Chapter 4: "Resting Place"
Michael Afton's P.O.V
"How much longer until we arrive? I'm tired of sitting down here under his feet," complained Bon Bon, who was sitting underneath from Helpy was in the passenger seat. "Henry wanted me to drive, but Helpy decided to take over do it for us. We could still swap seats, just to make sure we don't end up destroyed," I suggested next to him. "I thought this was how people normally drive," said Springbonnie peeking her head from behind from the back seat. "I would've thought the same if I didn't properly understand how people would normally drive," added in Foxy from behind me. "Oh, you haven't seen anything from what I've been told. People these days drive like maniacs and dominate the road likes it theirs to own," said Helpy. "Stop the car!" The car jerked forward from the sudden stop from Bon Bon, as we stopped at the intersection. "You should be lucky no one is out at this time, especially if we were stop like that when everyone is out," shared Mangle from behind, who was looking at her side on the left and down the road. "Alright! Hit it," said Helpy facing forward now, as the car jerked a little forward for a second before finally moving at a steady pace. "So what happens if we end up encountering Afton's minions at the house?" asked Mangle turning to look forward now. "If we do, we deal with them appropriately. Besides, we dealt with enough to handle whatever is thrown at us," I responded still staring at the road ahead. "At least I pray my father hasn't made things more difficult for my sake." "Yeah, I have no idea what has happened to the house during the time you and the others departed from it... And from the others... " said Helpy. "In any case, things should go smoothly without complications. That's if something doesn't go wrong." My eyes peered at the house that came into view, even if I had only been present at it temporally I was able to distinguish it. I honestly wasn't thrilled with returning here, not for my own personal feelings, but because I knew Bon Bon and Funtime Foxy weren't going to take things lightly. But considering what would go down, they deserved to at least see their friends one last time; they deserved to say goodbye, even if they didn't receive one back. "The house is-" "I see it. Slow down Bon Bon," said Helpy knowing what I was going to refer to. The car's speed decreased, as Helpy turned the car to be facing the side walk where the house was now. "Stop," said Helpy, as the car stopped completely now. "Told you we had nothing to worry about," said Helpy turning to look at me. "Yeah, I'm driving us home. No debate," I responded opening the car door and getting out now. "You still alive back there Bonnie?" asked Springbonnie. "Mostly. Don't have much to complain about anyways," he responded, while everyone else got out of the car. "Let's go," said Bon Bon getting out of the car and already walking towards the house. "Bon Bon, hold up! Wait until we decided what our next move is!" exclaimed Foxy. "I've already decided for myself," he responded continuing his path towards the front door. "Don't think we all aren't forgetting about seeing their bodies... Especially Bonnet... " I said turning to look at him. Even hearing her name caused him to stop completely in the middle of the front lawn, as if a needle has pierced his skin for a shot. "What the hell do you know about her, huh?" he asked turning to look over his shoulder and at me. "I know the both of you had feelings for each other and you didn't have the chance to express them enough. You never got life me and Mangle, and Freddy and Foxy received... Her life was taken too soon," I responded walking towards him. "Freddy wouldn't want the same to happen to you so soon." "And yet he refused to be present here, and at least honor what happened to the others," Bon Bon responded turning around his full body at me now. "Doesn't mean he won't express his remorse towards them in his own way," said Foxy's voice, who was walking up to my side, all while the others stood behind and observed the conflict. "When Shadow Freddy was killed the first time, I could tell how much remorse Freddy had for him. Almost like he was a brother to him. And considering he hadn't known him as much as Springtrap, the empathy he presented showed he would even cry for him... He cares for all of us." "He wouldn't want to lose you as well. At least not so soon... Whether we accept it or not, more will fall. Just to kill one man... It's just inevitable," I said. "Don't be another loss we have to mourn for so soon." He eyes shifted down at the ground, along with a heavy sigh to follow, before he finally walked towards us. He reached the car as he looked up at all of us, all but allowing the moment to settle in now with each person he made contact with.
