Season 1:episode 2 secrets
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
( insects chirping )
( rumbling )
( dinosaurs bellowing )
( thudding )
( roars, screeches )
( screeches )
( Kenji whimpering )
It's okay. It's okay.
We're all okay. ( whimpers )
( snarling )
Kenji, those bones-- check for a raptor skull
In the video game, I-- You wanna talk about video games now?
( screeches )
( yelps )
( grunts, pants )
Kenji: No! Let me out! Let me out! ( yelps )
( screeches )
( both whimpering )
( screeching )
( whimpers )
Roxie: Hey, come and get it!
( screeching )
( snarls )
Get out of there!
( screeches )
( both screaming )
( panting )
panting ) ( tires screech )
Man 1: Secure the paddock!
Man 2: Move!
Man 3: This way!
Man 2: Come on, move
Dave, that was...
Thank you so much.
Oh, that's standard procedure,
Darius. I do that kind of stuff all the time.
Give me a second. ( vomits )
( retches )
That's better.
( Dave grunts )
( pants )
Are you hurt?
Is everyone all right?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Where do you think you're going?
You and Darius are in big trouble.
But he-- he was--
Save it!
We'll decide what to do with you later.
If you even get to remain here after a stunt like this
( door alarm beeps )
( snarling )
( Kenji pops lips )
( popping continues )
How could you do something so stupid?
I do a lot of stupid things, so you'll have to be a little more specific than that.
Girls love a grand gesture, junior.
You'll understand when you're older.
( sighs )
Okay, maybe it wasn't my best idea. Look, I don't wanna get kicked out either.
When my dad
My whole life, I've been trying to make him proud. If he finds out that I messed up again, he might... finally give up on me for good.
( door opens )
We gave Brooklynn a warning for sneaking out, but what you two chuckleheads did- -
Especially you, Kenji!
Your recklessness put yours, Darius, and y/n Dave's lives in danger!
We should call your parents--
It was my fault!
I jumped into the pit.
Kenji was... trying to save me.
Yeah, that's it.
I... I was saving the poor, confused little kid
I'm sorry, so, Darius the dino-genius was saved by Kenji, the kid who thinks dinosaurs went extinct because, and I quote, "Their farts turned the air trashy"
Prove me wrong, yo.
( sighs )
Yeah, it's just that Brooklynn's account is quite different from yours
Pfft! Brooklynn.
Look, it was dark, she was confused, she needs glasses. ( chuckles )
Vanity, am I right?
What's important is that I'll keep looking out for the kid, here. You're welcome.
Roxie: Mm-hmm.
No harm, no foul. Let's chalk the whole thing up to experience.
Lessons, friendships-- this is what camp's about!
Who's with me? Fine.
But one more misstep...
I... We won't let you down.
( pops lips )
So, what are we doing tomorrow?
( flies buzzing )
Roxie: Enjoy cleaning this up, boys.
( retches )
We're going to the genetics lab.
( camera shutter clicks )
Cologne. That'll help with the smell.
And the ladies. What-what?
But mostly the smell
The stench of dinosaur poo can really linger
What? But... ( sighs )
( engine starts )
Ugh! Gross.
Ugh. I'm still dropping followers?
When are we gonna see cool stuff"?
Chill, dude. I just got here.
So, what's your next video?
Ooh, maybe there's baby dino eggs in the lab.
Everyone loves a baby video.
Whatever it is, it'll be cool.
Ben humming )
( humming stops )
Who knows what kind of creepy dino goo is at that lab?
Gotta be ready for anything.
The world is a grab-bag of gross, and we're all just along for the moist, sticky roller coaster ride called life.
Mm. Hmm. Hmm.
Brooklynn: What's good, Brooklanders?
Today, I'm coming to you from one of Jurassic World's coolest remote genetics labs!
( equipment trilling )
( Sammy gasps )
It's so shiny in here!
This is a rare window into the park's inner workings.
Not just anyone can come here, you know.
Yep, this is where the magic happens.
Dave:Doc Wu-Wu!
Y/n: doc Great to see you again
Doc wu: yes y/n Great see you again back in your home in the genetics labs
Y/n:it great to be home,so doc did we you finish create the second hybrid dinosaur
Doc wu:yes y/n we finished create the second hybrid dinosaur
Y/n:awesome, so will i see the second hybrid dinosaur soon
Doc wu:you will see second hybrid dinosaur soon y/n
Y/n:so I will talk to you later
Doc wu:yes y/n I will talk you later
Y/n: okay bye
Doc wu:ok bye y/n
Doc wu: so y/n walk of to see the tour will his new friends
Guess who's ready to have a blastocyst from the pastocyst?
The mitosis with the mosisis!
We're ready for some chromosomes, my bro-mosome.
Wu, there it is!
I can do more. Please don't.
We're here for the tour, Dr. Wu. Camp Cretaceous?
Roxie:Ms. Dearing should have mentioned.
Dr wu:I'm sorry, but Mr. Masrani has accelerated the timetable for our newest exhibit yet again. I simply don't have time to
spend the afternoon babysitting children.
