Chapter 1: A Heroes Promise (Deadly Life)
There I stared at what looks to be a person... but who it is I have no idea
Now there is Mario who walked in with blood all over him
'I don't know.... but for now he is the main suspect'
Everyone else started to pile in and the last person to walk in was Izuku
Everyone were puzzled on what they were called there for until they saw the ash on the ground and thoughts went through their minds
As soon as Izuku walked in two things happened that I noticed
Eri ran to him
And Mario looked....
Monokuma: now that you are all here, I shall present to you the Monokuma File #1
Byakuya: now, let's try not to crowd the small dorm if you may.
Byakuya crowded most of the people outside of the room and directed them to do things
I sighed knowing it's going to repeat
I thought I should start by checking the file
Monokuma File #1
Katsuki Bakugo
Age: 16
Power: explosions
Time of death 8:30 A.M.
'Power? That's new'
*Monokuma File #1 added to truth bullets*
'Well, it's not stating the time of the body being found but... it seems like the death recently took place....'
' I should question the elephant in the room next'
I walk to Mario to question him
Makoto: hey Mario, where were you at-
Mario: I was in-a my fucking room. Tied the fuck-a up
Makoto: o-ok, but how did you get out Then?
Mario:..... I broke free
*Mario's account added to truth bullets*
Makoto: but how did you get blood all over you?
Mario:.... how-a da fuck-a should I-a know?
Makoto: what do you mean?
Mario: I woke up-a covered in blood
*Strange blood on Mario added to truth bullets*
'Hmm, I should check on the... body?'
I walk over to the pile of ash that used to be the blonde tempered boy
As I was getting close Kirigiri stopped me
Kirigiri: Makoto, this is an odd case. Right here we must look to see who might have an ability that can do this
I nodded
Makoto: any evidence on the victim?
Kirigiri: well, from what I can see... it looks like he was burned to a crisp....... look, there are fire marks here to heading from this pile towards a little away from his body
Makoto: burned to a crisp?
Kirigiri: yeah, it seems that's the cause of death...
*burn marks added to truth bullets*
Kirigiri: have you checked on the kid who told us about this?
Makoto: n-no I didn't
I walked over to Eri and Izuku who were hugging while crying
Makoto: a-are you two ok?
Izuku: no *sniff* Kaachan was my best friend since.... ever...
I felt a ping of sadness start to enter then I stopped those feelings
Makoto: may I talk to you about him?
Izuku nodded
Izuku: what can I do?
Makoto: where were you at the time-frame of 8:30?
Izuku: I was with Eri-chan. We were going to the bathrooms, and afterwards we wanted to check on Kaachan. We found Kaachan like this and ran different ways to try to alert people
Makoto: are you ok Eri-chan?
Eri just nodded
*Izuku and Eri's account has been added to the truth bullets*
I walked away from them and thought I should check on Mario's room
Makoto: h-hey, can someone keep an eye on the ash- er, body?
Izuku Eri, and Kirigiri all volunteered
Makoto: ok. I'm going to check on Mario's room
Mario: what-a the fuck-a do you need to do that-a for?
I ignored the racist and moved towards Mario's room that was basically across Katsuki's room
When I entered I saw blood on the floor
Byakuya walked in after me
Byakuya: what do you think raffle boy?
He sounded stoic
Makoto: y-you did this?
Byakuya: no you idiot, God your so stupid at times. What do you think about the case?
Makoto: Oh, that... I have no idea at this point... where were you?
Byakuya: me and the others were at the cafeteria waiting for Wade to cook us more breakfast
Makoto: did you notice anything out of the ordinary?
Byakuya: well, I saw how Eri and Izuku walked off to go to the bathroom they said... and Katsuki said he wanted to blow off steam after being yelled at by Hawks. After that some people wandered off to do their own things
*Byakuya's account added to truth bullets*
Makoto: thanks Byakuya
Byakuya: no problem *chuckles* raffle boy
I walked over to the bloodstained on the floor and examined it
Makoto: i-it's fresh?
'This is last 15 minutes fresh'
*fresh blood added to truth bullets*
Makoto: wait, Mario said he had blood on him when he woke up....
I went over to examine the straight jacket he was in
'There is no blood on the jacket at all'
'And it's also not damaged. Not one tare'
*Undamaged Straight Jacket added to truth bullets*
Byakuya: hey, Makoto, come here
'? No raffle boy?'
