Chapter 1: A Heroes Promise (Daily Life)
I woke up to the morning announcement as usual
The nightmare is still going on
Makoto: not even my talent is lucky enough for a killing game like this to end....
'Wha- what am I thinking?'
*knock knock knock*
????: you good in there raffle boy? You sure seem excited enough to scream
Makoto: o-oh, be right there Byakuya
Byakuya: hurry up, breakfast is being made by a volunteer
Makoto: i-it is?
I sat up and started to get dressed feeling something suspicious is happening
Makoto: w-we don't even know the set up of the school yet
I quickly got ready and met a very upset Byakuya
Byakuya: raffle boy, your late. You took ten minutes away from my time. Some things have changed. The set up that was here yesterday was changed to look like the map. I'm confused on why the bear would get rid of the classrooms we were in.
Makoto: y-you woke up in a classroom to?
Byakuya: no I woke up in the library raffle boy, what do you think?
Makoto: e-eh? When did you start calling me Raffle boy?
Byakuya: when? Oh, just now. I realized that Hagakure got in with a talent while you got in based on a raffle
I deadpanned
Makoto: Oh, now your making fun of me?
Byakuya: no, if I was making fun of you I'd be laughing. I'm just pointing out facts
Byakuya turned and walked away chuckling
Makoto: ........raffle boy? Really?
I left my room and locked it looking at the map
'H-huh? They changed the layout? That's why he changed it! So we wouldn't be able to stop a killing by predicting what would happen!'
Makoto: it seems that the pool is where the trash room is
*Free Time Start*
I walk out and search around and see a familiar face
Makoto: S-s-s-Sayaka?!?!?!
I ran over to what looked to be the girl I thought was dead at the first class trail
As I got closer I noticed that what I was looking at.... wasn't Sayaka....well-
Lily came around the corner
Lily: o-oh, sorry. I saw a picture of you and this girl and I thought it was important so I thought I could make a cardboard cutout of her for you
Lily's tail started to swing back and forth expecting praise
Makoto: ......thanks.... do you know where you found that picture?
Lily: oh? This photo?
(Sorry do not have image for this... once again bad artist😥)
Makoto: yeah, that photo. Where did you find it?
Lily: o-oh. I found it at the.... oh... its not hear anymore... it was some type of computer place that I woke up in yesterday
Makoto: huh, it's strange... why would he do that... unless it was a type of motive?
Lily turned her head in a questioning position
Lily: mo-tiv? What's that?
Makoto: i-its something that would make you want to kill to leave this place
Lily: o-oh that, ehe.... sorry, still not used to Japanese
Makoto: o-oh, your American?
Lily did a small pose
Lily: yep, I'm from America...
She seemed to have a fake smile though
Makoto: w-what's wrong? Did I say something wrong?
Lily started frantically moving her hands in a comedic matter
Lily: n-no, you did nothing wrong... its just... I have some bad memories.. and some good memories... most were bad in America...
Makoto: Oh, I'm so sorry
Lily: Don't be, if it wasn't for Izu- I mean- "Noble" saving me.... I would still be a homeless s-slut
Lily started to brake down in tears
Makoto: wait, it's ok. It's ok, no one is calling you a slut here... why would people call you a slut anyway?
Lily started to slowly stop crying
Lily: people called me a slut because.... i-its a sensitive topic for me .... I'm just glad Noble saved me at the age of 4.... I don't know what I would've done to myself if it were to continue
'Wait Makoto, let's not push deeper and look around more'
Makoto: thanks for the cardboard cutout
'Wait... OH! I ALMOST FORGOT!' I usually give out things to people after talking to them to cheer them up'
I looked through my pockets since I haven't come across the machine yet
But what surprised me is that I had a bunch of stuff in my pocket that normally wouldn't fit in it
Nothing dangerous but stuff people would enjoy like toys and trinkets
Makoto: Oh, Lily, would you like something?
