Chapter 28: Pressure
I lay on the metal floors for a moment, as I tried to catch my breath. “Put on the suit,” I heard Cap tell my father. Just as my father answered, he stood up and ran over to me. Coughing, I slowly tried to stand up with my father’s help. Buzzing and voices were heard through the comms, as Fury and Hill alerted us that engine three needed attending to. “I’m on it,” dad replied. He turned to me, “Hey, are you okay?” Nodding feebly, I stood up straighter and looked at my dad. “Yeah, but you have a job to do and I suggest you get to it before we fall hundreds of feet from the air,” I replied. Dad rolled his eyes, but gave me a quick kiss on the head before muttering an “I love you” and “Keep safe”.
Making my way out of the torn entrance, I clapped my palms together to create an energy field around me to shield me from literally anything. “Elise!” I heard Fury through my comms. Red lights flashed and alarms blared everywhere, as a voice through the PA system stated that enemies were wearing SHIELD uniforms. Oh great. This is turning out to be such a great day! Note the sarcasm.
As I sprinted, I dodged and fired at the rogue agents that came my way. “I’m kind of in the middle of something, Fury!” I yell as I kicked the pistol from the hands of the rogue agent. Landing a punch straight to the face, he fell back and was knocked unconscious. “I need you here in the control room, ASAP!” Fury stated, as I redirected my route. “I’m on my way.”
I started to dash and create multiple turns through the winding hallways, fending off rogue agents as I did. Just as I took a left, I heard an inhumane roar from below. I faltered in my steps as the floor seemed to shake. I recognized the sound as I groan, “Oh God.” The Hulk has just been released. Running faster, I tapped on my comm, “Fury! I don’t know about you but I think I just heard the Hulk roar from downstairs!” I yell frantically, as the ship started to vibrate and multiple clashing sounds can be heard, alongside rogue agents and SHIELD agents fighting. Fury replied with something I didn’t hear. I was about to ask again, when I saw the open doorway for the control room.
Multiple rogue agents were swarming in. As quietly as I can, I sprinted to gather enough speed to drop down and slide on the floor, and kick his feet off balance. He tumbled to the floor, and just as he was about to get up, I kicked both my legs upward while using both my arms to push me back up. As I landed on the floor, my energy field started to buzz and grow wider. Whirling my direction to the agent, I land two strong, but quick punches on the agent’s stomach, I held onto his shoulders and kicked his groin, making him fall backwards and slam his head on the doorway leaving him unconscious. Entering the room, I am met with a Maria Hill shooting an agent just as I was about to enter. “You’re here, good,” Fury acknowledged, as I nod my head. He tossed me a gun, and I quickly caught it, before clicking off the safety. More agents had swarmed in through the higher level of the control room. Fury, Hill, and I, alongside other agents started shooting them. Someone from the control panels had stated of Thor and Hulk’s whereabouts. Fury gave a response that I once again couldn’t hear because of the gunshots and Agent Hill was now giving orders through the comms. Just as I was about to fire another shot at an agent, an explosion threw me and other agents off of the platform we stood on.
Another explosion ricocheted making me duck down for cover. Just as I stood up, an arrow whizzed past me and attached itself on one of the computer’s flash drive ports, showing another engine malfunction. I looked back on to the angle of the arrow shot, and saw an opening with a mind-controlled Agent Barton on the other side. I was about to reach out to his mind to remove him from his daze, when a bullet was shot towards him making him move to the side for cover. Just as I was about to move, the floor started to tilt because of the engine malfunction in engine one. I started to use my telekinetic energy to make me hover from the ground. I am having enough of this shit. This needs to end. Sighing, I teleported myself to the location of Loki’s cell. The familiar feeling of teleportation left me as quick as it came. I opened my eyes and was met with Thor in the cage and Loki nearby the control panels. Thor smashed on the glass out of anger with his hammer, creating a crack. One of the holds on the cage became loose.
I quietly muttered an invisibility spell that Loki taught me. Hovering quietly to the side, I watched as Loki walked closer to the control panel. “The humans think us immortal,” he says, taking a glance at Thor. “Shall we test that?” He asks.
Just as I was about to interfere, a loud thud came from the other entrance to the cell. The rogue agent that was guarding the cell was on the floor, and almost unconscious, with Coulson holding –quite frankly- an awesome looking gun. It looked like one of the arsenals from Phase Two. I cursed internally, making sure to move as quietly and quickly as possible a few feet to Coulson’s side. I still can’t let them know I’m here. “Move away, please,” Coulson stated calmly. He started to advance towards Loki, slowly. Loki watched warily, as Coulson talked. “You like this? We started working on a prototype after you sent the Destroyer. Even I don’t know what it does.”
Wait, wait. Destroyer? What? Does this mean SHIELD was related to what happened in Asgard a few months back? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Coulson powered the gun. The muzzle started to glow a bright orange, creating loud whirring sounds. Coulson asked, “You wanna find out?”
For a second, as I stared at Loki, I saw him glitch. I saw him glitch. “Coulson!” I yelled out when I saw the real Loki behind him. But I was too late. Loki had already stabbed Coulson on the back, as Coulson let out a loud yelp. Thor yelled, as I watched in utter horror. Coulson fell to the floor as he leaned on the metal walls, blood rolling down the side of his mouth. My invisibility spell was snapped out of focus as I appeared to their eyes. I fell on my knees, on the verge of tears, as I scrambled to Coulson’s side. Loki walked over to the panel, and right now, I was angry at him. I was furious. I felt the bottled up rage and sorrow fill to the brim, only waiting to explode. Coulson panted, while I did my best to transfer my energy to him. I pressed my hands harder and firmer on his open wound. Loki opened the hatch, and for a moment he took a look at Thor. Thor started at him in anger and sorrow, much like how I felt. He stepped back, and Loki pushed the button. I felt myself grow weak from the amount of energy I was transferring to Coulson. I only gave a weak yell as I watched Thor plummet down a hundred feet. The noise was nothing to me now. I felt myself become disoriented. I was only passing Coulson energy, not healing his wound, and even I didn’t know if this would work because I don’t know any healing spells nor do I possess the power to heal him or myself. Energy transfer was my best bet right now. I was saving him, but barely.
Shakily, my other hand left Coulson’s back, doused in his blood. I press my com and muster the loudest voice that I can, “F-Fury, Coulson’s stabbed. I need a medical team ASAP in Loki’s cell. Fury, I-I n-need that medical team now!” My voice increased a bit in volume as immeasurable amount of pain crawled its way in my body. I pant and try to suppress my screams.
“You’re going to lose,” I heard Phil mutter weakly. Loki looked back. For a moment his eyes flashed green as he saw me, before flickering back to being blue. “Why?” he asks. I whimpered loudly, as I can feel a jolting and almost heart-stopping pain from my back. I guess transferring energy also means requiring the pain of the one receiving the energy.
“It’s in your nature,” Coulson replies. I almost didn’t catch it due to the immense whirlwind of emotions and pain I was experiencing right now. Loki just smirks. “Your heroes are scattered. Your floating fortress falls from the sky,” Loki laughs a little. “Where is my disadvantage?”
I watch as Coulson stares at him, a small smile on his face, “You lack conviction.” Loki looked angered for a moment, but it then turns to confusion, “I don’t think I-“ But before he can finish his sentence, Coulson pulled the trigger, making the bright orange beam hit Loki and send him flying through the wall. Coulson smiles for a moment, “So that’s what it does.”
And with that, I close my eyes, as the nonsensical amount of pain consumed my body. For a moment, I watch Coulson’s face. I breathe a sigh, and then, there was darkness.
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