Chapter 9: Feel Like Shit
It's been a few days. The arc was done, and just needs to be tested and prepared. Lucilla got along well with Happy, dad, mom, and, me and then... there was him. There was Loki. Nights have gone on with me occasionally passing out and having dreams about Loki.
Loki was really fun to be with. He cracks up awesome jokes. He teaches me some pranks that I use on dad. Oh, and he was a witty bastard. And he was handsome. Everything is perfect, well, as perfect as it can get. The few nights, I've gotten to know him better. We also discovered a small little town in the Grasslands that we were not aware of. The people there were charming. The last few dreams were so fun. Stupid games, funny jokes, and awesome adventures went on. I also got to know him better. I got to discover some of his dark sides and secrets, but what I really loved was his soft spots.
And by God, did it crack me up when he had a soft spot for pastries! The night he told me that he loves sweet, I assumed he just simply loves to eat sweets. But boy, was I so wrong. He loved them. Practically worshipped them. The night we first explored the town and spotted this stall that sold some cream puffs, he bought more than a dozen. I only got to eat four and he ate the rest which was more than a dozen. And I didn't even know where he got the money. He bought more types of food that were mainly sweet. That guy may be tall and lean, but he can sure eat more than what you'd expect.
Then... there's the fact that I can't seem to get him out of my mind lately. I get distracted and dad even thought I was crazy when I made a cookie that tasted salty. Instead of sugar I accidentally put salt. Dad even thought I was sick! And he wanted to put me in a mental asylum. Okay, that part isn't true with the mental asylum.
Okay back to Loki, again. I can't seem to get him out of my head. It's like I'm attracted to that green-eyed man. That man-child was as childish as ever. Once, when we headed to town in the dream, he practically begged for me to go with him to this creepy stall. See, man-child.
He made everything seem more vibrant, full of colors. He made my heart beat fast, and when we touch, I can feel a static. It was weird and frightening, but exciting all the same. God and he smelled good (creep alert).
But that's not the point at all. Something seemed off because the last previous dreams were weird. He wasn't so childish. He didn't smile. He looked paler than usual. And his eyes. Forks' s sake. His eyes didn't shine like they used to. They were dull. Lifeless. And it scares me. They weren't a vibrant, earthly, emerald green. No. They were a dull, lifeless, void green. He looked terrible but still handsome.
Oh god, I'm going insane.
I keep thinking about him every single day! God, I'm scared for him. I'm worried about him. He doesn't look so healthy. And I think I like him. I mean, come on, who wouldn't swoon for someone that's face looks like he was painted and sculpted by Leonardo da Vinci? He is flawless! Velvet voice, striking features, pointy nose, thin lips, long legs, petite hands, pale complexion, and raven flocks! Gah! I can't stop daydreaming about that green-eyed, man-child! I feel like I'm going insane!
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard dad call me from the living room. It made me jump out of my skin. I grasped the kitchen counter, sweat forming on my forehead. I breathed in deeply, and put my thoughts together.
Loki, what are you doing to me?
I pushed the thought of Loki in the back of my head, and brought the chocolate ganache tart I made to dad. Dad looked at me worriedly.
"Hey, you look tense, are you okay?" he asked, concern lacing his voice. I nod.
"Yeah, sure," I assure him. We sat down, eating the tart. Lucilla was with mom for a conference or whatever.
I chewed slowly. I feel like I'm going to be sick. My head was like being hit by a sledgehammer. My gut kept on wrenching in knots and I can't stop writhing in my seat. Hell, I feel like shit.
That voice. Screams. Battle cries. Pain. Coldness.
My eyes at that moment flashed a color of gold, and suddenly, I felt like I was being transported to another world.
3rd Person's Point of View
Elise fell on the ground of the living room, his father screaming profanities, out of panic and concern. Trying to will the girl to wake up, he failed miserably.
"Hun? Honey? Elise?! Wake up! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Tony carried Elise and laid her back on the couch. He discarded the tray of ganache, and called Lucilla and Pepper.
In a drop of a hat, Lucilla entered the living room a few minutes prior to Tony's call. At the sight, she ran to the couch, Pepper trailing behind. Lucilla and Tony checked her pulse that beat fast. Sweat formed on her forehead, and her mouth was open in a silent scream. Her eyes were sealed shut and she screamed.
A bloodcurdling scream.
Elise writhed in pain, her hands flying to her head, willing herself to block the pain. She curved in a protective ball, then uncurled again and sprawled on the couch.
Tony and Pepper stepped back in shock, for this resembled what happened when she was six or so, years ago. Lucilla, seeming to know what to do, standing up, she placed her right hand on her forehead, and her left hand on her left chest, where her heart should be. Her fingers moved gracefully on her forehead and skin, and Elise, visibly relaxed. Her fingers danced, in different patterns and maneuvers. Elise's body is not stiff anymore. And soon Elise fell asleep.
Or so they thought.
Elise's Point of View
I felt like on fire. Like I was burning. My whole body ached. My head was like being stabbed by daggers multiple times, and my eyes stung. It was like being thrown in a bon fire then iced at the same time. It felt like hell.
But it stopped.
And I was in a place. A cold place. Ice is everywhere. It would have been beautiful. But it's not. Not after what I felt. My feet moved on the snow filled ground, and avoided dangerous icicles clinging on the ground. From a distance, I can hear shouts. Like a fight. I took myself to the location of the sound, and was mortified at what I saw. Giant blue creatures were battling people. Not humans. And there, I saw him. He was fighting, alongside four men, and one woman. And the giant blue thingies were fighting them.