Lily: *sniff* really? Your giving me something? Well, I'm sorry to say but I'm taken
Makoto: w-what? Nonono, that's not what I meant-
Lily started giggling
Lily: hehe, gosh. You really don't get jokes at times... well, I'm glad to have something, beats this game right now...
I nodded with a smile and dug my hand into my pocket
I reached out to what seemed to be a tool kit
Lily: OH MY GOD! THANKS MAKOTO! I haven't had a pair of tools since arriving at this place
Makoto: no problem, just be sure to not lose hope... ok?
Lily: ok, Mr. Luck
I waved goodbye and set out to what looked like the pool
But while walking I choose to walk along the other dorms to see what they look like from the outside
Nothing much is changed from the first killing game other then the names...
But as I was walking I heard the sound of pounding from one of the doors I passed
Makoto: wait. If it's a killer I need to stop it
I rushed back towards the area I was just at with Lily to find her trying to open a room with Aoi
Aoi: come on Hawk, I think you broke the door trying to open it
I ran as fast I could over to the door
Makoto: what's the problem?
Aoi: oh, Makoto, Hawk jammed the door so much that we can't open the door
Makoto: o-oh. Can we try asking Monokuma for help?
Aoi: really? Asking the bear for help?
Makoto: well, let me try
I started to to walk away from the door to get a running start
And I rammed my body into the door
Makoto: o-ow
Only for it not to budge
Lily: ah, her we go
Lily pulled out a little machine she was quickly making that looked like a toolbox
'She used my gift quickly'
Lily: this here is toolbot. He should have the tools to open the door easily
Lily: AH, what the hell?
Monokuma: well, if you want in the room I can help you.
Monokuma started to whistle one note
And the door opened?
We soon rushed in to see something strange
We saw Hawk laying flat on his stomach with swirls in his eyes
Aoi ran to the pig
Aoi: Hawk, Hawk? Are you ok?
Hawk: Eli- zabeth? Is that you? Ow, my head hurts from trying to open the door
I sighed in relief that no one was killed and left to check out the rest of the University
I visited the pool and saw that it was 5 feet deep with a life raft incase we needed saving
But I noticed there were no swimming suits
I thought nothing of it and saw the bathrooms in the exact same spot as last killing game
I continued on seeing how the kitchen is where.... Sayaka.... no, I can't think of that now
I noticed how most of the kitchen equipment were knives
I have the urge to break the knives and make them unusable but I want to check the rest of the place
Nothing out of the ordinary was there either so I went to the lunchroom
There I saw Katsuki and Byakuya having a stare-off.
Makoto: uh, Byakuya? What's going on?
Byakuya: not now Raffle boy. I'm trying to put this lowlife in his place
Katsuki set off a small explosion next to Byakuya's ear drum causing him to real back in pain
I rushed in between them
Makoto: please, stop fighting. By fighting we're giving Monokuma what he wants
Katsuki: tch, see you two extras later
Byakuya started grumbling something to himself but I couldn't hear what he said
Makoto: you good Byakuya?
Byakuya: oh, yeah I'm fine
He was back to his normal tone except I knew he was faking it
Makoto: as the ultimate hope, I have to tell you Byakuya, don't fall into Monokuma's hands ok
Byakuya: sure
He snickered
Byakuya: Ultimate Raffler
I groaned in defeat
But I was glad he was back to his original self
'Oh. Did I give him anything in the past game?'
I dug into my pockets to give something to Byakuya
And what I pulled out was...
Makoto: Monocoins?
Byakuya: let me guess, your trying to bribe me after all this time Makoto?
Makoto: n-no, I was planning on giving you a random gift... it must be my luck having these items appear in my hand from my pocket
Byakuya: tch, whatever raffle boy
Byakuya grabbed the coins from my hand in a quick swoop
Makoto: Oh, you said that there was someone making us breakfast but I saw no one in the kitchen
Byakuya: well raffle boy, he said he was going in his room to make us breakfast. How obvious he was lying.
