Chapter 58: "Responsibility"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
Not even one step up the stairs and I could hear everyone's voices, one voice followed by another which seemed an argument was happening. They were all upset, probably from the mission, a bad one at that. Maybe the worst one yet. They got the last device and they lost Springbonnie. I decided to continue up the stairs as the conversation became more clearer now, words being eligible and a sense of what was pertaining to the conversation. Once I was up the stairs I made my way to the room Henry had showed us before, which was obvious where everyone was from their voices. I opened the door and stepped inside, as Mangle was going off and expressing her frustration about a certain someone. Obviously Bon Bon.
"Because of him our odds of standing a chance have diminished! I want him off the team!" exclaimed Mangle, before stopping to realize I was in the room now. "Freddy," said Henry with everyone looking at me, who all noticed me long before Mangle. "This a good time?" I asked. "Yes. I was informed of your talk with Bon Bon and about setting things with him," continued Henry. "Let me guess; went nowhere?" asked Helpy. "Actually, no. We worked things out," I responded. "You shitting me? You actually resolved that bad blood?" asked Helpy unconvinced. "I did. We're good now. Not sure I can say the same with all of you," I said. "Really now!? After he disobeyed our command once again?! I shouldn't even be surprised, I'm just had it with him!" exclaimed Mangle. "It would be best to control your temper," said Henry attempting to calm her down. "Control my temper?! After what he did?! You want me to tolerate insubordination?!" exclaimed Mangle. "Look, can we talk about him ditching the team in a minute. I just want to know what went wrong on the mission," I said trying to help. "Everything went wrong," said Michael. "We arrived at the cemetery, dug up the device, then my sister showed up. Knowing her she got Bon Bon riled up to chase after her and lead him away from us. I pursed him, though not before I passed out and had another one of my memories help me remember the past. One final one where Ennard finally ejected from my body, leaving me to almost die until my sister's voice brought me back. I know now these final missing memories were evidence of my sister always having have a soft spot for me; she still saw me as family. When I woke up I engaged in a fight with RXQ before escaping and heading over to Bon Bon, who lost in his fight against my sister. I defended him as best as I could and fought my sister, trying to convince her to join our side once more. I even gambled on seeing if she could take my life by offering it to her, though I didn't have a chance to witness an outcome as Springbonnie left a message on the Communicator... before she give her life. Then I left with Bon Bon and carried him back since his leg was detached... That's what happened to me." "We all got separated. The enemy made sure so it was just Bonnie and Springbonnie left to defend the device... I engaged in battle with Nightmare and some of his minions, before I heard the message as well," said Mangle. "I also got separated with Foxy, and fought Cassidy and her minions. Foxy... had a breakdown. Lost control and got too violent. I suggest you talk with her when you can... We also heard the message and returned as soon as we could," explained Charlie. I turned to look Bonnie, who looked like he didn't want to keep talking about what happened over-and-over. "Bonnie, you don't have to if you don't want to," I said to him. "No. I have to," he responded before sighing. "Me and... Springbonnie... were left to defend the device from Ennard and his minions. It was basically two against a hundred, no chances of surviving. We fought until the end... and then... Springbonie gave her life to protect me... " "We got out with the device and left... Didn't feel like a victory though," said Michael. "Bonnie, Charlie, Foxy, and Bon Bon suffered injuries during the battle and require repairs. Me and Helpy will work on them after this," said Henry. "And I want Bon Bon off the team! Remember?! I don't care if we're one person out of the team needed to take down William and the rest of them, he can't be trusted!" exclaimed Mangle as she turned to me. "You think just because you made up he won't do it again?!" "Hate to break to you but we will do it again. He admitted it to my face," I responded. "You see what I mean?! We bring him to the final battle and he might just screw things up for us! We can't allow any mistakes to happen, especially one's we can deal with in advance!" exclaimed Mangle turning to look at Henry. "You know very well I can't agree with your request," responded Henry. "Well then something has to be done about! I just lost someone close to me! A friend! Family! I've lost someone apart of my team and I will not lose another! I will not be responsible for someone that leads to their death themselves! That's my job! So my team doesn't do anything stupid or pull stunts like what Bon Bon does! Tell me! If you won't allow me to kick him off the team then do you want me to do?!" "Let him head into his death, while I try to stop him when he does so," I said as she turned to look at me now. "Bon Bon told with that whole revenge thing was about. Part of it was self-explanatory; getting revenge for what happened to Bonnet and everyone Elizabeth mascaraed, and to give us a reason to kill William. He thinks me and Michael, hell most of us, don't have the balls to kill William. Michael knows because Bon Bon mentioned it to him already, about his doubts. That's part of the reason, to have us be able to kill William when it comes down to it," I explained. "You're telling me, he's willing to sacrifice his life just to give us the motivation to kill William, because he thinks we won't be able to when it comes down to it?" questioned Mangle. "Pretty much," I responded. "And you think I'm just going to give him a slap on the wrist and do nothing else?" she asked. "Yeah, because like I said, this is my problem now. Should've mentioned this as well but Bon Bon pretty much looked up to me and viewed me as a hero. That image faded when I had to go through my own struggles, so he viewed me as a pathetic version of the person he once knew me as and hated it. Now that the old me is slowly returning and I understand what made Bon Bon mad, I feel only I can help him now. If I save him then I've helped him, if don't he dies; maybe proving to us we need a little juice to end William's life. That all depends on how things turn out," I responded. "Then perhaps that the best way to deal with him is for you to trust him," said Henry before turning to Mangle. "Do you agree?" Mangle looked way for a moment to ponder on the idea I was proposing to her, before turning to look back at Henry. "I do," she responded before looking at me. "I hope you're prepared for whatever outcome occurs, even if things don't go your way." "With that resolved I like to ask Bonnie on a matter involving his... sister," said Henry as he looked at him. "With your sister's passing I would like to propose a funeral for her, a proper respect for her sacrifice and to remember what her life meant to all of you. Of course that decision is up to you and if you wish for something else." "No, a memorial is fine. Thanks for treating her like a person," responded Bonnie. "I will prepare her body once I finish repairing everyone else, though it will have to be done inside since it is morning now. We need to keep all of you a secret. In an hour we should be ready for Springbonnie's memorial so I suggest relaxing or... taking the time to mourn if needed. All of you are dismissed," said Henry. Everyone walked out of the room as I followed behind, noticing Foxy I walked up to her. "Foxy," I said as I approached her. She looked at me, almost expecting me to talk with her. "Now isn't the time, but when the funeral is done let's talk. Let's finally talk and fix things. Alright?" "Okay," she responded nodding. "Thank you," I responded with a small smile. "Right now, I think all of us need to be alone with our thoughts. We need to mourn the loss of our friend and family member. Springbonnie."
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