"What's the next move then."
I let out a small smile, all but to show the gratitude I had towards his rightful decision. Even without Freddy's will and perceptive insight, one could manipulate the original and have their own understanding of the world. Perhaps it was the reason why he cared for me to change. "First, I think it's appropriate we establish the chain of command here. After all, I can assure all of you I am familiar with leading others and claiming the throne of leader for groups," said Mangle walking up to us now, along with Bonnie and Springbonnie. "Fair point. Though I'm only taking your word since these three fools were present with you," said Helpy pointing at me, Bonnie, Springbonnie. "Oh trust me, the stuff we saw and encountered was like being a movie. And that was a five star experience," said Springbonnie. "Eh, I'll admit, it wasn't as bad as it could've been," added in Bonnie. "Not without it's costs and demise," added Mangle in a soft tone. It was obvious she hadn't forgotten what had happened to everyone she knew back in the other world. Especially what happened with Fredbear, Shadow Freddy, and Lolbit. "I should've brought this up earlier. But Freddy requested for me to also take part in the chain of command," said Foxy. "Since when?" asked Helpy looking at her and the rest of us. "Before we left," she responded before I turned to look at Mangle. "I'm sure she can handle the position, with proper guidance of course," I said. "Proper guidance? What the hell does this look like, school on the road?" asked Helpy. "We don't have time for that. Besides, as much as I want to join all of you Henry has forbid me taking part in any of your missions for my safety and before I am eventually ready." "Understandable. Still. I don't know how I feel if she is granted a position in our command," responded Mangle. "Our?" I questioned while giving her a quizzical look. "Is there a problem with what I said?" she asked confused on what I was concerned about. "I feel as if being in the chain of command is not suited for me, in all honesty," I responded. "Fine with me. Three peopling running others will only divide feelings for one another. Plus it's blatantly a nightmare to manage on it's own," mentioned Helpy. "Are you sure? You don't mind serving as a grunt?" she asked. "Serving under you still means I'm at your side most of the time right?" I asked with a smile. "Hmm. Indeed you will be," she responded with a smile of her own. Even though she wasn't the same Mangle I once knew, I was still keen on providing the attention and affection I gave to the original. Still, she was dear to me to be in love with. Without her, I would still be the man I sought to destroy before. "I suggest you wait in the car for us," said Mangle looking at Helpy to direct her statement. "Already ahead of you," he responded climbing on to the seat to get inside. It was almost comical to see someone of his size to manage at such a disadvantage, even if it was cruel. That didn't mean his size provided an advantage for him. "Just to clarify and probably get resolved: What happens if none of you return or I find out you all got destroyed?" he asked standing on the passenger seat, as I walked over to where he was. "We won't," I responded shutting the door for him, as we all walked towards the front of the house now. "Ah, just leave us or something! I'm sure you can figure out the rest!" exclaimed Springbonnie turning to look back at him. "Try to reframe from talking so loud. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves from the neighbors or anyone else," stated Mangle. "Besides, we don't know if anyone is aware that the others were destroyed. They may have the police stationed around this area still or at least a patrol," I mentioned as we edged closer to the front door. "Nah! I'm sure they wouldn't bother with this house out of all the millions that exist. They got better things to do right?" said Springbonnie. "Yeah. They could classify this as 'one of the better things to do' for all we know," added in Bon Bon. "Quiet!" hissed Mangle softly, as she slowly walked up to the front door. "Keep watch," I said to the others while we all looked around to ensure no one was watching or even around. Considering it was three in the morning, one would assume no one would be out at this time. Yet, it seemed no matter where you lived at any point in your life, you always had the all nighters that felt night was their day. But even here, it seemed to be a peaceful and quiet neighborhood; probably the reason for my father to move out here. Besides, it would be a life I won't mind having. "Door's locked," said Mangle from behind as I turned to look at her. She slowly shifted over to the window, as I turned to look back ahead. "All say; if that isn't paradise, then what is?" asked Springbonnie as I turned to look at her. It took me a couple seconds to realize she was staring at