'Oh, I might want to check on him then'
'Whoever this guy is anyway'
I looked in the cafeteria and saw how the tables looked different from the last killing game
The tables were white rectangles and had green bushes behind the seats in planters and had some scenery on the walls
I went to the backroom behind the cafeteria and saw how it's a storage room full of plates and other utensils for eating food
I exited the storage room and the cafeteria to the open area
I look to my right and see the exit that was there yesterday...
The... exit...
Makoto: wait... that's the door for- THE TRIAL GROUNDS! But that means-
Hagakure: I guess that means we're screwed man. No way out... *sigh* I had 30% chance this was going to happen in my prediction... I wish that was false
Makoto: well, what do you think of everyone now?
Hagakure: well.... I'm worried about the kid and I'm scared of the blonde guy and that guy with the red hat. They scare the shit out of me
Makoto: yeah, I'm worried they might start the killing game...
Hagakure: well, let's look to the bright side
Hagakure pulls out a crystal ball and started humming while looking at it
Hagakure: hmmmm.... oh.... oh god... I hope this prediction is wrong
Makoto: w-why?
Hagakure: cause my prediction says that Mario is going to try and kill us all.... well~ he can't do that tied up in his room right?
Makoto: r-right well, how about a little gift...
Hagakure: a gift? Hmmm
Hagakure closed his eyes and hummed
Hagakure: I predict that this gift is~.... a crystal ball?
Makoto: I don't think that's going to happen-
I reached into my pocket
But as I reached my pocket something heavy weighted down my pants
As I took the object out it appeared to be-
Hagakure: YO! MY PREDICTION WAS RIGHT! You were giving me a ball
Makoto: yeah... I wasn't planning on that coming out of my pocket.... I'm looking through the school, so see ya
Hagakure: see ya
I walk to where the cafeteria used to be and see....
A yoga area?
I walk in to see Toko, Izuku, and Eri trying to do yoga poses
Izuku was trying to help Eri get in yoga positions while Toko was on the opposite side of the room doing yoga
I walked over to Izuku and Eri
Makoto: uh, why are you guys doing?
Eri spoke up in a joyful voice
Eri: M-Mr. Deku is helping me be able to control my quirk by using y-yogo
Izuku and I chuckled at the girl
Izuku: yeah, I figured that it could help her. Like meditation and stuff like that
Makoto: Oh, I never got your "quirks". What are they?
Izuku: oh that's right, you are from a different universe ehe, well. Quirks are a type of super power gain at the age of 4. I was a late bloomer. My quirk is superpower, and Eri's here-
Before he could say anything Eri started freaking out
Eri: n-no, he'll treat me like the bad man.
Izuku: Eri, Eri, it's all going to be ok, we aren't going to hurt you. We are never going to hurt you
Makoto watched as Izuku tried to comfort her
Makoto: is she ok?
Izuku: yeah, she just doesn't like it when people my try to take advantage of her quirk... it... I'm not going to say anything until she is ready to... is that alright with you Eri?
Eri just nodded
Makoto: ok, I'm sorry if I'm upsetting you... does it have something to deal with your horn?
Eri just nodded and didn't speak a word
I noticed there were marks on her arms
But these marks are like... something I never seen before on a person
'She was definitely tortured'
'I guess that's why she's the ultimate... abused child...'
'Your are messed up Monokuma...'
I was about to talk to Toko when I saw what looked to be fresh blood on Izuku's arm
Makoto: are you ok Izuku?
Izuku: oh, yeah I'm fine. It's an old wound that Eri-chan helped heal
Makoto: but... I don't see a bandage on it...
Izuku: true, but I still don't get why my blood is pink now. I get the idea that he altered our blood to be pink for a reason
Makoto: you mean your blood wasn't pink before?
Izuku: it wasn't...
Makoto: oh.... well... can I give you guys something?
Izuku: sure, what specifically would you like to give?
