Chapter 31: "Spirit"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
"Ah, won again!" exclaimed Springbonnie. "You always were good at this game," responded Bonnie. "You guys are seriously playing Rock Paper Scissors?" asked Helpy walking on over to them as he had an Oreo in his hand. "What's wrong? Never played it before?" asked Springbonnie. "No I haven't, mainly since I never had anyone to play with. And Henry's always busy with something or whatever the hell he's working on at that time," he responded. "Also I could be doing other things than playing Rock Paper Scissors." "Like eating cookies," said Bonnie guessing for him. "Wow, gotta resort to involving other's weight," responded Helpy throwing the Oreo in his mouth. "I wasn't referring to your weight, just answering your statement," said Bonnie clarifying his comment. "He does have a tummy though. Kinda looks like a cute teddy bear for a child," Springbonnie pointed out. "How do you get used to her," said Helpy to himself followed by a sigh. "You just do," responded Charlie who was standing near Springbonnie and Bonnie. "I am not fat I was just built this way. Ask Henry why he choose this design if you're so curious. Not like you'll get an answer anytime soon considering he hasn't shown his face for a while now," responded Helpy. "You're concerned for how he's doing?" I asked inserting myself into the conversation. "I'm concerned for when he doesn't realize himself how he's doing," he responded. "He's doing all he can to help and assist us in our battles, recovering the devices he made to stop William, and by allowing us to stay in his own home to train and sleep at. Without him our chances of mounting this attack on William would be slim," I responded. "And you're sure we're going to defeat William in the end?" Helpy asked. "You're doubting we won't?" I asked in return. "I don't know... Anything can happen. Even with all this training and the tech we'll use something unexpected can happen that'll affect us from defeating William or even reaching him," he responded. "You may be right that something could happen at anytime, whether it be good or bad, but he must prevail and overcome it as best we can. That or adapt. Nothing is going to stand in our way, not when it is our job on completing the task we have," I responded. "Ha, let him try! It ain't going to be easy to defeat one of us!" exclaimed Springbonnie. "With that spirit we sure to stand victorious in the end," I said with a smile from her determination.
"Alright everyone! You all know the drill!"
"What lesson you think this one will be on? Going invisible? Being able to summon a dragon or something? Teleportation? Could be anything at this point," said Springbonnie to Charlie as they both lined up with everyone else. "It could be my guess if we listen to Freddy," Charlie responded. "Now this lesson will cover a very important power that could prove useful in battle and on locating our enemies. That power is the ability to sense one's spirit," I announced. "That's my guess," said Charlie to Springbonnie. "Wow! Guess this should be easier for you since you already use this power Lefty," said Springbonnie. "Lefty?" questioned Helpy. "I decided to use the name of the animatronic suit she has and she agreed to it," answered Springbonnie. "Good luck trying to get that to stick when she already has other names," responded Helpy. "It'll stick since my cousin's the one who ensure it stays with her for good," added in Bonnie. "So you've mastered the power then?" I asked Charlie and directing the conversation back to the topic at hand. "I have. It's the only thing letting me walk around and know where everyone is," responded Charlie. "Huh. That's good to know," I said. "How about you help teach everyone else here today? If you don't mind?" I could see Charlie changed from my words; her face perplexed on how to react to my request. That and the factor of her fear taking over was dictating her body and emotions.