I came rushing towards Byakuya seeing him in the blood
Makoto: uh, yes? Why are you touching the bloo-
Byakuya: well if you let me speak raffle boy
'god damnit. He called me Raffle boy again...'
Byakuya: it seems that there is a strange substance in this blood... it has a... more green.... in it
I didn't quite understand what he said so I looked for myself
I saw what looked to be a green string of something... it can't be hair, so it must be a piece of clothing?
*green string added to truth bullets*
Makoto: wait what? I didn't even get to question everyone...
Byakuya: we best hurry. See you in there
We all walked to the red door with one less person with us from when we started
'16 "students" are left... one of is the killer, the question is.... who?'
'We need to find the killer of Katsuki Bakugo, Ultimate Hero....cause its either kill or be killed in the trial room....'
(The screen flashes to show Makoto, Eri, Noble, Byakuya, Hagakure, Aoi, and Hawk)
We entered the elevator shaft
(The screen flashes to show Kirigiri, Toko and Jack side by side, Wade, Mario, and Lily)
'16 enter...'
(The screen flashes to show Katsuki, Peke, Rito, Izuku, and Lala)
'15 leave...'
(Flareongirl360 drew these three above)
I took a deep breath as the elevator stopped
We all stepped outside of the elevator and everyone who has been through this before went to the podiums with their names on it
Eri: u-uh, *sniff* what do we do?
Hagakure: oh, you go to the podium with your name
Hawk: HEY! Why is there a bloody portrait of that blonde guy?
(Katsuki's portrait has pink blood splattered on it)
(Flareongirl360 drew this)
Monokuma: well-
Byakuya: he wants the dead people to be along with us in spirit. So his sick twisted mind thought it would be fun to have these portraits in their place
Kirigiri: ok, I think it's best if you all get situated
Hawk: ok, I think it's safe to say who it is
Hagakure: isn't it obvious?
Mario: what-a do you-a mean?
Hagakure: it's obvious who the killer is
Mario: really? Who-a is it?
Peke: well, I'd think it is obvious that you were the one who killed Katsuki
Mario: what-a the fuck-a do you nigers mean? I didn't kill no one
Silence in the courtroom....
Eri: Ni.....ger? *sniff* What's that?
Noble: REALLY?!
Makoto: ok ok, let's try to find out the cause of death first ok?
<Monokuma File #1>
<Mario's account>
<Strange blood on Mario>
<Burn marks>
<Izuku and Eri's account>
<Byakuya's account>
<Fresh blood>
<Undamaged Straight Jacket>
<Green string>
<Monokuma File #1>
Kirigiri: let's start with the cause of death
Hawk: how do we tell the cause of death for something that's a pile of dirt before and after death
Hawk: have you not seen his personality? It's worse then Meliodis's pervertiveness
Wade: oh oh oh, Meliodis is the Demon King right?
Byakuya: enough getting off track
Toko: y-yeah... maybe he was burned?
Peke: he could have been ripped to peaces
Mario: anything could have happened to-a him
Wade: did you say Atua?
'Wait, I think there is something I can agree on'
<Monokuma File #1>
<Mario's account>
<Strange blood on Mario>
<Burn marks>
<Izuku and Eri's account>
<Byakuya's account>
<Fresh blood>
<Undamaged Straight Jacket>
<Green string>
<Burn marks>
Kirigiri: let's start with the cause of death
Hawk: how do we tell the cause of death for something that's a pile of dirt before and after death
Hawk: have you not seen his personality? It's worse then Meliodis's pervertiveness
Wade: oh oh oh, Meliodis is the Demon King right?
Byakuya: enough getting off track
Toko: y-yeah... maybe he was burned?
<Burn Marks>
Makoto: I think your onto something Toko, maybe he was burned to death
Noble: burned? Heh, a death that suits the bastard
Izuku: don' about Kaachan like that....
Noble: ..... I don't get you... we are the same guy from different universes... how do you NOT hate him?
Hagakure: ok, hate him later.... but how would he die f-from being burned? He's not the guy to take it from any normal standards
Aoi: let's not forget..... they aren't normal people Hagakure.... they have abilities... powers... we don't....
Lala: don't worry, I'd never hurt a fly
Rito: your experiments say otherwise
Lala: hmp, you love my inventions
Rito: getting back on topic... how would the killer set Katsuki on fire?
'Oh, I know what it could be'
Hangman's gambit
Special ability
Makoto: I GOT IT!