Makoto: Oh. Let my luck decide
I rummaged my hand into my pocket again
But what I grabbed felt like an action figure
I pulled out an action figure of a man in a red and white suit with blonde hair
Izuku: OH! THAT'S ALL MIGHT! He is one of my teachers. He is also the greatest hero in Japan. Here Eri, you can play with it
Izuku handed Eri the toy allowing Eri's eyes to sparkle a bit
Makoto: well I'm going to check on the others
Eri: th-thank you...
I smiled and waved at the duo
*Free Time End*
I walked over to Toko as it looked like she was meditating
Makoto: hey Toko, are you ok?
Toko: I'm fine, I was given a suggestion to try meditation for Genocide Jack. I was told it would make us both calm if we both meditate...
I was surprised that she is trying to calm herself down like this
Makoto: wow, well. Have you seen Wade, Rito, Lala, Noble, and Peke?
Toko: why should I care- I mean *breathes in and out* inner peace.... I don't know where they might be...
Makoto: o-ok, I'll go look for them
I went into the side room and saw sports equipment and weights.
I also saw Noble and Peke observing the equipment
Peke: oh, hello Naegi
Makoto: please, call me Makoto
Peke: my apologies Makoto. What brings you here?
Makoto: Oh, I'm just checking the area
Peke: oh, I'm sorry Makoto
Makoto: it's fine.... but what are you exactly?
Peke: oh im-
Noble: its a high tech robot that can turn into outfits at any time.... I looked into its database and noticed there is also a human form it can enter but it's locked for some reason...
Peke: I was trying to tell him hmp
Noble: well excuse me for trying to help you
Makoto: what did you guys find in here?
Noble: we found some yoga mats, some dumbells, and some other knicknacks
Peke: oh? Do you mind checking up on Lala sama for me Makoto? She should be in Rito sama's room
Makoto: I will, is there a reason?
Peke: they like to sleep in so I would like you to wake them up if you don't mind
Makoto: I don't mind, I'll go see them
I left the equipment room and the yoga room and walked to the dorms again
I haven't seen much of Kirigiri....
I hope she's ok...
I walk over to see Kirigiri inspecting the doors to see a chair blocking Mario's door
Makoto: is everything ok?
Kirigiri: everything seems to be fine, but this chair...
We moved the chair and and opened the door to see Mario hanging from a rope limp
I stopped and waited for the announcement to work
Kirigiri: don't worry Makoto
I didn't get what she meant by that
She walked over to the body and punched him in the stomach
(Mario had the rope around his body not his head)
I sighed in relief that no one died
Mario: can't-a racist take a fucking nap-a without getting punched?
Kirigiri: my apologies but I do think you deserve it for trying to kill us earlier
Mario just started growling
Kirigiri: well, I'm going to see if someone is willing to take him down so we can get him to eat. The "chef" says food should be done in a few
Makoto: o-ok, I'm going to go see a few people
Kirigiri: very well
'I don't think I can talk to Mario...'
I walk towards Rito's room and knock
I tried the knob
'It's unlocked?'
My mind started to go crazy on what might have happened
I opened the door
And saw something I wish I could unsee
Laying there
Was a naked girl with some huge boobs
I mean a real set of bondonkers
Laying next to the girl known as Rito Yuuki
Rito rolled I his sleep and accidentally grasped Lala's breast with one hand
He squeezed and slowly opened his eyes
Rito jumped out of his bed screaming waking Lala up
Rito stopped screaming and looked to the door and saw me
Rito's face went pale
Rito: t-this isn't what it looks like
Makoto: w-well.... foods apparently almost ready, a-and she should get some clothes on
Lala yawned waking up fully and looked at me
Lala: oh hey Makoto
She said that so normally and gave me a wave
Makoto: so I'm guessing it's normal for her to sleep naked next to you?
Rito blushed massively
Rito: my power is a curse...
I chuckled at the Ultimate Harem Protagonist and closed the door
Makoto: ok, now the only person missing is-
Suddenly some Italian music started playing
He came out of his room with trays of food and a wagon with more food
Makoto: how- how did you get food ready in your room?
