Chapter 34: Eternity and the Solace of Space
Natasha listened carefully to Selvig as I secured a strong connection with the Avengers' comms. Three minutes. That's how long it'll take for the missile to arrive in New York.
"Missile has been deployed," JARVIS ststes, as he quickly enables safety protocols for my dad's suit.
"Right at the crown!" Selvig instructs against the strong wind. Natasha grips onto the scepter tight, lips bloody with a determined look on her face. Slowly, she started to penetrate the protective barrier, and it twitches and spits out blue electricity. I ease a bit of my power into the thrust, helping Natasha push the scepter into the the barrier, half-way through.
"I can close it!" Natasha informs, hopeful. My comms crackled to life. "Can anybody copy? Elise found a way to close it! I can shut the portal down!"
"Do it!" Rogers exclaims through the comm, almost desperate.
"No wait," dad intervened calmly. I close my eyes, heave a sigh, and open it again, watching my dad through my visor's HUD.
"Stark these things are still coming!" Rogers argues.
"There's a nuke," I pipe in calmly. Natasha whips her head to me, surprised at the information, a small bit of recognition processes through her face as she slowly puts together the pieces. She knows why I made her promise.
"You made a promise," I say to Natasha, devoid of emotion. Now's not the time.
"Keep it."
With that said, I turned back towards the sky
"Yeah," dad agrees. "It's gonna blow in less than a minute," dad adds.
For a while he was quiet, and suddenly I feel him tapping into my mind.
"You knew didn't you?" was his question. I sigh again.
"How couldn't I? You taught me to be ten steps ahead."
"And what do you plan to do with this information?"
"Make sure you don't do anything stupid. Keep you safe. Make sure you return breathing because Alicia, Aunt Peggy and mom will have my head when she finds out that we got ourselves in a sticky situation."
"You're not coming."
"I am, like it or not."
"No!" dad's thought was enraged, as I try to pulsate calming waves in his system.
"Elizabeth Anthony Stark! Don't you dare follow me into that portal, or I swear to God!"
"I promised. I promised, dad. I promised you that I'd follow you to the very depths of Earth, and Heaven and Hell and whatever universe and space there is and back! And you... You promised you'd pull me out. You always pulled me out of whatever shit I was in and God dad. I love you. If you go in that portal, I go with you. You save me, I save you. You fight, I fight. You lose, then I lose too. Dad, just this time... Please, I beg you. Let me do this for you," I say quietly in my comm, tears running down my cheeks as I leave my visor up, watching my dad catch the nuke in his arms.
"Okay," dad says softly in my comm. Gut wrenching fear and sadness, and love caressed my body all at once, as I power my thrusters, ready to meet my dad in the sky.
"You come home, do you understand me?" I tell him sternly. He chuckles quietly, and gives me a soft smile through the call on my HUD, and nods.
"I know just where to put it," dad says, answering Rogers' earlier remark.
"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip," Rogers answers, confused and a little disgruntled.
Dad kept quiet, as he tried to call mom on the line. Just as dad is about to pass the tip of the Tower, I propelled myself upwards, putting everything into the thrusters and using my powers to lessen gravity's pull on me and dad. As I catch onto dad, I latch myself on the nuke, as I keep my head straight into the portal, eyes locked on the vast blue, black, and purple of the other side.
And then... Darkness. It was... Terrifying. It was everything and nothing all at once, as I watched the call to Mom fail, and my dad disconnect from me. Before he does, I hear a quiet gasp from dad, and I tap into his mind.
"It's okay," I say quietly under my breath as JARVIS disconnects. Dad lets go of the nuke, paralyzed as I watched the nuke head straight for the Mothership. Oh God this is space. This is another world of danger and the thought that one Cube can access this much horror.
I watched, unable to move. The looming figure of the ship exploding in the color of red and orange, an almost stifled explosion resonating in the empty space. As if I was under water. The bright colors illuminates my eyes, as I lull my father to sleep, letting my powers guide me through the mass space of stars and gas. I will my body to move amidst my lack of oxygen, as I clap twice to generate an energy field around my dad, finding it impossible to include me due to the lack of mobility and strength to think properly. He isn't moving. The flaps were engaged but it isn't enough. He needs a push. He needs to get out. He needs to come home. With everything I have, I gather all energy, every sense of vibration I can feel and push my dad out. I do my best to push him out of the sea of stars and suns, and as I watch the portal close, I see my dad fade out alongside it. He made it. He made it. He's home.
