Chapter 64: "Game Plan"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
"Again!" commanded Mangle. She shot multiple Shadow Beams at Michael, as he managed to enter the Shadow Dimension to avoid her attacks, reappearing a moment later. Her beams managed to hit the wall, making a couple marks. He attempted to punch her as she blocked his attack by summoning a Shadow Shield, dropping it a second later as she attempted to grab him, though he jumped back before she could. "Henry's gonna be pissed when he see's what you've done to the wall! It's already fucked up enough from our previous damage!" exclaimed Helpy. "We have a good reason. Also I'm sure he'll understand," I responded. As if on queue the door to the house opened as Henry stepped inside now. Mangle and Michael stopped their fighting and turned to face him, as the rest of us did the same now. "I see all of you have been training," said Henry finally. "Both Foxy and Mangle finished their training. All of us have been improving our powers as well for the past hour," I said. Henry turned to the sight of the marks on the wall from Mangle's attacks, which was hard to miss to be honest. "Was this from your training?" asked Henry. "It was. From me. I was trying to hit the targets we had set up earlier but I missed. My apologies," said Mangle. "Yeah, and from earlier," added in Michael. "It's understandable. It is hard to train more lethal attacks in this space and without all of you being found," understood Henry. "So? You clearly need something from us? Is it about the wedding?" I asked. "No, but on that topic the decorations and appropriate necessities for the wedding is set up. All I have left to do is put out all the food and drinks, and prepare the food needed," responded Henry. "However I feel it is necessary we finish preparing our battle plans. Part of it also needs to be revitalized since we found out Freddy was bugged." "Still can't believe it. William listening to him and half of our conversations this whole time," said Helpy. "True, but we're fortunate to have found it. Changing our plan will help with that as well. I have an idea of how we can change our plan of attack," said Mangle. "Then I suggest we start without delay," said Henry. "Then can we take a moment to see how the wedding looks? I think it's time to show Foxy and everyone else. Myself included," I asked. "Very well," he responded. He walked towards the door to the house, as we all followed behind. All of us walked inside the house now and towards the kitchen, as I could already some of the decorations already. There were white lights hanging above, an ice chest on top of the counter, and the dining table with flowers wrapped around the table with a white sheet covering it. We all walked further in the kitchen to find all the couches pushed up against the wall with the extra chairs in the middle of the living room, both sides with a set of chairs so there was a walkway for when Foxy would make her way through. It wasn't much and clearly wasn't done as all that was left was the food and drinks, but for what it was it was good enough for me. "Hmm. This ain't so bad," noted Michael looking around. "Yeah, I can't wait. Man, I'm getting nervous at the thought of it," I responded as I turned to Foxy. "What do you think?" "It's good. Though I'm sure it'll look better with the food and drinks prepared that we talked about," said Foxy as she turned to Henry. "Thanks Henry for doing this for the both of us. I wish we could return the favor." "No need. All I expect in return is to have a happy wedding, and that's it. You both deserve this," he responded with a small smile. "Now. Shall we go upstairs?" "Yeah. Let's do that," I responded. Henry turned around as we all followed behind, and towards the stairs. "So let me ask this: how much food and drinks did you buy? Or what specifically?" asked Helpy. "Let's just say a lot. Probably enough to feed three families. You'll find out what we got in a little bit," I responded as we approached the stairs. "Let me guess: you have food on your mind. Once again," said Bon Bon. "Look if you're going to buy a large amount of food that we, let's be honest, aren't going to be able to finish. May as well help ourselves. Also Michael and Charlie can't consume any foods or drinks. I do feel bad for you two," said Helpy as we started to walk up the stairs. "It's completely fine. Being at a wedding, especially Freddy's, is good enough for me. I don't carry about not being able to eat food or have drinks, all that matters is that Freddy and Foxy, as well as the rest of us, have a good time," said Michael. "I agree. Don't worry about us," said Charlie in agreement as we reached the top of the stairs. "Look, all I'm saying is I'm gonna make sure all that food bought is actually eaten and not have a whole dinner for a month siting in the fridge," said Helpy. "If you want to actually do that, knock yourself out," I responded as we walked down