Wade: well, my fourth dimension pocket. It allows me to pull any item I desire out of my ass.... usually it's weapons though...
'Huh... its like my pockets and those items'
Makoto: why is someone as powerful as you in the killing game?
Wade: why should I know? I'm just here like the rest of you, now. Will you help me take this food to the cafeteria
Monokuma: now hold it right there
Wade: what?
Monokuma: you are supposed to make food in the kitchen
Wade: that wasn't a rule
Monokuma: it-...... it wasn't? Oh.... my bad. Now adding it to rules
We got a beep from our monopads and got the extra rule
'Oh yeah, I never read the rules for this killing game yet'
Rule 1 Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.
Rule 2 "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.
Rule 3 Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.
Rule 4 With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Hope's Peak Academy at your discretion.
Rule 5 Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.
Rule 6 Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.
Rule 7 Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.
Rule 8 The blackened can only kill two students, if more than that punishment will be given.
Rule 9 If equal votes are given to two students both will be executed as long as one of them is the blackened.
Rule 10 Using the (Info) Pads of another student is strictly prohibited.
Rule 11 The body announcement sound will only activate when three or more students see the dead body, the killer is not included.
Rule 12 You can only cook breakfast in the kitchen. Punishment will ensure you don't do it again
Wade: aw, really... fine..
Wade walked to the cafeteria upset with the food
I followed behind him noticing that the Sayaka cut out is gone but I paid no attention to it
As soon as we got there almost everyone was there
Some missing was Lala, Rito, and Mario
I sat down next to Kirigiri
We started eating and Rito and Lala are seen bringing Mario in one of those things that psychotic people in mental wards have.
They wheeled him to a corner of the table
It looked like Mario was unconscious
Rito: o-ok Lala, your invention should wear off about now right?
Lala: eh, it should... maybe a pinch will work
Lala went over and pinched Mario's nose
Mario: AH! What the fuck-a are you doing?
Lala: yep, he's awake
Makoto: heh, everyone seems so calm and happy with each other right now
Katsuki: do I look happy extra? I'm stuck here with too many extras to count
'He sure doesn't know sarcasm does he...'
????: puhuhuhu, you're all here? Good
Monokuma appeared behind Mario
Mario: what-a the fuck-a are you doing behind-a me?
Monokuma: oh? Well that's because I'm getting too excited with these false alarms that I want the real deal. Tell ya what, I'll give you a moti-
Byakuya: shut your mouth bear
Monokuma: what?
Byakuya: I'm tired of you.... just you in general, always a one trick pony
Monokuma: THAT'S IT! Here, I'll give you a motive..... your deepest Darkest secret will be showed to the entirety of you guys if you don't kill
Byakuya muttered the words one trick pony again
Toko: n-no, I'm not falling for that again... *breathes in and out* I, T-Toko Fukawa..... as you may know, I have split personality disorder.... and Genocide Jack is a serial killer
Wade: a cereal killer?
Toko: y-yes
Peke: but she won't hurt us right?
Toko: n-no worries, she only kills men
Rito: like that makes me feel better...
Monokuma: wow, I guess I don't have to give you guys your motives since you all are prepared..... well, it puts doubts into the newbies
Makoto: m-mine is that I was a wet bedder up to the age of 5....
Eri: i-i.... I was abused by a very bad man.... k-killed and p-put back together in an endless c-circle
Eri started crying in the memory of her torturer
Izuku went to comfort the girl
Wade: well.... I..... like to image having sex with my toy unicorn..... don't judge me
'Weird cast of people we are competing against in this game...'
Monokuma: and you guys say I'm fucked up?
Everyone except Mario, Eri, and Katsuki: YOU BROUGHT A KID TO THE KILLING GAME!
Monokuma: touche
Katsuki: tch, my secret is.... my mom is a cunt so me and my mom yell at each other and call each other names
'Is that a secret? I mean... maybe he doesn't have any?'
