Chapter 15: Doubts and Chocolate Bars
Bruce left to go back to the lab, bidding me goodbye as soon as he brought me to the bridge. I adjusted my bag strap, and walked over to Coulson. Awww, he's with Captain No-Fun. I pout. Coulson saw me, and smiled, crouching down.
"Hi!" I smile at him. He smiles back.
"Hey, I like that trick you pulled off with the agents. It was funny," he complimented, making me grin, and shot Cap a knowing look that said Ha! In your face!!!
"You're gonna let her off the hook, just like that?" Cap asked, a bit angered.
"Captain, you should relax. It was a harmless prank, nobody got hurt," Coulson said, shrugging his shoulders at Cap. I smirk, knowing Coulson is on my side.
"Well, you could at least punish or lecture her," Cap replied, sighing at the end.
"Okay... How about... You go into the kitchen and cook the Avengers and Fury and me some dinner, after this?" Coulson looked at me, then winked with a cheeky smile. I gasp, pretending to be horrified at such a simple task.
"Not the kitchen!" I exclaim. Inside, I was screaming Whhooooo! Food!!! Lots and lots of food!!!
Cap nodded his head in agreement, practically believing me. 'And.... Best Actress Award goes to.... ELISE STARK!' A small voice in my head said. I giggle. Oh captain, be amazed at how an amazing cook the Elise Stark is.
Coulson gave me a pat on the head, stood up, and took my hand, leading me and the Captain on the higher platform of the bridge.
"I called you in here, in case the agents found something on Loki," Coulson said, turning to complete 'Agent Mode'.
"What does that have to do with me?" I ask innocently.
'Please don't let them send me to confront Loki. Please don't let them send me to confront Loki. Please Please Please PLEASE don't-'
"Director Fury decided sending you with Captain to go into battle and confront Loki, just in case," Coulson answered, completely crushing my hope.
"You're evil."
Coulson laughed. I am so not ready to face Loki, let alone fight him! I'm a five year old! I'm mentally and emotionally unstable! Hello???!
"Coulson, I can't," I whined.
"And why?" Director Fury said from behind me. I looked at him, and put on my begging face. Bottom lip jutted out, and eyes wide like a puppy's.
"A. I'm five years old. B. I'm mentally unstable."
"Then you can stay in the jet with Agent Romanoff, and help her gather civilians or blast Loki, in case we find him," he said, walking away, with a glint of triumph in his eyes. Ohh, he pulled the 'Blast Someone' card. I'm impressed. Although he didn't fall for the 'Begging Face', I may be getting a little rusty. Doesn't matter, blasting Loki sounds way more fun.
"You got me at 'blast Loki'!" I call out with a grin. Ohhhh... Just thinking of it makes me so happy.
"I know!" Fury yelled back, disappearing from eyes view.
"How come all of you are so nonchalant in sending a five year old in battle? Let alone bring her up here! Just like that!" Captain America asked, exaggerating my age. Didn't he heard the first time we were on this bridge that I'm de-aged?
"Are you doubting my abilities?" I asked, annoyed. He raised his eyebrow at me.
"What if I say yes?" He asked back. Gosh, that scrutinizing gaze of his. I wanna rip his eyes off! I growled. A real growl. I didn't know I have this in me.
"I'm not afraid to hit an old man," I growl, dropping my bag to the floor.
"Okay... Elise, stop and behave," Coulson said, but I didn't budge. I went down on all fours, still growling.
"The one thing... I hate the most... Is being doubted," I seethed, feeling the powers course through my vains.
"Elise..." Coulson said warning me.
"BACK. OFF," I growled at him.
I stared into Rogers' eyes, and saw fear and determination.
"I'm gonna call your dad..." Coulson said, still using the warning tone.
"Go ahead," I said, and was about to pounce on Rogers when Nat held me by my shoulders. I stared into Rogers' eyes and saw relief. He was scared... Good.
"What are you?" Rogers asked, backing away, with the same fear in his eyes. I felt slightly calmer, with Nat rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings in my ear with her mother tongue.
"Rogers... What did you do?" Nat asked, accusation and anger lacing her voice. I was still growling, still angered about someone doubting my abilities. Fury brought me here with my father for a reason. He knew what I was capable of. He trusted my abilities. And I trusted his trust on me.
And how dare this Captain doubt my abilities?
"You may be Captain America, but I'm Elise Stark, I can take you down right here, right now," I snarl before he could talk. I growl at him one last time, with Nat still restraining me.
"Hunny, calm down... In through the nose, out through the mouth," Nat whispered, while I stared menacingly at Rogers. He was still looking at me with fear in his eyes. I did what Nat asked.
"Yeah? Prove it." Okay!
"That's the last straw!" I yell, and got out of Natasha's grip. I ran, and jumped at Rogers, punching him with such force and my telekinetic abilities, he fell down with me on top of him. He was shocked, to say the least.
I punched him again, making a bruise form on his forehead and blood ooze out his nose. About to punch one more time, I felt two slim arms wrap around me, and held me back.
"Merde Elizabeth... " I heard Nat curse in French. I was still struggling and flailing my arms.
"Let. Go." I said with such anger.
"Calm down..." Nat hushed. I started to breathe and calm my rage.
"That's right, dragâ," She continued. I looked at Captain, to see him up on his feet, and wiping the blood off his nose. There was a thick tension between me, Coulson, Nat, and Captain.