"Who are you?" a shrill, raspy voice said from behind. There, I saw one of the giants, but he was way bigger than the others. To say I was a bit scared was an understatement. But for an odd reason, I didn't fear him. Being scared and fearing are two different words in my vocabulary.
His face and body was filled with markings, lines that were ragged, straight, or either curved. Its eyes were a shade of blood red. His body was a color of a light blue, either it be due to the snowflakes, or it is his natural color, I do not know.
"Elise," I said my name, filled with authority.
"What are you doing in my realm?" He said, growling. You can't scare Elizabeth Stark, pal.
"Your realm? Wait, why does that seem familiar?" I mumbled racking my brain. Realm, realm, realm, realm. Why does that reference seem so familiar?
Then it dawned on me.
Loki. Realms. Asgard. Asgardians. Norse.
"Jötunnheim," I whisper in realization, looking at him. I gulped, taking in my surroundings. Ice, lots and lots of blue, cold ice. Yup. Jötunnheim.
"King Laufey?" I continued, waiting for a response. I looked at him, needing to take a step back for he was too tall. He looked down at me, and realization seemed to cross his face. Or was it familiarity? I didn’t know.
I took a step back in surprise as he shrank down. His body was now just a tiny bit bigger than mine and he was slightly taller.
He smiled. Holy frack he smiled. Loki said Jötunns are frost giants who are knee-deep in mortal and Asgardian blood! So what the frack?
"A pleasure to finally meet you, my liege," he said, his left hand on his right chest, bowing slightly. Although the fight seemed to continue, I couldn't care less because I was too confused as to why he called me my liege. Okay now I'm confused.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the blond man with the hammer Mjölnir, Thor, yell something. Laufey tensed in front of me out of pure annoyance. He said something I didn't catch, and something from the ice came to life. It came to life! What the fork?!
Everybody, it's official, I'm insane. I blame dad, don't tell him.
I wanted to so badly see what the hell was happening but due to the lack of light, and their far location, I was unable to see what had happened. Laufey walked to their direction, with frost giants following him.
"Child, please come with me," Laufey said in a hushed tone. I followed suit, running as he had grown back to his usual size. But come on! His legs were so long, one step from him felt like a mile for me! And this cursed dress (I now only realized I was wearing that reached the forkin' floor) was slowing me down!
"Curse this dress!"
Laufey, looked back at me, seeing me struggle. He bent down, and scooped me with its hands, by my waist. I squealed in surprise and laughed. I didn't know I can squeal like that! He carried me to Loki's direction, setting me down once we were near enough for me to walk. Seeing me, Loki looked shock and frozen in place. I avoided his gaze, feeling a bit angry for not acknowledging me for the past few dreams. Screw you, Loki.
As for the others, they all looked shocked like Loki. They were a bit pale, maybe due to the cold. The cold never bothered me anyway. I noticed one of them had been impaled on the abdomen, near his chest by God knows what.
But a sudden wave of pain made me nauseous. I whimpered, and I clutched my head, and felt my knees go limp, as I fell on my knees on the snow-covered floor.
"Child, are you doing well?" I hear Laufey speak, with his gigantic hand on my back, concern visible in his voice. I glance at him, then Loki and his friends, to see their eyes wider and mouth ajar. It made sense since Loki said that frost giants seem to be unable to care. (I proved you wrong on that, dude.)
I mean, of course they'd be surprised. Here I was, a girl who just popped into this realm. And Laufey didn't attack me. Take note, Laufey just met me. And he was concerned about my well-being. Then there they were, who seem to pretty much know each other for God knows how many years, and they were being attacked. But take note, they know each other for many years and are enemies.
Thank you, Loki, for giving me information about the nine realms.
I moaned in pain, but nodded, which was not a good idea.
"Yes, I'm fine, ugh, I-I-I just feel dizzy," I say clutching my head.
Dad. It was dad. Where was he? I looked around frantically, but all I see were the frost giants, Loki, his friends, and ice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Loki step forward, but Thor stopped him, glaring daggers at me. Oh, include the frost giant that pointed an iced blade at Loki.
I felt myself being pulled. My body felt like stone, as I cannot move. I started to see black blobs, my vision going blurry. The pain in my head intensified, as I felt my body being shred to pieces and feeling like it was put back by a welding iron. My eyes shot open to see dad on the foot of my bed with a white towel. He must have carried me after I passed out on the couch.
The pain came back on my head and I moaned in pain as tears started to form in my eyes. I felt like I was on fire. A thick layer of sweat covered me and my stomach felt like in knots. Oh God.
I sprang up from my bed and bolted straight for the bathroom toilet. I threw up my breakfast and chocolate ganache tart into the white toilet. I felt heavy footsteps come my way, and dad's slightly calloused hand rubbed my back, his other hand pulling my hair back.
After I threw up the contents of my stomach, I leaned into dad, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, tears streaming silently.
"Are you alright?" Dad asked, concerned. I nodded, unable to speak at the moment. My breaths were short, and my body felt numb. I feel so weak, my body feels so weak. My heart drummed fast on my chest, and my mind was all over.
Oh yeah.
And I also feel like shit.
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