Chapter 84: "Volition"
Elizabeth Afton's P.O.V
It was hard to resist the urge to pound Ennard's face into the ground, especially after everything he had done to me. I had also noticed the body of Mangle on the ground, filled with holes though her chest which appeared to be the work of Ennard. Something about seeing her body and knowing this was done by him seemed to anger me in a way, especially for what he's done not only to me but to everyone else. Still I was only here to ensure Nightmare was safe and have Ennard out of our way, as well as reaching my brother and Freddy and not letting my personal feelings get in the way of things. That was all that mattered. "Did a cat get your tongue finally? No threats or wishes upon my demise? Is Circus Baby really gone?" asked Ennard mocking me as a way to get me riled up. "You're talking to Elizabeth Afton. Circus Baby is dead," I responded finally. "Not from what the fire in your eyes is telling me. She still remains. Restless to still be a killer like you always were. It's what I was at least expecting from you still," said Ennard. "Do you really believe it is that easy to forget such a person of your past, when they still dictate your future? For as long as you live that part of you will remain, itching to return at any moment. Yet there's the innocent little girl that once lived tugging your heart, wishing you could be held in your mothers arm to wish away all the bad things that have happened. You didn't change, you just tricked yourself into thinking you have," spoke Ennard. Suddenly Nightmare aimed his hand at Ennard's body and got ready to fire a Shadow Beam, which forced Ennard to let go of him as Nightmare shot the Shadow Beam at him. Ennard blocked the blast with a Shadow Shield, as I walked on over to Nightmare. "You ok?" I asked him. "I will be once Ennard is dealt with," responded Nightmare turning to look at me. "I expect to be impressed, and by that I mean by you Elizabeth. You don't know how long I've waited for this moment, especially all of them," spoke Ennard. "Them?" I responded confused. "Did you forget all your friends? The original Funtime Freddy, Ballora, Funtime Foxy, Bidybab, Minireena? After what they did to you?" responded Ennard. "You mean after what you did as well. It was your idea, remember?" I responded. "Perhaps, but my opinion was shared with the rest of them. All that malice and pride, yet you were the biggest pawn out of everyone. Though I admired your ruthlessness, your ignorance for life. I would even say you inspired me to some degree. Yet here you are, refusing to accept what you truly are. You cannot find redemption, no forgiveness. So why try?" said Ennard. "Because there were people that saw something in me, a way for me to atone for my sins as best as I could. All you care about is reaching the top, becoming the best as a way to give your life meaning," I responded. "No. It's power he cares about. It's why he was never on your father's side, the reason for planning to take the throne for himself when the time was right. He feeds on the weak, because to him they were just an excuse to show his power off," said Nightmare. "You never were?" I said turning to look at him. To think all this time he was playing against my father for his own gain and ambitions, I was a fool to never see such thing become a reality that was obvious. "Unlike you Nightmare, Elizabeth, or Baby, had power and potential. I could've considered her an ally if circumstances were different. Of course her ties with her family made her weak, susceptible to influences from people like Michael. Just what I expected from the beginning. That was the joy of it though, playing with your food knowing you would eat it eventually. Conflict and a lack of identity is replaced by weakness until those matters are resolved, making the mind fragile and breakable. If your mind or will isn't strong enough, they won't do you any good by being in pieces," said Ennard. "Which is why you like to see those lower than you as worthless and beneath you? Making fun of them because of their supposed 'weakness' they have?" asked Nightmare. "To show off my power of course. Because they'll never reach that power they never deserved to have, or will never able to receive. You only get as many chances in life for power, whether that is being born to hold such power or to work towards being suitable for it. You waste your chance, you may never get one again," responded Ennard. "Yet what has that power lead to? Nothing in the end. You have all this power, yet nothing to build or destroy with. You have no ideals to chase, a goal to strive for, or a purpose. You are alone, and you will fall alone with nothing gained in your wasted life," spoke Nightmare. "Hmm. You're right. After all that work, years of planning and waiting for the right moment. All for it to be taken away. By Scott Cawthon all out of everyone, who knew from the very beginning. Maybe it wouldn't have worked out in the first place," spoke Ennard as he turned to look at me. "If I'm going down, I'll be taking Elizabeth with me. I'll do