the city from just a couple miles away, after all this was her definition of the beauty of our world. "Until you realize its noisy as hell from what I've heard from Henry," said Bon Bon. "It's too dark inside. I can't see a thing," said Mangle as I turned around, while she walked back towards us. "We can enter from using the sliding glass door in the back, unless that is locked as well," suggested Foxy. "It's worth a try. Follow me," I responded as I turned to walked towards the gate on the side. "You didn't bring up this option, just because it was the same way Springtrap, Mangle, and Shadow Freddy used to get inside our house did you?" Bon Bon asked that was directed at Foxy, all while I opened the gate. "No? Why?" she asked in response to his question. "Ok! I just cannot be fucking reminded of that event when that idea came up!" exclaimed Bon Bon in response, all while we walked down towards the lawn that was ahead. "I think it's best we're not reminded of it in the first place, at least for me," I responded. "Whatever the hell the other version of me was involved in, I rather not ask about for a while," said Mangle. "Oh, I am not forgetting about what went down that night! Don't think I didn't give a shit!" exclaimed Bon Bon, as we looped around the side of the house now. "Can we talk about this later?" I asked him, as we finally stopped in front of the sliding door. I peered through the glass, and thankfully it barely provided enough light to see inside; showing nothing out of the ordinary. From the blind-sighted eye as a reminder.
"Looks clear."
"Hmm. Still. Proceed with caution," responded Mangle softly. I grabbed the handle and slowly pulled it to the left, all while it let out a small but noticeable sound of the door touching the rubber on the bottom. I wouldn't be surprised if we had woken one of the neighbors up due to how most of us were loud enough to be heard, and this was not helping. Once the door was opened enough that felt suitable to manage through, I stepped in slowly while the others followed behind. Immediately, I could see the body of someone in the living room, most likely Yenndo because of the exposed endo-skeleton. Hell, I almost thought it was Endo 01 or 2, due to how they were both endoskeletons. It was still a shame they had to perish. "Cover the area and around Bonnie," instructed Mangle as she turned to look at him. He nodded in response as we walked towards the the animatronic body now. "That smell. It's-" "Oil," I said finishing off Springbonnie's observation. Once I approached it, I turned the body over its side since it was facing the floor; and seeing the face of Yenndo that confirmed it was him. His left eye was missing, along with tiny parts and fractions of his face, along with his arm that was to the side with oil that was leaking out of his chest still. "It's Yenndo all right," I said aloud while turning his head over, only to find the back part destroyed and exposed completely. "This must be the memory chip Henry was referring to," said Mangle grabbing something to the side of the body and holding it up for all of us to see. It appeared to be a fragment of a microchip, at least what was left of it since the rest of the pieces of it were scattered across the floor. "We have another one," said Bonnie from behind as we all turned to look towards him. Foxy immediately ran over towards him, only to stop once she met eye-to-eye with the body. The rest of us walked over towards her a second later, as we all witnessed the body of Lolbit's deranged body on the kitchen floor. Her body was deranged, all mangled up as if an untamed best had done its doing on her as way of dominance or aggression; something even a normal person would do to have it avoid recovery. Her chest was ripped opened, along with wires hanging out and the tiny spots of oil to give almost a sense and imagery of brutality, while she laid above a pool of oil that surrounded her. Both of her legs and her left arm were torn off, due to how the wires that once connected those parts were all shriveled and bent, while her left leg laid in front of her. Her right leg and arm were both under her body, since you could tell her body wasn't resting on the floor and was slightly titled upwards. Even the fragments of her once functioning memory chip was scattered near her in pieces. Foxy had a look of pain in her eyes, which was expected considering she was designed to be a sister to her. She was still family. "She didn't deserve this. Not even the anger shown here. Losing family so earlier on isn't something we should face," I said still staring at the body of her once living sister. Foxy knelt down on both legs as she stared endlessly at the body, all while saying nothing in the passing seconds that felt like minutes. Nobody dared to even make a sound or motion; showing they were allowing this moment for her. "She was always with me in the beginning. Before Freddy," she