"Jungkook-ah, are you ready to go?" Taehyung asked his maknae as all the members packed up their things in the dance studio. They had finally finished dance practice for the day and that was the end of their schedule. Their manager had scheduled a doctors appointment for Jungkook as he was the only one who didn't have an up to date physical. He also wasn't up to date for his tetanus shot, so the manager requested that be done too. Jungkook tried to fight getting the shot but he was told their next shooting location was dangerous and he needed his shot updated. He couldn't even remember the last time he had gotten a shot. He has been mortified of needles for as long as he could remember and usually found a way out of having to get too many shots. He didn't have a choice this time though, he knew if he didn't get this one he couldn't participate in their video shoot. The members knew about their maknae's fear of needles and Taehyung offered to drive Jungkook to the hospital for his physical. Namjoon also offered to come with them for moral support.
"Do I really have to go?" Jungkook had been feeling anxiety all day about it and his anxiety was now picking up since it was time to head to the appointment.
"Yahh Jungkook you'll be fine. Just close your eyes and it'll be over before you know it!" Hobi reassured him as he walked over and gave him a tight hug.
"Yes you have to go. And we need to leave now or we'll be late," Taehyung commanded. Taehyung and Namjoon lead the way out of the HYBE building and into the car as Jungkook trudged along behind them. Taehyung drove while Namjoon sat in the back next to Jungkook. He could see the younger was visibly shaking and had started to anxiously bite his nails. Namjoon placed his hand on Jungkook's knee and squeezed it, " Kook-ah you'll be fine. We all got our shot and we're all fine. It'll be super quick, I promise."
"Mhm," he replied while continuing to bite his nails and shake, he just stared out the window. When they arrived at the hospital, Jungkook refused to get out of the car. "I don't want to," he complained. Namjoon grabbed his maknae's hand and started pulling him out of the vehicle, "But you have to. Let's go, you need to get out. The sooner you go in the sooner it's over with, yeah?"
"Ugh," Jungkook groaned and followed the two inside as they walked up to the front desk. Taehyung checked Jungkook in as Jungkook had gone and thrown himself into one of the waiting chairs, pouting. Namjoon sat next to him and rubbed his knee. Within not even 5 minutes, a nurse came out, " Mr. Jeon Jungkook?" they called. Jungkook's eyes widened, " No, not already?! We just got here?!" he yelled and frantically looked at both of his hyungs. "That's the point of making an appointment, so you get seen sooner," Taehyung told him.
Jungkook didn't want to stand up so both Taehyung and Namjoon grabbed his arms and lifted him to his feet. " Only one of you can come in with him," the nurse ordered. "Me!" Taehyung yelled before giving Namjoon the chance to reply. He wanted to be the one to comfort Jungkook in the doctor's office, he was protective like that. "Ah okay, Jungkook-ah you'll be fine, seriously," Namjoon hugged him and sat back in the chair.
Taehyung took Jungkook's hand and had to drag him towards the nurse. Before entering a room they took the maknae's weight and height. Once in the room the nurse had Jungkook sit on one of the hospital beds and Taehyung took a seat in one of the waiting chairs. The nurse checked his temperature, blood pressure, and checked his heart rate. "Are you feeling okay? Your heart rate is a bit high," the nurse asked calmly.
"We had dance practice all day, and he's anxious because he's getting a shot today and he hates needles," Taehyung answered for him. Jungkook sat there silently on the bed continuing to bite his nails, he was too anxious to talk.
"Ahh I see, don't worry it's nothing. It'll be over before you know it," the nurse reassured him.
"That seems to be what everyone keeps saying but I feel like time is standing still," Jungkook told her. The nurse did all the normal procedural stuff that gets done at physicals. Taehyung sat there and watched and could still see Jungkook visibly shaking, he felt really bad. He never understood why his maknae was so afraid of needles, he wished he could take the fear away.
"Alright, I'm going to call the other nurse and doctor in and they'll give you the shot. They'll just be a few minutes," the nurse said before exiting the room. Now it was just Taehyung and Jungkook in there while they waited. Jungkook's shaking got worse and Taehyung got up and hugged him.
"Hyung I'm scared. I don't want to do this," he tried to not cry into Taehyung's shoulder.
"I know you're scared but it's really nothing to be scared of," Taehyung rubbed Jungkook's back before going and sitting back down in the chair. Within a couple minutes someone knocked on the door and a doctor and different nurse entered. Jungkook saw the nurse carrying the shot and he froze. Taehyung could see the color drain from Jungkook's face. He was practically as white as a ghost. His own heart sank seeing him like that.
Seriously Jungkookie you'll be okay.
Jungkook frantically stood up from the bed, " No. I don't want to, sorry." Taehyung got up and gestured for him to sit back down, "Just close your eyes and they'll be done in two seconds. You have to get the shot Jungkook."
Tears started welling up in his eyes as he slowly sat back down. He could feel his heart pounding so hard he thought it would escape his chest. He could feel himself getting clammy and sweaty as the nurse placed the shot down on the table.
The doctor walked over to him, " Not a fan of shots, huh? " he asked Jungkook.
