Chapter 52: "Important"
Bonnie's P.O.V
You know, as much as I had gotten accustomed to the position of being the leader of the team I really wish Mangle didn't leave me with the position again as soon as she returned to it. Mainly because it was just me, Springbonnie, Foxy, and Charlie left here to defend the device, but I had to man up and deal with it. Mangle was getting pushed back and away from us by the enemy and Nightmare, so it was just us. Springtrap probably wouldn't show up any time soon considering he had to get Bon Bon's ass back here, and that wouldn't be so easy to do. We had to make do with what we had.
"Y'all stay close! Protect the objective!" I commanded. "You bet!" responded Springbonnie. "Right," responded Charlie. All of a sudden Golden Freddy teleported next to Charlie as she managed to block her attack with a Shadow Shield, as Golden Freddy disappeared again by entering the Shadow Dimension. Ennard charged at me now and lunged at me, though not before I jumped to the side to evade his attack. Springbonnie shot a Shadow Beam at Ennard, though he leaped to the side as her attack missed. One of the Phantom Animatronics appeared near us now, which was Phantom Balloon Boy and Phantom Puppet as they both went for Funtime Foxy since she was the closest. They both ran at her, as Charlie stepped in front of Foxy to defend her and grabbed the both of them before she smacked their head together as they both fell on the ground. "The Phantoms can only be touched if you're using the Resurrection Power with your attacks," said Charlie. "Good to know," I responded. Suddenly the ground behind Foxy and Charlie crumbled as Nightmare Fredbear appeared behind them and managed to grab Foxy. He threw her at Charlie, who didn't have time to react or get out of the way, as they both tumbled back as he walked over towards them. They were splitting us up so the device wouldn't be as guarded and could be taken easily. "Of course we're the only defense," I noted. Ennard approached me with Phantom Foxy and Twisted Bonnie at his side side. Behind us was Nightmare Chica, Plushtrap, and Nightmare Balloon Boy, closing in on us. To the right was Twisted Chica, Nightmare Mangle, and Phantom Mangle pinching us from that side, and the left was Twisted Freddy, Nightmare Bonnie, and Phantom Freddy. The odds were stacked against us, and not fair enough that there was a chance we would survive this. "I hope you're ready to fall," said Ennard. "YOU'LL FALL SO HARD YOU HEAD WON'T ONLY JUST ROLL BUT SO WILL YOUR BODY AND ANYTHING LEFT!" yelled his other crazy side. "Springbonnie. We protect this thing, no matter what. Even if it means giving our lives to ensure it stays out of their hands," I said. "We ain't dying. We're just taking one for the team," responded Springbonnie. "Whatever you say," I responded with a smile. Ennard was the first to make a move on me, as I attempted to kick him back though that allowed him to wrap his body around my leg. Springbonnie shot a Shadow Beam at him, which managed to hit him all while the enemy from the left side made their move and rans towards us. I swung my leg around to where Nightmare Mangle was and managed to hit her with Ennard still on my leg, causing him to let go and fall off as Nightmare Mangle was also knocked onto the ground now. The enemy from the front was also making their move, as well as the back side, causing me and Springbonnie to go into full defense mode. Twisted Bonnie attacked first as I managed to block his attack with my Shadow Shield, all while Springbonnie blocked an attack from Nightmare Balloon Boy. I kicked Twisted Bonnie in the stomach and grabbed Phantom Foxy before kneeing him as hard as I could, which caused him to fall on the ground. Phantom Freddy teleported behind me as I managed to turn around and kick him then struck him with a punch as he fell on the ground. Springbonnie then picked him up and threw him at Nightmare Chica as they both tumbled to the ground, all while Plushtrap lunged at Springbonnie. She managed to swat him with her shield like a fly, and as soon as he landed on the ground she grabbed him again and throw him back on the ground and shot a Shadow Beam at him. "That's gotta hurt!" exclaimed Springbonnie. Suddenly I fell to the ground as I could see Ennard's wires wrapped around my leg and him inching closer towards me. "NO ONE WILL HEAR YOU SCREAM!" Ennards other voice yelled. Springbonnie ran over towards us and attempted to kick Ennard, as he dodged to the side though that