"Sure... " she seemed to muster up as she walked on over to where I was. "I decided covering this topic as soon as possible was important due to how the past few missions have gone, as this ability will allow us to detect our enemies in order to assist in battle and avoid any more surprise attacks. However it is possible to mask your own spirit with the power and be undetectable by anyone, though we'll cover that at another time," I explained. "So then learning this power will be partially useful," said Bonnie. "It depends if anyone like Elizabeth, or RXQ, or anyone of William's minions have mastered that power. And if so does that include some of them or all of them," I responded. "I would assume so considering how they ambushed us in the past when Shadow Freddy was around, but that's only assuming he did master or learn that power. So we don't know whether they'll be using the power or not, or if they have been using it for a while already," added in Michael. "In any case learning this power will still prove worthwhile in battle, regardless if our enemies use that power or not," I continued. "This power allows to almost home on one's spirit or soul, almost reading it if you stare at it long enough. It also holds and stores the power itself, just like what all of you saw in the first lesson." "So it's a repeat. Except this time we're looking at everyone's spirits," said Helpy clarifying what I had just said. "In summary, pretty much," I responded. "At least things are finally calming down with these lessons," he said to himself. I noticed Foxy's face seemed to change after I had stated what the next lesson was, almost like hearing it bothered her for whatever reason. Throughout the whole training she was acting like something was bothering her and it was getting more obvious as time passed by. I knew I had to talk with her, no matter how small or significant the problem could be, but my obligation and importance to training everyone and myself was a priority. Still, she was my girlfriend and if something was wrong it was my responsibility to ensure her happiness wasn't being hindered. I couldn't wait forever to keep delaying my assistance to her and if I did any longer things could change for the worse. I decided to observe her more closely in this training session and if I noticed her state changing I would talk to her after this session. I had to do my job as her boyfriend and as someone who chose to protect her, just as she would do the same for me.
"Still detecting and seeing other souls isn't easy and won't be mastered in one attempt so don't be ashamed to ask for help or if you struggle," I explained as I then turned my whole body to Charlie. "Charlie can you see my spirit?" I asked. "Yes," she responded as turned her whole body and did the same as me. "Describe it me then. What does it look? The color, the structure? Anything of note?" I asked. "It's purple. Misty and it looks roundish, but it also looks alive. Like it has a life of it's own. It's like it's strong, like it has something unique to it. Like your personality can be viewed from it," she described. "Very observant take. The spirit does intend and is made to reflect the person their souls belongs to, so much so you can understand a person without knowing anything about them or their personality just by looking at their spirit," I responded. "Now I will do the same and describe your spirit." I looked directly at Charlie's center of her body, focusing on being able to see and visualize her spirit. After a few moments I could finally see and identify her spirit clearly, one that was certainly unique. "Your spirit is ivory. It has a sense and feel of innocence but pureness included. Like describing a child," I said analyzing her spirit. "Didn't even know ivory was a color," shared Helpy. "Well you can always start learning all of them. You never know when you're gonna need them," suggested Springbonnie. "I'll pass on that," responded Helpy dismissing her suggestion. "How I described your spirit reflects you Charlie, doesn't it?" I asked her. "It does," she responded. "Reading one's spirit can also help with detecting where someone is or how close they are to you, which we will go over later. Every spirit has an energy we can feel that will vary depending on the spirit and the individual who owns that spirit. Good or bad. How it feels can also tell us more about that individual and who they are, as with Charlie's, for example, hers is innocent as if you feel the need to protect her. They sometimes express more about a person than they're willing to say or admit," I explained. "Then we read how people are feeling," said Michael. "If you wish to, yes. Though that all depends on the person who choose for you to look into their feelings and that person as a whole, things they may wish for one to not invade a space they have the right to own and keep locked away from others. Even so reading one's spirit requires you and the person you are reading their spirit must be standing still to successfully see one's spirit as any small movements will disrupt the ability and more normal movements like running or even running will not allow to focus on an individual's spirit. It's all up to everyone here on what to do with that power," I explained. "Alright. All of you pair up with someone else and take turns viewing each other's souls, I will assist if needed as I'm sure most of you will not be able to perform this successfully the first time." "Guess we're partnering up huh?" asked Springbonnie looking at Bonnie. "I am your first choice for most things anyways," responded Bonnie. "Ah I don't need to soul read you when I know you better than anyone," said Springbonnie. "I can say the same when you redefine soul read for your vocabulary," responded Bonnie with a smile. The door suddenly opened as all of us turned to the sight of who it was, and I already knew what everyone's expression was without having to look at every single one of them.
Bon Bon's face shared the same resentment as much as how everyone was probably feeling about him walking into the room, which was more so directed at me. Of course it was also obvious who would be the first person to make a comment on Bon Bon's reappearance.