said at last as I turned to look at her. Tears streamed down her cheeks, all while she tried all she could to hold the rest of the tears back that would soon follow. "Baby and Ennard deserved e payback for Lolbit and the others demise." Without notice, Bon Bon walked past all of us as he made his way towards the hallway that lead to the other rooms. "Bon Bon," I said to halt him, considering I knew the reason for his departure. He ignored me as he turned the corner to the right and disappeared from sight, not even bothering to honor Foxy's loss It was obvious he wasn't leaving to find the device, but instead was looking for Bonnet's body to ensure there was a chance she would be repaired. It was all he cared about. "You helped me understand my feelings for Freddy and I couldn't be more thankful. I hope wherever you are, we'll met again soon when I pass on. I promise I won't forget you and neither will Freddy: Just allow us to carry the burden of avenging you to the fullest when Afton is defeated... I'll miss you," Foxy continued. She finally stood up now, as she walked on over to the living room. She sat down at the one that was near the window at the front of the voice, only to stare at the window. But even at the angle we were at you could still hear her occasionally sniffling, along with what looked like her wiping the remaining tears she had left to express. "Me and Michael will grab the device in the garage. Springbonnie, check the living room, while you Bonnie check the bedroom," commanded Mangle. They both nodded in response, as Springbonnie walked towards the living room while Bonnie made his way into the hallway. Mangle walked forward, causing me to follow her and at her side as we made our way towards the garage, along with the guilt that tainted the area. "Just seeing Foxy mourning over the loss of her sister. Reminds me of the Lolbit from our world that was my sister once," mentioned Mangle with remorse that consumed the tone of her voice. "Even though I didn't witness or experience the personality she had, seeing her body felt like I was staring at my own sister." "She was still family to them. And us," I responded as we turned the corner that lead to the garage. As soon as we approached the door and opened it, we found ourselves staring at another person that was still considered family to us who we had lost. Bon Bon was on the ground on both knees, all while staring at the destroyed body of Bonnet on the middle of the garage floor; all but letting the moment sizzle with the last one. Just by the distance I was at before approaching him, I could determine the damage was truly horrifying for him to stare upon. Her face was ripped open while exposing the endoskeleton underneath, while both of her arms were destroyed. And as I approached him and the body, I noticed one of her arms a couple feet away that had been ripped off. Once I was at his left side, I noticed the scattered pieces of her memory chip a couple inches to Bonnet's body and around the floor nearby. What happened here could truly be described as a massacre, even if we weren't present to support its title. "Are you going to say something or what," demanded Bon Bon suddenly, while still staring at the body. "What needs to be said if you know my response," I answered. "All of you have experienced love; something to help us grow and feel special in our hearts and lives. Yet, I barely had a taste of it; only to be humiliated as if I didn't deserve that feeling. Afton probably never cared for your mother. And he wouldn't mind destroying the feeling of being happy. At least our version of it," he said. Just the mention of his point was something worth contemplating about, considering my father was the one who killed my mother. And without a clearer insight or remembrance of my clouded memories, I wasn't sure if he ever loved her. Maybe just to him she was another test subject on creating this false future he see's himself being apart of. "I'm just glad I get to say goodbye. Bonnet. You were always so funny and someone I could connect with. We understood each other... And it ended too soon. At least your resting place will remind me of the family we once had," said Bon Bon. "Goodbye." He stood up from up now, as he fully turned around and looked up at me and Mangle; his eyes filled the determination on revenge. Something I was lost to before I had changed.
"I can see why you were determined to kill Afton... I won't be satisfied for Bonnet's death until he is dead. He deserves nothing more but suffering to experience justice for what he has done."
"Indeed, he is something a man can strive from what they were after, no matter what to not become the things we swear to vanquish. I was close enough to reach the end of that path. But revenge will only reform you into the thing you thrive to eradicate," I said. "One loss is enough to corrupt someone, even if more are to follow after."