allowed me to make my move. I grabbed the wires around me and shot a Shadow Beam at them, causing Ennard to let go as I got up now. "We gotta finish these guys off, even if it means putting them in the ground. And no, not literally but go ahead if you like," I said to Springbonnie. "Then let's step up our game!" she exclaimed as she charged up her power by entering the Resurrection State. I did the same as it was our only way of defending ourselves for however long we could last for, which meant laying down our lives so our enemy didn't take the device from us. Twisted Freddy tried slashing me as I managed to punch him in the stomach as he went flying back, now urging the rest of the enemy to rush us head on. I decided to change things up as I focused on the power to make some assets to use, forming a grenade as I threw it at Nightmare Mangle, Twisted Chica, and Phantom Mangle. It exploded in front of them as Nightmare Mangle and Twisted Chica fell to the ground, though Phantom Mangle was gone. She appeared a moment later near Ennard who seemed to be getting annoyed because of our resistance. My grenades could do damage if hit enough times, though they weren't lethal enough to blow up someone to pieces considering it was hard enough and taxing to make these grenades in the first place. If I made too many of them my energy would be drained and I would be defenseless, so I had to pick and choose when to make more grenades. Plushtrap ran at Springbonnie again as she attempted to shot him with a Shadow Beam, though he jumped out of the way and lunged at her face. She attempted to kick him though he managed to hold onto her foot and crawled up behind her back. Luckily she thought of a way to deal with him as she decided to drop on the ground, causing Plushtrap to jump off her back to avoid getting squashed. She was able to grab him and pull off the back cover of his head, though he bit her and jumped back to avoid getting his memory chip pulled out. Phantom Freddy attempted to lung at me now as I moved out of the way and managed to punch him at the back of his head then kicked him back as he landed on the ground. Immediately Twisted Bonnie slashing me with his claws, which I had no time to react against as he managed to hit my chest. Oil leaked from the wound and it strung really bad, but I had no time to focus on that. Twisted Bonnie tried slashing me again as I kicked him in the leg as hard as I could and swiped his leg as he fell to the ground, then proceeded to punch his left leg over-and-over. His leg was mess as I had practically made a hole in his leg and proceeded to shoot the wires that were exposed multiple times before stopping due to Phantom Freddy going in for another attack. I blocked his attack as I concentrated on my punch as I quickly made my shield go away and punched Phantom Freddy right in the face. He staggered a little as I punched him again in the face as he fell back on the ground again. The enemy was closing in on me as I decided to head back over to Twisted Bonnie, who's leg was completely destroyed and disconnected from his body, as I went for the back of his head. I didn't have to move my leg as he grabbed onto my right leg and sank is claws into them, piercing my wiring and whatever else he could touch. I fought off the pain and kicked him in the head, which caused him to loosen his grip as I grabbed the back of his head and pulled it open. He growled in pain as I quickly blocked an attack from Ennard who had his wires wrapped around my neck now. "No matter how much you fight to defend this device, you'll die in the end," said Ennard. "AND NO ONE WILL MISS YOU WHEN YOUR FRIENDS SUFFER THE SAME DEMISE!" yelled his other voice. "That's... the plan... " I struggled to say as I grabbed Twisted Bonnie with my one free arm. I shoved him into Ennard's leg as I yanked out the memory chip of Twisted Bonnie and shoved it into Ennard. Suddenly Nightmare Mangle grabbed me from behind as I struggled to get her off me, though not before Springbonnie pull her away from me. Springbonnie attempted to punch Nightmare Mangle, though she blocked her attack as I went for Nightmare Mangle as well and kicked her in the leg as hard as I could. She staggered a little as Springbonnie kicked Nightmare Mangle, as she stumbled over to the side. "Look out!" I exclaimed noticing Nightmare Chica charging at Springbonnie. I created a grenade and threw it Nightmare Chica, all while Springbonnie ducked in time as the grenade passed over her head and hit