"Thought you were banned from training with the rest of us and for good reasons," noted Helpy immediately. "Thought you could learn to shut up by now," responded Bon Bon. "More attitude like that and you'll be out of this room," I said addressing his attitude. He gave me a look, one that showed his continued distaste of me and him seemingly at the verge of responding back with his usual attitude. Instead he held back which made his look even more penetrating, considering me not allowing him to express his feelings was fueling that fire even more.
"I allowed Bon Bon to join this session of the training since learning this ability by Duality won't provide sufficient results or a proper understanding of the ability as you need another person in order to understand this ability," I responded. "Can't you do that on one of your breaks or have somebody else train him? I thought that was the whole point so we could keep up with the rest of us?" asked Helpy. "I've tried, but it hasn't worked at as best as I thought it would. We're also short on time since I have to train all of you, as well as do the same for myself. And training Bon Bon on his own is something I just cannot make time for," I responded "So here we are. I expect him to cooperate and not cause any trouble, and that also goes for anyone trying to provoke or attempt to get a reaction from Bon Bon as well," I explained answering Helpy's question.
"Oh so we're going to play the blame game, huh?" asked Helpy. "I didn't say anybody's name," I responded. "No but you implied it clearly. You directly looked at me when you could've been looking at everyone else, considering your statement also applies to them. And this ain't the first time you've done this," he explained. "It wasn't-" "Literally just admit it and stop trying to play it off, especially since this isn't the first time like you've done this before, like I already said. And also you are, by far, the worst liar I have ever talked too," said Helpy interrupting me. "And here I was thinking my stance on my cousin being a terrible liar would never be beaten," said Bonnie. "Ok fine. Look you and Bon Bon have always gone back and forth too many times to keep track of, and if anything you don't help when you're around him. If you could control yourself it would help on minimizing any tension or trouble with Bon Bon," I explained. "Yeah, I ain't the one starting shit half the time," responded Helpy. "I know. Just try not escalate things when that does happen," I said. "I can't promise I'll be able to stick to it at all times, but I'll try my best," responded Helpy. "That's good enough for me," I responded as I turned towards Bon Bon. "And I hope you won't cause any trouble either and from now on?" "No," he responded though the tone of him holding back his snarky comments was still present and even more prevalent in his words. "Alright! Everyone, except Charlie, will pair up with someone and practice the power with each other, which I'll list the groups everyone will be in right now," I announced. "Springbonnie and Bonnie will be the first group, Michael and Bon Bon will be the next group, and finally Foxy and Helpy will be the last group." "Paired up once again, eh cousin?" said Springbonnie nudging Bonnie. "That's what being related results in most of the time," responded Bonnie. "Guess we're paired up," said Bon Bon turning to look at Michael. "It would appear so," Michael responded back with. "Fine with me," said Bon Bon. "I hope you're prepared for me to struggle with this like usual. Seems like something we both share," said Helpy to Foxy. "Makes me feel better that someone understand my struggles and that's something I wouldn't want to return." "Yeah... Same... " responded Foxy. Helpy's comment seem to affect Foxy and cause her to feel sad, judging by her tone and voice. Perhaps it had to do with her struggling throughout the training though it could also be something else besides that guess. Still, I was concerned of her well-being and the thought of it made want to stop right here and talk with her. Even with those thought coming close to dictating my actions, I pushed back my urges and stuck with the original plan. Sure she needed someone to talk to, but my personal feelings and concern for her was thinking she was going through the worst imaginable. I had to trust her, and myself, that we could wait until the end of the lessons.
"Hmm? Yeah?" I responded to Duality turning my head to the sound of his voice from the computer. "I assume you are still present with us?" he asked. "Of course," I responded. "Good. Though I must note it is a little weird and distracting to be staring at your girlfriend for a long period of time," responded Duality. I turned my head back around to everyone and to find all of them staring at me. "We get she's your girlfriend and all, but god damn would it not bother to admit that's a little weird," expressed Helpy. "Sorry. Just... My love for her likes to control my actions sometimes," I said rubbing the back of my head to deal with the awkwardness of the situation. "Anyways! Start with your training with your partner and I will come around and observe, as well as assist if needed."
