it hurts
knowing I'm not enough
knowing I've failed
knowing I couldn't save them
he is my all
he is my hero
he is an annoying prick
but he's my dad
and I am his daughter
and we've broke
we've scarred
we've hurt
we've faced it all
we've been betrayed
they've stabbed us
pried us open
demented us
and even so
he's been there from day one
by my side
even in the black or white
even in the roughest of tides
without hesitation
built me
made me
taught me pranks
wiped my eyes
punched the guys that hit on me
kept me safe
he never let anyone hurt his family
he laid down everything
for us
for me
took the hits even if we can
accepted criticism
even when it hurt him
as long as it never hurt us
never hurt me
my safe haven
my father
my first love
my first heartbreak
he is my first
and will always be my last
and i will protect him
as he had protected me
with all my life
with all my soul
she's always been there
always present
always lovely
she's seen me through my worst
through my best
through everything
she's wiped my tears
laughed at my jokes
cried when i hurt
but she loved me
through my faults
my weaknesses
even if I'm not hers
she accepted me
no doubt
and she'll always be my mother
no one will replace her
not even the real one
for she's stuck by me
by my side
kept me in her arms
throughout troubles and problems
loved with all she had
even when she had nothing
she's my mother
and i am her daughter
and i will protect her
as she had protected me
with all my life
with all my soul
he's led me places
taught me faces
taught me to fight for myself
and what i love
he's taught me to value
he's guarded me throughout my life
and kept me safe
he's Happy
no matter what attitude
no matter what circumstances
I've relied on him
all of my life
with my life
and i will protect him
as he had protected me
with all my life
with all my soul
he's taken me out on dates
to the arcade
to cute little diners
taught me how to shoot my first gun with my dad
stole me my first ice cream when mom said no
hid me from dad in hide and seek
took me out shopping
took me out to the Air Force base
let me fly my first jet
picked me up when nobody was available
uncle Rhodey was there since day one
when dad didn't know what to do
when mom didn't know what to do
when nobody knew what to do
even when i didn't know what to do
he always knew
and he helped make it better
make it safer
he's always been there with us
and he is family
and i will protect him
as he had protected me
with all my life
with all my soul
no flesh
no blood
no bones
only a picture of a face I can imagine
ever present
more than just a system
he's led me places
taught me phases
provided what I needed
provided what I wanted
gave light to darkness
gave sound to silence
in just one snap
one ask
one word of plea
JARVIS is my friend
my best friend
he's been there on the first day
to my second, to my third
to my darkest
to my lightest
to my happiest and saddest
and even to my last
in my eyes
in my father's eyes
more than just a system he's built
more than just a system I've enhanced
even and equal to the real Jarvis
a family
my family
and i will protect him
as he had protected me
with all my life
with all my soul
so many faces
so many places
I've traveled far and wide
met kings and queens
met the wise
met the all-knowing
and yet when the days go dark
when the tiredness seep into my bones
when sleep clutches me in it's hold
I'm back to where it all began
back in the arms of the people
whom I call home
whom I call family
whom I call friends
my father
my mother
my friend
my uncles
forever, no matter what time and place
my love for you will transcend
my love will conquer everything
I will always remain
in your arms
in your heart
in your soul
to the very depth of my soul
my being
with every scar
with every tear
every drop of blood and broken bones
I will forever love you
no matter what
and I wish
I've done enough
that I've done my best
to protect you
to shield you
to love and cherish you
with all my life
with all my soul
even if I'm wounded
even if i scar
even if I cry
even if i end up
just a little broken
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