Makoto: they could have used a special ability correct?
Mario: okay-a, who da fuck-a here has fire abilities-a?
Lily: didn't you say you killed your brother with fire balls?
Aoi: oh yeah... and you also use fire balls while attacking Katsuki earlier when you found out about the killing game
Mario: what-a does that have to deal with this-a? You-a and that alien bitch can make robot-a fuckers that can emit fire
Rito: don't call her a bitch
Peke: oh my...
<Byakuya's account>
Mario: why-a are you trying to pin the blame-a on me-a?
Hawk: cause you have the powers to do so
Wade: well.... you do too
Lala: but.... why would I kill Katsuki?
Mario: I don't-a know, you could have had something to deal with it
Wade: well, anyone has the same suspect field, why don't we check something that Monokuma brought up yesterday?
Toko: w-why would we do that idiot?
Wade: cause it deals with the case
'Wait... I think something was off about what someone said'
Mario: why-a are you trying to pin the blame-a on me-a?
Hawk: cause you have the powers to do so
Wade: well.... you do to
Lala: but.... why would I kill Katsuki?
Mario: I don't-a know, you could have had something to deal with it
<Byakuya's account>
Makoto: actually.... they couldn't have been the culprit
Mario: why the fuck-a is that-a?
Makoto: because, Lily and Lala were in the cafeteria
Mario: what-a proof do you have of this?
Makoto: Byakuya, would you mind helping?
Byakuya: can't do it yourself raffle boy? Well, you did get here off of luck. But I regress, they couldn't have killed anyone cause they were in the cafeteria with me and several others
Lily: yeah but some did leave early, Bakugo, Izuku, Eri, Hawk, and Peke left early.... while I think Toko went to go meditate more, while....Wade was it?
Wade: in the immortal flesh
Lily: he was in the kitchen cooking
Wade: damn rule stopping me from cooking in my room
Hagakure: to be fair.... you are a mercenary....
Wade: haven't things like Megamind and Sayaka taught you guys? Never judge a book by its cover, but by their actions
Me and everyone from the first game flinched at those words
Noble: yeah, but you would have to kill to be a mercenary
Wade: trust me, I tried killing myself more times then killing others... by one I think, anywho. We're back at the beginning
Peke: it seems like we should talk about something that's been on my robot mind
Rito: like what Peke?
Peke: why does Mario have blood on him?
Everyone paused in realization
Mario:....... what?
Makoto: no, that's too easy... these killing games always make us think one person is the killer but the complete opposite person actually be the killer
Byakuya: don't talk like that raffle boy, you're also a suspect
<Mario's account>
Lily: riddle me this, why do you have blood on you?
Wade: that's not a riddle, I can make it a riddle if you want
Kirigiri: that wouldn't be necessary
Mario: well... I woke up. And I obviously killed-a someone who let me out-a of my jacket
Mario: yes yes, and that's why there is blood-a on the guy who burned the victim what do you think pig-a brains?
'Wait! There is something that doesn't fit'
Lily: riddle me this, why do you have blood on you?
Wade: that's not a riddle, I can make it a riddle if you want
Kirigiri: that wouldn't be necessary
Mario: well... I woke up. And I obviously killed-a someone who let me out-a of my jacket
<Mario's account>
Mario: hmm? How is that-a wrong?
Makoto: you told me yourself, you "woke up with blood on you" and "broke out of your straight jacket". Now, either you were telling the truth then, or your telling the truth now
Mario: so what if I did? I didn't kill the blonde bastard
<Strange blood on Mario>
Mario: I didn't kill the blonde-a guy, and you have no proof I-a did
Lala: wait.... do we have proof he did it?
Toko: o-of course we have p-proof
Hawk: there's the obvious blood on you as we speak
Mario: oh-a? But didn't I-a say that this-a was planted onto me-a?
Wade: you also said you killed someone who let you out of your restraints
Mario: I-a did, but I'm still trying to fucking figure outta something myself-a
'Wait, there is proof that Mario could have killed Katsuki'
Mario: I didn't kill the blonde-a guy, and you have no proof I-a did
Lala: wait.... do we have proof he did it?
Toko: o-of course we have p-proof
Hawk: there's the obvious blood on you as we speak
<Strange blood on Mario>
Makoto: THAT'S IT
Makoto: There is the blood that is on you that can prove you killed, and proof that it's not planted.