My concern for Foxy showed itself to everyone, though everyone misinterpreted what I was doing. At least it seemed that way. It was obvious Duality was aware of my concerns and why I was acting the way I did, I didn't need to ask him myself for clarification. Foxy though I wasn't sure of she picked up on the reason for me staring her down without realizing out, but we knew each other so well it wouldn't surprise me if she did know. I only hope she knew why I wasn't choosing to help her sooner.
"All right. Me first," said Springbonnie. "Yeah, you first to see what your spirit is," responded Bonnie. He closed his eyes as he attempted to see her spirit, concentrating on seeing within her. "Remember your training from the first lesson we did. Don't just see her spirit know the spirit as if you have known it for years. "Like I have known it. I do know it," he responded seeming to concentrate more. "I think... Wait... " said Bonnie. "I see it!" he exclaimed. "Good. Try to maintain the connection so you don't lose it. Now, what do you see? Describe it," I said. "Uh it's round. Of course. Yellow, it's color yellow unsurprisingly," said Bonnie describing it. "It's misty. Very optimistic and happy. Like it never knows how to stop being positive. Just like my cousin." Bonnie finally opened his eyes, clearly amazed how he had basically described Springbonnie perfectly. "A very good description. Though your focus on her spirit wasn't near perfection, that effort is still worth applauding. More practice and you'll have a stable connection when you use it next time. Good job," I said to Bonnie. "Springbonnie, you're next up." "Prepare to get your soul read," said Springbonnie. "Not like you do that already," responded Bonnie. Springbonnie closed her eyes as she attempted to visualize and see Bonnie's spirit and focus in on it. "Oh I see it. Round, misty, and it's green. Wait!? Turquoise? No," she said. "You see the shape and it's form but not the entirety of the spirit. Focus on what it represents, what makes it unique, how it is Bonnie's spirit and no one else's," I said helping her. "Wait! I see the color again. It's... It's... " said Springbonnie holding back from giving an answer. "It's blue! Blue as it can be, like Bonnie. Very trustworthy and doesn't like having to deal with confrontation or have too much attention drawn to it. It seems to always be there when you are in need, like a friend." "Always there for everyone? Never really realized that was a habit of mine," said Bonnie. "Then you've learned something about yourself you never considered or knew about," I said. "You sure? Seems like you're implying I don't know everything about myself," responded Bonnie doubting my statement. "Somethings we discover things about ourselves we've failed to realized or accept, and possibly discover for the first time. This whole past week I've learned more about myself than the time I've been functioning, finding things buried so deep in yourself you wonder how you missed it this whole time. And there always comes a reason as for why we didn't learn these things sooner," I answered as I made my way towards Michael and Bon Bon. Bon Bon had already attempted to view Michael's spirit though I could tell his connection into seeing Michael's spirit was weak. "Stay focused on the connection and the spirit itself, only than will the spirit be clear enough to see. That's means having your attention and everything directed towards that connection," I said to him. I didn't receive a response from Bon Bon though it seemed he did take my suggestions into consideration as I could tell the connection was getting stable now.