And as I watch the nothingness? I sleep.
Third Person's Point Of View
A small body floated aimlessly in space, as the Chitauri Mothership exploded before her closed eyes. She breathes shallow, a few puffs of white air clouding her lips. She looked peaceful. Her hair astray in a halo, her cape billowing behind her pulsing with a magnetic blue light, her grey and white suit reflecting the stars in the sky.
On Earth, Chitauris fell dead on their feet. Captain America and Thor watched in relief and sorrow knowing what they may have lost, Hulk stopped, admittedly tired, and Natasha didn't bother to look around, her eyes focused up as she waited, and waited, for someone, anyone to fall down the clouds where the portal have been. She prayed. She fucking prayed to a God she didn't believe just to get Iron Man back. Just to get Tony Stark back. Just to get Elizabeth Stark back.
And there it was. A flash of red and gold and she almost smiled if it weren't for the fact that someone, that Elizabeth Anthony Stark should've been with him. She waited and waited and waited, even after Hulk caught the Tinman, she waited and prayed harder. But there was no one there. Only a sea of cloud where an open portal used to be.
"Protocol 13-HTAED in effect," came JARVIS' sorrow-filled voice in her comms.
"This message is limited only to those Miss Stark has deemed worthy. Playing, record one-" a slight crackle, and suddenly she was hearing her voice.
"So if you're hearing this, then that means Protocol 13-DEATH has been initiated. It means I'm dying and immobile or have already died. Depends on the situation," Natasha falls on her knees, lets go of the scepter and lets her tears fall, mouth open in horror, in shock.
"So first of all-" Natasha hears Hulk's scream, and hears Tony through Steve's comm. He's asking where she is.
"I'm dead. And yeah, it sucks. Dying isn't nice, but it happens eventually." Tony felt cold as he heard her daughter's voice say her goodbyes in a pre-recorded message.
"But... I grew up knowing death. It was logic really. We were meant to be born just as much as we were meant to die. What makes it disgusting and really really shitty is that... Time's limited, I guess. All of us. All of the people in this small blip of a world we call Earth, are just small dots up there. We're just tiny little fellows who live our lives to the extent we can." Tony gasps in a ragged breath, trying to breath, a metal hand clamps around his mouth. Oh God. His baby. His baby daughter. His girl. God Elise was aftaid of the dark. She hated tight spaces. God she was claustrophobic and she was in space and oh holy fucking God his daughter was lost in space and possibly dying why the fuck did she do what she did!?
"We live our life to the best of our capabilities. We live our lives with what we have and what we know. And yet... We are all still so very different." Natasha hugs herself in fear and sadness. Tony thinks, "I didn't even get to say I loved her."
"And my point is this: I... I know I'm a different person in all of your eyes. I may be a villain in the eyes of another, or a hero. Maybe a spoiled brat, maybe a show-off. Maybe an egotistical prick. But I don't care. What I care about is that I know that I've shown who I truly am to those who truly loved me for me." Thunder lights the sky. Tony cries with head hung low not wanting the others to see, not knowing what to do. He needed her here. He can't come home if she isn't here.
"I hope I've done good at being a daughter to my dad, daddy, you're the best. I love you so much. Thanks a lot for taking care of me, and I hope I was good at taking care of you too."
A ball of dark light encases Elise's still form in space.
"I hope I've made my Aunt Peggy proud."
It encloses her body, small glimmers of tiny stars embedded in the dark light.
"I hope I've done the best and did my mom right. Mom if you're listening I want you to know that I want this. That... My death isn't something you shoukd be sad about because I wouldn't have done what I did if I didn't know the possibilities of my actions. I love you a lot, mom."
It almost looked as if space itself was hugging her.
"I hope I've been a good friend to Alicia. My beautiful Latina childhood friend, to the very depth of my heart, I love you."
The solace of space encased her body in quiet vibrations of pulsing energy, a voice calling out to her.