the hallway. "Yeah, I was planning on doing that. Except some people like to be a pain in the ass. What, you bothered that I might get fat? We're animatronics, we don't get fat or skinny. You know how all that food and drink get's dispensed out of our body," continued Helpy. "Helpy, I think that is enough and something we don't need in our heads," said Henry stopping him from going into more detail. Guess even that was too much for Henry. We made our way into the room with Duality hosting the computer on the desk, as he displayed the map of the pizzeria and the area. "I heard someone was thinking about food too much," Duality joked. "Oh ha, ha! Real funny!" exclaimed Helpy sarcastically. "I think it's time to have our minds focused on what we came here to do," said Henry as he stopped next to the computer. "Alright. Let's focus on that then. So, what's first?" I asked as we all gathered around the map displayed in the middle of the room. "First off I think we should revise our original plan of attacking one checkpoint. If we do that we're guaranteed to have the endoskeletons guarding the other checkpoints to assist the main one we attack for backup, and who knows what else. William will just send all his minions to the one point we're attacking from and block our main path towards the pizzeria's entrance," explained Mangle. "Then we attack from all three checkpoints. We divide our forces and the enemy will have to do the same," said Bonnie catching on. "Right on. We'll send whoever on three teams to storm each point, we'll also give each team bring one of the devices we collected each so they have a better chance of getting past the checkpoints. When done we'll converge at this point of the road from each direction, then we'll cross the parking lot and straight into the entrance," continued Mangle. "What about the car? Are we still going with the plan of parking and keep it hidden before sending it in?" I asked. "Yes. What we'll do is drop off both teams at the other two checkpoint before the last team hides the car in the hideout we discussed last time as the last team deals with the last checkpoint. We'll still have to have someone guard the car and it has to be one person. There's only eight of us after all," I said. "Then only one team will have three people. We'll have to send four to take the middle checkpoint so one person on that team is tasked with guarding the car and three on that team to send someone to help put the person tasked with defending the car if needed," said Mangle. "And the teams? Who will be on each one?" asked Henry. "I believe me, Freddy, and Michael, have the most experience with leading and thus each of us should be the one leading each checkpoint," shared Mangle. "Sounds good to me," I responded. "I think you should give my position to Bonnie. I'm sure he can lead better than me," said Michael. "Are you sure?" asked Mangle. "Yeah. I've never been a leader, just been along the ride to end up finding my father. Besides, Bonnie's proven to be a good leader. It's his turn now," responded Michael. "If that's what he wants I won't deny his request. This is what you trained me for after all," said Bonnie. "Very well. The three of us will command our own squad. We'll also decided who to have on our own team and what checkpoint. I'll have Michael on my team and we'll take the left checkpoint," said Mangle. "I'll have Lefty- I mean... Charlie on my team," said Bonnie. "You can call me Lefty if you want," said Charlie. "Alright. Just... picked up Springbonnie's habit. We'll take the right checkpoint then," he responded. "Alright, then Foxy, Bon Bon, and Helpy will be on my team and we'll go for the middle checkpoint. The problem will be getting the person left guarding the car and driving it to the street when ready," I said. "Maybe I should switch to your team, since I'm the only here who knows how to drive. Helpy can only drive forward and it'll take him too much time to get the car on the street," pointed out Michael. "Maybe Bon Bon should then. All he'll need to do is get the car out of the hideout and back onto the street. Once he meets us at the rendezvous point he'll get out and swap with Michael to drive the car into the parking lot of the pizzeria," suggested Helpy. "Why me huh?! Could've chose anyone but me!" exclaimed Bon Bon. "Because I still don't trust you! You're still acting like an ass even with that talk with Freddy!" exclaimed Helpy. "Both of you, that's enough, ok?" I said stepping to break the argument. "Look, Bon Bon if you don't want to we can swap Michael with you or someone else. It would be much easier anyways." "I never said I wasn't volunteering," responded Bon Bon. