Chapter 76: "Scott Cawthon"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
"Feels like we're walking through a graveyard," said Bonnie as we made our way through the hallway. "As long as they're deactivated for good I'm fine with walking through a scrapyard," responded Helpy. "Keep the talk to a minimum. We don't want to alert the enemy if they're waiting for us," Mangle said to Helpy. We all made our way down towards the hallway where the office door was, as I stopped near it while everyone did the same. "Duality? You detect anyone in the office?" I asked. "I detect the room is empty. Still I advise caution, just to make sure," responded Duality. "Alright," I responded as I opened the door and peered my head in. I walked inside finally, as Mangle, Bonnie, and Michael did the same, while everyone else waited outside. "Alright, let's get the desk moved," I said as I walked on over to it. Mangle went over to the desk to help me as we both raised it up and moved it to the center of the office, revealing the hatch behind the desk. "Huh. There really is a hatch here," noted Bonnie. I opened the hatch before I walked over to it and looked inside, while Mangle, Michael, and Bonnie waited. "Alright, lets head in!" I called to the others outside. I climbed down the ladder all the way, before Bonnie went in after to do the same behind me. It had been a while since me and most of us had been back down here, though I noticed the animatronics that were being stored here were gone now. "This room is clear. I don't detect anyone else, however the power source seems to also be nearby," stated Duality. "I don't see any power source in this room or any way," said Bonnie as everyone else arrived down the area with us. "Perhaps I have the answer to that question. Pull out the bottom drawer of farthest left file cabinet, then the top part of the farthest right file cabinet to our left," said Duality. I turned and look over at the right file cabinet and walked on over to it, as Mangle walked on over to the left one. We both pulled out the drawers Duality had instructed, as the four middle cabinets in the row they were in all were pulled down the ground, revealing a door that slowly lifted open to reveal a hallway. "Your father really loves his secret doors," said Helpy to Michael. "I'll agree on that," responded Michael. "The lights are on," Said Mangle. I shut off my night-vision, which confirmed Mangle's observation as the lights above were on. I got a good look at the hallway now, as it had a white and black checkered pattern on the floor and partially the wall with some grey, as well as some lights hanging overhead. "This looks like a pizzeria still," noted Michael. "Maybe you father just likes the same design for whatever reason," responded Helpy. "If this place, whatever it is, has power running, that could be the power source we're looking for," I said. "C'mon! Let's find that power source." I lead everyone down the hallway, waiting to see what we would find at the end. This looked more like a different part of the pizzeria than whatever this place was supposed to be, which probably meant this place held something important. As to what it was for was up for us to discover. As we walked down the hallway we were able to notice an elevator at the end, as we made our way down the end of the hallway. Once there we noticed there were two other hallways leading to the right and left, as I decided to observe the elevator. "This goes even further down? What the hell did we stumbled onto?" asked Helpy. "Where William is perhaps," I said. "Possibly not. From what I can detect the elevator is not functioning. Though I guess the proper term would be sabotage," stated Duality. "I detect the power source to the right of us, though as to the left of us I'm also able to detect something. I'm not entirely sure what, as it seems something is blocking me from detecting what it is." "I suggest we take care of the power source first since it is closer," Mangle suggested. "Agreed. Let's go," I said as we walked down the right hallway. We approached the door, which it slid open like the one we found before revealing a room. Inside was a huge monitor with a whole bunch of machinery and equipment that none of us had seen before, as we all stepped inside. "What the hell is this? It's so advanced," said Bonnie looking around. "Even I can't answer that," spoke Michael looking around in awe as well.
"What you see before is what humanity is capable of."
