Chapter 21: "Stance"
Funtime Freddy's P.O.V
Walking through the door and inside the house felt like what people experienced when they returned to work; nothing more but the feeling of wanting to relax and do nothing for the rest of the day. The only feeling I had at this moment was not remembering this day to begin with, along with the feeling of another loss.
I knew that feeling all too way, I was only reminded of it.
There no sound of anyone approaching us or moving around, which meant Henry and the others were in the garage still. Springbonnie closed the door behind us as we all went our own way to deal with the aftermath of our mission, not speaking a word to each other. Even on the way back home there was little to no exchange with all of us, leaving the silence as a means to reflect on our loss if you could call it that. "I need something to drink," I said aloud as I walked into the kitchen. I didn't even know why I spoke aloud about something I could keep to myself, though maybe it was just something fill this void of nothingness I was feeling from among everyone else. They were hit hard from our failed objective, and after all this time I finally understood what losing over-and-over felt like. But that loss was prompting change inside me now. Just as I had reached the fridge and opened it up I turned to the sound of the door to the garage opening, all while Henry emerged from around the corner. None of us were willing to answer the following question.
"Was the mission a successful?"
Even if I felt obligated to speak for everyone, after what we had experienced, it was still hard to admit or even speak of such the feeling they were enduring.
"They knew we were at their base of operations, and they were ready for us."
"They always know. How?! How do you predict the enemy if they're doing the same to you?!" expressed Bonnie, seeming stressed. "Let us take this conversation into the garage," responded Henry as I walked on over to the cabinets and grabbed a glass cup. I could hear the others already following him inside the garage as I turned to find Foxy walking up to me. "You ok... from what happened out there?" she asked as I grabbed the jug of water from the fridge and set it on the counter-top. "Didn't think facing a loss would hit me this hard again, let alone have it dread over me like what I'm feeling right now," I said pouring the water into the cup. "Does it get to you? All the losses you've experienced with the others?" "Yeah... Sometimes it feels hopeless. It's why I wanted to assist the team in a beneficial way, so I could at least help us from not experiencing a loss or reducing the pain of it... Or to just escape from it... " she responded. "I know the feeling," I responded putting the jug of water away and closing the fridge door. "Makes gaining a victory that much more of a craving." I grabbed my cup and walked towards the garage as Foxy followed behind, who knew instinctively where we were going without having me to say out. Once we reached the door I opened as everyone side turned to me and Foxy's direction, while we both walked inside.
"So how does it feel getting your ass kicked again?! Must suck huh?!" exclaimed Bon Bon, who was on his table. "Bon Bon enough!" exclaimed Mangle also resting on her own table. "Was better when the peace still existed," said Helpy. "You might want him back, he did save us after all," said Michael holding up the flash drive for Duality as I walked up to him. "Tell me; how was the enemy prepared for us?" asked Mangle. "The enemy had disguised themselves as construction workers, endoskeletons to be exact, and had alerted my sister and Nightmare to the scene. RXQ and Golden Freddy joined the fight as well," answered Michael as I took the flash drive from him. "The versions of RXQ that killed Shadow Freddy previously, and Golden Freddy that was an agent for William?" asked Mangle. "Yeah, the true and only versions that exist now," he responded as I had just inserted the flash drive into my head. "Not to escalate things further, but will probably occur regardless, it seems those endoskeletons are the units that are apart of his army he has amassed," said Duality. "And those units were able to easily able to drive us off. Who knows how it'll be facing off against William's entire army," I responded. "Duality just made a discovery; apparently the endoskeletons we faced off against are apart of William's army." "If just a couple units was enough to ward off all of you, then we don't stand a chance against their whole army in our current predicament," responded Mangle. "Yeah! And they were waiting for us! We received no intel or nothing except a connection you made on your own! How do we expect to siege their base when we still don't know what we're up against!" exclaimed Bonnie. "Relax Bonnie. I understand the stress of our current situation, but we can't let it get to us. We reevaluate, rethink our strategies and plan our next step," said Mangle. "A leader can't lose sight of his position and what they can for the team. And I'm sure something like this won't get to you so easily, not anymore." "Right. I know... So what now... " responded Bonnie taking a deep breathe. "Now it is time we regather ourselves and plan out our next and returning objective; retrieving the remaining devices and preparing for our attack," answered Henry.