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes, I am! Can't you get that already?!" he exclaimed annoyed. "I still care about this mission and saving this world, don't forget that. Fuck the people and everyone that could care less about us that doesn't matter, we ain't doing it for a medal or any validation. It's all about making the world a better place, and that's all that matters. I'm doing my part by defending the car because I know how important the job is and that if I fail our attack may suffer and will lead to our defeat. Including the world. I'm going to take the most important job because I'm willing to do everything in my power to protect the car." "By even giving your life?" asked Helpy. "If I have to, I will," responded Bon Bon. "If he wants to do it I have no objection. I'll run him down the basics as well just to help him drive the car decent enough to reach the rendezvous point," said Michael. "Alright then. Who will get what device?" asked Mangle. "Your team will carry the Decoder, Bonnie's team will possess the Disrupter, and Freddy's I have a device being made I will give for your team to use that'll be ready by the time of your departure," said Henry. "Another gadget? Please tell me it's the last one," said Helpy. "I promise you Helpy it is. No more after that," responded Henry. "Alright then. Once we all reach the rendezvous point we let Bon Bon know by radio to head on over and he'll meet us there as well. We'll then have Michael take over for the car and drive up to the parking lot and have someone else in the car with him. Everyone else will be outside alongside the car to defend it at any costs, the same goes for the other person inside with Michael. I believe Helpy will the best option to defend Michael in the car with him in case something goes wrong and since he has driving experience as well," said Mangle. "The rest of us, like I mentioned, will protect the car in this formation, one covering the front side, two on the right side, and two on the left side, and one on the back. Bonnie you take point on the front side while Freddy takes the back side since the both of you are more better at summoning Shadow Shield to deny any attack or damage the car might sustain. Me and Foxy will cover the right side, and finally Charlie and Bon Bon will cover the left side. We'll defend the car with either Shadow Shields or our attacks that are long ranged, only switch to close range attacks if the enemy attempts to approach the car and don't leave the car until we reach the front entrance." "Don't forget we don't know what their defenses will be or if they have traps prepared. I'll be connected to Freddy relaying information or if we spot something using the radio," reminded Duality. "Right. Once we reach the front entrance we'll go in the pizzeria using the front entrance. Duality, can you give us a layout of the pizzeria?" responded Mangle. Duality did as she asked and displayed a layout of the entire pizzeria, at least everything that we knew of. "We'll move the EMP Device to here, the middle of the main room, and set it off since it'll be at a range where it can reach the entire place and shut down everything. Once we do so we'll enter the Shadow Dimension as the EMP won't affect us in that dimension, however the enemy will probably do the same to escape the EMP as well so we have to watch out for that. Most of the power from the pizzeria should be shut off as well as any electronic device and control over the endoskeletons William has. Once done we'll exit the dimension and find the source that controls the endoskeletons, considering the enemy can still bring back power or if the place has a back up generator," continued Mangle. "The main problem is finding out the source that controls the endoskeletons as we have no idea where it is. The same goes for finding William himself as well, I highly doubt he'll stick around in his office and wait for us to show up." "We found a room underneath the security office that lead to some of the designs of the beings you encountered in FNAF World, maybe that's where he's controlling his army," I said. "That's the thing he could have more than one secret area where he has control over his army. Let's not forget Scott Cawthon still has to be considered with own agenda and is still working for my father. Who knows where he is as well. The same goes for the army; we know he was one but we don't know where or how many troops he has and how big it id. However if it's a huge army there aren't many places you could hide it, especially if it's underground or in a warehouse," suggested Michael. "That's the biggest problem we have limited information on our objectives and their whereabouts, and if we don't stop this by whatever time William decides to unleash his army and destroys this world we might not be able to stop it," said Mangle. "I may be able to locate him or the source of his army, though that depends if I'm able to. William may have accounted for me doing that beforehand and has set up measures to prevent me from doing do. We may just have to figure it out on our own," said Duality. "Indeed. However it still shouldn't be hard to locate your objectives, there are only so many ways to hide things in