Young lady, no recording in the lab.
But that's kind of my whole deal.
You see, I have my own web channel-- And that's germane because...?
( sighs ) I'm sorry, Doctor.
I just wanted my followers to meet the genius who brought dinosaurs back to life.
I mean, without you, there is no Jurassic World.
But, hey, if you wanna toil in the shadows while Masrani and John Hammond get all the credit, I respect that. It's about the work.
How many people watch this web show of yours?
( flies buzzing )
( Darius grunts )
Darius:This bites!
Thanks to you, I'm shoveling poop instead of watching a live dinosaur birth.
That's only been my dream since, uh, I don't know... forever!
Kenji:Dude, that's not a dream.
A dream is like when you save mermaids from a shark.
Darius: Whatever! Figures you wouldn't understand.
The scientists are heroes.
They recreated the T. rex!
A T. rex!
Darius:Do you know what it takes to do that?
Kenji:It's cute you're this excited about some dumb lab.
Noobs like you don't know half of what's in this place.
Darius:Like what?
Kenji:( snickers )
Darius:( scoffs ) You're all talk.
Kenji: I've been to this park, like, 50 kajillion times.
I'm in the know, junior.
And since you helped me out earlier, I might be willing to show you the good stuff.
Darius:No.No way.
I cannot get into more trouble.
Kenji:Eh.Hey suit yourself .
You're been waiting a lifetime to see dinosaurs.
Just thought you'd be interested in seeing one they stopped showing to the public.
But ...whatevs.
It's only a once-in-lifetime opportunity.
Darius:where's this tunnel go?
Kenji:this tu-hu-nel is part of an underground network connecting the whole island.
this is how the big dogs get around.
You're actually looking at a Jurassic world VIP,kid.
( hatch hisses )
[lights click]
[electricity crackles]
Kenji:you still bummed about that genetics lab?
[Brooklynn]:Okay Dr.wu, you're on.
( clears throat )
Hello, I'm Dr. Henry Wu, PhD.
Welcome to one of our satellite Jurassic World genetics labs.
I like to say that creating a dinosaur takes TIME--
T, technology; I, ingenuity; and M-E, me.
Whoa! Eyeball! Ooh!
( shudders )
[camera shutter clicks]
Sammy:Dr,wu what's that?
Dr.wu:Tree frog DNA.
Unfortunately, I--
Siberian mammoth remains extracted for--
Sammay: Ooh! What's down that hall?
Dr.wu:My private office.
It's restricted.
Dave: You guys, look!
Oh, I think one of these eggs is about to hatch.
Dr wu:That's not possible.
That ankylosaurus has only been incubating for ten weeks.
Yasmina:( Yasmina gasps ) Is that a tail?
Ben: Oh-hh. Oh, ew, ew, ew!
( squelches )
Get it off me! Get it--
( camera shutter clicks )
Ben:( grunts )
Baby ankylosaurus:( squealing )
Ben: ( chuckles ) Aw!
One of its head bumps is bigger than the other!
Dr.wu: Asymmetry? In my lab?
She's so...tiny.
Roxie: But she won't stay tiny for long, right?
Dr.wu: That's the idea.
All the dinosaurs go through an accelerated growth cycle.
They're supposed to incubate for 13 weeks with no noticeable defects, but apparently this one slipped through.
Darius: For real, though, where are you taking me?
Are we seeing a secret T. rex or a rare sauropod?
Kenji: Kid, Kenji has something better than a rare sauropod.
We're headed to where they quarantine the dinos that are too aggro.
The last one I saw here was some kind of carna... carna-something.
Darius: Hold up. Carnotaur?
( muffled ) We're gonna see a carnotaurus?
( normal voice ) That's, like, one of my top five favorite dinos!
Kenji:Sweet, right?
The park board actually offered to name it after me,
but I was like, "Nah, I'll hold out for something cooler."
But I figured you'd like it, you know, as a thanks,
which is what this is for, uh, you know, not being a narc when--
Darius:So, there's, like, a carnotaurus right-- right up there?
Like my boy Masrani always says, "When Kenji promises, Kenji delivers."
( buzzer blares )
Let's go melt your nerd-brain, junior.
Darius: ( Darius grunts )
Uh, you do know where you're going, right?
Kenji: Trust me, I got this on lock.
The pen, heh, is... that way.
Darius: what am I doing?
( hatch whirs )
Sammy:Oh! Hey!
Brooklynn:Sammy! Uh, what are you doing out here?
Sammy:I was just... ( chuckles )
This place ought to come with a GPS.
I really gotta go.
Brooklynn:I... I think there's a bathroom on the other end of the hall,actually.
Sammy:thanks!see you back there!
[footsteps thudding]
Man: Doctor!
We have those results you were looking for.
Dr.wu:very well.
Brooklynn: Okay, Brooklanders, let's see if top-secret Jurassic World intel is cool enough for you.
( camera shutter clicks )
( whirring )
Brooklynn:( gasps )
"Brooklynn: "E750 and "E751.
Clinical trial results"?