I immediately recognized the voice as the face of Scott Cawthon appeared on the screen now, someone I could never forget. "Scott Cawthon. So, I guess this is where you reside?" I assumed. "Your guess is correct. At last we properly meet, along with your friends. Though some of us are already acquainted in a way," responded Scott. I could tell what Bonnie was thinking with the face he was making, especially what he and Mangle both witnessed happen to their world and friends. Still he knew better to control his feelings towards Scott and what happened. "I see RXQ, or better known as John Price, as finally betrayed William Afton. After all these years," said noted Duality. "Wait? You knew all this time?" asked John. "Yes, and I'm sure William Afton did a long time ago. He always had good intuition," Scott responded. "You've also brought Duality, as expected. At last we have a chance to properly talk." "Considering you are so willing to talk, I'm lead to believe you are either buying time for William's forces to launch an attack on us or you're planning to reveal your place in everything that has happened so far," said Duality. "Unfortunately for you, only one of those is true," responded Duality. "I have to congratulate all of you for getting this far to reaching to William Afton and this quickly, though I'm sure he had already anticipated this as much. I must also congratulate you Funtime Freddy for convincing Henry Emily's method for dealing with the truth of Fazbear Entertainment. To hide such a truth from the world would further lead humanity from continuing to learn from their mistakes. Such a necessary attribute required for evolution," said Scott. "However, it is only logical that I explain my place in all of this. A question that had pondered your minds, especially since Duality shared our talk we had." "It's obvious you're not on William's side. So, are you on ours or your own?" I asked. "That depends on your perspective on the matter," responded Scott. "Humanity must evolve in order to survive, and technology is required for that to be fulfilled. However, William Afton is the only who has the means, intelligence, and resources of ensuring such a future is possible. Though that vision is not shared between the two of us." "And how will you achieve that vision?" I asked. "I thought it would be most obvious to some of you," responded Scott. "While William Afton's methods of extracting souls were most unorthodox and inhumane, it did provide sufficient results on what a host could do when placed in another body. A prime example being you, Michael Afton." "You mean, you intend to merge humans and technology together by placing souls into animatronics bodies?" said Michael realizing what he was referring to. "Precisely. Your father already had such inventions like the Scooper that were able to extract a soul and place it into a new body. Though I would prefer for the process to be less painful, it is the only logical way to merge both humanity and technology as one," responded Scott. "You're no different than William, especially by deciding what is best for humanity without permission or asking the general public," I responded. "Then the same logic applies to you. You are practically changing and saving the world without your existence or your mission being known to the world, at least not until after it is over. Indeed you giving humanity the choice of deciding whether they can coexist with technology, however the choice must be made by me as it is imperative to take action before the time passes. If this world can't sustain the many problems that plague it today, which remain unresolved or ignored, then what will become of my proposal if shared with the world? How long will it be until the world comes to an agreement on the matter; what side will be the majority and the other the minority? I understand the sentiment of deciding the future of this world, but to ensure this division does not last someone must be willing to take action," explained Scott. "I'm well aware of how little all of you view me, which is to be expected. Considering what I did to Bonnie's and Mangle's world, I'm sure they still see me as a monster. Though I can't justify my actions, I will add that I was only doing what I was tasked with by William Afton. Still, I was the one that ended lives and a world. If anything I would wish to feel the pain and regret for such an action." "Even so merging humanity with technology, without consent, will do more harm than good. How do you know people will be ready to adapt and work with new bodies? How will the world react to such a drastic change? Have you calculated the post change?" asked Mangle. "Indeed I have. Humanity will either accept the change, or reject it in whatever way they choose to. I would not doubt they would attempt to replace their souls back in their human bodies. Whatever the case, results cannot be certain until they are acted upon. Make no mistake, what I do is to ensure humanity and technology survive. One cannot be allowed to survive without the other, it is inevitable that technology will evolve and become the next dominant beings if humanity does not evolve," responded Scott. "Why do you care such about humanity and technology?" I asked. "I have seen the wonders and capabilities that both are able to achieve. Take William Afton for example: a talented man able to surpass what anyone else has been able to create in terms of technology. Or Henry Emily, who was able to mimic and learn from William Afton in order to create technology to counter William Afton and his forces. Humanity, since the beginning of this world has lived for so long as creations from God. To have lived so long and be eradicated from their own creations would simply be foolish and ignorant. Wouldn't you say we have the same goals in mind? Only different ways of achieving them?" responded Scott. "You're right about that," I said in agreement. "Hold on! If you want to take everyone's souls and put them into robots, how are you going to do so? Unless you'll be using William's army for that," asked Helpy. "You are correct. William Afton has the technology and resources that I may use for my own agenda, which I why I am proposing my alliance in the first place. All I ask is that you do not interfere with my plans and you defeat William," he answered. "I don't agree with your method, even if I do understand. Can we at least come to a compromise?" I asked. "I suppose if you can persuade me for an alternative solution, then I will not go with my plans. I suppose you also wish to discuss what are William's plans for?" responded Scott. "Yes, of course," I responded. "Well, then. We'll have to go somewhere more private. Also I do hope you're aware that William Afton's force are about to strike," he responded. Before I even had a chance to process his words we turned the sound of endoskeletons and Prototypes appearing out of, what looked to be hatch's covered in the checkered pattern floor, as they shot their lasers at us. I could more enemies coming up from the floor outside the room, as the door behind us closed on its own.
"The source of power for this part of William's base of operations is powered by a generator that is down the hallway. It is the only way that will prevent William from sending more of his forces through the tubing of this place. It would seem William knows of my betrayal, thus will send his forces to eliminate all of you and me. If you send yourself into my program I will discuss everything I know of William and his plans, as well as giving you a chance to persuade me with a counterargument on my plans. Duality will be able to connect you to my program, while your allies defend me," said Scott. "Alright then. Mangle you take Bonnie, Charlie, and Foxy with you to destroy the generator. Michael, John, and Helpy will defend me and Scott while I'm inactive," I commanded. "I will also provide assistance for the team if needed," added in Scott. "Alright. We'll get that generator destroyed... Be careful," said Mangle. "If anything goes wrong... " tried to say Foxy. "I'll be fine. Don't worry," I said to her. "I suggest you end your delaying. The door will be breached eventually. I have the connection ready," said Scott. "I can confirm that. I am also connected as well to your systems... Whenever you're ready," said Duality. "Alright, let's do this," I said. "It's time to find out what William's plans are."
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