Jungkook, Don't Drink That! - Part 6 [Final]
When Jin arrived home with Jungkook everyone ran to them and hugged Jungkook, lifting him off the ground and spinning him around in circles.
"I wouldn't do that unless you want to make me sick again," Jungkook joked.
The members put him down and asked how he was feeling, in which he was feeling a lot better but still a little off.
"I was able to get a hold of the people from the science fair, the people you drank that stuff from," Yoongi stated.
Jin and Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
"And?" Jin asked.
"Yeah, so...they said they didn't think the drink would actually work because they said they definitely messed something up when doing their little spell or whatever. I told them it worked but that he was deathly ill and they said that's a side effect of it wearing off. So the good news is after tomorrow you will hopefully be yourself again," Yoongi told Jungkook.
"But if being sick is a sign of it wearing off, does that mean I'll get sick again tomorrow but even worse?" Jungkook asked, he was nervous because the sickness he currently was healing from already felt like escaping death itself. He couldn't imagine how it could possibly get any worse without actually dying.
"I have no idea, hopefully not," Yoongi told the youngest.
Jin and Jungkook had spent all day at the doctor and it was already night time, and Jungkook was ready to pass out for the night. He went to bed early while the rest of them sat around watching a movie until late into the night before also going to bed.
Taehyung walked in his shared room with Jungkook to see him fast asleep, happy to see him getting rest. However in the middle of the night, he woke up to the sound of Jungkook crying.
Seriously? Again?
He opened his eyes expecting to see his maknae standing at the side of his bed like he had done the night before, but was surprised to see Jungkook still in his own bed with his eyes closed.
He was crying in his sleep.
Taehyung decided to ignore it until he heard Jungkook start tossing and turning and crying harder, but still not waking up.
Taehyung turned on his lamp and walked over to him, trying to shake him awake. "Hey, Kookie wake up," he whispered.
However Jungkook's eyes wouldn't open, he just tossed around harder. He was visibly sweating quite a lot and making faces like he was scared.
"Jungkook-ah wake up." Taehyung shook him again, a little harder this time.
"Let me go," Jungkook mumbled.
Taehyung stared at him confused.
"What? Let you go? I'm just shaking you," Taehyung told him before realizing Jungkook wasn't actually talking to him but talking in his sleep.
Taehyung grabbed the maknae's shoulders and shook him more, causing the younger to start screaming.
"No shhh you'll wake everyone up!" Taehyung said as he put his hand over Jungkook's mouth to try and make him stop screaming, however that just made it worse. With his eyes still closed tears started pouring out of them and he started thrashing in his bed as he grabbed Taehyung's wrist and tried to pry it off his mouth.
Taehyung realized that was probably a bad idea and as soon as he removed his hand Jungkook started screaming more. "Please let me go! Please!"
"Jungkook, wake up!" Taehyung shook him more with no success.
Suddenly Namjoon ran in. He had been heading to the bathroom in the middle of the night and heard a bunch of noise coming from the bedroom.
"What's going on? What's wrong?" Namjoon asked Taehyung.
Taehyung stood up. "He's having a nightmare and I can't get him to wake up and he just keeps screaming! Help him!"
Namjoon walked over and started shaking Jungkook to try and wake him up with also no success. "Well, I could try something else but he's not going to like it," Namjoon said.
"What?" asked Taehyung.
Namjoon pinched Jungkook's arm, causing him to finally shoot up in bed with his eyes open, he was still mid scream from his nightmare and began hyperventilating trying to catch his breath.
He was in shock when he woke up and wasn't sure where he was.
Namjoon went to pull him into a hug but he backed away.
"No, please!" Jungkook cried.
"Relax, relax it's me and Tae," Namjoon said warmly.
Jungkook finally got a hold of his surroundings and saw his two hyung's surrounding him. He let out a huge sigh of relief and threw himself into Namjoons arms, holding onto him tightly.
Namjoon began to rub his back. "It's okay, you're okay. It was just a bad dream."
"What was it about?" Taehyung asked.
Jungkook looked up at him and wiped his tears. "I was kidnapped."
Taehyung couldn't help but let out a small laugh, he thought it was kind of ironic that Jungkook would have a dream about that after spending so many years making fun of Jin for that fear he had, and then it almost happening to him the other day.
"Tae, don't be a jerk," Namjoon told him.
"Sorry, Kookie you're okay." Taehyung rubbed his maknae's back before going and laying back down on his bed, as much as he wanted to continue to comfort his maknae, he was absolutely exhausted.
Namjoon decided to let Jungkook go sleep in his room for the rest of the night, knowing Taehyung hadn't been getting much sleep lately because of their youngest.
The morning came quickly, surprisingly Jungkook felt quite okay, he didn't feel sick at all anymore.
Everyone was eating breakfast when Hobi spoke up. "We should do something fun today, especially since we get discounts for having a baby." Hobi laughed while shooting Jungkook a wink.
All the members let out a chuckle while Jungkook shot them all an annoyed look.
"Well, anyone have any ideas?" Yoongi asked.
"I have an idea, let's just stay home so nothing else bad happens to our maknae before tomorrow. Tomorrow he should wake up himself again, why risk it?" Jin asked.
"Hyung, can I tell you something?" Jungkook asked Jin.
Jin nodded at him.
"You're really lame," Jungkook chuckled.
"Yah! A royal brat!" Jin yelled as he started chasing Jungkook around the house, both of them full of laughter.
Still eating breakfast, the members continued their conversation. "Jin hyung definitely misses him being that young. I do too. He grew up so fast," Jimin stated.
"We all grew up fast," Taehyung pointed out.
All of them looked around at eachother fondly and smiled. They were happy that so many years later, they were all still so close and living together.