the same with you Nightmare. It's the only thing I have left." He got into a fighting stance, getting ready for us to do the same as I turned to look at Nightmare. "So be it," said Nightmare positioning himself in a fighting position as well. I looked back at Ennard, unsure if this was what I wanted. I didn't want to kill, not anymore. However if I allowed Ennard to live he would only still try to destroy me and everyone else, knowing him. It was clear me and Nightmare were the only thing he cared about now, more specifically ending the both of us. If we didn't stop him right here and now, we would be doing more damage to not only ourselves but to Michael, Freddy, and their friends mission for stopping my father. Taking his life, perhaps one more was necessary. Not out of joy or pleasure, but to ensure no more lives would be taken. I got into a fighting stance, which Ennard took notice of as he let out a smirk. "Now that's more like it," he said. Suddenly he fired multiple wires towards me, as Nightmare quickly walked in front of me and sliced the wires as best as he could, which allowed me the chance to enter the Resurrection State. I never knew he was able to do that with his body, though his previous body may have not allowed him to do so and learned the attack after his body was reconstructed the way it is now. I entered the Shadow Dimension and ran across the area to where Ennard was, all before exiting a moment later right in front of him. I swung my claw him, which he countered by wrapping his wires around my claw. Nightmare shot multiple Shadow Beams at him and ran towards us now, all while Ennard shot more of his wires at Nightmare. I attempted to punch Ennard in the face, however he moved his head back before punching me over-and-over in the face. I did my best to defend myself but there was nothing to do but take the hits, at least until Nightmare could help me, I guess. Ennard seemed to let go with Nightmare running towards him with a Shadow Shield, only I was in the way of his path now. Immediately Nightmare got rid of his shield and jumped over me, firing Shadow Beams at Ennard as he flew in the air. Ennard blocked his attacks with a Shadow Shield, as Nightmare opened his mouth before landing on top of the shield and attempting to rip apart Ennard's shield, though was stopped by Ennard moving the shield down and getting rid of it, before firing more of his wires at Nightmare. I quickly ran in the way and grabbed most of his wires at once before kicking Ennard the face, though one of his wires managed to strike me on my left shoulder. I groaned from the pain as Ennard stumbled back, but managed to keep his balance before looking back at me and Nightmare. "Your help is appreciated," spoke Nightmare. "Don't mention it," I said holding my hand over the wound. I could see oil on my hand now as I held it in front of me, while it dripped off my hand now. "All that skill to defend Nightmare, yet you can't make an effort to take me down. I was able to grab you easily, too easily in fact. Well, it doesn't matter to me anyways," said Ennard. He disappeared into the Shadow Dimension, which prompted me and Nightmare to do the same and enter the dimension. Immediately as we appeared in the Shadow Dimension Ennard attempted to wrap his wires around me, which I prevented by jumping back before Nightmare ran past me. He took his claws and swiped at every single one, before I walked on to his side and shot a couple Shadow Beams at Ennard. That caused him to cease his attacks, only for him to change strategies before running at the both of us now. He shots more of his wires at us, as me and Nightmare managed to jump in the air with Ennard's attack approaching before we both exited the dimension. At least we were on the same page. We hadn't fought much battles together, but when we did we always understood the basic concept of teamwork. Ennard exited the dimension as well, as his wires were still reached out with one of his hands aimed towards us falling back on the ground now. As soon as his attacks came close to hitting us I managed to parry it with my claw at once, which allowed Nightmare to fire more Shadow Beams at him in return. Ennard jumped back to avoid the blasts as Nightmare ran towards him, which I followed behind him. Nightmare attempted to grab Ennard only for him to move his wires out of the way so Nightmare's hand would go through the gap he made. Ennard then tried to wrap the wires where the hole was to grab Nightmare's arm, only for him to pull out quickly and cut the upper part of his body with his claws. Ennard groaned from the pain as I swung my claw towards his face, though only for Ennard to duck and shoot his wires at me. I entered the Shadow Dimension and appeared once again to avoid Ennard's attack, before exiting the dimension to find Nightmare firing Shadow Beams at Ennard. I ran towards Ennard and past Nightmare, as I attempted to kick him. He dodged my attack easily and swung his arm of wires at me, which knock me towards the ground before he shot his wires around my neck and squeezed as hard