"I hope Uncle Happy is proud when I learn new boxing moves from him. Uncle Happy, there better be cheeseburger and pizza on my grave or I swear I'm haunting you forever. Also, I love you. Thanks for taking me wherever and whenever."
'Elise?' the voice calls out.
"I hope Uncle Rhodey is proud when I learnt to fly the jet. Uncle Rhodes, my Mama Bear, the honey to our lives, you're the very best. Get yourself a gal, will you? I wanna meet the girl in the afterlife, you hear?"
Elise, for a moment tries to think of the voice other than white light and explosions.
"To Natasha, God, you're doing so good. You'll be a hero someday, I promise you."
Natasha whimpers, tears falling down her cheeks.
"To Clint, my little bird, fly free when all this is over."
Clint looks down at his hands, as he stares at the silver chain on his wrist with a small pendant of a hawk, dangling and chiming quietly. Tears fall from his eyes.
"To Uncle Nick, my pirate! Hey, take care of dad for me, you hear? That man is as reckless as me so make sure he eats and sleeps properly."
Fury curls his hand to a fist, shedding no tear, feeling searing hot pain at another loss of a friend: a family. Even in death, she was selfless.
"To Phil, supernanny! I love you so much, you've taken me and my dad out of tough shits."
Fury looks down and clamps his eye shut, suppressing a scream.
"My point is, the people who are hearing this message I've pre-recorded in case of an untimely death -not that death is untimely- are important to me."
She hears it again, calling out to her.
"I love you. All of you who are hearing this."
'Elise! Wake up, my dear!' the voice screams.
"I love you all for loving me."
Elise moans in pain.
"I love you all for taking care of me."
Elise opens her eyes slowly, almost in a daze.
"I love all of you with every fiber of my being."
Her eyes shot open, and she gasps as space itself embraces her body, stars glistening in happiness as she does her best to grasp what's holding her.
"With my every breath."
Elise reaches out to the stars, and it swirls around her fingertips.
"With every beat of my heart."
'Do you want to go home?' the voice asks. It was deep and raspy, albeit familiar.
"With every blink of my eyes."
Natasha sobs loudly, her heart clenching in on itself, her eyes clamped shut as an unfamiliar weight rested on her shoulders. Tony wanted to scream and jump back into the portal just so she can pull her out. Because fuck them all, he promised from day one he'd always be there to pull her out of the shit and trouble she's in and drag her back to reality and out of her nightmares.
"With every word my lip makes."
Elise listened carefully, nodding her head yes, and closes her eyes again as she realized who was hugging her. It was space. It was Eternity.
"With every drop of blood in my body."
Eternity caressed her little niece, floating aimlessly in the little ball of space he created. He carried her, channeling his energy into transcending her body to take her to her Solar System.
"I love you. In every language I know. Wherever I may be."
Five seconds. It was all it took, and there she was, floating past the moon and entering Earth's atmosphere.
"Forever, as I transcend time and space to show you just how much you all mean to me."
Steve looked up, hearing a whoosh of air from up above. He can't believe what he's seeing.
"We'll meet again."
Natasha looked up, tears falling down her face as she watched a ball of space, of black and stars and it was unbelievable but it was beautiful, thunder and lightning surrounding it in it's wake.
"Maybe in another time."
Eternity carried her body carefully, letting her descend and navigating her to land her next to her father.
"Or in another life."
Steve ran towards the ball of space with Thor hot on his trail, shield and hammer on the ready. Tony didn't bother to look. He needed his girl back. He needed his daughter.
"Maybe then we'd all be together."
Eternity placed her gently on the ground, letting space dissolve and the stars surround her.
"Goodbye, for now."
Steve couldn't believe his eyes. There lay on a pile of rubble, Elise Stark looked like an angel. Her hair in a halo, the stars surrounding her in a beautiful haze. Her visor was up to reveal a trail of frosted tears running down her cheeks. She was smiling. Even in death she smiled as if it was an old friend. And it was.
Steve felt like he intruded. He heard the message, all of it. He didn't know why, he could hear it in his comms, resonating in his ear clearly. There was finality in her voice, like she knew she'd die that young. He didn't know what to think. He didn't know what to say. He was utterly, fabulously proven wrong and regret and guilt was something he was unaccustomed to.