"Describe Michael's spirit," I asked him. "Misty. Round. It's color is green. It changes over time, like a plant. Growth and change seem to help the spirit evolve and change for the better, to learn from it's mistakes. And hope, to ensure everything will always end up alright," explained Bon Bon. "My spirit doesn't lie. I have gone through multiple changes throughout my life, changing from one person to another. It's what made me my worst self for the longest time, and has now reformed me into my best self," said Michael. "And what about hope? You used that as a way to get through your days of being Purple Guy?" questioned Bon Bon. "The only thing that got me through those dark days was myself and those who gave their time to help or urge me to question the person I was. I've only recently learned of hope and what it brings for a future we hope to have, the way that'll ensure we can win this war," responded Michael. "We'll only win by doing what is necessary, killing your piece of shit father of yours and his sheep he names his minions. Hope is only a dream of what the future will look like for us, rather than reality that will allow us to dictate the battlefield," responded Bon Bon. "It'll even hurt your ass when hope decides to give up on you." "Hope may not be the answer or guide to winning this war, it all falls upon us to decide on how to be victorious. Whatever we decide to use to reach that goal," I responded. "Now! Michael it's your turn to view Bon Bon's spirit." Michael nodded in response as he closed his eyes and began to establish a connection to view Bon Bon's spirit. "Let me ask you something real quick: How are you able to tell our connection into viewing one's spirit is weak or not," asked Michael. "Someone's face is a good way to tell how the connection is. It tells you everything, whether you're struggling or not. Also I can sense how strong someone's connection is when making a connection to someone's spirit, a little gift for having the full percentage of the Resurrection Power. That tip you can use to determine how well someone's connection is using this skill, which could be applied to our enemies if needed," I explained. "Good luck remembering that because I won't," said Helpy from across his spot with Foxy. "I see the spirit," announced Michael. "Good. Describe it," I responded. "Round. Misty all right. Very potent with its purpose and place inside a person," answered Michael. "It's color is red. It seems to never be afraid of revealing it's true self, or say what's on the mind at all times. It likes to use emotion over logic, sometimes a downfall for the spirit. And anger. Anger that isn't controlled nor restricted with any limits. An anger that hasn't been treated." "Are you done yet?" demanded Bon Bon sighing with an annoyed tone. "You know what the spirit represents and why it's the way it is," I said to him to acknowledge his sudden, but expected dismissal of the information. "Doesn't mean I care enough to do anything with that information," responded Bon Bon. "Maybe. Though that depends if you mean it," I responded. "I do mean it," responded Bon Bon with his tone to reinforce his stance on the matter. It was clear how Bon Bon was feeling from the response he gave me and his stance on the matter. Whether his answer would change in the future would remain to be seen, but in all honestly I wasn't sure if that was going to happen.
"Regardless. Excellent to the both of you. More practice and the ability will be more effective than what it is now," I continued dismissing Bon Bon's comment. I made my way to Helpy and Foxy, who both looked to resent having to participate in the training. "So? Who's first?" I asked stopping in front of them. The both of them looked at each other for a second before turning to look back at me, as to decide among themselves who would go first. Or who wouldn't depending on how they felt. "Going to have to do it anyways," said Helpy turning to face Foxy. "Good. Concentrate on the spirit within Foxy," I said. "Whatever you say," responded Helpy closing his eyes and concentrating. He was attempting to establish a connection but nothing was happening due how I felt no connection being made. "You're not making progress because you're doubting yourself. You think you can't do this," I stated. "Because I can't. I'm trying with everything damn thing I got and I'm get nothing out of it," responded Helpy opening his eyes and turning his head towards me. "It's because of your doubt and refusal to know you can achieve this is what's preventing you from getting results. If you don't believe in yourself you won't achieve or anything or get anywhere. Unless you wish to quit the training right here and now," I explained to him. "What happened to doing all you can to make sure we would all complete our training?" asked Helpy. "That point still stands. However it is still everyone's decision on whether they want to participate in the training our not. I may still encourage them to reconsider and not give up, but if they want to stop then that's not my decision to make for them. And that means you have the choice to quit as well if you feel you cannot complete the training," responded. "I'm not quitting nor am I a half asser," responded Helpy. "Then you are capable of using the ability successfully. Only if you believe in yourself, just as I am doing right now," I responded. "But will that work? I mean... just by saying or thinking 'I believe' will help me on completing this part of the training?" asked Helpy. "It may not always produce results or have things work out the way you want them to. Though it'll help with your confidence on ensuring you will do everything you can to ensure things are in your control. Not just with your training but in any situation you are placed in. It's the way to come out on top," I responded. "If you say so," responded Helpy. He closed his eyes once again as he attempted once again to establish a connection to Foxy's spirit. As soon as I sensed the connection taking it's form properly I knew Helpy had done it, even after all his struggles and doubts. "Wait! Is that it?" he asked confirming he had achieved what he thought he could never accomplish. "I see it! Holy shit never thought I would see myself!" "Ok, ok. Focus. Describe it to me," I responded with a smile from his excitement. "Right. Uh. Very round and misty. From what I can tell from it. It's pink, like Foxy so anyone could've guessed that. It's like it's speaking to me, which I prefer it didn't honestly. It's friendly. Very sweet like you can't ignore. Very compassionate for others and it's friends, so much it makes you want to be around the feeling. It's like something so nice that can't be evil or do no harm unless it is taught those things," he explained. "Huh. That really was an experience." "And you managed to use the ability successfully. Well done," I said congratulating him. "Well, I should thank you. Never had anyone believe in me. Not that there ever was a reason to," responded Helpy thanking of me. "We're a team. And a family, which you and everyone else is apart of. That just how we treat family anyways," I said as I turned to face Foxy now. "Alright, it's your turn now. Ready?" "I'm... I'm not so sure... " responded Foxy. I could tell she was not looking forward to testing out her powers nor did she want to test them out at all.