as he could to rip my head off. Nightmare managed to run towards Ennard and tackle him to the ground, which allowed Ennard to let go of my neck as Nightmare was on top of him and trying to attack him. Ennard managed to punch Nightmare in the face as I ran over to them and attempted to swing my claw down at Ennard, though he managed to take his arm once again and slam Nightmare back, as it went for me now. I managed to jump high over it once it came into sight, landing back on the ground a moment later and held his arm tight with my claw before shooting Shadow Beams at him. He managed to avoid all his blasts as Nightmare quickly got off the ground and shoot Shadow Beams at Ennard, as he continued to avoid our blasts. Finally Ennard seemed to have had enough of our attacks as he quickly shot his wires towards me and Nightmare, as I entered the Shadow Dimension to escape his attacks. Once I felt I was safe I returned back to Nightmare attempting to slash Ennard with his claws, as Ennard tried to strike back by punching him. Both missed their attacks as Ennard quickly shot his wires towards Nightmare, who was able to quickly grab his wires and pull some of them apart. However Ennard was able to fire a couple of his wires into Nightmare's leg before attempting to punch him in the face, which Nightmare blocked by using a Shadow Shield. "YOU'RE PATHETIC! BOTH OF YOU! YOU WILL DIE AS SCUM!" yelled Ennard's Freddy side of him. I ran towards Ennard to help Nightmare, as he turned to face me now. "You should've given up the chance you had. Look at you! Oh how pathetic! And someone is here to save you!" spoke Ennard. Something about the way he spoke was familiar and the way he mocked me, yet it also was enough for me to stop as Nightmare kicked Ennard. He quickly turned to face him and aimed his arm at him to strike with as I quickly swung my claw towards him, though Ennard stopped it with his other hand and used his free one to punch me in the face. I fell onto the ground as I turned to look at Nightmare attempting to get off the ground as well and back on his feet. "Elizabeth, the only way we'll win this. That you can prevail. Is by fighting with everything you have and embracing the part of you that you wish to reject," spoke Nightmare back on his feet now. "Look at her Freddy, all alone and weak. Wonder how long she'll survive the fun," spoke Ennard once again. I knew exactly who it was that was speaking through Ennard, and more specifically what people were. "Child, it is best to succumb to your fate. It is the only chance you have now," spoke Ennard. "So you finally gave them the chance to speak for themselves, rather than being in the same mind as you all the time," I said getting up now. "Well, they've had the urge to speak their mind on you for years now, at least right in front of you with their own voice. I've just given them the opportunity now, since... well... it felt appropriate... Especially with how this battle will end... " spoke Ennard now. "DON'T FORGOT ME! WE'VE NEVER FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU! YOU WERE ALWAYS INFERIOR COMPARED TO OUR POWER!" exclaimed the Freddy that remained apart of him. "All that power, but the only power you possess is to continuously speak meaningless insults," spoke Nightmare. "Oh? All that power I've showed isn't enough for you? I'll take your request into consideration," asked Ennard looking over at him. He suddenly ran towards Nightmare and fired his wires at him, as Nightmare got ready to defend himself. I ran in the way and attempted to grab Ennard's wires, as he used his other hand to knock me back on the ground. I slid across the floor as I turned to find Nightmare blocking the wires as best as he could, though it was clear he was outmatched and wouldn't last long. I got up now to help him as I ran towards Ennard again, only for him to notice me and try to hit me with his other arm of wires. As soon as it came into view I managed to jump over it and land back on the ground, though only for it to come back around and knock my feet over as I fell back on the ground. I moved my head up to see Nightmare charging at Ennard with his mouth open, as Ennard shot some of his wires at Nightmare mouth. It was too late for Nightmare to realize he had fallen into his trap as he couldn't close his mouth or move it away in time. The wires shot straight through his head before Ennard pull them back, causing me to get up now. Nightmare looked away at Ennard, admitting his defeat as he fell on the ground hard before I ran over to him now. Ennard walked away now, allowing me to rush over to Nightmare while he laid on the ground dying. "Nightmare!" I said stopping in front of him and kneeling down. I could see the hole through the back of his head and mouth, though I could also see part of the area where his memory chip was was completely destroyed. "Y-Y-You... must... kill... him... i-it's the... o-o-only... w-w-way... T-T-The... c-c-cruel... s-s-side... o-of... y-you... embrace... it... t-to... b-become... s-something... more... t-than a... k-killer... A... savior... " Nightmare