Izuku: m-mine is.... that I got my quirk from the most popular s-superhero in the world.... from where I'm from...
Noble: you got it from All Might?..... *sigh*
Kirigiri: I thought you said it was natural?
Izuku: y-yeah... no, things happened and he gave his quirk to me because he deemed me worthy to have it.
Lily: ...... I was raped by kids my age at an air plane port at the age of four.....
Noble: that's when I saved her...... my secret is that.... heh, I'm quirkless....useless piece of trash... I'm just reading what the Monokuma file says for my secret...
Makoto: .....I'm sorry about your past Lily.... but we must stay strong, ok?
Rito: u-uh, my secret is that I have.... issues with girls... I stumble and land in weird positions with them....
Lala: my secret is..... is that really a secret? I'm an alien princess...
Peke: uh.... mine is that I'm a robot, what's with these secrets?
Monokuma: oh, sorry about that Peke and Lala, here you go
Lala: oh, my secret now is that I sleep naked.... is that really a secret? Makoto already knows that as well as Rito and Peke
Everyone turned to Makoto with questioning looks while Makoto blushed
Makoto: i-i was checking on them cause I was afraid of a murder happening...
Peke: m-my secret is that I know how Lala sama's skin feels? What are you perverted?
Monokuma: no, I'm 'bear'verted puhuhuhuhuhu
Hawk: im the strongest knight in the Kingdom of Liones
'...I seriously doubt that'
Monokuma: you two just don't have any secrets about you two
Mario: i-a killed my brother I a fit of rage against non-nintendo characters
Mario: what?
The rest told their secrets
Monokuma: puhuhuhu, now..... it seems that some of you have lied about your secrets, if you don't kill, your secret will be spilled puhuhuh
Everyone stayed quiet
Toko: w-well? Which one of you guts did it?
Katsuki: da fuck you mean "you guys" your a suspect too
Toko: n-no I'm not, I told my secret, I'm a serial killer
Byakuya: look again Toko
Toko: w-what?
Toko looked down to her monopad to see her secret wasn't the same as the last killing game
Toko: i-its not the same?
Makoto: your's isn't? Mine's the same
Toko: mine says that I faint when I see blood. W-which is true
Izuku: well, I think I could prove if that's true
Izuku showed his bloody arm to Toko
Toko: w-what are you doin-
Toko fainted
Izuku: I guess that means she isn't lying....
Suddenly Toko jumped up cackling
Byakuya: Genocide Jack
Jack: oh, it you Byakuya sama, how may I be of service today? Is it slicing some pretty boy's guts?
Byakuya: no. You agreed to do yoga with Toko right?
Jack groaned
Jack: ugh, she had it where we swapped back and forth to commute and she made me agree to this stupid meditation
Hawks: how does she make you agree?
Jack: her body, she calls the shots... plus she is very convincing
We all left to do our own things, slightly more skeptical of each other
Makoto: well, I might as well see if I can see some people
*Free Time Start*
I left my dorm room and looked for Lily
As I was looking for her I saw Mario in his..... condition.... next to his room
I felt sorry for him so i opened his door and wheeled him in and faced him towards the door before walking out to him yelling cusses to me
I closed the door and walked to Lily's room and knocked on it
I could hear Lily sniffling
Lily: c-come in
I opened the door to see Noble and Lily hugging
Makoto: I'm sorry if I came in at a wrong time
Lily: no, it's not a problem. What do you need?
Makoto: I was wondering where that cut-out went?
Lily: oh, I actually don't know. I had it in a spot when the next moment it was gone.... it was strange....
Noble: what was the cut out like? Was it like Machiko?
Makoto: Machiko?
Lily chuckled at her boyfriend
Lily: no silly, she didn't have as big of boobs as Machiko
Makoto: h-hey!