"It's not revenge. Only commitment to ease the pain."
I couldn't bear to hold back my concern from his words, as me and Mangle turned to look at each other. All while Bon Bon walked away from us and towards the desk where some of the tools were. I could tell Mangle's feeling were as convoluted as mine, unsure of how to react to what he had said. He was heading down the path I had unfortunately couldn't leave for a certain period of time. Too long that I, myself, am still surprised I strayed away from it in time.
"What happened to doing what we came here to do."
Even in under a couple seconds, I had lost my complete surroundings and Bon Bon himself. And because of it, the assertive tone he had thrown at us was less apparent.
"Bon Bon. What you-"
"You guys got that device, right?."
All three of us stared at Springbonnie, who had interrupted what I was about to say. Though who could blame her, considering the personality she had never thought to mourn over losses or recognize the air intoxicated with grief around her. There was never moment where she was down or mourning; it was like she was unbreakable to sorrow. But even those most impenetrable can crack just a little. It was clear just by how she noticed Bonnet's body that she had seemed affected by the sight of it, and in a way that abnormal to her unusual behavior. The moment of silence could've easily been lifted by her, but it was clear this was holding her back. It was only after a moment later that I felt I had to be the one to lift the mood and the tension that was shared among all of us; it was necessary after all.
"We're working on it," I said at last as I walked over to the desk, which was where Henry mentioned the device was. "Help me Mangle." She walked over to the left side and grabbed the end of the desk, as she waited for my next instructions. "Alright, ready?" I asked. "Ready," she responded.
Push," I said.
We pushed the desk with all the strength we had, though it was no trouble at all and even I wasn't one for working out when I was once living. Something scratched the desk as we moved it, though from the quick glance I took it appeared nothing close enough to it could've come in contact with it, not even me or Mangle's body. I eventually stopped pushing to let Mangle know that it was good enough, while we both let go of the desk. The both of us walked over where the desk originally was, as Springbonnie and Bon Bon did the same thing to see what we were sought out to find. But even I'll say what I saw could strongly be described as anticlimactic. "A flash drive?" I question which I couldn't restrain myself from saying aloud, as I picked it up. I was just glad it was in its resting place, but was this really what Henry wanted us to obtain? "How the hell do you expect that to help us? Is this even what we're looking for?" questioned Bon Bon. "Henry said what we would be looking for was underneath the desk in the house, though he never did specify what it was we were exactly looking for," I responded. "Doesn't matter. We got what we came here for," stated Mangle. "What about the bodies," said Bon Bon. "What about them," responded Mangle, as we all turned to look at him. "We're taking them back with us. I don't care if you didn't know them, at least have some respect for those we lost," he demanded. "He's right. It's still humane to do, even for all of us," I said looking at Mangle. Her eyes shifted towards the hallway, as to show the agreement she had for Bon Bon's response. Maybe it was because it was the least she could do for him. "Round up the bodies and take them to the car. Once done, we'll head back to Henry's house," said Mangle walking towards the hallway, as me and Springbonnie followed behind. "What about the house?" asked Springbonnie. "We'll have to ask Henry about it. We may be able to take home some of the spares parts and tools to repair-"
Without warning, Mangle cut of my words by pushing us both back, along with herself as we all landed on the ground. A giant claw swung out of the bathroom door before opening it completely now, getting ready to attack once more. Mangle was on top me, as we both quickly raised ourselves off of each other and back on our feet, while Springbonnie did the same. Before words or thoughts could even process to determine who we were dealing with the sounds of pairs of feet and shadows coming from the bathroom door and outside was the answer itself. Though the figure that walked outside was something I wish I didn't have to see again; something that could not stop reminding me of my father and how I almost turned out the same way as her. An inheritance of the Afton family that was hidden from me, only for me to realize the extent of how false my life was.
"It's nice to meet again, brother. Me and dad missed you."
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