Hulk huffed happily as he roared. Clint stumbled out of the building after having spotted the ball of space, rushing towards where Elizabeth Stark lay. Natasha crashed the chariot she flew, hand gripping the scepter, as she stumbled forward to Tony. She gripped him in her arms as she pushed his face up to make him look, to make him see. He needed to see his daughter. Natasha was now crying in happiness. Her eyes were wide in amazement and joy as she talked Tony out of his anxiety.
"Tony, Tony!" Natasha whispered in his ear. "Look!"
Lifting his head, he watched, his eyes wide as he witnessed stars glow brightly, surrounding a body, her daughter. They floated aimlessly around her, almost as if guiding her. He didn't bother to pry the suit off of his body, as he made a mad scramble to stand up on his knees. He needed to be beside her. He needed her to be real. He needed his daughter.
Clint walked over to Elise, taking her exposed wrist and trying to locate a pulse. And there was. It was faint, but it was strong and steady. That was enough. Clint tried to shake her awake, he soothed her hair as Steve and Thor watched, still in awe.
"Elise? Hey, hey kid," Clint whispered quietly, rubbing a thumb on her cheek. "Kid, do you hear me?"
Tony stumbled forward, tripping over rocks and debris. His legs were weak and he fell down next to his daughter on his knees. Tony gently placed a metal-covered hand on both sides of her face. He rubbed the frosted tears away, muttering incoherent words as his heart sped up and tears and sweat clung to his face and body. Somehow, the miniscule but luminous stars still surrounded her, creating a heavenly haze over her features.
"B-baby?" Tony whispered in uncertainty. "Baby, can you hear me? Come on, Mini-Me. Not like this."
He watched for a few seconds, almost spiralling back into anxiety and panic. He remembered when he woke up, and he would've smiled but she wasn't there. His baby girl wasn't there, and how was he going to go home without her there to welcome him?
"Come on, E! You can do this. Come back to me. Please, please, please. God, just baby, please." Steve and Thor looked aways, witnessing the heartbreak of a father. Tony didn't let any tears fall this time, as he punctuated each word with pleading, and prayer, and just anything to get her daughter back to the land of the living. He placed his forehead on hers, praying quietly for any God to just give him another chance and just bring her the fuck back. It was quiet for a while, and for a few seconds he let a tear slip. And suddenly, a gasp.
Elise's Point of View
Pain. God! My body was on fire! Every joint and muscle hurt, as I gasp out in pain. My eyes shot open in an instant and at first all I can see was a tan skin with brown curly hair covering my eyes. I didn't move, but I inhaled and inhaled, greedily taking in oxygen.
"Oh my God!" I exclaimed as I feel a stiff and searing pain on my back. The body in front of me jolted back, as I try to sit up, cursing as I did.
"Oh fuck!" I cry out again as I let my body heal my spine. Every piece of bone reconnecting and aligning itself as I dig my nails into my hands. Before I can scream out in pain again at the sudden 'pop' of my spine, a metal-clad hand eased my hand, gently prying it open and rubbing soothing circles in the middle of my palm.
"Shh, it's okay baby, you're here."
Fuck, that voice. Oh God.
"Dad." I lift my eyes and let my hazel orbs meet his whiskey-like eyes, happiness, regret, guilt, and relief crashing down on me all at once. His eyes were red and tears stained his cheek. Dad smiled at me softly, as if realizing I was finally back. That I was here. That I existed. Oh God, dad.
I throw my arms onto his neck and cling tightly, never wanting to let go. I ignored the bruising pain on my back, as he gently wrapped an arm around my waist, rocking us back and forth on the ground.
"It's okay, I'm here, I'm here," dad's voice cracked and I whimper and clutch him tighter. Tears slowly fall from my eyes, as I breathe in shallow breaths. My hands tremble harshly, my hair in a mess and the heaviness on my chest didn't leave me.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, dad, I'm sorry," I whisper over and over again as he placed a soft kiss on my head. "I'm here, I'm real, I'm sorry. I won't leave you again. I swear. Daddy, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, you're fine," Dad says, pulling back and giving me a kiss on the forehead, brushing his finger on my cheeks as my lips trembled as I stared at his disheveled form. Warmth, comfort, and safety perched itself on my whole body as I sigh in relief at the contact. Dad and I stayed quiet for a couple of minutes, as I feel a soft hand my exposed waist. I tilt my head to the side to see Clint crouching next to me with Natasha behind him, both smiling softly at me with tear-stained faces. I grin softly and chuckle.
