Chapter 69: "Who I Am"
Bon Bon's P.O.V
Nothing was going on at the moment. No sound. Nothing on the Communicator. Nothing at all. Just silence. It made me aware of my surroundings. More cautious. However I felt like I was being watched from somewhere; a hidden set of eyes in the darkness watching me. I had to be the enemy or one of William's goons, waiting to make their move. I had that feeling for the past couple of minutes since I've stood here guarding the car, it was just a matter of when the enemy would make their move.
"Freddy here. Is everyone in position?"
Freddy spoke on the Communicator, which meant he was ready to begin his attack.
"Me and Michael are in position," responded Mangle's voice.
"Me and Charlie are also in position," said Bonnie's voice.
"Bon Bon. Anything on you're end?" said Freddy's voice.
"Fine here. You just worry about yourself and the others," I said.
"I will," Freddy responded on the Communicator.
"Alright! All teams begin Phase One and attack!"
Right as his voice finished speaking I heard a sound underneath the car, as I quickly turned around to look underneath the car. Right as I was going to do so part of the wall fell on the ground as Ennard jumped at me from it, as I quickly jumped up and kicked him. He managed to dodge and land back on the ground, as I allowed myself to fall on the ground. Right as I hit the ground I shot a Shadow Beam underneath the car at Elizabeth who was underneath the car. She rolled to the side and avoided the attack, before entering the Shadow Dimension.
"You got lucky. Let's see how long that will last," said Ennard. "I could say the same for you. That plan of yours would've worked if you weren't dealing with me," I said. Elizabeth reappeared beside Ennard, both getting ready to attack. Elizabeth was here again and I had another chance to end her for good. Only this time I was tasked with the most important mission of this plan. Just my luck. "Oh? I almost forgot that vengeance you got against Elizabeth. Perhaps I should let Elizabeth deal with this one? Not like that'll mean anything to your father if you fail once again," said Ennard. "Your father will never care about such a weakling like you! You'll die and be discarded like Michael! That's all you are to him!" yelled his other side. Elizabeth immediately grabbed Ennard with her arm and threw him against the wall, staring at him intensely. "You know nothing about my father. You're nothing to him. Golden Freddy, RXQ, Nightmare, you. You're all pawns, and all of you will die like pawns. Me. I'm his daughter and I'm going to make him proud," she spoke. She then turned to me as she walked on over to me as I could see Ennard getting up now with a sinister grim showing through his burnt and mess of a face. Elizabeth was different. She didn't seem oriented. She was a mess, unfocused, and even sinister. This wasn't the same Elizabeth that had killed my friends.
"You're not Circus Baby," I stated. "What?" she questioned confused. "You're not her. I don't see a ruthless killer that is the spawn of her devil father. All I see in front of me is a child wanting approval from her father," I continued. "No! I am Circus Baby! Daughter of my father William Afton!" she exclaimed. "Really?! I thought your given name was Elizabeth Afton?! Or is she dead, because I feel like I'm talking to Elizabeth Afton right now!" I exclaimed back. "No she's dead! She's gone for good! I'm Circus Baby!" she exclaimed. "Doesn't sound like it. I didn't pursue you to fight a child, I chased a killer and a manipulator who wouldn't let words affect her like this. I'm fucking disappointed to see she's not here anymore," I said. "I'LL PROVE TO YOU WHO I AM! I AM CIRCUS BABY! NO ONE IS GOING TO TELL ME WHO I AM! I DECIDE THAT! I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU WHEN I GOT THE CHANCE! THIS ENDS RIGHT NOW!" she yelled getting ready to attack. "You're right! This ends now!" I exclaimed back. As much as I wanted to fight her I also had to prioritize defending the car and the EMP Device. This was going to make things more difficult. I had to chose one to focus over the other. Elizabeth ran at me screaming, making the first move instantly trying to smack me with her claw as I rolled on over to the side to avoid it. I shot a Shadow Beam at her as she dodged to the side, as she charged at me now with her claw directed at me. As soon as she approached me I blocked her attack with a Shadow Shield, then summoned the blade on my right arm, as I attempted to jab it into her. She stepped back to avoid