tried to say as his eyes flickered. "V-Volition... w-will... guide... y-y-you... n-now... j-j-just... a-as... i-i-it... d-d-did... f-f-for m-m-me... T-T-The... n-n-nightmare... w-w-will... l-l-live... o-o-on." Finally the light from his eyes faded as his head rested on the ground now, igniting something in me. Pain. The loss of someone I knew, even if I never knew Nightmare. Regardless of that he assisted me in battle and we both shared the same goal of stopping Ennard. Was he right then? Did I need to become something more to defeat Ennard by embracing the part of me I thought I needed to reject? Perhaps instead of being Elizabeth Afton, I needed to add in a little Circus Baby and use the two to become something new yet familiar. This was my life and only I was going to decide how I was going to live it. I turned around to face Ennard, who seemed to be waiting for me to focus on him now. "Just as I had guessed. Weak. So easy to break apart, yet an easy obstacle to overcome. He never stood a chance," spoke Ennard gloating. "He died believing in something. At least his dreams were worth chasing, unlike yours. All that power and eventually you won't know what to do with it. It can't save you. So, how about we end this finally?" I said. "I thought you'd never ask," responded Ennard with his smirk. Ennard shot his wires towards me now as I quickly ran towards it and grabbed one of them as fast as I could before Ennard managed to wrap his wires around my arm. He managed to pull me on the ground as he ran at me and fired more of his wires at me. I used my claw to grab all the wires he shot at me and ripped them apart at once, as Ennard yelled from the pain. I swung my claw at Ennard, who managed to duck before backing up to realize I was clearly a threat to him now. "Admit it Elizabeth, you'll always be a killer and this is proof of that," spoke Ennard looking over at the damage done to him. "Maybe. At least I'm killing for a cause I believe in this time and under my own volition. Now take the pain and suck it up," I responded. I ran towards Ennard now, aiming my claw at him before he got ready to defend himself. He summoned his Shadow Shield as I was about to reach him, as I jumped up on the side of the shield and away from him before firing Shadow Beams at him. Ennard blocked them with his Shadow Shield as once I landed on the ground before I ran at him again and jumped high in the air, while he held the shield above his head to block my attack. That wasn't going to stop me, as I was intending on breaking his shield and making my own way. I aimed my claw straight for his shield and started to heads towards his direction, however I had a feeling Ennard was planning on catching me off guard. My suspicions were confirmed, as right when I was about to hit Ennard he swung his right arm of wires towards me around his shield. I was prepared for his attack and managed to parry his attack with my claw before I slammed it against his shield. It didn't break it as intend as I landed back on the ground, with Ennard already attempting to punch me with his wires formed into a hand now. I dodged and swung my claw towards him, as he ducked due to my attack and shot Shadow Beams at me. I blocked them with my Shadow Shield before running towards him with my shield out, as he rolled to the side and wrapped his wires around my claw and pulled me to the ground. I quickly turned over as Ennard lunged at me, though I was able to stop him by kicking him in the stomach and slamming him on the ground. I quickly got up and slammed my claw towards him on the ground as fast and hard as I could, though he was able to roll out of the way before my claw hit the ground. He swung both his arms towards me as I managed to grab one of them with my claw and quickly grab his other arm while some of his wires started to wrap around my arm. I instantly ripped apart his left arm with my claw, or at least the wires that made up part of his body as they all fell onto the ground. He yelled in pain and managed to let go of my other arm, which gave me the chance to swing my claw towards his body as he fell onto the ground. "You may have been ruthless, but I was always more brutal than you. I'm a monster. You. You're just a sad excuse of even being a threat," I said to him. "Oh, you think you're a monster, huh?! You think you have power that can rival my own?! You're nothing but a shadow of your father that even he can't see, because you were born to be a pawn to him! Just like your brother!" exclaimed Ennard who seemed to be getting unhinged now. "I was always better than you! I was the one who deserved power, not some little girl who was made to become a witch! I was created to serve your father, yet I became my own master! Made my own destiny! If it wasn't for that worthless A.I Scott I would've achieved greatness!" "You never would've achieved anything. If my father viewed me as worthless, then he must've thought the same about all those he created and that followed under him. Nightmare, RXQ, Golden Freddy. Even you. Your ambitions and power would