Nightmare Chica directly. She fell to the ground from the impact as Springbonnie quickly shot the back of her head multiple times before finally kicking over Nightmare Chica's body. It appeared her memory chip had been damaged enough to remain nonfunctional now, as her lifeless body displayed no life now. Never thought I would see my cousin go this far, but I guess that's how it's supposed to be when you fight for what is most important to you. That was two down, but not enough to change the odds that were still stacked against us. I had my thoughts halted as Ennard charged at me once more, who seemed to be in the Resurrection State, as he swung his wires at me. I managed to dodged them and attempted to strike back, though he disappeared as soon as I was about to make contact with him. Phantom Freddy suddenly appeared in front of me as he grabbed onto me, then Ennard appearing behind me and grabbed a hold of me as well. I tried my best to have them get off of me but it was no use, all while Ennard wrapped his wires around my head and attempted to rip my head off. Springbonnie shot a Shadow Beam at Ennard, though he managed to let go as the beam managed to hit my back. "Bonnie!" she exclaimed concerned over her mistake and over me. However thanks to her I only had Phantom Freddy hold over me as I aimed my hand at his chest and shot multiple Shadow Beams at me. His phantom like screams rang through the graveyard, as he started to glow before exploding in a burst of energy that blinded me and everyone for a moment. Finally as the light withered away there was nothing left of him, as he was no more in this world. I barely had time to process barely escaping my doom right there as Twisted Chica tried slashing me, which caused me to jump back to avoid her attack. Springbonnie tried punching her, which was her mistake as Twisted Chica ducked and ran at her. They both fell on the ground as I quickly ran over to Springbonnie to help her, though Twisted Freddy and Nightmare Bonnie blocked my path with both of them swinging their claws at me. I didn't have time to deal with them as I charged at the both of them and knocked them on the ground, making sure they were dealt with quickly so I could help Springbonnie. I got up immediately and attempted to pull Twisted Chica off of Springbonnie, though she immediately turned around and dug her claws in my left arm. I yelled in pain as I shot a Shadow Beam at Twisted Chica, causing her to stumble back as Springbonnie came up behind and kicked her as she fell towards me, allowing me to knee her. I couldn't do anything else as Phantom Foxy teleported behind me and kicked me hard enough that I fell to the ground, kicking me over-and-over in the side. Springbonnie tried grabbing him, though he entered the Shadow Dimension and disappeared, as I desperately attempted to get back up on my feet. I was in bad shape: I had wounds that were wearing me down and because I had been in the Resurrection State for a couple minutes and having to fend myself every second was tiring me out. I literally felt like I wanted to sleep, collapse on the couch and just do nothing for hours. "It would be better for both of us if you would let us kill you both. You can't win," said Ennard. "SO BURN IN HELL ALREADY WILL YA!" his other voice yelled. "We'll keep fighting and standing to defend what is important to us and our mission, and there isn't a damn thing ya'll can do about it," I said slowly standing up. "So be it," said Ennard with a smirk. Nightmare Mangle and Twisted Freddy both walked up to me, ready to attack as I got ready to defend against them. All while Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Balloon Boy approached Springbonnie as well, who was ready to strike at any moment when they did. "None of you are going to ruin this beautiful world, not as long as we're here," said Springbonnie. Nightmare Mangle opened her mouth and tried to bite me, as I held her mouth open to ensure she didn't chew down on my face for dessert, all while Twisted Freddy ran up the side to attack me while I was distracted. I kicked Nightmare Mangle back as I went in to punch Twisted Freddy, though he managed to shift to the side and bite down on my right arm. I yelled in pain as I punched him in the jaw multiple times, trying to get him to let go. Finally it was enough as he pulled his teeth out of my right arm, now as oil leaked out from the new wound that had been made. I attempted to punch him back, though he was able to easily dodge to