it, just as I anticipated, allowing me to kick her back. Having me step away from the car Ennard took the chance to run over where I was, though I wasn't his target. I shot a Shadow Beam at him, as he managed to dodge it. "Stay out of this!" exclaimed Elizabeth as she ran at Ennard, attempting to grab him with her claw. "Don't mind me," he responded avoiding her attack as he backed up from our fight. It was clear he was still attempting to destroy the car or the EMP Device with any opening I made for him. It was clear what I had to do now. "She's right Ennard. Best you stay out of our fight. I don't have to be the one to ensure that," I said to him as I turned back to Elizabeth. She focused all of energy on entering the Resurrection State right away, getting ready to go all out. "This soon? Hmm. Fine by me," I responded. I focused all my energy on entering the Resurrection State, as I could the immense power running through both my suit and body. "Just you and me. Only one of us will be coming out on top," I said. Elizabeth didn't respond, though I didn't need one in the form of words just from what her expression was telling me. All she cared about was proving her point on who she is. She instantly charged at me, focusing all her power on her claw, as she shot a Shadow Beam at me. I rolled to the side and blocked her claw with my blade, as she attempted to break my block. She instantly tried kicking me with her roller blade foot, as I managed to grab it then jumped on her and slam her against the ground. She quickly tried to get me off by grabbing my head with her claw, as I blocked it with a shield and then attempted to slice her face with my blade. She moved her head to avoid the attack though I managed to cut a bit of her cheek, however she retaliated by bashing her head into mine. I staggered a bit, and that wasn't enough for her as she managed to kick me in the face with her roller bladed foot. I definitely wasn't prepared for that, I'll admit. Perhaps it was clear who would win this battle. I quickly regained myself as Elizabeth went for another attack by trying to grab me with her claw, as I managed to grab it and hold it in place. She attempted to loosen my grip by pushing her claw as hard as she could, before I finally let go of it. She continued to advance her attack of grabbing me as I jabbed my blade into her arm, as she groaned in pain. I pulled it out quickly as she backed up now to readjust herself, as oil was pouring from her wound. "Really? I expected better from your Elizabeth. Maybe Bon Bon was right. Circus Baby is no more," said Ennard. "SHE'S BURNING IN HELL WHERE SHE BELONGS! JUST LIKE YOU'LL BE WHEN YOUR PATHETIC LIFE SCREAMS IN AGONY!" yelled his crazy side. "I'M NOT ELIZABETH! DON'T CALL ME THAT!" she screamed at Ennard now. And to think they we are on the same side. Then again this was the same guy I thought was a friend like Elizabeth. Elizabeth ran at me again with her claw out, going for the same attack. It was irrational, not calculated or any thought put into it. She was just doing whatever the hell came to mind. I blocked her attack with a Shadow Shield, only she went to kick my legs since they weren't covered by my shield. I raised the shield down on the ground to block her attack, only she quickly grabbed both of my ears with her claw and managed to pull me over. She had calculated that. Even though she was going all out to prove a point she still was thinking things through. To think I would ever find myself underestimating her. She ripped both of my ears off my suit as she stabbed part of her claw into the left eye of my suit, which could've actually penetrated my actual eye if I didn't grab her claw with the time I had.
"Warning! Damaged sustained! Warning! Damage sustained!" blared an alert through the head of my suit. "Yeah, yeah. Shut the fuck up. I hear," I muttered to myself. I upper kicked her claw as she let go of my hands now, as I shot a couple Shadow Beams at her. She blocked the blasts with her claw, as she aimed her claw at me again. However I noticed something charging up from her claw, as she shot a Shadow Beam from the center of it. I barely dodged to the side to avoid the attack as she ran at me and shot another beam at me. I dodged again as she managed to grab my head, though not before I attempted to slice her left arm off. She let go of my head with her left arm, but instead went to jab her claw into my right leg. I tried to cover it with my right hand and grab her claw, but it wasn't enough as her claw penetrated through my hand.