"I never realized I had that effect on people," I weakly say jokingly. Both of them grinned back as Clint tackled me into a hug, with Natasha helping my dad up.
"You idiotic ass who doesn't understand self-preservation I will kill you someday," Clint mumbled as he tucked his head on my neck, body shaking. I press my hand softly on his back as I let my other hand run through his hair softly.
"I'm sorry," I whisper apologetically. Clint nods, and I just smile at Natasha who stared at the both of us. Damn Clint making me all mushy.
"It's okay, just... Don't do it again? My heart can't take it," he added as he pulled back and smoothed my hair out of my face, gently prying off my visor. I nod at him and offer a small smile, which he returned. He helped me stand up, as I lean into him for support. Dad placed a supporting arm around my waist, as Natasha took hold of my visor.
"We won." I turn to see Rogers giving me a gratitude-filled stare. I nod in return. "We won."
Oh thank God we won.
"Good job guys! Yey!" My dad mumbled sarcastically making me laugh. "Let's just- ugh- let's just not come in tomorrow. Take a day." Dad sighed quietly as I do the same, looking around the ruins of Manhattan.
"Have you guys tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here, I don't know what it is but I wanna try it," Dad offered with a small smile. Rogers laughed quietly at us, with an amused Thor and huffing Hulk on the side.
"We're not finished yet," Thor butts in.
"Oh right," I grimace at the thought of confronting Loki again. Dad just stared at him blankly, and answered, "And then shawarma after." I smack my dad's side lightly, and he grinned with a soft laugh.
"Definitely shawarma after," I agree.
"How are we gonna get up there?" Clint asked from behind me, jerking his head to Stark Tower. Natasha clutched the scepter in her hand, as she held my dad and the others walked over to us.
"Yeah, I've a few tricks up my sleeve," pulling Clint and dad closer to me, I beckon them to come closer.
"We're gonna teleport, and it'll be weird at first but the feeling will pass," I inform them. "Okay, so hold hands or something cause I need you all to be connected to me."
Natasha held onto Clint, as Thor wrapped a supporting arm around her shoulder. Steve latched an arm around Thor's shoulder with Hulk who huffed and placed his huge hand on my open palm. I envisioned the penthouse of Stark Tower, as I imagined the familiar smell and the random things scattered all around the penthouse. I close my eyes, breathe in, and let the electric blue of my powers swarm around us, slowly taking apart our body atom by atom as I feel myself fade and reappear again, feeling the familiar nausea and sensation of being put back together.
When I open them again, I see the others huddled around me, swaying slightly as they let go. We stood in the balcony, as we walked together to where a disheveled Loki lay on the floor, trying his best to get out, slowly crawling and occasionally grunting in pain. I sat myself down on the couch, and let them deal with Loki. Papers were strewn across the floor alongside E-files and folders. Last week's 'To-Do Checklist' was taped on the lamp and fridge, with the occasional doodle of weird thoughts my dad and I wrote on the paper. My Lego sets and painted canvases were placed accordingly on the wall with picture frames and funny photos from way back. Pillows and blankets were strewn on the floor with milk cartons, empty bottles of Smirnoff, some empty Ziploc bags and plates that were once filled with berries or whatever food my dad and I put there.
They all huddled around Loki and pointed their weapons at him, with I'm assuming is the scariest faces in history.
"If it's all the same to you," I heard him say. "I think I'll have that drink now."
Scoffing, I press a button my arc reactor, as the Glory Fighter suit detached itself from me. I stood up, and stretch, my body, my joints popping in relief. My powers started to surround the suit as I teleported it to the workshop to fix later on. I rub the arc reactor on my chest with it's tiny little metal claws digging into my skin. We'd have to get that removed later.
The others started to scatter around the room, as Natasha walked over to the bar, the scepter placed on the coffee table in front of me. Loki was hancuffed and muzzled after he had made fun of Cap, which was actually really funny and I know my dad laughed in his mind but didn't bother showing it. He was now out of his suit, with a drink in his hand.