the side as I was struck behind my head. I stumbled a little as I was able to roll to the side to miss an attack from Phantom Foxy now, who was the one that had snuck up behind me. I had to evade another attack from Twisted Freddy as he tried slashing me, causing me to duck then raise a Shadow Shield to block a strike from Nightmare Mangle. It didn't stop there as Phantom Foxy teleported above me and struck me from above, causing me to move my shield above to block the attack. Upon landing on top of it the shield shattered to pieces as he landed on top of me and punched me multiple times. I blocked all his attacks with my arms, though it's not like I had any other viable options to use for defense at this point. My arms felt like they were on fire; stinging from the many wounds I had and having to use them against attacks wasn't elevating the pain. Finally Phantom Foxy stopped and lifted his foot up to stomp on my face, as I rolled over to the side, though not before Nightmare Mangle pressed her foot on the side of my face. I couldn't do anything as I squirmed in an attempt to escape and fend off the position I was in, all while the enemy towered above me as if to laugh at how pitiful I was. Twisted Freddy dug his claws into my right eye now as I yelled in pain once more as he pulled out his claws a second later. He had plundered my right eye, especially since I couldn't see out of it now. Of all the ways I had to go out I much would've preferred a blaze of glory then this way of dying on the battlefield. I know Mangle would be disappointed, that's for sure. Still, I'm sure she would approve of me going down like a true warrior in her eyes.
Suddenly I could see Springbonnie running over to me, all while Nightmare Bonnie and Nightmare Balloon Boy chased after her. She managed to knock her elbow in Nightmare Balloon Boy's face, as he stumbled over to the side. Nightmare Bonnie managed to grab onto her left ear, ripping it apart as she turned around and punched him in the face. Phantom Foxy appeared in front of her, though that didn't stop her as she punched him as hard as she could and continued to run over to me. Twisted Freddy and Nightmare Mangle seemed to ignore me now, as Nightmare Mangle lifted her foot off of my head to focus on Springbonnie. Nightmare Mangle attempted to bite Springbonnie, though it didn't go to plan as Springbonnie punched her right in the mouth and kicked her as she tumbled to the ground. Twisted Freddy tried slashing Springbonnie, as she kicked him in the stomach as hard as she could which caused him to fall to the ground as well. She appeared to be the in Resurrection State and seemed to have been using it at the max now, even though she would probably be be drained in a minute or so if she was using it to this length. It was reckless and I didn't understand why she would go this far, especially just to protect me. "Springbonnie, just... leave me. Ah!" I said groaning from the many beatings I had received. "Just protect... the device and call for everyone so someone at least returns to help us. Mangle... Argh! Charlie, Michael, whoever can assist you... I'm... done for... " "Sorry cousin, but I ain't leaving your side," said Springbonnie as she pressed her side of her head to activate her communicator. "Springbonnie here. We're pinned down by the enemy where the device is, and it would be nice if Bonnie got some back up. And make it fast, this world is running out of time. And thanks for everything everyone... especially Springy and Mangle... And of course my cousin who is almost like a brother to me. Goodbye." "Wait... You're not thinking of... " I said realizing what she was doing. "No don't! You're more important than the mission! Don't be a fool!" "Sorry Bonnie. Just realizing what I'm meant to do here so our friends survive this battle, especially you. You're what's most important, not just the device," she said turning to face the rest of the enemies waiting now. "Alrighty then. Who's gonna be the first one to step forward? If you have the courage to, that is?" "How about all of us then?" asked Ennard as everyone started approaching Springbonnie. "Springbonnie! Don't... do it!" I exclaimed. She ignored my pleas for her to stop, getting into a defensive stance as our enemies rushed her now. Nightmare Bonnie was the first to come in contact with her as she punched him as hard as she could, knocking him down on the ground. Then both Phantom Mangle and Phantom Foxy appeared, both going in to punch her immediately as