Lily: hehehe, thanks you guys for putting me in a better mood
Noble: well, I'm happy when your happy
Makoto laughed at the corny line
Noble: hey, I'm being honest
Lily: I know, that's what makes you sweet...
Makoto: well. I know I gave you Lily something... so how about you Noble-
Monokuma: it is now 10 o'clock. It is officially Nighttime, it's not my fault you guys spend so long in the morning. The important rooms like the kitchen, pool, cafeteria, and yoga rooms while now be locked. Thank god you guys can't see the outside to tell time. But for now, goodnight, sleep tight, DON'T let the killers bite~.
Makoto: ...... really? *sigh* it feels like daytime is shorter
Noble: well, this is an alternate word.... maybe it was made to be shorter?
Makoto: maybe.... well, goodnight
Lily and Noble: goodnight
I walked out of the room and worked my way over to my room
Makoto: hmm... I wonder... what would happen if a body was found during Nighttime?
Monokuma: well then, that would mean you get no sleep for the night and be exhausted for the next day and the trial
Makoto: w-wah, don't scare me like that
Monokuma: don't make yourself so predictable. Gosh, it's like dealing with Junko didn't put a dent in making you less scared
I stopped and turned to look at the bear
Only to see him gone
'Is it, Junko?'
Makoto: .....I'm going to bed....
I laid down and rested my head
And fell into a deep sleep
Monokuma theater
(No image sorry)
Monokuma: I have a question for you all. What happens if one person kills but the person has split personality or two heads that think differently. And the other personality or head didn't kill or have anything to do about it. Which one would die if they were to be executed? Well, what do you think of that hmmm?
I groaned again
'Waking up to that bear's announcement is miserable'
I got up as fast as I could to get ready for the day
As I was getting ready I heard a knock on the door
Kirigiri: Makoto, it's me
Makoto: o-oh, I'm coming
Kirigiri: nows not the time to be ejaculating
Kirigiri giggled at me through the door
I opened up the door with a massive blush on my face
Kirigiri: took you long enough, where's the sock?
I was puzzled
Makoto: what sock?
Kirigiri: oh, I just thought since you were cumming you'd have a sock
She continued to giggle
I blushed more before exiting my room and closing the door
I continued doing the same process as last time searching the area for anything new
And I noticed that there was a staircase where the stairs were last killing game
Once again it was blocked off but from what I could see it looked like a medical office was right across the stairs incase it needed to be opened up
Kirigiri: well, we should go for breakfast right now-
Monokuma: puhuhuhu, I have an announcement.
Makoto: uhhhhhh what is it now?
Monokuma: so that I'm no longer a "one trick pony" I'm going to add another motive. Once you kill you can have one wish..... but you can't wish to leave or anyone else to leave, you can wish for anything else. That should make the game more interesting
Makoto: w-what? Two motives?
Kirigiri looked at the clock on the wall to see if it could mean something
Me and Kirigiri heard a scream heading towards us
In a rush we tried to see who it was
But before we could go anywhere
Eri came around the corner and was crying up a storm
Makoto: w-what is it Eri-chan?
Eri: i-its Kaachan
Kirigiri: I'm sorry.... who?
Eri: K-Katsuki h-he's...
Me and Kirigiri went wide eyed and ran towards the dorm area
As running we see two doors open already
One was Katsuki's
The other was Mario's
We choose to see Katsuki's room
When we entered....
We didn't see anything
But when we looked closely
There was a.....
'Pile of ash?'
Monokuma's voice ran through the speakers
Monokuma: a body has been discovered. Please meet in Katsuki's dorm room so you can be handed your monopads
Mario was the first person after the three to enter
But something was wrong with him
He walked in covered in blood
Mario: what-a the fuck-a is going on in here-a?
End of Daily life
16? "students" remaining
Woooooooooooah ok ok ok. I this was one of the longest chapters I have written. And damn I hope this is good because of it. Can you guess the blackened? Can you choose the right one? Or the wrong one? Puhuhuhuhuhu
See ya on the flipside
5658 words
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