Kirigiri: oh? I'm listening
Makoto: he said the blood was planted on him, but if it was.... it would be on the rope and or straight jacket he had on
Mario started chuckling
Mario: fine-a.... I did kill someone here-a.... but it wasn't the blonde-a bastard
Makoto: what?
Aoi: i-is that possible?
Monokuma: the rules state the blackened can only kill 2 people.... never said anything about multiple blackened.
Hagakure: uh.... sorry if this might throw us off track... but can we think about the first motive out of the two motives
Mario: two motives? What the fuck-a you talking about-a?
Makoto: wait.... you didn't know about the second motive?
Mario: what-a second motive?! This is-a the first time I'mma hearing about this-a
Monokuma: upupupu, it allows you to make any wish and it comes true. Except for any way of escape that is
Mario: what-a, really? I could have wished for anything? Mother fucker! I WISH FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO BE DEAD!
Monokuma: nope. You're supposed to go through the game not skip it.
Mario: FUCK!
Toko: b-but that means he didn't kill Katsuki
Hagakure: as I was saying, the first motive made it so we would try to kill each other over our secrets right? But Monokuma said one of us were lying.... and I found these.... notes....
Aoi: you sure they aren't fake notes that Monokuma put there?
I flinched remembering Sakura's trial
Hagakure: I-I think they are real... I don't think Katsuki is the Ultimate Hero... but the Ultimate Suicide Baiter
Noble: yeah.... that sounds about right....
Kirigiri: oh yeah, you have your own version of Katsuki
Noble: yeah.... he.... told me to kill myself and hope for a power in my next life....
Lily: and if he is the Ultimate Suicide Baiter.... then that means....
Lily started to tear up and look at the alternate version of her lover
Lily: d-did he?
Izuku said nothing but just nodded
Byakuya: but wait, where did you find the notes?
Hagakure: I found them in the same room as .... the well, body
Byakuya: and you didn't think to give us this info before?
Hagakure: you think you wouldn't try to fuck with trying to pin the blame on Toko with Chihiro's body but you did
Hawk: he did what?
Toko: i-its ok, I forgived my Byakuya hahaha
Toko started to fall into a dreaming stasis
Hagakure: the notes look to have info on all of us.... they look like they were meant to be given to us to try and kill ourselves.... and it looks to be in full detail of things that would push us over the edge too
Makoto: well, it seems that he was the Ultimate Suicide Baiter... but then who killed the Suicide Baiter
Wade: yeah, isn't it the other way around?
Mario: I think-a I may-a know
Lala: wha? You do?
Mario: ..... it was him
Mario pointed to Izuku Midoriya
The Ultimate Hero
Izuku: w-what? W-why would I k-kill my b-best friend?
Kirigiri: a friend who abused you, you probably killed him finding out his plans to have everyone commit suicide. He would have a loop hole on committing murder since he indirectly caused them to die, so it would be a huge debate if they killed themselves or he killed them
Izuku: n-no, i-i didn't kill him
Mario: you must have-a cause I-a have proof that you tried to blame his murder on-a me
<Green string>
Mario: you killed-a your abuser of a friend-a
Izuku: how would I do it in the first place?
Mario: you-a must have had a hidden ability that could burn-a people
Lily: he has that ability?
Mario: but after you-a killed your Kaachan
Mario: you wished to come back-a to life after dying
Lala: why would he do that?
Mario: because, he wanted to pin-a the blame on me-a
'Wait, could Mario be onto something?'
<Fresh blood>
Mario: you killed-a your abuser of a friend-a
Izuku: how would I do it in the first place?
Mario: you-a must have had a hidden ability that could burn-a people
Mario: but after you-a killed your Kaachan
Mario: you wished to come back-a to life after dying
<Fresh blood>
Makoto: I AGREE
Makoto: that's it! I see what your trying to say Mario
Mario: finally
Makoto: but I'm also a little scared too....
Rito: what is he saying?
Makoto: he is saying that because he must have killed Izuku after Izuku killed Katsuki
Izuku: hehe, I guess you caught me... let's start the voting for the executio-
Eri: w-wait
'Is she..... crying?'
Eri: p-please, d-don't do this Mr. Deku....
Izuku: Eri? What are you doing?
Eri: M-Mr. Deku c-couldn't have killed Kaachan.... because his quirk doesn't have the power to burn people
Noble: I suspected that, One for All doesn't have a fire quirk in it
Izuku: wait? Ofa has multiple quirks?