"You won't be sure until you give it a try. You got this," I said reassuring her. "I'll be here if you need help." She still didn't seemed convinced though she went with it anyway as she looked away from me. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate on viewing Helpy's spirit, focusing on everything she had for it to be complete. Already I could sense and see struggle for her to use her ability successfully, as something was clearly holding her back. She was believing in herself, she was using all her effort to make the power work, but yet there was something that would not allow her to view Helpy's spirit. She was lacking the power that allowed her to always get anything done. Her friends.
"Let us view his spirit together," I said approaching her. "I can do it on my own," she responded ignoring me and keeping her eyes closed. "You can't. Not without me. And I'm going to make sure of that," I responded stopping at her side. "I can do it alone. I have to... " she responded as I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to do anything alone, not without me. We do this together. Alright?" I said. Foxy didn't looked convinced though she knew she could trust me, no matter what.
"Alright," she responded with a sigh. I placed my hand on her shoulder as a way to connect with her and merge our powers together to view Helpy's spirit. "Focus on what gives you strength, what powers you to achieve anything. Use it to see the spirit of Helpy," I said to guide her. My words had their effect on her as I sense her connection growing stable now, proving she was capable of tapping into her powers. "I see it," responded Foxy. There wasn't much reaction in her voice to finally viewing a spirit for the first time, which did leave me with some concern. "Describe it," I asked of her. "Round. Misty. Blue... " she pausing once she mentioned the color. "We have the same color for our spirits," noted Bonnie. "It's trustworthy, very reliable and dependable like a friend. Doesn't like confrontation unless it has to partake in it. And it honest, too honest that it had no filter on what is on the mind," continued Foxy. "Sounds like my cousin alright. Well, except for being far too honest," expressed Springbonnie. "So much for having a unique soul," huffed Helpy. "Spirits represents our personalities and who we are. And because of it some spirits will be similar to others spirits as well. Still, at its core each spirit is different and unique to each other," I explained as I turned to face Foxy. "As for you: Congratulations on using the ability properly. I'm proud of you." "It's because of you I passed. I don't deserve to though," she responded. "Foxy what's wrong?" I asked redirecting my attention on her. "I don't deserve to be here beside everyone else. I don't want to because of you. Even if it was in your best interest and care for me to pass each lesson," she responded. "I'm sorry. You're holding me back. Because of me." She quickly walked past me and towards the garage door, not saying a word along with everyone else. "Foxy..." I tried to say though it wouldn't have mattered as she had already gone inside the house, leaving us to ponder on the grief she carried. I started to regret not stopping earlier to tend to her and address her problems sooner. Still, I couldn't change the past and instead had to focus on helping her here and now. But to see her spirit broken, splintered right in front of me and so obvious I still couldn't see the warnings in front of me.
Would the damage be reversible?
Was this more dire than I could ever realize?
Could I do enough to help her with her problems?
All these questions were racing through my mind, though I had to pause them as to focus on helping my girlfriend and to not allow them to bring me down. I had to mend Foxy's spirit back together. With all this information to consider it did break my heart that Foxy was easily able to be broken like a twig, so easily you would think it would take a lot more than just that. I guess that was something we both shared; prominent spirits with cracks we ignored until they were splinters that would break right in front of us. Only for use to remember we aren't like our enemies who are high a mightier, instead we're susceptible to internal pain, just like any living being was capable of feeling. If only we didn't have that realization very time that sense of being untouchable was proven wrong again-and-again. Then again, some beings never learn. And some do.
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