Chapter 63: "Aspirations"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
"Can we at least watch, then continue training? You expect us to train while both Mangle and Foxy enter the Resurrection State and complete their training for good?" asked Helpy. "I never said I was gonna have you guys train while both of them finished their training, that would be irresponsible of me. Plus if they both are going to complete their training they would expect everyone else to be the one's to witness them pass besides me," I responded. "What you think I don't care? Of course I do. I'll just congratulate them in my own way," responded Helpy. "And how exactly?" asked Bonnie. "By saying 'congratulations' in my own head. They'll hear it a couple times so I don't need to be the fifth person to say it a fifth time. Besides, they're gonna pass," responded Helpy. "Bullshit! Like you know they're gonna pass for good!" exclaimed Bon Bon unconvinced. "It's called having faith. Besides, they were trained by the best. Want to bet on those odds?" responded Helpy. Bon Bon grunted in response and turned away, not saying a word. "Man Freddy really did talk you down good from this morning. You would've probably threatened to have my ass six feet under," said Helpy. "Helpy. Shut the hell up before one of us does so," threatened Bon Bon. "Both of you enough! Not even me finishing my training will allow me a moment of peace," said Mangle. "Well, I can take over and you don't even have to do all the work," I said offering my assistance. "Offer someone to help my job, maybe. Though your disciplinary skills could be improved upon, just some criticism," responded Mangle. "Hmm. Maybe it's best you keep job, being harsh is, well not something I can muster up easily," I responded. "Yeah. If someone pisses you off... well, we all know what happens," said Bonnie. "Freddy are we just gonna waste time or actually have Mangle and Foxy finish their training here?! We already wasted time with Henry arriving just as we got in here and him telling Foxy she can't go outside!" exclaimed Helpy annoyed. "Yeah, because of the wedding. Freddy wanted her to be surprised, remember?" reminded Bonnie. "Yeah, no shit, I know. Minutes went by because he had to tell us that, then we had to tell him what we saw on the news. I just want this done and some cake and I can die in peace," said Helpy. "Oh my god. This it what it's about? Cake? I may like cake but I'm not a fat ass about it like you are. At least I'm not the one counting down the clock when it's time for that," expressed Bon Bon. "Yeah. And? Look. If tonight may be the night we die... I rather use that time on my terms and what I want to do," said Helpy. "You're not the only one Helpy. However, this isn't just about you but all of us. Do you want everyone else to be able to do what they want before we live tonight?" I asked. "Sure. Of course," he responded. "Then you're time we'll come, but for now it is Mangle's and Foxy's time. So will you let them have their time spent on what they choose to do?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah! Ok! I get it! Point taken! Just stop and I'll do the same!" exclaimed Helpy getting the point. I could see Michael smirking from my tactic and knowing how I used it to get my point across; it did the job after all. "Alright, then. Let's begin. Mangle, you first," I said to here. She nodded in response as she focused all our power into entering the Resurrection State, as a moment later her eyes turned to black with white pupils with all the power running through her. "Good. Stay in the state for a minute," I instructed. She did as she was told and kept the power in check to keep her in the state, showing clear signs of control over being the in state. Can't say I was surprised, this was Mangle we were talking about. Finally a minute passed as the power running through started to dissipate and her eyes turned back to normal, signifying she had exited the Resurrection State successfully. "Good job Mangle, you've shown you are capable of possessing the power and keeping in control of it," I said. "Yes. Thanks to both you and Michael. With the power we'll complete the mission while also saving this world and its people. To think there will still something about being a leader I still had left to learn. Though, Michael was the one that helped me be a better leader first so you're not going to get as much credit as he does," she said responded with a smirk. "No worries. He deserves most of it," I said with a smile. "Alright, Foxy. It's down to you," I said. "Alright," she said responded nodding. "Hey. You'll do fine, no need to be nervous. Just remember what I told you, and I don't need to say the words myself," I said helping her. "Focus on what gives you strength. Let's hope it'll get me through this," she said. "It will. You ready?" I asked. "I am," she responded. "Alright then, begin," I instructed. She did as she was told and focused all of the Resurrection Power to enter the Resurrection State, putting everything into it. There was power circulating around her, but it wasn't enough to have her enter the state. Everyone seemed unsure if she would even be able to enter the state again but I knew she would if she focused on what gave her strength. She proved me right as she was finally able to enter the Resurrection State with the power now running through her and her eyes now black with white pupils, proving she had what it takes to be just like us. Beings that can be made into fighters and warriors. "Good. Stay in the state for a minute," I instructed. "Right," she responded as she continued to stay in the form. However a moment later she seemed to be having trouble staying in the Resurrection State with the power seeming to decrease in power. "Foxy, just stay in the state for a little longer. You got this," I said trying to help her. "I... I can't," she said as her power was beginning to drop. "You can! Let not only you strength and what gives you strength get you through this but the strength from yourself! I believe in your strength and so does everyone else here in this room with you! So believe in your strength!" I exclaimed. With the extra push with words that could move mountains Foxy gained control of the Resurrection State and kept it's power in check, until finally a minute had passed. She exited the Resurrection State, as her power dropped and her eyes were back to its original colors now. "Foxy, you did it. You finished your training. Well done," I said with a huge smile on my face. That smile wasn't just overexaggerated for the sake of it, that was a guanine smile and a more truer feeling of happiness. "I-I did it! I actually