Byakuya: well, that's proof enough that he didn't kill him-
Makoto: what is it Mario?
Mario: NO! I am sure I killed Izuku. Izuku must have been the killer
<Izuku and Eri's account>
Mario: when I woke up
Mario: I saw Izuku entering my room
Mario: he looked like he knew what he was doing
Mario: cause he walked right towards me
Mario: and opened up my straight jacket after untying me
Mario: after that i heard the body announcement and thought I was found out and left immediately to go to the room that was mentioned in the body announcement
Makoto: yeah but he would never kill his best friend
Makoto: it's even more unlikely that the Ultimate Hero would try to kill someone they are supposed to protect
Mario: maybe so...
Mario: but i think-a he could have still tried to kill him-a
Mario: if he didn't kill him-a where is his-a alibi?
Mario: ok, but now we have no suspects for who the blackened is
Izuku was shaking and so was Eri
Izuku: hey, Eri
Eri was full with tears
Eri: M-Mr. Deku...
Izuku: everything is going to be fine
'Wait... wait a minute...'
Makoto: ok, we established that you, Izuku, were with Eri....but we also established that you were killed and brought back with the motive....but.... what if you didn't kill Katsuki..... what if Katsuki didn't die from being burned....
Everyone looked at me scared and confused except Izuku who was looking at me with scared pleading eyes
Izuku: wait ..... how did you-
Makoto: I think I got what might of happened.... ok, Katsuki is..... the type to try to kill someone.... we know this from the notes... but we also know... he is the type to kill his best frien.....
Hawk: what are you getting at?
I breathed in and out
Makoto: I think.... I think Eri killed Katsuki in self-defense and Izuku acted as an accomplice and tried to cover everything up
Noble: ..... I'm sad to say this ... but it's plausible... Eri's quirk.... its called Rewind.... it allows her to rewind a living organisms as like a healing.... but she can also be dangerous with her quirk and rewind someone out of existence......
Kirigiri: and since Monokuma likes there to be trials... he must have made it where he made her quirk when out of control turn the person into dust
Peke: but, how can such a small child do such a feat?
Lily: it's her ability that allows her to do it
Wade:..... this takes a new meaning of a child murderer
Rito: I don't believe that someone as sweet as Eri-chan can kill someone
Toko: o-oh, w-why is everyone split on a child being the killer?
Monokuma: oh? Did someone say split?
Byakuya: oh what now you bear?
Monokuma: well... since I'm a "one trick pony" I might as well introduce a little something to change your mind.
Monokuma brought out a giant key and inserted it into the backside of his execution button
Out of no where our podiums started to have tubs around them and sucked us all up
We seemed to be transported to what looks to be space
But we could breathe?
But what surprised me is how we were separated into two groups
Is Eri the blackened?
Eri is the culprit
Eri is not the culprit
Hawk: why would Eri kill Katsuki?
Makoto: Lily go
Lily: she would kill in self defense
Aoi: but she is such a sweet innocent girl
Makoto: Noble go
Noble: exactly, so innocent that would make her the perfect target for someone to try to kill
Hagakure: but we decided already that he was burned
Makoto: Kirigiri go
Kirigiri: the Monokuma File doesn't state that he died from being burned
Rito: but then what about the burn marks?
Makoto: Toko go
Toko: y-yeah, but the bomber man could have tried to kill Eri with his explosions creating those burn marks atchoo
Lala: yeah but why isn't she covered in burns?
Makoto: JACK GO
Jack: wha? Oh, well if the girl isn't covered in burns, then it's obvious someone was there to protect her from being burned
Peke: but then that would mean Izuku would have to have burns
Makoto: Mario go
Mario: Izuku could-a have had his injuries gotten rid of after the second motive bringing him back-a
Eri: u-uh, *cries*
Makoto: Wade go
Wade: uh, oh I'm so sorry for what's going to happen to you...
Makoto: Byakuya go
Byakuya: well, if you did kill "Kaachan".... why would you do it?
We got sucked back into the trial room in the exact same podiums we were abducted from
Izuku: no....NO!
Eri: Mr. Deku *sniff*
Izuku: no Eri-chan, I can still get them to think I did it
Eri: Iz- Izuku
Izuku is seen filled with tears and rage
Eri: Izuku.... p-please.... I'm sorry for bringing you t-to this point... but you have to s-stay strong... for me ok? *sniff*
Izuku: no....