"Actually... "
We all turned to Michael now, who was speaking more now after a brief amount of time without anything being spoken from him. Though that was the way it was the whole time it took to get home. " ... I need to say this... I think there's a chance to save my sister." "Well I'll be damned. It's like you knew. Huh! Somehow," said Helpy to Bon Bon. "Like I could predict this shit! And like you could as well!" Bon Bon hissed at him in response. "Enough... Continue, please," said Henry while getting the two to shut up. "When I encountered her again we dueled until she was the victor, leaving her with the chance to end me when I could not defend myself... She didn't strike me down, she let me live," I responded. "But why?" asked Springbonnie. "I... don't know. It's been in my mind ever since we've retreated from the battle; the hesitation in her eyes, the regret she knew she would feel if she struck me down during that moment. But I know for sure the influence of my father hasn't gotten to her, that she still has some humanity left inside... If we can convince her to join our cause and have her help us against my father; it's all I need to know that Elizabeth still lives," responded Michael. "What did I tell ya! I knew he would pull something like this, and here we are!" exclaimed Bon Bon pointing at Michael. "Yeah, we get it. Make it more obvious for us so I don't have to ask again. Like I even asked in the first place," responded Helpy shaking his head. "What's he babbling about now?" asked Springbonnie. "The usual it seems like," responded Bonnie. "Bon Bon, what is wrong about my hope I have in my sister, because I would really like to know," said Michael. "It pertains to a long discussion him, me, and Helpy had earlier. Basically, and I'm sure this is his reasoning, even if I am guessing here: he feels you have a false sense of hope," answered Mangle for Bon Bon. "It means what you just said is bullshit," said Bon Bon. "That too," added in Mangle. "How do you know if she is just messing with you, something as a way to toy with you. Perhaps an advantage used by your own father to weaken you?" continued Bon Bon. "You weren't there, I saw it in her! She could've killed me easily but she refused to!" exclaimed Michael frustrated. "Look at you! Can't even stop and think if she intentionally left you alive and was putting on an act! An act that deceived all of us and was the result of Lolbit, Yenndo, Ballora, and Bonnet deaths!" exclaimed Bon Bon in response. "Any of you think he's right, huh?! Anyone?!" Bon Bon stared at all of us, expecting someone to defend Michael or at least agree with his statement.
I had a different stance on the matter.
"I think-"
"Of course Freddy's the one that defends him," said Bon Bon in response cutting me off. Mangle shot him a look of disapproval, though Bon Bon could clearly noticed it but he chose to ignore her. Made me really wonder what it was like for the both of them while we were gone. "I witnessed Michael on the ground helpless with Elizabeth towering over him, ready to strike him down so I can confirm the scene he described for all of us. During the time it took for me to reach and help him, which would be around a couple seconds I guess, his sister could've taken the chance to strike him down. But she didn't. Still, there is the possibility that she putting up an act to fool Michael, we simply don't know. I think we should be cautious if Michael does attempt to have her join our cause, if she does in the end," I continued. "Whether it is a trick or not, I have to try. She's family after all," Michael responded. "Duality as well can decipher whether or not Elizabeth is putting up an act; either way it's up to us to take stance on the matter," I said. "Well good luck with that, because I'm not partaking with your pathetic crusade with my new body," said Bon Bon. "I should mention Bon Bon's body is now complete and is ready to be operated when we are given the chance, though we'll have to ensure he is aware of the privileges he will be given," said Henry. "You haven't allowed him to use it yet?" asked Foxy. "Why would he when Bon Bon won't stop bitching about it," responded Helpy. "Bitching and demanding something, given me not being able to walk which I need legs for, are different!" exclaimed Bon Bon in response. "Both of you settle down. Since we're here now I think we can use this time to allow him to test out his new body, if he proves he can handle his emotions and outbursts," said Henry. "Now I can control them since you've agreed to let me use my new body finally," responded Bon Bon.