did!" she exclaimed happily as she hugged me now. "Thank you Freddy." "Just doing what we promised to do for each other," I responded back. "You did good. You did real good," said Mangle. "Yeah. You didn't do too bad," said Bon Bon. "Well, all of us completed our training. At least you succeeded Freddy," said Helpy as Foxy broke off her hug from me now. "Well, I'm glad I was able to train all of you. We're almost ready for our final battle with William and his forces. In just a couple hours we'll decide the fate of this world," I said. "You know. Kinda crazy how tonight is the night where we may or may not come out alive," said Helpy. "What? You scared?" asked Bon Bon. "Yeah, a little. Aren't some of us here? Knowing you might die for sure has to at least bother you in some way? Oh wait, I almost forgot you don't give a shit about dying," responded Helpy. "Well, at least I've accepted that. Unlike you," responded Bon Bon. "I've already have. I might not like the thought of it but I chose to see this unto the end with the rest of you. It isn't easy giving up whatever hopes and dreams you have and wish to live towards," responded Helpy. "I would at least like to continue knowing how to repair robots and animatronics, it's not such a bad job. Henry's been teaching me what he can for me to use during our final assault if needed, because who knows what could happen." "Yeah, if I could I would want to be apart of a band again. Maybe start an actual music store and learn more about other instruments besides a guitar. Doubt that could ever happen but it was something on my mind," added in Bonnie. "Yeah, everyone has aspirations or dreams they wish they could reach. I wanted to build robots and even planned on taking a class in robotics in college when I was still alive, but... you know the rest. Still, even with everything that has happened for the last forty years or so, I wouldn't mind still building robots," said Michael. "Huh. You know seeing Henry worked kinda makes me wish I could build or create inventions like what he's done. Become like an inventor. I never had a chance to think what I wanted to do if I could and that's something I wouldn't mind doing," I responded. "Well, what about you Bon Bon, huh? You go dreams or aspirations beyond trying to kill Elizabeth?" asked Helpy. "Wouldn't you like to know," he responded. "Actually I do. We all do. Can you just tell us or what?" asked Helpy frustrated with Bon Bon. "Fine. I talked with it about Bonnet when I was at the old house and I thought building houses or buildings would be cool," answered Bon Bon. "W carpenter. Huh. Never knew you wanted to do that," I said. "Yeah, though it was just an idea. Why else would I mention it? Don't know if I would actually like it. Won't ever know for sure anyways so why does it matter?" said Bon Bon. "Just asking what you would do with your life if William didn't exist and we could actually live in this world to do whatever the hell we wanted. Just an hypothetical, that's it," responded Helpy. "What about you Charlie? You ever thought about what you would want to do with your future?" I asked her. "Well... Um. I always did want to be a teacher. I would like that," responded Charlie. "That's kinda a basic answer. Though somebody has to teach the next generation of kids," expressed Helpy. "That's a good dream to have. I'm sure you would make a good teacher, especially with what you've learned during both lives you've had," I said. "Really? You think so?" she asked. "Of course. I'm sure your father would agree as well," I said. "Thank you," responded Charlie seemingly happy over the praise. "What about you Foxy? You ever thought of anything you wanted to do if you could?" I asked her. "Well... I kinda wanted to do accounting. Or at least see if that works for me," she said. "Accounting. That's a good job to have," said Michael. "Yeah. Never thought you would have thought about a job, especially accounting," I said. "That was just something I decided to look into in case we needed to work. Guess I won't get to actually do anything with that dream, but I'm glad I had one. Plus I'm already reaching a dream I wasn't sure would happen with us getting married," she responded. "Fair point," I responded. "What about you Mangle? You have any dreams?" asked Michael. "No. I never really thought about what would happen after our missions or beyond that," she responded. "C'mon boss. What about going back into security or be a police officer like what they have in this world?" suggested Bonnie. "Yeah! You could be the head of a police force and even train new cadets. I could see you doing that and particularly well," said Michael. "Hmm. I could get behind that," said Mangle in agreement. "Hey, we may not be able to reach our dreams or a heaven, but at least we have the luxury of living out what might be our final hours on own terms. Especially with you people that aren't so bad," said Helpy. "The feeling is mutual," shared Bonnie in response. "Heh, to think all of us. Different people that could work together as one family," said Michael. "That's how family works. Everyone has something unique only to them, except the shared feeling of passion for us as a family," I responded. "As family we will go down together if we must to save this world, or we survive and carry out the bond we've managed to string together over everything. I'm contempt with either outcome," said Mangle. "Yeah, that means you too," said Helpy looking at Bon Bon. "No promises," he responded. "Though just so know this for all of you besides Bonnet and everyone that has fallen. Not just them but for this world and it's people so William don't succeed. That's what matters," said Bon Bon. "Then let us enjoy ourselves for the wedding. Not just me and Foxy, but all of you. We deserve it, and I'm sure all our friends and family that have passed would want us to keeping smiling to remember that true happiness still exists. Let's give them that at least," I said. "Now, I think we should all get back to training." "Ok. Maybe I would like to go back to talking about the future and emotional topics instead of this," said Helpy sighing. "Well, you said you wanted to live out your possible last hours in peace, though that doesn't mean you get to skip out on work or preparing for battle," I responded with a smile. "Besides, we're doing all this to save the world and it's people. I wouldn't call that a dream or an aspiration maybe a kid would have. I'd call it a position and job no one else can do except us that we chose. If we save this world and it's people... then that's the truest form of happiness I wish to feel."
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