Byakuya: well raffle boy.... I guess it's time to rap up this case....
I stood there with tears in the corner of my eyes
We have to end this.....
'I know it's selfish for one person to live'
'But its a child for God's sake'
I took a deep breath and breathed out
Makoto: let's do this
I said with a voice starting to crack
Makoto: It started yesterday when Monokuma gave the first motive
Makoto: our victim Katsuki Bakugo didn't want his reputation of being a suicide baiter to ruin his reputation of being a hero
Makoto: so he made a plan to invite the most vulnerable person here to his dorm so he could kill them
Makoto: but by doing this he invited his future murderer
Makoto: he waited til the next day to invite them over so that way it would give him a way to get away with it. And since the culprit knew him before this killing game, he thought it was going to be an easy kill.
Makoto: but he forgot about Izuku being a variable in his plans. Cause in the morning he invited the blackened to come to his room so he could kill them.... but because of their past with people and the game, they asked if Izuku could come with them
Makoto: it also seems our victim had a backup plan to kill with a bunch of suicide baiting notes he would hand out to everyone
Makoto: when his planned kill was in his grasp he was pissed when his "friend" showed up with the blackened
Makoto: so when Izuku closed the door Katsuki took his chance to attack the blackened scaring them causing them to use their quirk on Katsuki.
Makoto: Izuku went in between the two to try to stop the fighting and got burned while slowly getting healed by the blackened's quirk
Makoto: but the thing he didn't know is
Makoto: is that the blackened's quirk was too powerful and reverted Katsuki to a pile of dust leaving burn marks on the ground leading towards they were standing
Makoto: Izuku and the blackened were terrified on what happened and tried to think of a way to cover it up when suddenly
"Monokuma": ahem, I have a new motive
Makoto: Monokuma announced another motive. He probably was watching and wanted to make the game more interesting
Makoto: that's when Izuku gained the idea to frame the most dangerous person in the game who was an obvious choice to blame
Makoto: He told the blackened to run out and call someone over to find Katsuki's ashes
Makoto: while Izuku entered Mario's room in the same hallway leaving both doors open
Makoto: you entered carefully to not wake him up and then undid his rope and straight jacket, waking him up causing him to act in violence and kill you
Makoto: but that was all part of Izuku's plan, cause he asked the blackened to revive him with their wish for when he died
Makoto: he went in for a suicide mission to help save the blackened
Makoto: when the blackened met up to me and Kirigiri, Izuku must have recently got into the room
Makoto: we could have easily stopped his plan if we went to Mario's door instead of the victims
Makoto: that's the evidence proving the blackened of this case
Makoto: the murder of Katsuki Bakugo, the Ultimate Suicide Baiter
Makoto: Eri-chan.... the Ultimate Abused Child.....
Izuku: I'm *sniff* sorry, so so sorry Eri-chan
Eri ran towards Izuku grabbing him in a tight hug
Eri: i-its ok, you'll always b-be my hero *sinff*
Monokuma: well? It's voting time
Noble: no....
Lily: *sniff* Eri...
Makoto: I'm sorry we have to do this
Jack: you.... I know I don't know you kid.... but.... your trial sucked... you are going to die trying to protect yourself from the biggest threat here...
Eri: I-I'm sorry everyone
Monokuma: well, well, well well well well well~ i~t's voting time, cast your votes on who you think the blackened is. Will you make the right choice? Or the dreadfully wrong one? Puhuhuhuhuhu
'We all casted our votes'
'Hoping we are wrong'
'Cause if we are right'
'Her life is on the line if we are right'
'And we are wrong'
'We all are dead'
The votes were counted
15 on Eri
1 on Izuku must have been himself
Monokuma: well~
Makoto: w-well what?
Monokuma: well~
Byakuya: GET ON WITH IT!
Monokuma: OK OK! YEESH! Ok ..... it's complicated....
Jack: h-how can a murder be complicated?
Monokuma: oh, how do I explain this... oh, you know how a cop shoots someone armed that is heading towards them and it's considered a suicide?
Rito: yeah- .....oh...... so that means....
Monokuma: ehe, that's the problem... I don't know if I should count this as one or not...
Izuku: r-r-really?
Monokuma: nah. I'm counting this as a murder. Puhuhuhuhuhu
Monokuma: aw~ why so serious? It's our favorite part of the killing game! IIIIIIIIIIT'S PUUUUUUUNISHMENT TIIIIIIIIME!