"How about we go see a movie?" Taehyung asked. Jin and Jungkook had returned and they all agreed it'd be a fun thing to do.
They got to the theater and were looking at movie posters, all wanting to see one that was Rated R but they werent sure if Jungkook was allowed to see it. The worker told them he was allowed to with someone over 18 , so they all cheered.
However they didn't exactly look up what the movie was about, they just picked the movie because the poster looked cool. Which was a bad idea. It turns out the movie was about a serial killer who only stalked, kidnapped and killed teenagers.
The movie was bloody and gory, and Yoongi who was sitting next to Jungkook could tell the maknae was absolutely terrified. He lifted the arm rest between them and pulled Jungkook to rest against him. "Just a movie, okay?" Yoongi whispered reassuringly to his maknae.
Jungkook just gulped while continuously hiding his eyes. The further into the movie they got, the more paranoid the youngest became. I'm a teenager right now...and small...what if a killer comes for me? What if one comes and hyungs arent there?! What if someone breaks into our house too?! Or just pulls me from off the street?! The more thoughts he had, the more he felt himself press his body into Yoongi's. His hyung held him tighter and planted a reassuring kiss on the top of his head.
What felt like an eternity later for Jungkook, the movie was finally over. All of his hyungs immediately looked at him.
Taehyung, being a bit oblivious, decided to instantly crack a joke. "Well jungkookie it was nice knowing you."
Nobody laughed as a tear escaped Jungkook's eyes.
" Now why would you say that?" Hobi asked annoyed. Everyone was complaining to him for being dumb, as the rest of them could clearly see their maknae was terrified.
"It was just a joke, sorry," Taehyung whispered.
"Safe to say we chose the wrong movie," Namjoon said before he leaned over and gently caressed Jungkook's cheek. "But thats all it was, just a movie. No serial killer is coming for you."
Jungkook was too scared to talk so he silently followed his hyungs out of the theater. The older members were walking swiftly ahead of him as he looked around at all the people in the lobby, wondering if any of them would murder him. He scared himself with his own thoughts and sprinted to his hyungs, grabbing Namjoons arm and putting it around himself.
"Are you okay?" The leader asked.
"Yeah, yeah, fine," Jungkook answered mindlessly as he continued to scan the people around him.
Once they got back to the dorm the members had already moved on from the movie and were playing games and hanging out.
However Jungkook's paranoia was eating him alive.
As a 23 year old adult, horror movies didnt phase him. But being in this weird alternate reality where he was a 15 year old made him think anything was possible, which meant a serial killer taking him was also possible. The members were in the middle of a game when he thought he heard a noise come from upstairs. He panicked and threw himself into Jimin.
"Whats wrong?" Jimin asked.
"Hyung, I think there is someone upstairs."
"You're just being paranoid there is nobody upstairs," Jin chimed in to reassure him.
Jungkook heard the noise again, yet nobody else seemed to hear anything.
"You dont hear that?! Im telling you there is someone upstairs!" He yelled as Jimin hugged him.
"Would it make you feel better if hyung went and checked?" Yoongi offered.
Jungkook nodded his head. Yoongi disappeared upstairs as the members silently waited for him to come back.
When they heard footsteps coming back down the stairs, Jungkook felt his heart race as he clung onto Jimin for his life. Jimin felt how tense his maknae was and how he was breathing hard, so he rubbed his back.
"There is nobody upstairs," Yoongi said as he made his way down the last step back into the living room. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief.
"Seriously Jungkook you're going to give yourself a heart attack. Nobody is coming for you," Hobi told the youngest. "I can see why the movie was Rated R."
Throughout the afternoon, the members were dealing with Jungkook's random bits of paranoia. He'd ask them to check rooms and under beds and in cabinets every time he thought he heard a noise. No matter how many times his hyungs told him he was completely safe, their words went in one ear and out the other. To add to the stress, it was now night time and storming out, just like it was in the movie.
Every time thunder would sound Jungkook would clutch to whichever hyung was closest to him and tremble.
Everyone felt bad that he was so scared, and their anxiety was also growing about the result of tomorrow.
Technically this was day three of Jungkook being turned into a teenager, and they were told it would last three days. They could only hope and pray he woke up an adult again, because if not then they had no idea what to do.
Hobi made tea for everyone, but didn't tell Jungkook he had replaced his tea with SleepyTime tea instead.
Jungkook was laying on the couch with his head in Taehyung's lap and his legs spread across Jin when tiredness suddenly hit him like a bag of bricks.
"Wow," he yawned, "I don't think I've ever felt this exhausted."
"So go to bed," Jimin told him. Jimin was surprised by the terrified look he got from Jungkook instead.
"But what if someone-I don't want to be alone," Jungkook whined.
"How about we all sleep in the living room? It could be like a living room campout. That way Jungkook you'll have six hyungs here to protect you, from nothing, all night," Yoongi suggested.
Everyone agreed that would be a good and fun idea. They all grabbed pillows and blankets and curled up on the floor together, putting their maknae in the middle. It wasn't long before everyone fell asleep, Jungkook passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow thanks to Hobi's tea.
The next morning, the members woke up to screaming coming from the bathroom upstairs. Everyone looked at eachother nervously when they realized it was Jungkook.
"Should one of us check or should we go together?" Jimin asked.
"Together," Taehyung replied.
They slowly and hesitantly made their way to where they heard their maknae making a bunch of loud noises before slowly opening the bathroom door.
"Hyungs! Hyungs! I'm back!! It's me! I'm back to normal!" Jungkook cried happy tears as everyone cheered and hugged him. So much relief washed over everyone.
"I'm never going to a science fair again. Or drinking anything green, ever again!" Jungkook stated.
Everyone was happy to have their big (but still little in their eyes) maknae back.
{The End}
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