"I'll admit this one is one of the tougher ones to get," the doctor told him. Jungkook stared at him in shock. Taehyung was pissed. Why the hell would he tell him that?!
Jungkook looked over at Taehyung with big scared eyes and Taehyung felt his heart sink. He was so angry the doctor just said that.
"It's fine Jungkookie. You'll be fine," he told him while angrily staring at the doctor.
"My assistant here just needs to clean your arm with the alcohol swab and then she'll administer the shot," the doctor said while standing next to Jungkook. The nurse unwrapped the alcohol swab and walked over to Jungkook with it, she went to lift his arm sleeve but he winced and tried scooting backwards on the bed.
"Relax," the nurse said, " This is just to clean your arm. This doesn't even hurt."
Taehyung wasn't a fan of the way these two were talking to his maknae. They both seemed to have an attitude. Taehyung stood up and started walking towards Jungkook because he wanted to go comfort him, but the nurse asked him to go sit back down.
"Why do I have to sit?"
"So you don't get in the way," the doctor replied, again with the attitude.
" I won't get in the way. He's scared."
Jungkook started crying. The doctor and nurse were making him even more nervous than he already was and his anxiety had gotten the best of him. He wanted Taehyung's comfort and didn't understand why the nurse and doctor wouldn't let him have it.
"Please sir, if you could just sit down, that would be helpful," the doctor demanded. Taehyung obeyed and took a seat. He clenched his jaw as he tried to contain his anger.
The nurse grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled it towards her and quickly wiped the alcohol swab on his arm before he had the chance to pull away again. As soon as she let go he tried to back away but the doctor standing next to him grabbed his shoulders and tried holding him in place.
"Please don't do that," Jungkook cried as he looked at the doctors hands on his shoulders. The doctor let go, " Then sit still and I won't have to." Jungkook's fear was through the roof. As if it wasn't bad enough he needed a shot, now the doctor and nurse really had him on edge. He looked at Taehyung again, "Can he please stand next to me?" Jungkook asked the doctor through his tears.
Taehyung stood up and walked over to Jungkook and hugged him, "Well I'm staying next to him. You two aren't being very helpful."
"You either go sit down, or we'll have security escort you out," the doctor demanded. Jungkook grabbed Taehyung tightly, " No! I want him to stay in here!" he cried.
"Then he needs to be seated," the nurse glared at Taehyung. If it wasn't considered assault, Taehyung would have decked her straight in the face. He'd never seen meaner medical staff. Are people not allowed to be scared? Isn't it their job to comfort patients who are scared, not make it worse?
Taehyung obeyed and sat back down, he wanted to hold Jungkook so badly but he also wasn't willing to be dragged away leaving his poor maknae alone with these two. The nurse picked up the needle and walked over to Jungkook with it. He tensed up again before the needle even got close to him. The closer she got with it, the more he tried backing up until the doctor stopped him from moving again, "I think this will be easier for you if you lay down," the doctor suggested.
"No, I don't want to lay down," he cried. It was bad enough having to get a shot sitting up, but laying down had never been an option for him. He tried doing that once when he was little and it made it even worse. He felt more panicked and helpless if he was laying down.
"Then sit still, or you're laying down," the doctor ordered.
"Yes sir," Jungkook answered through a tiny whisper. His tears were still falling. Taehyung could feel his blood boiling, he was sure his face had to be flaming red by now. Nobody treats Jungkook like this.
"You can't force him to lay down. If he wants to sit up, then he'll sit up. Just be patient with him. I told you he's scared. Have you guys never dealt with scared patients before? Seriously you guys are making it worse for him!"
"I don't need medical advice from you," the doctor said. Taehyung held his tongue and clenched his jaw in anger. His poor maknae. He knew this situation was only going to make his fear of needles even worse. The nurse tried giving Jungkook the shot but every time she tried, he'd back away again. He truly wasn't doing it on purpose, it was just a reflex. The doctor let out an annoyed sigh, " Alright, I told you already, you're laying down," he grabbed Jungkooks shoulder and forced him backwards down on the bed, "No!! Please! I'm sorry!" he let out a heart breaking scream through his tears as the doctor tried pinning him down on the bed with his arm.
Taehyung exploded as soon as he saw the doctor force Jungkook to lay down. He shot up from his chair and pulled the doctor away from Jungkook. "Stop it!! What the hell is wrong with you?! You can't just force him like that! I want a different doctor!! You two get out!!!" he screamed at them.
Namjoon overheard screaming while he was still sitting in the waiting room. He texted Taehyung, "Is someone screaming in there? That's not Kookie is it?? Is he okay??" he sat and waited for a response.
In the room, the doctor and nurse tried calming Taehyung down so he'd be quiet. "Will you relax? I already gave him a warning!" the doctor said.
" And he told you no!" Taehyung screamed. Jungkook was laying on the bed covering his face with a pillow and sobbing into it. Taehyung could see him shaking and hyperventilating. Taehyung opened the door and ran into the hallway, "EXCUSE ME CAN WE GET DIFFERENT STAFF IN HERE?! THESE TWO ARE HURTING MY BROTHER!!!!" he yelled through his anger. Another doctor approached them and entered the room, slightly shocked to see Jungkook such a mess on the bed. "What's going on in here?" the new doctor asked.
