Juneteenth 2021
For me...
It was just another day!!!
Cause I never have been one to fall for the hype...
Maybe if I were a slave...
Then again...
Probably not!!!
The emancipation had been proclamated two years earlier...
And the war had ended two months before...
Celebration was already long overdue!!!
So now...
What is there really to celebrate???
For me...
The fact that things haven't changed since June 19, 1865...
Because to be emancipated two years and two months late...
Was but a slap in the face!!!
And today...
We are still marching for civil rights...
Which if you were to believe the hype...
We were granted CIVIL RIGHTS with the passing of the civil rights act in 1964!!!
Just as we were emancipated January 1,1863!!!
I did not celebrate Juneteenth 2021...
Just as I have not celebrated it before it became a legal holiday...
I will not celebrate until there is actual and factual equal rights and emancipation...
Until we are guaranteed openly and honestly the same rights and freedoms as every other mutha...
Juneteenth will remain but a token of what is due...
The former slave owners even got restituted for the loss of property when we were freed from servitude...
So go ahead...
Celebrate like slaves!!!
But for me...
I'll have none...
Unless we finally get all!!!
Juneteenth 2021©
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