Cap and Thor looked around the room, not expecting it to be the way it was. They stared at photos and paintings, and even the random Post-It notes we put for constant reminders. Standing up, I cleaned out some of the clutter with my powers, teleporting them to their destined places at the same time, picking up the blankets and pillows with Clint who did the same, helping me in folding and stacking it on the couch. When we finished, I offered Clint a hug as thanks, which he happily took, picking me up and spinning me around making me laugh. When he put me down, he patted my head and took the drink that Nat had offered him.
There was a muffled growl, as I twist to the left to see Loki eyeing Clint with a glare.
"Loki," I call out to him, making him whip my head towards me, leaving me surprised when I saw his eyes were green. Huh. I guess Hulk beating the crap out of him did the thing. The others stared at me as if I was weird and crazy for talking to the god. Loki gave me a confused stare and I rolled my eyes, jerking my head for him to sit down on the couch. When he didn't move, I walked over to Thor, patted his arm, and took hold of Loki's bicep to lead him to the couch.
"Stop staring, this is personal, none of your businesses except for me, Loki, and dad," I stared at the others with a pointed look, as the familiar sensation of a migraine trickled. Dad, who was confused as hell, tossed me a tumbler with chocolate milk. As I caught it, I felt him tap into my mind.
"What're you doing with the god?" Dad's voice warped in my head as he stared at me with a raised eyebrow.
"We're gonna talk for a while, I'll tell you about it later, is that okay?" I asked him. His face showed uncertainty as he pursed his lips, but nodded nonetheless. Sighing, I walk towards dad and place a soft kiss on his cheek as reassurance.
"You trust me, right dad?" I whispered quietly. He sighs and nods, giving me a soft look. Opening my arms, he gave me a lop-sided grin and went for the hug. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my shoulder, as I placed my hand on his neck and close my eyes to savour the hug. When he let go, he kissed my cheek and let me do what I had to do. I make my way back towards Loki, ignoring the incredulous looks the other gave me.
Sitting down, I sat cross-legged on the couch and faced him, as Loki turned to do the same, legs crossed with a raised eyebrow, making me notice the cuts on his face.
"What's with the attitude?" I raised my own eyebrows at him and removed his muzzle with a flick of my hand. He shoots me a grateful look, moving his jaw a bit.
"Not attitude," he starts as the others turned to look at us surprised, except for Natasha who just raised an eyebrow. "Just... Very curious to what you have to say." Loki added. I scoff at him and leaned in front to smack him hard upside the head with some of my powers tainting my hand.
"What was that for?" Loki exclaimed as he craned his neck a bit to ease the pain. I tap into his mind, happy at the familiar flow of gold and green energy. A faint click was heard between us.
"You eyeing Clint like that," I shot at him telepathically, while he scowled and rolled his eyes.
"Well I apologize for the rude gesture," he mutters quietly.
"Clint is like really special to me, you don't get to just eye him badly when he's not doing something wrong," I chided him while he just scowled again. "Don't scowl at me like that, you know what I mean. Clint's like the older brother I never had."
Loki sighed. "I apologize. What I did was not very acceptable," he says verbally, genuinely with a touch of weariness.
"It's fine," I sigh.
"How's your head? Doing better I hope?" I ask him. He nods and leans back a bit on the couch, while I sweep my energy into his mind, making him shiver.
"Just wanted to make sure my grandfather isn't in your head anymore," I say to him telepathically as I drank my chocolate milk. He raised both eyebrows at the information, mouth slightly open in shock. Smirking, I hand him my tumbler so he can get a drink. For a few minutes he stared at it with mild disgust, and I roll my eyes and take his arm and place it on his hand.
"If it was poisoned I would've been dead by now," I say out loud. He eyed me curiously and brought it to his lips, tipping it slightly to taste.
"Sweet right?" I flash him a grin when he rolled his eyes but continued to drink.
"Well, your grandfather isn't hogging up my head anymore thanks to the monstrous beast who bullied me," he quips telepathically, but there was a slight tone of embarrassment. Giggling, I take the tumbler and take a swig of milk, as he shot me a dirty look. I giggle again, being careful to not get choked by the beverage.