"He needs a shot, but he's just nervous," the nurse said, almost too calmly. Like she was trying to downplay the situation.
"They've been nothing but mean to him! And this man," Taehyung pointed in the mean doctors face, " Forced him down onto the bed after he begged him not to !" Taehyung was also in tears. He was so angry.
"He forced him to?" the new doctor asked.
"Yes. Jungkookie is scared and doesn't like needles and wanted to sit up but he pushed him down onto the bed and tried holding him down! I want them out!" Taehyung demanded. The new doctor asked the nurse and other doctor to please leave the room. He told Taehyung and Jungkook they'd send someone else in and to just give them a moment.
Jungkook and Taehyung were alone again. Taehyung went over to Jungkook who was still laying down crying into the pillow. Taehyung took the pillow away to meet his eyes.
"Hyung I'm s-sorry. I'm sorry I-I'm difficult," Jungkook cried.
Taehyung leaned over and wrapped him in a tight hug "Don't be sorry. You're allowed to be scared, that's okay. They were the problem, not you. Are you hurt? He didn't hurt you did he?"
"No. I'm just scared" he hyperventilated. Taehyung rubbed his maknae's chest, " I know. Just breathe okay? I'm right here. You'll be alright."
"Hyung I really don't think I can do this," he choked on more tears.
"Well I sure can't force you. It's up to you Jungkook. You can decide to get the shot, or decide not to and sit out for the music video."
Jungkook stared at the ceiling. He didn't want something like this to make him have to sit out for the next filming. He tried to reassure himself in his head that it'd be better to get the shot.
Taehyung pulled his phone out of his pocket to see the text he had from Namjoon.
"It was Jungkook. Hasn't gotten the shot yet. Doctor and nurse were complete assholes so I demanded a new one!!! Can you see if you can come in here?" he sent the text to Namjoon.
Namjoon read it and walked up to the receptionist, "Excuse me, is it okay if I go into the room my brother is in? He texted me asking me to come in there."
"Name?" the receptionist asked.
"Jeon Jungkook."
"You may go." A doctor came out and led Namjoon to the room, they both stepped in. Namjoon was baffled to see Jungkook just laying there a complete mess. He knew he was afraid of needles but had never seen him be THAT bad about it. "What happened to him?" he asked as he walked over and grabbed Jungkook's hand.
"The doctor he had practically threw him down on the bed and held him there! And the nurse grabbed him hard too!" he yelled.
"They did what to him?! Jungkook are you okay?!" Namjoon was now also pissed off. Jungkook just stared at him while he wiped his tears. The new doctor in the room handed Taehyung a couple papers and told him they'd like him to fill out an incident report regarding the doctor and nurse that were in there. It was protocol for the hospital if there was any suspected misconduct.
Jungkook sat up from the bed, " I still need the shot."
Taehyung was happy the maknae decided to still get it so he could do the video shoot.
"Alright, I can give it to you," the doctor said, " There is nothing to be afraid of. This won't even hurt. Would you two like to sit with him?"
Taehyung and Namjoon both pulled Jungkook into a tight hug while making sure the doctor had access to his arm. Taehyung pulled his phone out and started playing funny TikTok videos for Jungkook to look at to distract him. He could feel his maknae still hyperventilating in his arms. He kissed his cheek, " You're alright."
Namjoon was rubbing his back and watched the doctor gently give his maknae the shot, he felt Jungkook tense up and let out a small whine when it went into his arm. The doctor pulled it out. Jungkook was still tense.
"Kook-ah, it's over! You did it!!" Namjoon yelled.
"That wasn't so terrible, huh?" the doctor smiled at him while he covered the spot with gauze and tape. Jungkook let out the biggest sigh of relief and finally relaxed in what felt like hours.
"Thank you," Taehyung told the doctor. He liked this doctor. "Where do I turn these papers in?" he got up and grabbed the incident report papers. " You can fill them out here and hand them to the receptionist. Here is a pen. Mr. Jungkook you are all set to go, but take your time," the doctor smiled before leaving the room.
Jungkook sat on the bed and Namjoon stood there embracing him in a hug rocking him back and forth while Taehyung filled out the paperwork. "Hopefully those two get fired. The worst medical staff I'd ever seen."
Jungkook was staring at Taehyung while resting his head into Namjoon's chest, " Thank you Taehyungie hyung."
"For what?"
"Protecting me. I was too scared to know what to say or do."
"I'll always protect you Jungkookie."
Taehyung finished up the paperwork and they headed out.
"Wait until the others hear about this," Namjoon said while they were on the way home, "They'll be livid too."
And they were. Absolutely livid. Everyone pulled their maknae into hugs and offered to get him this or that while he insisted he was alright.
The next day Taehyung got a call from the hospital that the doctor and nurse had been fired, apparently it wasn't the first report of misconduct that had been filed against them. They were also being compensated money through their insurance for the visit.
Jungkook was happy to hear there had been consequences, and he was happy that he'd be able to participate at their next video shoot location.
{The End}
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