part - 11
~ Avni ~
I felt relaxed when I entered inside Neela maa's house but it could be more peaceful if Neil didn't came with us. He is totally insane. Can't he stay away from me for a day ?
I leaned my head on couch and closed my eyes. A smile appeared on my face automatically when I felt someone's fingers ran through my scalp slowly.
" Thank you maa " I said with closed eyes.
" It's your dear hubby, wifey " I opened my eyes and saw Neil was smiling looking at me.
Okay, so it was Neil. I sighed and sat up properly.
" Wouldn't you go to police station today " I just want to spend some time with Neela maa.
" No. I took a day off " he said smiling. I wouldn't get rid of him.
" How can I leave my newly wedded wife alone " I rolled my eyes.
" It's my mother's house Neil and I want to spend some time with my mother alone " I'm frustrated with his this behaviour.
" I'm not stopping you. Spend as much time you wanna spend with your mother " He said casually.
" Then why you came with me "
" Because I can't stay away from you "
I held my head in my hands. I wanna pull my hair. Arghhh.
" Go to hell "
" I wouldn't mind if you are with me " I glared at him and he just smiled.
" Bachcha see what I made for you " Neela maa said coming from kitchen with a tray.
" Pohaaaa " I shouted when I saw poha, my favourite dish. " Thank you maa " without wasting a second I took the plate and started eating.
" Neil, this is for you " Neela maa gave him bowl " Sweta ji said you love khir so I thought to make khir for you " what ? I can't believe this. Why Neela maa is showing so much love on him ?
" Thank you sasu mom " Neil smiled and happily took the bowl. " It's delicious " he commented.
" Avni I....." Neil wanted to say something but he stopped and held his head. " My head is spinning " what ? All of sudden what happened with him ?
" Neil... Neil...are you okay " I got up and was about to go to him but Neela maa held maa hand.
" Maa..." Neela maa stopped me and indicated me to stay quiet.
Within few minutes Neil fell on couch unconscious.
" I gave him sleeping tablets " Neela maa said making me completely shock.
" But why " I asked.
" I told her to do this " I heard a voice and looked behind Neela maa.
" Ali " what is happening here ?
" He knows that you are Avni " what ?how ?
" I always had doubt on you. There was something that I always felt connected with you and when Neela maa did your kanyadaan my all doubts got clear " Ali came closer to me.
" Am I not your best friend anymore, Avni " He sounded like he was hurt. I felt guilty.
" You are and you will always be my best friend, Ali " Ali is my only and true friend.
" Then why you hid your identity from me " I know he is hurt and I should have told him before.
" Ali I'm sorry but I didn't want you to get in any trouble. Dayawanti Meheta is very dangerous and I didn't want to take any risk "
" Avni she can't do anything. We were kids that time but not anymore. We will fight and get your brother back " he said holdings my shoulder. I couldn't control more and hugged him. I missed him. I missed my best friend.
" I missed you " Ali whispered.
" You can continue it later but now go from here " Neela maa said. I broke the hug and looked at her.
" Where "
" Avni, what Neil did is completely wrong. How can he marry you forcefully " Ali said.
" Yes, but we can't do anything now " I said helplessly.
" We can Avni. You are going London tonight. Once you go out of India Neil can't do anything " I looked at Neil who was laying on couch unconsciously. What he will do when he will know about this ? My hands are shaking.
" Don't warry about Neil, Avni. I will handle him. God knows what happened with him. He wasn't like this before " I'm too surprise with his new version. No one can handle his madness.
" But what about Aman " I can't leave him here with Dayawanti Meheta.
" Dayawanti Mehata can't take Aman anywhere now, so he will be here infront of my eyes. We will do something to get him but I won't let Neil to spoil your whole life. You have to go from here where he can't find you " Neela maa is right. Once I go far away from him he can't do anything and I know Neela maa wouldn't let anything to happen with Aman. She will take care of him.
" Okay " I said taking a deep breath.
~ Neil ~
I woke up and found myself in a unfamiliar room. Where I'm ? Stupid it's sasu mom's house. But how I fell asleep and where is my wifey ?
" Avni...Wifey...." I came to the hall. Sasu mom was sitting there.
" Oh finally you woke up " sasu mom asked sweetly. Is not she behaving too sweety with me ? First she made khir for me and now this extra sweet behaviour towards me.
" Where is Avni " I want to see my wifey first.
" One of her friend called her to meet her as she came here after a long time so she went to meet her. She will came within a hour " how can she go alone ? And wait why she will go to meet her friend today ? I mean she wanted to spend the day with her mother, right ? She could go another day. Something is fishy Neil.
I called Avni to ask where is she but her phone was switched off. I'm getting negative vibes. Something is wrong.
" Where they are going to meet " I asked to sasu mom.
" I don't know. I didn't ask her " my anger is growing up. Relax Neil and think.
This is not a coincidence that I fell asleep and Avni is not here. This is Avni's plan to run away. I clenched my fists in anger. You shouldn't have done this, Jaan.
What will Neil do now ?
Next update - kalank nehi ishq hai
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