Makoto: w-wait
Monokuma: oh what now?
Makoto: w-we usually get a confession from the guilty person after each trial... so why don't we hear her's?
Monokuma: .....fine, but hurry up, i have her execution prepared
Kirigiri: Eri... you have anything to say about the murder?
Eri:.... it.... it all happened so fast.... M-Makoto got the gist of the case down.... but what he got wrong was... *sniff* Kaachan... he was talking weirdly.... h-he was talking about despair and stuff... h-he scared me... by smiling when I w-was killing him... i-i-it scared me *sniff*
Eri: p-please, make sure.... to.... make sure to not kill.... for my sakes? Izuku?
Izuku: y-yes Eri?
Eri: c-can you hold onto the All Might doll so you know you can stay strong ok?
Izuku grabbed the toy gripping it
Eri's punishment starts
It starts with Eri being grabbed by a chain around her neck dragging her into a corridor
Izuku tried to grab her but missed her hands barely
Tears form on Eri's face
A TV pops up in front of us showing where she is
She looked to be in a set of corridors
Izuku was wide eyed and shouting for Eri to run
Eri was terrified on the screen
(Monokuma panel
Overhauled Child
Ultimate Abused Child
Eri's Execution: Executed)
Out of no where, a Monokuma stepped into view
But this Monokuma had a mask on his face
It looked similar to a plague doctors mask
Immediately Eri started running
But as she was running, more Monokumas popped out with this mask on
Eri was running and running as fast as she could
But then.....
She tripped
And ten Monokumas circled her
A strange glow started to emit from their hands
Before they put their hands down to the ground and spikes erupted from the ground and punctured Eri all over
But then they warped Eri back to her normal body without the spikes
And paused
Eri started to stop crying thinking it's over
But then a Monokuma came from the back and touched her making her explode into blood.... no limbs
The only thing left was the single horn that fell onto the floor
The TV screen disappeared leaving us in silence
Izuku was crying up a storm saying "it should have been me" over and over
Wade walked over to him
Wade: hey, it's going to be ok, she-
Noble: hey, calm down.... we don't want anymore killings
Lala: t-this is horrible...I DEMAND YOU STOP THIS KILLING GAME!
Monokuma: or what? Puhuhuhuhuhu, you'll send your father at me? PUHUHUHUHUHU!
Lala looked like she was feeling that despair I wanted to stop
'What am I kidding'
'Something like that would put despair in anyone including me '
Mario: what-a the fuck-a? You-a talk about hope-a a fucking lot but when a child dies you-a fall towards despair? Fucking idiots
He walked out of the trial room saying nothing else
We all stood in silence
Monokuma: oh wow, this trial was soooooo long that it's now Nighttime. Now hurry up before I lock the trial room
Izuku:..... no.....
Lala: here.... I'll help you
Lala pulled out a device that looked like a belt
She put the belt around him pressing her massive boobs against his back unconsciously I looked away
Lala: done now
Lala pressed a button on the belt making Izuku levitate
But Izuku didn't move a muscle or mutter about the device
We all left the trial room with one less person then we entered with
But out of all the loses
'This one has got to be the most brutal'
I went to my room and closed the door reluctantly locking it
And laid down to go to bed
Monokuma Theater
Monokuma: puhuhuhu, well well well, what does it take to be the Ultimate Suicide Baiter, puhuhuhu, I don't know but it does sound despair inducing..... wait.... where did those notes go? Uh..... oops...
15 "students" left
OK OK, let me explain my reasoning for Eri being the blackened......
...... I honestly thought it would be the least expected person to kill....
But now.... I'm sad.... 1 cause I love Eri (not a pedo) and 2 I couldn't find a way for her to be useful in trials without getting out of character....
plus I had this planned since starting this book....
.....I'm sorry if I made anyone upset with this....
I almost cried writing the ending....
Well, can anyone guess the next victim
(Probably not I have a big cast)
Also... I had a tiny vision..... of something awesome I could do
There is a slight delay for the images I wished to upload with this chapter
But instead of having you wait I'm going to let you read this
I'm very sorry
The person I asked as a neutral party person I asked to draw the scenes is having problems with school so I said it's fine if they didn't draw it
But if anyone wants to try to draw Eri's Execution you are welcomed
Thanks Flareongirl360 for the argument scenes
See ya on the flipside
6,148 words
Total Chapter 1: 11,806
Total 17,563
Written on mother's day
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