"Warning! Damage sustained!" blared the alert again. Things really weren't looking too good, maybe I needed to call Freddy or someone to assist me. I really wasn't sure how long this would last. I used my right leg to hold onto the claw and quickly pulled her claw out of my hand as more oil leaked from the new wound. As I went in to make contact on the Communicator Elizabeth shot another Shadow Beam at me, as I rolled to the side to avoid the attack. She didn't stop there as she disappeared into the Shadow Dimension, most likely going to attack me when I least expected it. The only option I had left was to call for help. I went to activated my Communicator again, but in just a second Elizabeth appeared in front of me once again. I tried to going on for a punch with my right arm, as she blocked it with her free arm while her claw grabbed my arm that was going for the Communicator. She kicked me in the stomach followed by multiple punch's to the stomach my suit couldn't handle, until finally she pressed her foot on my stomach that caused me to fall onto the ground, still holding my other hand with her claw. She ripped off my left arm with her claw, tossing it on the ground nearby as she grabbed my head with her claw. She knew I would go for the Communicator and used that to bring me down easily, I had fallen for another onw of her traps. Seems like I fucked up big time.
"Warning! Critical damaged sustained! Recommended emergency eject!" blared the alarm once more throughout my head.
Elizabeth squeezed down on my head slowly crushing everything, along with me if I didn't escape.
"I really liked that body," I said to myself pressing the emergency button on the top. The top part of my head opened as it flung me out now, as I aimed for Elizabeth's head. "You're really gonna pay for ruining that body!" That effort was pointless as she let go of my body's head and hit the back of my head with her claw. As she stabbed her claw into my body on the ground. I'll tell you that was probably the worst amount of my pain that I had ever experienced in my life, considering dying the first time by getting your head bitten off was the most pain I had felt before this. I couldn't help but yell in pain as oil leaked out from my wound, as Ennard walked on over to Elizabeth now. "Impressive. Lethal and brutal as ever. You know what comes next," said Ennard. "Argh! Ennard... F-Fuck off... and stay... out... of... this... " I spoke ignoring the pain as best as I could. "So... finish... argh... Finish it... " Elizabeth raised up her claw, ready to take my life as I waited for it to happen. Only the moment never happened. She kept her claw raised up still, not making a move. "You're hesitating. I thought you were Circus Baby? Daughter and follower of William Afton? Bon Bon should be dead by now," said Ennard. "Why? Why did you hold back? You could've easily beaten me or put up a better fight, so why? Why did you let yourself get killed?" asked Elizabeth. "Because... Argh... because Freddy made me... realize there are... more... important... things... than revenge. Like... saving the world and stopping... William... If I chose revenge... over my job of... helping the team... and having our plan succeed. That would... just be... selfish," I said to her. "Don't forget... I'll always... hate you for... what... you've done... to my friends... and Bonnet... I'll... never forgive... you... but right now... just this once... the hate... must... die... and this... world... being saved comes first... " She held her claw above me still though it began to shake now, as tears started to drop her eyes now and onto the ground. "Why? Why can't I kill you? I told myself I would and now... I just can't," she said. "It's what... Michael said all along... he actually was right... argh... Elizabeth Afton still lives... now... you gotta decide if you are... Elizabeth... or... Baby," I responded. Elizabeth raised her claw down now, though still staring me with tears down her eyes. I wasn't staring at a psychopathic manipulator or a broken child that had been brainwashed to forget she ever was one, but someone who didn't know who they really were anymore. "The things... we do... and say... can be different from each other and... conflict... like two... different... people... in one body. I chose my side... and you still need... to chose yours... Only then... do you know who you... really are... and what person... is the real... you... " I tried to say. "Me.. what I did at... argh... at... this moment... for my friends and this... world. I know. Is the real me... That's... who I am... So... Who are.. you then?"
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