Junko: ha, this is time as the ultimate despair is at my end.......It was fun while it lasted.....
Junko's body can be seen squashed under a giant press.
Junko: wha? Where am I?
Junko looks around to see herself in a void like state
Junko: huh? Whats all this despair I
Junko is seen growing to enormous heights in some type of weird void
????: huh? Who goes there?
Junko saw a white and golden creature speak
????: a new one? I thought we were the only ones here?
A man in a red and black suit said
????: it seems you forgot that we become what we are now because of selfish and unselfish reasons of power gain.....but why is she here?
A blonde man said with a golden guanlet with gems on his arm
Junko: puhuhuhuhu, what's up with the party huh?
????: oh, thats some power shes got there
Said the red and black man
????: the only emotional I feel from her is despair.....who is this?
The strange creature said
Junko: oh, well I'm the Ultimate Despair: Junko Fucking Enoshima
Junko's personality started rapidly changing
Junko: now would you be a darling and tell me your names? Its only fair you know
The other beings all turned to someone who Junko guessed was the leader
But when Junko's eyes saw what they were looking at.....all she saw was a blue slime
????: Tempest, can we trust this person?
"Tempest" can be heard snoring
????: TEMPEST!
Tempest: AH! I'M UP! What's the problem?
????: This girl seems dangerous......should we trust her?
"Tempest" looked at Junko
Tempest: sure, if anything goes wrong......I can undo it ok
So the group of people there looked at each other and nodded
The strange looking creature stepped closer to the girl eyeing her
Arceus: my name is Arceus, God of Pokemon........i still don't trust you.....but if our leader says so... I'm willing to keep my eye on yo-
Arceus was interrupted by the guy in red and black
????: your taking to long, get out of the way
???? pushed Arceus out of the way
Deadpool: names Wade Wilson, but you can call me Deadpool, we need to hurry this up for the plot
Junko tilted her head
Junko: plot?
????: stop it Wade, we are still trying to figure out what you mean
The blonde headed boy stepped up to take Wade back towards the rest
Jhonny: but we really need to hurry up so here. My name is Jhonny, welcome to the Michael-verse. It's called that cause we were created by a guy named Michael... my original name was Michael as well... my backstory gets complicated...
????: sate sate stae, I still don't trust this one
Over some distance can be seen two small people one blonde while the other one has black hair
Meliodas: well, My name is Meliodas. Where I'm from, I'm the demon king so you better not mess with us ok
Gid: well, My name is Gid Deviluke, in my center of overseer I'm the ruler of the galaxy.........I'm sorry for the rest of us but they are all looking after their universes that they have for the moment
Jhonny: oh yeah, I have to get back to viewing mine that I created, see you later
In a flash Jhonny was gone
Arceus: my question is how is she here?
Wade: bigger question, has no one here been focusing on any other universes then the ones we are watching now? She is one of the big bads and she is standing here just staring at us
Tempest: you know there are so little of us Wade, we can't just view all universes, even though we are all powerful we can't do that
Great Sage: I can sense great power from miss Junko
Tempest: How much exactly?
Great Sage: its almost as powerful as Jhonny's best form
Tempest: oh really? He is my second in command. Damn she is powerful, can you quickly scan her?
Great Sage: with pleasure
Great Sage scanned Junko to find out why she is so powerful
Great Sage: so it seems that she got her power similar to Alastor, she died with a huge amount of despair causing her to gain this power
Tempest: all that power from death itself huh
Junko: soooooo, what do I do now?
Tempest: well, seems like I'm making you a deal
Junko:ooooo a deal
Everyone else their looked at Tempest like he lost his mind
Tempest: you can be noticed as an overseer and look over some universes, while you have to agree not to attack us or ruin other universes, got it
Junko: I got it bitch!
Tempest talking to Sage: what's up with that?
Sage: it seems that her emotions have created different personalities that switches off and on
Tempes: ah, so do you agree?
Junko: I don't have anything better to do now do I?
Tempest: no you don't, everyone help her learn how to do her duties as overseer.....I'm going to bed
Everyone else deadpanned
Arceus: well, I'm out. I feel like there is something going on in my area
Arceus teleported out to his station just as Ash died from Mewtwo and Deoxys' attack
Arceus: .....shoot
Back to the others
Meliodis: ok, who is going to show her? Not it
Gid: not it. Sorry but I don't like showing people around Wade. Even if I must play a foolish game so that I don't show this new girl around.