"I'm expecting you to announce what's going through your head right now," said Duality. "Yeah, I was getting to that part," I said in response. "Guess that means you got something to share with us," said Bonnie pointing out my chat. "Oh of course-" Bon Bon surprisingly stopped himself at Henry's look, though you could see him holding back the insults in his eyes. Guess he really wanted to use his new suit. "Whatever. Go ahead." "I now understand how it feels to lose again, it was one of the reasons why I didn't choose to aid the team in their previous missions. I know what my place is on the team now. Going forward I will be not joining the team with the rest of their missions until the final siege against the pizzeria, or earlier unless I change my mind. Instead I will stay here and train all of you and myself to hold the Resurrection Power, so all of us have a chance to repel the enemy when we encounter them again," I explained. "I'll still be assisting the team, I'll know my place in this war and when it is time to end William, I'll be there to witness his will leave us finally." "Then you'll be doing us a favor and while giving us a valuable way to end my father effectively. You never stop caring about us and the team," said Michael. "You continue to meet the expectations Michael set for you; reminds of the perfect version I still dream to be," noted Mangle. "I'm just doing what I can for everyone and for our objective; it is in my nature after all," I responded. "Hmm. It sure is," responded Mangle with a smirk now. Bon Bon all of a sudden cleared his throat, as we all turned to see him waiting for us now. His impatience was starting to affect him and now he expected us to focus back on his suit, and clearly he would continue bothering us if we didn't bring the conversation back to him. "We'll discuss my plans on how we'll train everyone later," I said ending the topic. "You take it away Henry. By that I mean discuss Bon Bon's limitations." "What! What do you mean limitations?!" exclaimed Bon Bon in response. "The incident that lead you into your current predicament was discussed, thus concluded that you will be given restrictions with your new suits," responded Henry. "You will not, in any scenario, stray from the team and focus on personal beliefs. If you do so in any capacity, your suit will be deactivated and locked that'll prevent you from escaping." "Then what's the fucking point if you have a button that'll paralyze me!" exclaimed Bon Bon. "You got a body and you're still not happy. What else you want, a new mouth to replace your shitty one?" said Helpy. "How about I take yours since it seems to work so well! Can't use my body freely if I'll just be a sitting duck in battle!" Bon Bon exclaimed back. "That's if you act out of line; we're trying to help you and ensure you, not only don't hurt the team but yourself as well. Whether you like or not that's the way it's going to be from now on," said Michael. "We'll allow you to use your new suit if you agree to the terms. We assure you this is for the best," said Henry. Bon Bon turned to look at Mangle, which was odd of him to do. More so was the expression he had on his face, almost like he was receiving acceptance from her. I felt like I was missing something, and the same feeling could be shared with Michael as he had the same questioning expression on his face.
"Fine. Whatever!"