ultimately be your undoing; that was your destiny," I said. "Whether it's fate, luck, or any higher power beyond basic comprehension, today I'll be the one that holds the power and send you to hell. Like there is one for you. At least the void would do it's job." "I'LL SEND YOU TO A PLACE WORSE THAN HELL!" yelled the Freddy of Ennard as he ran towards me and swung his remaining arm at me. He shot multiple Shadow Beams at me as I blocked them with my shield before he swung my arm above my head. I quickly got rid of my shield and was able to parry his attack with my claw before jumped back and fired Shadow Beams at him. Ennard moved some of the wires from his body open so the blasts would pass through, as he continued to charge towards me. He swung his remaining arm of wires towards me several times, as I managed to block each time for a couple seconds before he managed to hit me in the face with his arm before having his wires wrap around my neck, as his wrapped his body around my claw and body in order to hold me down. I quickly managed to punch him in the face before he could have his wires wrap around my other arm before I grabbed his head and pulled on his jaw. He bit down as hard as he could to rip apart my fingers, before I banged my head against his and grabbed my hand and reached down his throat and pulled on whatever wires I could reach and ripped them out of his mouth. He screamed from the pain, which also loosened his grip of wires around my claw and body before I smacked my claw into his face. He fell onto the ground as I grabbed his other remaining wires of his hand before ripping them off completely, before he tried to wrap the remaining wires of his body against me. "I'LL KILL YOU! YOU FUCKING WITCH!" screamed Ennard before I slammed my right roller blade on his face and grabbed part of his body with my claw before ripping it apart. He screamed even more now as I laid my roller blade on the remaining part of his body before grabbing his face with my claw. "NO MORE, NO MORE! PLEASE! HAVE MERCY! PLEASE, SPARE ME! THINK OF THE OTHER ONES APART OF ME! FUNTIME FREDDY, FUNTIME FOXY, BALLORA, MINIREENA, BIDYBAB! THEY'RE SORRY! WE ALL ARE!" screamed Ennard in pain. I just stared at him, just seeing how pitiful he was now that he was at my mercy. There was nothing worth saying to him. I squeeze my claw with everything I had, while Ennard screamed even more than before.
Before I knew it his head was completely crushed in with no life remaining as I let go of his head. His body fell onto the ground, as all I could do was stare at it. Ennard was finished. Years of rivalry, being kicked out of my brother body by him and the others, finally I was the victor. Yet I didn't feel glad or happy, just empty. I had waited for this moment for so long and I even chose to embrace my violent side to defeat him, yet nothing was gained from this victory. I looked down at my claw covered in oil from Ennard, just staring at it for a moment. Just looking at made me realize why I had fought to reject Circus Baby, because I had spilled blood for my own enjoyment. However I had done it this time with the intent to stop Ennard so no one else would be harmed or interfere with my brother and Freddy, not out of satisfaction. That had to count for something. As much as I hated Ennard and for what he was, his screaming and pain made me feel something. The feeling of hating killing, even if there were those that deserve it. It didn't feel right. I fell to my knees crying suddenly, letting out all my emotions. I didn't even know I could shed tears as an animatronic, or would ever be able to again. I just wanted this to be all over, to finally see Michael and mom again. I wished things didn't turn out the way they did. I hated the fact knowing I hurt Michael the way I did, even if he didn't remember because of our father. The things I've done, the people I've killed because of my fathers order or to ensure his plan was kept a secret. I was always the one to tie up loose ends. I hated killing, yet it seemed it was just a part of me now. I looked up at the hallway where the others had gone, leaving me to wonder how they were doing. Michael and Freddy, the people who believed I could change. If they were here right now they knew I had ended Ennard for them, to ensure they weren't a threat to them. I had taken a life to save more, not end one so that more would follow and be next in line. They needed me at their side to atone for my sins and everything I have done by stopping my father, and for everything he put me, Michael, and everyone affected by him, through. I wiped the remaining tears in my eyes before standing up now and walking towards the hallway, ready to join the others. If I was going to make things right, to find closure, peace, or anything. Something to make up for all the mistakes I've made. For all I've killed. I would find it with Michael and everyone else to ends things finally with them. Tonight will be the night Elizabeth Afton dies on her terms. Perhaps peacefully this time.
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