Chapter one and only
A note; my friends and I just wrote this for fun don't expect it to be professional in the least bit
Once upon a hat, there was a mouse that likes cheese and crackers. So he set off to the jungle to find a yellow object so he could attract a tiger to give him a cracker with cheese.
But first, he must pack a large object that is dark green to attract the yellow object which is the key to the Tiger's Tongue, which might be a duck. And he would steal the duck to keep him as a pet and name him Samantha Samantha Samantha and SSS will help him get WAY more cheese so he will set off right now or his feet will get off course and his underpants will get fiesty and he will eat a sandwich.
So he sets off with his dark green object and he quests to the previous description and he's gonna set off NOW or else he will get uncomfortable and no one likes to be uncomfortable. So he set off like a chicken to do the thing in the jungle. It was very creepy in there, in that dark jungle with the fleas and the bees and the sucalo trees but he was very brave and took out the dark green, thing which is big broccoli, that immediately attracted Samantha Samantha Samantha to give him a ride to Mexico was the Jungle of Nool was so that Humphrey can hunt that fishy tiger and get his tongue out of his mouth and turn it into cheese and crackers (sweet, sweet, cheese and crackers), you know the ones that melt in your mouth (mmm yeah those ones).
Five hours later. . . .
Yes, yes, yes! He is almost there! Hurrah! Hurray! The tiger was close; he could sense it, or maybe that was just SSS. . . yep, just the duck.
"SSS brings me to the bathroom," said the mouse, "or I will poop."
"Sure thing, ducky wing," said an Anaconda named Joe.
"WELL, do it!" said Jungle mouse. And then they set a picnic blanket on the house in Jamaica that smelled like Pickled Bottoms. They sat down and sipped some grapes with cheese wine and dirty diapers.
Joe the anaconda slithered up and sat on the blanket but the blanket decided to chomp him on the butt. Humphrey was teleported to a land of cotton candy, and then the anaconda asked jungle mouse what his name was, and Humphrey said, "Gerbert Gloorephert."
The anaconda rubbed his butt painfully.
"Ouch! Stupid blanket!" he howled, "Bit me! And, no, mousie, your name is not Gerbert Gloorephert."
"Oh?" said Humphrey, "It isn't?"
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