"Hulk tossed you around like you were a rag doll while you were being temperamental," I teased as he shot me an even dirtier look. Hulk huffed happily at my comment.
"And I'm concerned you find that enjoyable," he spat back in a playful and concerned tone. I blew raspberries at him while he just chuckled and took the tumbler I handed back.
"So, grandfather?" He asked me again telepathically, an almost awkward tone in his voice. Sighing, I drop my gaze and rub my face with both hands, groaning as I did.
"Yeah, sucks a lot," I say with my lips this time, a bit muffled by my hands, not caring of the others found our conversation utterly non-sensical or misinterpreted. He hums as I take a peak at him in between my fingers.
"Anyway, what did you guys talk about?" I ask, referring to Lucilla. At the mention of the question, he groaned and handed me back my tumbler as I take a sip, curious. By now, we didn't care of the others heard.
"Well, I found out that she is, in fact, my sister," he says bluntly, as I stared at him with wide eyes, and groaned after a realization.
"I was dealing with two Loki's? Damn it," I curse and stick my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Well, half-sister to be precise. She's from Farbauti's side of the family."
"Hm, makes sense," I nod and shift in my seat to get comfy, when I heard someone clear their throat. Turning, I see Thor with an incredulous look in his eyes, while I just smiled sarcastically at him, as I handed Loki the tumbler.
"I would like to know how you and my brother are acquainted," Thor bellowed with raised eyebrows. Keeping the paparazzi smile on my face, Loki snickers in front of me.
"Oh Thor, you've no idea how vast and utterly non-sensical space is," I say, doing my best not to falter at the mention of space, as I start to become hypersensitive of my surroundings, finally noticing the soft glow of the stars that loomed over me. Huh, I guess they won't be disappearing any time soon. Thor glared at me, ready to use force. I activated a shield around me and squint my eyes at him.
"I'm sorry but as I stated before, this is personal," I say in a sharp tone. "This is between me, my father, and Loki. Not you, or anyone elses. I decide if I want to disclose the information, but right now I just want to have a quick chat with Loki here before he has to go."
Thor stood there stunned, while my dad had his "Oh-Holy-Fuck" face on, with eyes wide and mouth in a perfect 'o', making me remember the Pikachu meme. Natasha looked like she was having a debate wether she should be proud or surprised, while Cap looked slightly on edge. Clint though, just sipped his drink casually. Turning away from me and Loki, Thor walked off to Captain America. I turn back to Loki.
"You think we can talk about this another time?" I ask him. He sighs, nods, and stands up as I do the same, flicking my wrist as his muzzle appeared again in a blue shimmer. Taking hold of his bicep, I lead him towards the bar. He stands in front of the counter while I go up the few steps to go behind the counter. I place my empty tumbler on the sink, opening the mini-fridge and taking two new tumbler of chocolate milk and taking a swig as dad hands me a plate of newly grilled cheese sandwich. I thank him and sit on the stool while I cut the sandwich in half. Flicking my wrist, I remove Loki's muzzle again and offer him half of my sandwich and the new tumbler. He takes it willingly and smiles at me softly. He ate quietly, knowing he was in dangerous waters for now. Thor hands Loki a stool to sit on, which he quietly accepts and sits across from me.
"Hey JARVIS?" I ask and look to where one of JARVIS' sensor is.
"Yes, Miss Stark?" Loki jumps momentarily, but resumes eating.
"Damage report?" At this question, dad hands me a Stark tablet and sits down next to me, as I assessed the data on the tablet.
"46% of the city is damaged by the attack, number of deaths are still uncertain as well as those who are possibly injured. Emergency services, police stations, and other voluntary organizations are helping for temporary clean-up. Stark Industries' Relief Foundations and 'Frangipani Foundation' are now in effect, as well as 'Orchid Foundation' and 'Daisy Foundation'. I have marked out places in the city that are mildly and severely damaged, as well as possible evacuation centers and temporary sites to set-up open camp. Stark Industries' Social and Press Management Sector manager, Hadley Croon, and her team are now handling the press and providing non-confidential information to the public. Minor details regarding city damage, clean-up services, and estimated time-stamps are noted on the tablet."