"Say you agree," stated Henry. "I agree. Now can I get my suit already!?" responded Bon Bon. "Follow me," responded Henry, followed with a sign from no doubt Bon Bon's attitude. "Someone carry me!" requested Bon Bon. "Have your body carry yourself, it is capable of doing that is it not?" said Helpy. "Ah, like I let you carry me anyway!" responded Bon Bon. "Wasn't offering to," responded Helpy. "Helpy stay here and continue to make repairs for Mangle. We shouldn't take too long," instructed Henry. "Who would've known that would be the best command for tonight," said Helpy. "Whatever. Hey! You, Springbonnie! Carry me will ya!" said Bon Bon, as she turned to look at him. "Sure," Springbonnie responded as she walked on over to him and picked him up now from his place. "Finally somebody has some decency!" he complained as she carried him over to us, as everyone started exiting the garage now. Bonnie gave Bon Bon a look as Springbonnie walked past the both of us, all with the face of resentment to what he was seeing. "How do you put up with him?" Bonnie said aloud watching Springbonnie enter the house. "Honestly, I wasn't this bad. Guess these events changed him.. or he always was like this," I responded as we both trailed behind the others. "Guess she's trying to help out." "Yeah, that's what concerns me... her lack of cheer and wit," responded Bonnie. I could tell he was concerned over Springbonnie's deteriorating attitude, how she seemed to be hollow now. I didn't expect those feelings to be expressed during the ride over to the pizzeria, but perhaps it was for the best as to understand her current situation. The both of them were technically family and Bonnie is just looking out for her, I just hope he believes he can fix the damage that has been done. "How Mangle's repairs coming along?" asked Michael as he lead us to the stairs now. "Slow but progress is being made. There is still much to be done before she can rejoin the battlefield and I cannot estimate a final date at this time. Rest assured me and Helpy are doing all we can to have her operational as soon as possible," responded Henry as we all followed him upstairs. "Why work on Bon Bon's new suit up here if you have a better workplace in your garage? Just seems like it would make things easier," asked Foxy. "I had moved the Funtime Bonnie and Funtime Chica models upstairs in a room where I can also work privately if I need to, so I felt it was best to save time and effort by working on the suit from up here," responded Henry as we walked past the hallway and into a room on the left. Inside was desk with a couple tools on top and papers scattered across it, as there were multiple tool boxes and tools on the ground. And beside all of that was the Funtime Bonnie suit, all but waiting for its host to claim it as their own. "Oh, now that is a body worth owning!" said Bon Bon pleased. "Decided to keep the Funtime Chica animatronic?" I asked Henry, which I noticed at the corner of the room. "For future measures if needed," he answered. "Future measures? For what exactly?" asked Bonnie. "Future measures if we require an alternative to combating the enemy. However I was most likely dismantle it for good after our mission on stopping William is completed, ensuring the remnants of his name our burnt and never be remembered again," said Henry. "Right. Whatever that means," said Bonnie to himself aloud. "I would think your work space would be organized. Not an insult, just thought the way your operated I would expect you to be on top of your projects and work," I said observing the papers on his desk. "That you are correct. Though I'll admit it is hard to organize such a verity of work and projects, considering I need them at any moment. Work has taken up most of time these past couple weeks," responded Henry as he was at the back of the Funtime Bonnie suit now. "The button to open the entrance into the controls are at the bottom back of the head," said Henry pressing the button where he had shown us its location. The back of the suit's head opened up, revealing a wide selection of how Bon Bon would be able to operate it. There was a screen where the eyes would be, a small layout that appeared to be a spot where Bon Bon would operate and that was in the shape of a seat, and two controls on both sides along with buttons. "This was done in just a day!?" expressed Foxy sounding astonished at what we were being shown. "All of it. It was only a matter of removing the endoskeleton head and replacing it with the controls and accessories Bon Bon required, along with connecting the controls with the rest of the body. If I didn't have the proper equipment or tools, it would've taken me longer, " responded Henry. "Wow! Still, to think that could be done in a small amount of time," said Foxy. "Fine with me! C'mon, get me close to it," said Bon Bon. Springbonnie walked closer to the back of the suit, as he climbed into the space of the head now. "Ok, uh. So what does what? Gotta get up to speed on how this works," said Bon Bon. The controls on each side move the legs and