that pizzeria. You'll have to find them no matter what," stated Henry. "I say we split up in two teams once we have the EMP Device is activated. One team to find what controls the army, and the other to deal with William. We'll have to deal with Scott afterwards or in-between with what he's doing. With any luck he might be in the same spot with what controls the army, alongside with William. Freddy, Michael, Bon Bon, and Foxy should deal with William, while me, Helpy, Bonnie, and Charlie shut off the army," continued Mangle. "Why us four in particular?" asked Bon Bon. "Because the four of you have been in this fight longer than any of us besides Charlie. I trust all of you want to be the one's top stop William and his plans for whatever it has all lead," said Mangle. "You're fine with that Charlie? You and me have been in this fight the longest," asked Michael. "He may have been responsible for the death of many innocents and so much pain, but I don't want this for revenge. I just want to save this world and the children to have a life that isn't like mine. It's your task to take his life. Just... remember you're doing it to save the lives of millions and for everyone who's life was taken because of him, not to feel good about it," said Charlie. "I will. I swear it," responded Michael. "Once all objectives are completed I want you to burn the location to the ground and ensure everything and anyone associated with William is gone with it," said Henry. "What about Elizabeth? And you want his followers like Nightmare, Ennard, and John?" asked Michael. "So first it was your sister now it's everyone you care about now?!" exclaimed Bon Bon. "I'm not implying that but... look I didn't tell you guys this but when I encountered John when I woke up from my last memory from our last mission he told me he's working for my father to get his old body back," explained Michael. "And you didn't think to tell us that after our mission?" asked Bon Bon suspicious of him. "He didn't want me to inform you guys in case my father find out, he didn't know Freddy was bugged but suspected my father still had a way of gathering intel and information. He'll help us when we storm the pizzeria," said Michael. "Yet you trust him, after what he did to Shadow Freddy!? He killed him, his own friend he considered a brother! And he smiled, a smile that a sicko has when he enjoys something! I may have not been close to him but I understand how much it probably hurt Shadow Freddy to get killed by RXQ. He gave his own life to protect us," explained Bon Bon. He had a point. RXQ, or John, had killed his own friend for whatever reason. However Elizabeth had done the same to our friends, like John. However I believed people could change, Michael did after all. I trust his faith. "He did it so my father wouldn't end his life or worse, to prove he was loyal to my father's cause. Look, I agree with you that he killed Frank and that doesn't justify killing him. He had a choice and I don't believe it was the right one. However he's shown to me he is capable of being trusted and is down the path of redemption. He allowed me to go save you Bon Bon when you were about to be destroyed by my sister and only attacked me, once again, to fool Elizabeth he is own their side. He deliberately wasn't trying to hit us easily when he probably could of when chasing us during our escape. The way he told me he felt regret over killing Frank, it was genuine. I can tell he was hurt over what he did and wants to make it up to us by helping us stop my father," explained Michael. "How do you know he isn't faking it? How do we you know he won't do the same thing Golden Freddy did with us and stab us in the back when he has the moment to? How can we even trust him? Everyone person now that is against us you want to redeem and you think they'll just change because you want them to? You're only either going to get yourself killed by your own faith or by betrayal. Except one of those things are gonna hurt more," said Bon Bon. "Bon Bon. I don't hate him because I know hating him my whole life is just going to hurt me and those around me. I've let it go because it doesn't get anything done and you just feel worse about it, I lost myself when all I had on my mind was ending my father's life just to end the feeling of revenge I had. After those thoughts were purged, when the Purple Guy in me was gone, I felt free. I was a changed man and a part of the person I was before being Springtrap had returned. Michael Afton. I was given a second chance, the gift of redemption, by people like Frank, Mangle, Charlie, or Freddy. They realized what I was a tormented soul that could never be satisfied or put to rest. Yet they looked beyond and saw something, something the darkness in me couldn't hide. A light, a crack small they were able to see beyond what I was. A fragment of good, a fragment of the old me that could be saved. A way out of the hell I was in and a gateway to