"Sir, we got a hit," Agent Sitwell cut the silence. My ears perked up.
"Sixty-seven percent. Wait, cross match seventy-nine percent," he continued. Holy guacamole... They found Loki. I started to focus on the news, and let my rage sit back for awhile.
"Location?" Coulson asked almost immediately.
"Stuttgart, Germany, 28 Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding," Sitwell answered. I stood up, and held onto Nat's hand. I squeezed her hand tightly, feeling pressured and scared. She squeezed back, just as tight as mine.
"Sir, we spotted Loki," Coulson said through the earpiece. Not a minute later, Fury came walking in the bridge.
"Captain," he turned to Rogers, "-you're up."
I sat on the jet quietly, and rolled the sleeves of the loose catsuit Nat had given me. There was no uniform my size, so Nat insisted on just making it work. Nat piloted the jet quietly, and I sat on the co-pilot seat, finishing off a chocolate bar after re-adjusting my sleeves.
After the fiasco earlier with Rogers, who might I add is just behind me on the benches, Nat gave me a quick pep talk -more like a rerun on the plan, really- on what to do. The plan was to save as many civilians as possible, while Captain Spangles over there fight Loki if there was any violent reaction from him. Nat was to pilot the jet, while I go down to, as said, save as many civilians as possible. Peachy.
"It amazes me how you're mood changes from one of anger to utter anxiousness," Nat commented, making me jump.
"Who can blame me? I even surprise myself sometimes," I ask, a bit jittery.
Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.
"Go to the benches, sit down, and eat this chocolate. It's Hersheys, I know it's your favorite," she handed me the chocolate bar. I smile. Nat would be a great mom.
"Dark Chocolate?" I ask, grinning.
"Ah-huh," she nodded, grinning like me. I hopped out of my seat, and kissed her cheek. She kissed my cheek too.
Walking to one of the benches near the shaft, I sat down, and saw Spangles sat across from me. He was leaned back, his shield next to him. He looked deep in thought. The bruise from earlier was still there, but it was now only a sick yellow. I guess the super soldier serum came in handy at times.
Out of instinct, I hopped out of my seat and split the chocolate in two. I cleared my throat. He looked down at me, wary, confusion, and curiousness in his eyes. I looked down.
"Uhh... H-Here, I though that I'd share the uhh, chocolate with you," I stuttered. I stretched my arm towards him, and he took it. I took a bite out of mine, and headed back to my seat.
'Uh uh uh... Share!' I heard dad's voice in the back of my head. I smile. Dad always told me to share stuff, mostly food.
"Sharing is caring. I know, daddy," I sigh. My nimble hands picked out toys that were in my cabinet, and thinking of the new owners who would care for all of these when we donate them.
"You're gonna give away Mr. Kafuffle? I thought he's your most precious toy?" Dad asked, holding the brown, thick-furred bear that had doe eyes and a cute little blue ribbon on it's neck. I gasp, and took Mr. Kafuffle from his grasp. I hugged him and placed him on my bed.
Dad laughed beside me and sat down. On his hands were... My chocolates?!
I took it from him, but he stood up, and raised his arm. "Come on! You know how small I am! Those are precious!" I whined, jumping up and down. Mom was laughing from the sidelines. Sure, all of you are so tall with your heels and just cause you're so tall, blah blah blah.
"Hey, you're the one who said 'Sharing is Caring'! What happened to that?" I stopped jumping, and pouted, giving him the puppy dog eyes.
"No, no, no, no! Do not use those eyes on me! Do not! Don't you--- oh come on! Here!" Dad sat down on the floor, and handed me the chocolate bowl. I smirk, and take out half a bar, giving it to him. He smiles, and cooed, "My baby, all grown up..." He said and wiped imaginary tears. I laugh.
"First, I'm not giving away my most precious bear," I answered his previous question, and took the toys I picked out earlier. "Second, I'm only nine, but living with you changed my mental age from nine to 15," I continued as I placed them in a large brown box, along with some of my clothes that I never wore; mostly skirts and frilly dresses, that has been piled up in my closet. There were also a few more toys, such as cars and balls. Some books, art materials, and educational books. "Third, I don't want it to ever change."
I packed up some last minute stuff that I found and placed them in the box to be donated to 'Sunny Day Orphanage'.
Dad thought it be best if we didn't give them money, cause he thought that sometimes, it's not money they want, it's love and passion and care. Who knew Tony Stark can be so passionate? So we spent half of the day going through our stuff, and since I had the most of the stuff, mum and dad finished early, and helped me.
"Do you really wanna donate your dresses?" Mom asked for the fifteenth time. Yes, I counted how much she asked that.
"Yes, mom. Besides, they don't fit me anymore," I sigh. I piled up the last pieces of toy, and dad handed me the tape. While mom and dad held the sides of the box, I taped it using the duct tape, and made sure it was sealed tight.
Happiness and warmth coursed through me, thinking of every child my age that would receive this presents. I hope this does them good. I hope it helps them in growing up, and I hope I can make them smile.
' I hope you like it, and I hope it makes you very happy! Always smile, cause everyday is another day! :)
Love... Elise Stark'
I finished the note, and taped it on top of the box, and nodded my head in approval.
"Sharing is caring." I smile.
"We're here."
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