feet, with buttons on each one to alternate between the two. The large blue button in front of the seat turns on the suit and every function available, and pressing it while the suit is on deactivates it. The rest of the buttons control certain features I've installed: Night vision, a fan for air filtration, only a couple of things that can be of use, but don't expect anything extreme or that can enhance your overall combat drastically in any way," explained Henry. "The button to close the back is on the top above your head." "Alright, let's start it up!" said Bon Bon excited while getting comfortable in his chair. He pressed the button that Henry had directed him to, as the back of the head closed now completely. All of us backed up from where the suit was, just to give Bon Bon his space for the moment. After a moment the eyes flashed on, as the head started to look around now. "Ok I better not damage this, after I just got this shit," said Bon Bon's voice through the mouth, which was moving with the flow of his words There also seemed to be an expression now, which probably matched with him as he tried to learn the curves of this new setup. "We can you hear, which shows its operational," pointed out Foxy. "Thank god," he responded back. "Now try to move forward, though take it-" Henry stopped himself as Bon Bon slowly but surely walked forward and having a perfect stance without any problems. "So much for taking it easy," I said. "He is eager to move forward but impatient to learn effectively, though this way somehow works in his favor. Surprisingly well if I do say so myself," noted Duality. "I just hope that streak continues on... for his sake," I responded. "Ah, so what does that Duality A.I have to say about this, eh? Impressed?" asked Bon Bon. "Yeah. He sure is," I responded. "Good. I'm sure I can make more progress than you'll ever will. Have fun not seeing what the battlefield is truly like," he said looking directly at me now. "You keep leaving it and you'll be as soft as Elizabeth when the time comes that I'll end her for good, softer than you not having balls to kill anyone out of struggle. Your better off being the house keeper for the moment, unless you finally man up." "Enough Bon Bon. With that tone we'll confiscate the suit and you'll be back to where you started, keep that in mind," warned Henry. "Whatever. Freddy just needs his usual check on being a coward," responded Bon Bon. "Bon Bon how about-" "Don't pick a fight with him, it's better to ignore his him. If Freddy can block out his insults when can too," said Michael stopping Foxy from finishing her words. "Hey! There's a big red button on the top of my head. What's that for?" asked Bon Bon. "It is an emergency eject button in case you are in a situation where your life and the suit is in critical danger. I recommend using it only as a last resort," Henry answered for him. Now, try to practice using the suit and I'll around for any assistance if needed," Henry's words didn't seem to matter as Bon Bon was already off walking out the door, clearly feeling his words were meaningless. "Won't need it with me running this thing," he responded already off down the hallway. "I really hope none of you regret this. I won't because I pleaded to state this would be a terrible idea, even with a way to lock his suit," said Bonnie. "Well we'll stop him if he disobeys his orders... And I'm afraid he'll attempt to go back to his old methods, regardless of having a way to stop him," said Michael. "Unfortunately, we have to hope for the best," said Henry pulling a device out of his pocket, which almost looked like a detonator with a button on the top. "This is the only device that can lock and unlock the suit and if destroyed will not be able to perform its functions, whatever mode it may be in. Ensure it is not destroyed or we may not be able to prevent him doing what he wants," said Henry. "We'll make sure of that," said Michael, as Henry gave him the device. "I will continue working on Mangle; in the meantime the rest of you can relax until my next instructions on the upcoming mission. And do make sure Bon Bon doesn't break anything while he's roaming around," said Henry. "Will do," I said as he walked out of the room now. "Ha, he'll do more damage than what Henry's concerned about. Having a leash on him won't stop him from doing what he wants," said Bonnie. "Yeah, I'm concerned about that as well. He was something, even for his size, but now he's something more just by having a body up to our size and stature. He'll go for Elizabeth again when he has the chance, but perhaps this time he'll have more effective means of ending her," I said. "We have just given him the most power someone like him could take and we don't know of we can fully control him now. We just have to let the challenger drain and tire himself out with the challenged now if we wish for it to be over. And honestly I don't know if the seeker will lose interest by ending his opponent, or by losing his desired challenge by his equal."
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