Sighing, dad pats my back, knowing just how much work we were going to do the next few months. I scrolled through the tablet.
"Tower report?" My dad asked, a slight grimace on his face. I grimace too, now fully aware of just how much work we were going to be put in.
"Scanning," JARVIS paused for a moment. "Scan complete. Business and Management floors six, eight, 15, and 25 have been mildly damaged. Damages such as broken windows, apparatuses, and office spaces have been recorded. However, 'Research and Development' and 'Equipment and Storage', floors 39, 45, 46, 50, 53, 56, 57, 60, 77, and 86 have been severely damaged. Possible fire outbreaks have been contained by interns and workers and are now initiating 'Clean-Up Workers Protocol'. Personal labs such as yours and Miss Stark's are recorded with zero damage, but some of the guest floors, including Miss Stark's floor are scanned with 59% damage. Miss Stark's library, however, survived. Her room, kitchen, and living room area are sadly, needing major repairs and exchange of apparatuses and furnitures. Penthouse has only 12% damage, such as windows, furnitures, and the STARK sign of which embellishes this fine Tower. I must also inform you that Miss Potts is on her way back to New York. Miss Alicia, Miss Carter Mister Hogan, and Mister Rhodes have recieved Protocol 13-THAED and are now on their way to New York City as well." Oh holy fuck. I forgot all about Protocol 13. Crap. Crap. Crap. The earful my dad and I are going to get.
I throw Loki a zap of energy making him yelp as I scowl. Damn it.
"What in the Nine realms was that for?" He exclaims. I hit him with a piece of toast, glaring all the while.
"You wrecked my room," I grumble, while resisting the urge to slam the tablet on the floor. Dad laughed beside me, obviously amused, while I zapped him too with energy. He yelps, and rubs his side with a pout while I just scowl and roll my eyes.
"You're not the one who's room got wrecked." Dad just chuckles and places his arm around my shoulder, making me grumble even more, but smile nonetheless. Doctor Selvig came through the open balcony not a moment later with a gloved hand carefully holding the Tesseract. Standing, up, I make my way over and smile at him as I do so.
"Hi Doctor Selvig," I say in a quiet tone. He nods at me in greeting, eyeing the stars above my head weirdly which I just shrugged off non-committally.
"Thank you," he says with a gratitude-filled smile. "Thank you for saving the lot of us. What you and your father did was very brave." I feel the heat creep up to my face in embarassment as he laughs at my reaction.
"I uh, um," I stutter, not knowing how to reply. "You're welcome? Uhm," groaning, dad laughs from behind me as he walked up to us.
"Dad help!" Dad laughs harder at my words and places his arm on my waist, while he gives Doctor Selvig his regards.
"Yeah, she doesn't do well on compliments," dad says.
"I can see that," Doctor Selvig agrees with a lop-sided smile. "Well anyway, I just wanted to ask on how you lot would be handling the Tesseract."
"I can actually hold it for you," I offered. Doctor Selvig eyes me curiously, as I sparked my hand with my energy. Dad seemed to know where I was going with my point.
"Yeah, she can actually absorb the energy but not let it interfere with her mental state," dad reasons and Selvig nodded in understanding. He carefully handed me the Tesseract, as I caught it with my hand, creating a cube-shaped energy field around the Tesseract. The Cube vibrated around my energy happily, almost sighing in content as I do the same.
As dad and I excused ourselves from Doctor Selvig, we walked back over to the counter where Loki was eating, as I finished my food and my drink with one hand.
When Loki finished eating, I put his muzzle back on unwillingly. SHIELD STRIKE team had finally arrived with the familiar sight of Rumlow and Sitwell. Hm. I've always had a bad feeling about these two. I just couldn't place my finger on it. I'll find out soon enough.
Before I placed the Tesseract on the brief case they provided, I whispered a silent binding spell so I know where they take the Cube. I discreetly enchanted the scepter as well.
I sigh in relief, knowing that the day was done. Finally. Albeit work was going to be hectic, still, there were no more aliens who are bent on world domination at the moment. We've faced losses today, and they've become our driving force to fight with every drop of blood. We've fought, and we've avenged today. For now, that is enough.
Now, it is time for shawarma.
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