Wade: Fuck you guys, fine. I'll show you I guess, you guys go back to work ok
The two overseers left to go watch their universe jobs while Wade showed Junko around
Wade: ok, I'm going to show you some of the most known universes we usually watch over are. This universe is about a boy who was bullied from a young age and worked his way up from the ground to the best hero school in Japan
Junko: ooooo so much despair, this boy has enough despair in him to feed me for brunch
Wade:......o.....k........his name is Izuku Midoriya. He is the main person in most of the universes we watch over. There are different versions of him that we actually view and study. Infact, Tempest our leader, is and alternate version of this boy....
Wade's voice started to fade as Junko studied Izuku
Izuku was talking to a young girl with silver hair and a boy with blonde hair and an attitude
Junko's head: oh, these three would work perfectly
Junko scanned the three and continued with Wade
Wade: next up we have Gid's turf. His original world. This universe is about a boy who groped an alien girl's chest and got engaged to her. But not any girl, Gid's daughter-
Wade stopped, noticing that she had a face he couldn't describe... but it looked neutral
Junko:.........he did what?
Wade: nono, it was an accident, he was turning off his bathtub faucet when she teleported in it in front of him
Junko saw the boy flustered seeing a naked girl with a devil tail and a white thingy next to her.
Junko's head: oh, is this girl a devil, this'll be interesting
Junko scanned the three as well
Wade continued on not noticing what she was doing
Wade: and the one watching this universe is Gid Deviluke, father of Lala Deviluke... like I said, he should beeeeeee here
Wade pointed in a random direction
They can see the tiny man hovering over the universe in that direction
Wade: next universe, is the one being run by Meliodis, in this one he combined with a certain slime guy and became even more powerful before becoming the Demon king. Now he is technically 3rd in command.... technically his power could rival Tempest but.... he doesn't really take things seriously at times... so we put Tempest and Jhonny before him. So far it's the aftermath of Meliodis becoming the Demon King... now he isn't able to stay on his own universe cause the power of being a Demon King is too powerful to stay. So he was forced to leave with next to none notice to his friends or lover....
Junko's head: oh, so much DESPAIR, oh which one to choose
Wade: this universe is watched by Meliodis.... this is his favorite one since it has his best friends that he actually knew personally...
Down in the universe
Hawk: I, Hawk, am the most powerful being here HAHAHAHA OUCH
Ban bonked Hawk's head
Ban: Master, you really do seem to have a superiority complex.
Junko's head: oh, the most powerful he says?
Junko scanned Hawk as well
Wade: now Jhonny's universe is guarded by two other people cause he started to create it with them so I'll show you Arceus's
Wade went to show Junko, Arceus's universes when he was blocked off
There was a sign that popped up saying "No"
Wade: oh, well how bout a substitute for his...... oh, there is a different versions of Izuku, one of them is a youtuber that goes by Noble
Junko sees this universe and sees the same Izuku boy but with brown hair and a fox girl next to him fighting with weapons
Junko's head: this is stating to be the handful, but this should be enough people for the despair game to start
Wade: well, I guess I should take you back to your universe
Junko: wait
Their area started to glitch
Junko: oh, sorry... but... I feel like there is another universe nearby that I'd like to check out... may I?
Wade: ....well, sure I guess...
Wade took her to the next universe
Wade: huh, this is weird... what is a Mario universe doing so near here? Its usually farther out...
Junko: Mario universe?
Wade: oh yeah, its where it surrounds this plumber named Mario
Junko: ah... what's with this guy?
Junko pointed out this man with a red cap and a M on it driving a Kart around looking pissed
Wade: oh... its "that" universe... ok, I'm taking you back...
Wade took her back to her universe
Wade: ok, now the thing is you must learn your own powers... we can't really teach that...
Junko: thanks, now get I have plans to do now
Wade: ok just don't start a war
Wade teleported away after Junko scanned him as well
Junko: Too~ late, now ....where was I?
Back to Hopes Peak
Naegi: this is it, our time to see the outside world......
The giant door opened a bright showed another interior of a school
Naegi: w-what?
Monokuma appeared: did you really think that because Junko is dead that you would be free? Or did you think that if she was dead I would be as well? Puhuhuhuhuhu
Everyone's heart sank at the voice of the demonic bear
Monokuma: now that you are the survivors, there is a second killing game prepared for you puhuhuhuhuhuhu
Hiro: n-no, This was the end, WE WERE SUPPOSED TO LEAVE!!
Monokuma: well now you have some competition to stay alive this time
Kurogiri: what do you mea-
In a bright light there were the other group of members of this new killing game
Junko seeing this all
Junko: let the despair begin HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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