( mouse clicks )
( beeps )
Brooklynn: ( gasps )
( alarm blares )
Brooklynn: uh...
( keyboard clacks )
Brooklynn: ( scoffs ) Dang it!
Brooklynn:"Indominus rex"?
( door opens )
Brooklynn:( gasps )
Brooklynn:I thought the door said "restroom"?
( dinosaur bellows )
Kenji:( Kenji grunting )
Darius and Kenji:( Darius and Kenji grunting, panting )
( buzzing )
Kenji:( grunting )
Kenji:where is that stupid fence?
Darius:Kenji,maybe we should head back.
We don't wanna get caught and cause trouble with your dad.
Kenji:what does my dad have to do with anything?
Dude's barely around.
He's not worrying about me.
Then what was all the, ( imitates Kenji ) "My whole life I've been trying to make my dad proud, junior."
I was lying...
cause of the whole not wanting to get in trouble and sent home thing.
Forgive me for not wanting to spend another summer alone.
In fact, when you really think about it, this is on you for being so gullible.
Darius:( normal voice ) I can't believe this.
There is no carnotaurus, is there?
Kenji:Hey,i keep it honest!
Except this morning. And, like, a bunch of other times today.
But I'm telling the truth about this!
I'm out here for no reason, I'll probably get sent home, and it's all because I believed you!
Kenji:Fine, whatever.
Kenji:Last time I try to do something nice for a dumb kid.
( metal clangs )
Kenji: Kenji delivers.
Darius:You know this park like the back of your hand, right?
Kenji: Uh, duh!
Darius: So, you definitely know which side of the fence the carnotaurus is on?
( wings flapping )
carnotaurus:( growling )
Darius and Kenji: ( both gasp )
carnotaurus: ( snarling )
Kenji: Uh... ( whimpers )
Ben:( Ben cooing )
Baby ankylosaurs ( trilling )
Roxie: Well, that's it, Ben. Looks like you live here now.
Dr.wu: Time for you all to leave.
Brooklynn: Hey!
Dr.wu:Clearly, this group has no respect for my lab.
Ben:But what about Bumpy?
Dave: Aw, Bumpy!
You gave it a name. That's precious!
Dr.wu: The asset will soon be released into a herd of ankylosauruses.
Then she'll be their problem, just like you all will cease to be my problem when you leave.
Dave: All right, bup-bup-bup-bup-bup!
Hit the road. We are not wanted here.
Bumpy: ( Bumpy cooing )
( squealing )
carnotaurus: ( roaring )
Darius and kenji: ( both panting )
( both grunt )
Kenji: Don't leave me, man!
Darius:( Darius whimpers )
carnotaurus:( roars )
( Darius panting, whimpering )
Kenji:Dude! It's gaining!
Darius: It's fast, but not on turns!
Zig-zag, on my count!
One, two, three!
carnotaurus: ( roars )
carnotaurus:( roars )
Darius and Kenji: ( both panting )
Darius:up ahead!
Kenji: ( grunts )
Darius:( screams, pants )
Darius and Kenji: ( both grunting )
carnotaurus:( snarling )
carnotaurus: ( roars )
Darius:( whimpers ) Kenji!
Are you kidding me, Kenji?
Kenji: Come on!
Come on!
carnotaurus:( roars )
Darius and Kenji:( both grunt )
carnotaurus:( roaring )
Kenji:( laughs, grunts )
Diddums da the big dino hurt his widdle nose?
You think you're slick, Toro?
You got nothin'!
Toro. 'Cause-- 'Cause of the horns.
Darius:Yeah, I get it.
Hey, Toro, your arms are... pretty much vestigial at this point! Ha!
Kenji:Yeah, boy! That's what's up! That's what--
Toro:( clangs )
Darius and Kenji:( both yelp )
What time are they supposed to get back from the lab?
Darius and Kenji:( both panting )
Roxie: Why are you two so out of breath?
Darius:Just doing the job we're told.
How was the field trip?
Yasmina:Oh, well, um, you know, Ben fell in love with a dinosaur,and Super Star here got us booted from the lab.
Brooklynn:That is not what happen--
Sammy: How'd poop patrol go?
You all should've seen how I owned--
Darius: This valuable experience! Um, learned a lot about ourselves and, uh... yep!
Roxie: ( sniffs ) Oh! Well, then, hit the showers.
And maybe stay in there for a while?
Ben: Use soap.
Lots of soap!
Darius: Two near-death experiences in two days?
We can't tell anyone about Toro or we're definitely getting sent home.
Kenji: ( sighs )
I can't believe no one will know I saved your life.
Darius:I'll know, Kenji.
Kenji:( sighs ) Thanks. ( chuckles )
So, we even now, Darius?
Darius: Yeah, we're even.
You do know farts didn't kill the dinosaurs, right?
Kenji:Prove me wrong, yo.
Darius:There is a lot of proof--
Okay, first I'm going to take a five-hour shower, and then tonight we're going over how the atmosphere works.
( crickets chirping )
( rustling )
( whirring )
( trilling )
( powers up )
( theme music playing )
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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