3: Survivor
I'm sorry. You'll see why once you read this.
"I regret everything!!" Jaehee squealed, holding Jumin's arm even tighter then she had been before. Luciel chuckled. "I DON'T!! YOLO!!" With that, he jumped out of the plane. "Why skydiving, of all things?!" Jaehee squealed. Jumin smiled at her gently. "It's fine." "What if something bad happens?!" "Stop worrying." "JUMIN IM SCARED!!"
"Guys, everyone else is already gone but us!" Yoosung said, pointing to the rest of the RFA as they drifted down to land. He looked over for a split second and saw the other plane coming straight for them. "GUYS!" he yelled. He didn't stay, he had to save himself first, so he jumped out, leaving Jaehee and Jumin still stood up on the plane.
As the two planes crashed together, they two fell over, their lungs filling with smoke as the planes started to fall. They watched as their pilot grabbed a parachute and jumped out, abandoning them. "Go, go, go!" Jumin yelled. He tried to help her up to the door, which was near the front of the plane, but the way that they were falling, the plane was going down tail first, which wasn't helping them.
"JUMIN, IM SCARED!!" Jaehee called out. She was shaking hard. "GO, JUST GO!" Jumin yelled to her. They tried to climb by using the seats going towards the door, but it was no use. The plane was spiraling down, keeping the two from going any higher. Jaehee lost her footing, falling backwards, but she was still able to reach the door. As she looked out, all she saw was the ground coming closer and closer. She turned to Jumin.
"COME ON, PLEASE!!" She yelled. She wasn't going out without him. "GO!" Jumin yelled. Jaehee shook her head. "COME ON JUMIN, HURRY PLEASE!" She yelled. She held out her hand for Jumin to take. He grabbed her hand and wrapped his arms around her. "Come on, please! I-I love you!" Jaehee said. Jumin started to say the same, but the plane crashed down before he finished his sentence.
Jumin could barely breathe. He knew he was being crushed... was he going to die? "GUYS, COME ON!!" He heard someone yell out. It was Yoosung's voice. He opened his eyes. Fire, smoke, metal... blood. He closed his eyes again. 'Jaehee...' he thought.
"Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit!" That was a female voice, but it wasn't Jaehee's. It was MC's. "No pulse, no pulse!" Who's pulse? Jumin's? No, he was positive he was alive... barely... 'No... Jaehee!' He began to panic, but calmed himself down. 'They're probably talking about the pilot, that's it!' Jumin thought, but then he remembered how the pilot jumped out before them. He felt himself being dragged and the weight on his chest gone. He was dragged further and further until it stopped.
"Jumin! Jumin!" It was Luciel's voice. Jumin opened his eyes, the smell of smoke somewhat gone. Luciel's face was blurry, and he was obviously crying. He sighed with relief.
"Thank god, you're okay!" Luciel exclaimed. "Jae..." Jumin cleared his throat. It was raspy and scratchy. "Jaehee," he said, attempting to sit up. "Where's Jaehee?" Luciel pushed Jumin down gently. "Shh, rest." He said, laying Jumin's head down on the soft grass.
Jumin still tried to push himself up. "Where is she?!" Jumin asked, he was panicking now. "Look, the helicopters here!" Yoosung said. Jumin got up, propping his body up on his elbows, but stopped once he saw her.
Jaehee was crushed completely under the planes weight. Blood was everywhere around her, some of it was even dried. "Jaehee..." he whispered. He started crying, Luciel held onto him. "Jumin... rest..." he said, chocked up on his own words. Jumin laid down on his back, looking up at the sky, at the helicopter coming down to pick up survivors.
The survivors. The one survivor. All the others got out without any complications. Jumin and Jaehee were the only ones who were really in the crash, fighting between life and death. Jumin started coughing, not sure if it was because of the smoke or because of the tears. The only survivor, he was the only survivor. He looked over at Jaehee again, immediately wishing he hadn't. The helicopter flew down, landing gently in a small patch of grass.
A bunch of medical experts ran out, helping him, asking him questions. His eyes were still fixed on Jaehee. Had she died on impact? Or was her death slow and painful? Was there a chance she was still gripping onto life?
As they brought him into the helicopter Jumin half listened, half didn't to what people were saying, until they said one thing that snapped him back to reality.
"One alive, uncooperative. We don't think he can't speak. There's one dead, it's a woman, she looks about 30. Think she was friends with the others."
Jumin looked up at the person who had spoke. "She's 28," he said. People started looking over at him, surprised he spoke. "Her names Jaehee Kang, and she's more then just a friend."
I'm sorry omg my friend asked for this XD I'm sorry I love you guys lololol I'm sorry 💛💛💛 ~TheWeeWeeaboo
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