heaven. Because of them I was able to change the way I was to become a better person and reconcile for the terrible things I've played a part in. John may have killed Frank, and it was by Fredbear that ensured his soul was saved until he gave up his life again to protect me and the others once more. Not only did he forgive John, but I believe he saw that same light among the darkness that has consumed him. I saw it myself when I met John again," Michael explained. "The thing with redemption and turning away from the person you once were to be better is that it isn't just given, it is earned. You offer someone a chance to change their ways but if someone really wants redemption or a chance to change, that's up to them to be the one to accept that redemption not the one offering it. I trust John will prove he is willing to atone for his mistakes, and I'm sure my sister will realize everything she had done has meant nothing to my father." "And what if he doesn't then? What if your sister never decides to change, huh? What then?" asked Bon Bon. "Then I'll never forgive myself for being able to save Elizabeth. She's a victim just like me. The difference is she doesn't realize she's one... If we have to strike them down if they're not own our side... it won't be me doing that," responded Michael. "As for the rest of them like Ennard and Nightmare, I haven't seen any sign of redemption from them. Especially Ennard, who might just be as evil as my father in some aspects. They stand in our way and we'll have to strike them down. Simply as that. If they survive, there's a chance they might try to carry about my father's legacy or worse. They have to go as well." "Henry you want the location burned. Is it to erase all evidence of technology made by William and his army?" I asked. "Yes, that is the point of it. If anything William's work must be destroyed for good to ensure it does not fall into the wrong hands or continue to exist. If anything the pizzeria and his work must be forgotten and buried away forever, never to see the light of day," he responded. "Then what about what we talked about this morning? About whether you'll tell the world everything that has happened to this franchise, you, us, and William?" I asked. "Yes. You are expecting a response to that question," responded Henry. "I thought about it long and hard since our talk this morning, taking into consideration your points and even discussed it with Duality. Though after all that I've come to a decision. When this over, whether all of you return or not, I'll tell the world everything. From all the children who died and the workers as well, to William faking his death and everything involving the Afton family, as well as you and the others being the one's to stop William and his plans. The world will know everything that has happened with Freddy Fazbear's." "You will?! I-I can't believe it," I said surprised. "Are you sure Henry? Freddy told us all about it but we understand the decision you made and you don't have to do this for us. It's your decision," said Michael. "Thank you Michael, but I made the decision and understand where Freddy was coming from. Hiding the truth from the world will only last so long before it is discovered, and if we are able to change the world for the better by revealing the truth, then it is a gamble I am willing to take. Besides it's not our choice or right to do what is best for the people, that choice falls onto them," responded Henry. "Thank you Henry," I said to him. "No, thank you. You've opened my eyes once more to the wonders of beings like you. Hmm. Still from time-to-time again I learn something from you. Another being out of all things," responded Henry. "And in return we continue to grow from it and become better people from it. That's what we beings do for each other," I responded with a smile. "Well then. With all the sentiment shared if we follow the plan and all goes as best as possible we'll stop William and his minions, save the world, and maybe go home or die as heroes," said Mangle. "Heh, if we're dying, then we'll die the best way possible," said Helpy. "If only we had your optimism," said Michael. "Well, I can't argue with Helpy there. We have our game plan and I think we're almost ready to end this tonight," I responded. "Indeed. Our game plan is complete and now will come to the part of enacting that plan, and ensuring everything coincides along with it. The pieces that have been laid out for years and since the beginning are all finally coming together," stated Henry. "Tonight will finally dictate who will win tonight. All that we've lost, trained for, and sacrificed will determine if it was worth it. The world is in our hands, and we must be careful not to let it slip out of them. Or else the price will not just be ourselves, but the Earth, the human race and all living beings, all life, and our ineptitude to grasp that price."
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