Chapter 7: "Mirror"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
As much as it was nice to sit alone with my thoughts, I did wonder how the others were doing and whether they would succeed. I didn't want them to fail at their mission after all, though the same could be said for this whole conflict. Even so, it still drew towards the thought of whether there was any point to taking part in it or having connections with it. Analyzing my thoughts was only creating more and leading back to where I had begun: I had no idea what my place was with William in this world. One man had control of my life, possibly even the world's: It was a thought that kept leading me to different crossroads, all connected with no destination other then nonlinear paths I tried to follow. The trance I was in with my thoughts vanished from the sound of the front door opening, as I turned to the sound of it. Henry put down the plate he was washing and the sponge, as he shut off the water and turned to towards the hallway. The door shut after a couple seconds as everyone walked into the kitchen now, all without saying a word. Most of them looked battered up, especially Bon Bon from the noticeable dent around his left leg. They also had looks to express whatever had happened to them, which were enough to convey an idea of how their mission went. Michael's, Mangle's, and Bon Bon's faces showed the most emotion out of everyone. Michael seemed to show a sign of defeat, as if something had broken him a little, though more of concern along with it as if he was questioning what the future would endure. Mangle had also a face that seemed she had encountered defeat, but almost like this was new to her. To her, defeat was something she had rarely experienced. Bon Bon carried something entirely different; a type of hatred due to defeat, which was thirsty for blood and revenge. Something Michael had carried once.
"What happened," stated Henry, seeming to notice the distress among them as well. "We were outplayed. And we fucking lost," responded Bon Bon as the others walked up to Henry. "My father knew we would return. They were waiting for us," said Michael. "The bastards Ennard and William's daughter were waiting for them. Kept the oven on for who knows how long, and caught the house on fire," explained Helpy. "And they burned the bodies of everyone. Lolbit, Yenndo... Bonnet," said Bon Bon softly. My ears were drawn to the names of our once living friends, as well as being drawn to guilt. "Everyone single one of them?" I said now. He turned to look at me: Even though I could see the tears he was trying to hold back, the anger resonating deep inside was also shown among his feelings. "Yes, everyone single one of them! Would've been better if your actually joined and tried to at least save them! Instead you sat here to pity over your own life! What about ours!? Huh?!" exclaimed Bon Bon at me. "Would you only be motivated if your fucking girlfriend died?! Is that it?!" "Bon Bon enough..." said tried to say Michael, but couldn't force himself to continue. "They could've at least been properly respected like how dead people are supposed to be treated! Instead their ashes will fly with the wind, knowing their bodies too went through for something out of their control!" continued Bon Bon as tears were starting to form from his eyes. "What happened to you. You were like an inspiration and something else to my life, along with everyone else. You changed us. You sought to destroy something you didn't have to involve yourself in and yet you did so anyways, knowing the consequences would be dire from entering into this conflict. I followed you because I wanted to see the world changed like the way you envisioned it, even if I was there for the free ride. But you changed, and not for the better. I thought your were untouchable, but for this to defeat you? Out of all things? Fucking get over it! It's not all about your life! Everyone has one, remember!?" "I do regret not being there to at least save the bodies of the others. They didn't deserve it," I responded looking away. "But I just can't motivate myself enough to continue and fight. I want to ensure we prevail and that we live on after this is over. But what good will that do if we fail? If William's hand does not let go of our lives after this is over? What then?" "It's a possibility some of us may not survive during this conflict or when it's over. That's the price of this," mentioned Mangle, as I turned to look at her. "Even after what all that you've said, it just isn't enough to ware down the fact that William may have done a lot more to us than what we could possibly imagine," I responded staring at brief reflection of me from my plate. "I can take a simple mirror and stare it, as to show from the outside I am the person in that mirror. But when I stare at myself closely and in person, it's like I tell can from what is wrong with me from inside by my facial features or my stance. I don't see myself anymore. Even I can say the same without even looking at one... I hate knowing the bodies of the others now fly over this world, leaving us to end this conflict as they can't do anything else but watch. Baby and Ennard both deserve a fate suitable for what they've done. But wouldn't we join the same fate as them? We already did once, only now we here to endure it a second time." "This is my point! You can't solve a problem that's so simple we can solve for you!" exclaimed Bon Bon. "If you're proposing you help with it, I won't allow it as much as it is considerate. I have to deal with this internal conflict, or else it'll never be put to rest," I responded. "You know what?! Fine! If I was in the mood I would offer to help, but that option is out of the picture! We don't need your ass to end William! I relied too much on you anyways! We don't need you" exclaimed Bon Bon as he turned around to walk away. "Bon Bon! Return at once!" instructed Mangle as he disappeared around the corner he passed, at least from my view and where I was at. "It's best we leave him to cool off for now. He's been through a lot. And he'll need it to continue on," said Henry, as he turned to look back at the others. "Were you all least able to recover the objective?" "Fortunately yes," responded Michael pulling out what appeared to be a flash drive as Henry walked over to him and dropped it in Henry's hand. "Though all of us don't understand the importance of it." "I dunno. I was expecting some fancy device or gadget. Especially from what I've been told about the technology about this place," mentioned Bonnie. "Not only that, but it's odd those freaks were there waiting at the house for who knows how long, waiting to ambush us. I'm surprised William had no knowledge of the damn flash drive," mentioned Helpy as well. "Well, from a strategic and mental stand point it make sense due to possibly knowing of Bon Bon's feeling towards the loss of Bonnet and the others, along with having a connection with the house for some of you. Still, a lot doesn't fit well with the motive behind the trap. And based on Henry's friendship with William and his high intelligence, he must have known about his creation and location of the flash drive. Possibly all that he's done behind his back," shared Mangle. She turned to look at Henry, almost expecting his response to her thoughts. Though he seemed distracted with the flash drive, as he stared at it while fiddling with it at the same time. "I suggest all of you relax for the moment. Helpy. You and I will analyze the flash drive to see if its still functional or has shown any sign of tampering," said Henry finally. "Really? You give these guys a break and I have to help analyzing binary code once more?" complained Helpy, as he walked over to him. "Wish the others bodies could've been saved," I said looking at Michael. "Me too," he responded. "I only wish we had something to remember them by," I responded. "Memories are infinite and eternal, but not people in this world. Sooner or later, the memories of people we've lost will only live on unless there are those that keep those memories alive," responded Michael. "Once their memories are forgotten, so are those people. Then they will truly be gone, and for good."
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