Springbonnie blocked their attacks with their shields. They both entered the Shadow Dimension as Twisted Freddy came into sight and slashed her shields, though she was prepared for his attack. Springbonnie deactivated her shield and shot multiple Shadow Beams at him, though he rolled to the side before she ran at him and used her shoulder to knock him back. Phantom Foxy appeared a moment later behind Springbonnie, as she quickly turned around and grabbed, proceeding to shot multiple shot beams at him. He couldn't dodge them as he let out that haunting phantom-like scream as a huge burst of light blinded everyone for a moment before dying down a second later. Phantom Foxy was defeated. Plushtrap ran at her now, as she was quickly to grab him and quickly ripped out his memory chip, all before dropping his lifeless body onto the ground and throwing the memory chip as well and destroying it with a Shadow Blast. Suddenly Phantom Mangle appeared and punched Springbonnie before Nightmare Freddy dug his claws into her stomach, as she yelled out in pain. That didn't stop her though, as she grabbed her foot and pushed him back, causing his hands to be pulled out of her newly created wound. I could see the huge amount of oil spilling from her wound, and yet she was standing like nothing had happened. Phantom Balloon Boy ran up behind her and kicked her as she stumbled, though not before turning around and grabbing him. She shot a multiple shadow beams at him, as he fell to the ground. She regained her footing, though it was too late for her by then. Ennard wrapped around with her wires as Nightmare Bonnie and Twisted Freddy walked up to her to finish her off. She instantly made something in her right hand, as I immediately recognized it as a grenade. Before I had a chance to make my voice heard to implore her to reconsider, the damage was already done. She dropped the grenade on the floor, as Ennard realized just what she was doing and let go of her. Nightmare Bonnie and Twisted Freddy were already close to her to do anything, as the grenade exploded. Dirt flew everywhere, meaning she had used all of her power on the grenade to take everything with it. The dust settled as I finally was able to witness what she had done. Nightmare Bonnie and Twisted Freddy were both on the ground, both missing parts and partly in pieces from the grenade. Springbonnie, however, also suffered the same result. She was on the ground, her legs completely blown off and her side exposed with her wires, and there was a hole made from the back of her head. However there was life left, just an ounce of it. She slowly raised her head to look at me, half of her suit off and with some parts of her endo-skeleton showing. I noticed sparks flying out from back of her head, realizing what this meant. Her memory chip had been damaged and there was no coming back from this.
"Bonnie... " she tried to say. Ennard walked over to her, knowing she was defenseless and wouldn't do anything. "Springbonnie no!" I exclaimed knowing it was already too late for her, as I had to stare at her demise.
"Protect... this world... this beautiful... world... don't lost... it... don't... lose... our friends... "
And then it was over. Ennard struck his wires into the spot where her memory chip was and ripped it out with ease, all while crushing it as hard as he could. Finally he let the pieces of her memory chip fall to the ground, all while I couldn't hold back the tears any longer and let out my scream of pain from what I had witnessed. "OH HOW I LOVE HOW YOU WORMS DIE!" yelled Ennard's other voice. "No need to shed tears when this is last you'll live with your miserable life," said Ennard approaching me now. Suddenly Mangle appeared from exiting the Shadow Dimension and managed to knock Ennard back with what looked to be a baton, as he fell onto the ground. Mangle walked over to me, realizing the current state I was in as she turned to look over at Springbonnie's lifeless body with nothing left of it now. I could tell she knew just what the implications were as she stood up now and turned to face Ennard, who was getting back up on his feet along with the rest of William's minions. She was dealing with the pain and loss of a friend, and someone important to her.
"You're going to regret that, and what you did to her won't be the only thing you'll have to regret," said Mangle. "I'll be the one personally to ensure you're regrets won't ever stop haunting you."
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