the claw through his chest as he dropped the gun onto the floor now, as slowly looked back at me while gargling from the blood.
"I-I-I... w-was... supposed... t-t-to d-do... g-g-good... B-B-Be... a-a... h-hero... "
"L-Like I-I said... Y-You n-never... were."
William stopped gargling as his body went limp, all while The Resurrecter retracted out of William's lifeless body and back into its place. His body lied in a pool of blood now forming from his body as I stared at him for a moment before finally looking away, not needing to look at it no more. I did it. I had managed to kill William. Years of tragedy and loss, and the mastermind behind it all was finally gone. It felt weird knowing it was me, a creation of William meant to replace, his own creations that had ultimately lead him to his defeat. Finally everyone affected by William would rest peacefully that one less monster was gone from this world, perhaps the worst of his kind. Still as much as he was a monster, I understood what drove him to become what he was today. If only there was anything left to save him, but I guess it was already too late. There was nothing more we would've done but put down the monster.
I slowly looked up at the glass case above at the souls still floating around, as I noticed another one had joined the rest of them. I slowly looked at the gun in the pool of blood as I slowly reach for it. I had never felt this much pain in my life, especially with how my systems were basically on the verge of shutting down at any moment. I managed to grab the gun before I slowly aimed it above at the glass case where the broken part of it was. I fired one shot at the glass case as it began to crack even more, though it seemed it needed one more bullet. I was sure I had one bullet left, which meant I had to ensure I used it accordingly. I slowly aimed the gun at one major part of the crack, making sure it was aligned properly before I felt I was ready to fire. Finally the last shot was fired as I managed to hit the crack I was aiming for, as the glass exploded into pieces and fell onto me and the floor. The souls floated down out of the case as I stared at them, and gave my last goodbye to those that would reach heaven.
"May y-y-you... r-rest in... piece... E-Elizbeth, Cassidy... C-Charlie, and... Michael... and... everyone... "
Their spirits finally disappeared, leaving to find peace and be reunited with each other. Finally their fight was over. I slowly felt the back of my head, noticing where the bullet went through my head had also damaged my memory chip. I was just surprised I had managed to stay online for this long, but I knew my time was up. The fire engulfing further towards this room was another indication, though at least I would rest knowing our mission was completed and the world was saved. It felt comforting... in a weird way. Finding peace with the fires from hell around me, but knowing an angel would still come down and carry me to heaven. I just had a feeling. My vision was going away as I slowly rested my head down and waited to meet the darkness, though this time knowing a part of me would reside and live on finding his own peace at the end of all this. I would see everyone again and be reunited forever. I was only keeping them waiting, so perhaps it was time to stop delaying and meet them already.
"May... w-w-we a-all... f-find... our... h-heaven... " I said finally as I felt my eyes close and allow darkness to take over. Finally becoming nothing more but a memory.
"M-May... w-we... a-a-all f-find... t-t-true... happiness... "
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