Slap Happy
《This is a Creepypasta inspired》 《short》
"Mommy..?" The young boy asked, his tiny face lit with curiosity.
"Yes darling?" The sweet woman asked her pride and joy.
"What are you doing?" He asked, pointing a small finger at the woman's fork that was bringing food to her mouth.
The little five year old was born without genitalia which was a concern for a while but that concern faded when they discovered he didn't need food or drink to live.
"I'm eating sweetheart. It's something that Mommy needs to do to live." Mrs. Evans explained with a smile.
"Oh..." Day looked down to his feet.
"Mommy, what's your favorite color?" He asked a second question.
"My favorite color is the color of the sky at night, your Daddy always liked the color of the stars." Mrs. Evans sighed longingly as she remembered her late husband. She shook her head and smiled, looking at her sunshine again.
"What's your favorite color sweetie?"
Day thought for only a short while before smiling broadly.
"I like the color of blood!"
Mrs. Evans hesitated in taking her next bite of food. She gently placed down her fork and forced herself to keep her smile.
"Did you mean you like red?" She questioned almost hopefully. Her smile faltered the slightest bit when her little boy shook his head.
"No mommy, blood is darker, richer, thicker, more pure and beautiful. Red it just.... plain." Day corrected, blissfully unaware of the horror he'd graced his mother with.
Mrs. Evans stood up and forced a smile, excusing herself from the table and rushing to her room. She made up every excuse possible as to how her darling child could say such an answer, only coming up with that she had imagined it. So she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
"Mom?" A 17 year old day asked as he opened the door. He'd just come hone from school and he was sure he'd hear a response seeing as her car was in the parking lot.
But there was none.
"Mom?" Day called again, not too worried. He heard a giggle and smiled, rushing up to meet his mother.
But it wasn't her who giggled.
It was him.
He pulled his pocket knife out from his back left pocket and smiled at it as though it were his child. And in a sense, it was, he took care of it by sharpening it weekly as well as daily cleans to not just the blade but the whole knife. He dragged it against the wall as he approached his mother's room, thinking back to his favorite color.
"Day? What are you doing?" Mrs. Evans asked as he entered the room with a knife. There was no response, just a steadily approaching Day with a chilling grin on his face. Mrs. Evans yelped when he slashed at her, barely slicing her arm. The blood seeped out and Day grinned wider, his eyes grew darker and her heartbeat accelerated tenfold.
"See mother?" He asked grimly with a sadistic smile.
"See the difference?" He pressed, slashing at her stomach. Mrs. Evans looked down in horror, seeing a dark, thick liquid stain her bright red dress.
It only took a moment or so for her to collapse, choking as the blood seeped out of her mouth. Bleeding to death in a minute from the deep stomach wound that beautifully displayed the difference between red, and thick, rich, beautiful blood. It could have also been the constant stabbing that occurred in her abdomen as Day got on his knees and laughed with such glee, reapedly, over and over he stabbed her, cutting deep into her flesh then ripping the knife back.
It took just a few seconds for Day to realize what he'd done.
The grief tore at him from the inside out, he ran into the forest, beneath the starry night sky and screamed. He started to rip at his hair, tugging and pulling at the strands but it only fueled his insanity when they stayed put. His hands scrambled around him as he searched for his knife that he'd dropped when he fell to his knees in a small clearing. He found it then wasted no time in bringing it up to his head and started to maul himself, skinning his face and scalp, leaving only two small areas of skin. The parameter of the first being his right eye, the right side of his nose, the top of his right cheekbone and his right ear. The second's parameters being the left side of his nose, just below his left ear-- which was now cut off, both ears actually--, his neck-- which he didn't skin, instead slitting it-- all the way to his lowwer right cheekbone. He gouged his own eyes out, laughing maniacally as he did so. Finally, after all the blood shed, he was satisfied, feeling the pain scream at him as the darkness took him.
But he was oblivious to the 8ft tall creature that blended into the trees. The thing had watched everything from him talking to his mother about favorite colors all those years ago, all the way up until the moment he passed out. And it was impressed. It extended a tentacle, grabbing hold of Day and teleporting to it's house where it took cloth from another resident of the house and stitched it to his open flesh. He could do nothing about Day's missing eyes so it gave Day a power, a greyish-purple smoke seeping into the body, then the tall thing left.
Day awoke the next day in minor pain and looked around the darkness. He'd blinded himself. He had a brief thought; I wish I could see. As soon as the thought had completed itself, there was a greyish-purple glow then he could see he tried turning his head but the vision stayed put, so he willed it to move. It did. Day stayed sitting as he turned the vision to himself and saw what a horror he was. Fabric for skin on his face and no eyes. He smiled. He got up, willing the magical sight to stay with him as he moved around the long and empty halls around him. He found himself in the kitchen where the tall creature stood. Day stood silently for only a moment before the thing spoke.
"Take a seat, we have much to discuss." It spoke. Day was hesitant but sat anyways.
"I apologize for the sudden kidnapping but I was intrigued by you. You killed your mother then mauled yourself to near death." It sounded amused. It turned around and Day realized it had no face.
"My name is Slenderman, I would like for you to become one of my Proxies."
"Okay," Day agreed, the overwhelming need to laugh took his senses and he burst into giggles that progressed into maniac laughter.
"Do I get to pick a name, because you obviously weren't born like that and weren't named 'Slenderman' before" Day got out once he'd calmed down.
"You are correct and yes, that is, if you'd like to be called something other than Day Iris Evans." Slenderman agreed.
"Well, my initials spell 'Die' which is already cool." Day suggested. Slender thought for a moment before nodding.
"Welcome to Slender mansion, DIE."
"BENNN!" A raspy voice bellowed from downstairs, shortly followed by loud footsteps and back and forth bickering. It slowly got closer until the door was slammed open by a tall man with long black hair, a carved smiled and no eyelids who was tackling an equally tall man with blond hair, black scelara, red pupil eyes.
"Where. Is. My. Knife." The assailant growled in the blond's face, holding a knife to his throat.
"You're holding it." Blondie smirked in a smart ass fashion.
"Ben, I will kill you and not even Slender can stop me now, so I will ask one more time: Where is my knife?" The attacker growled, pressing down on Ben's throat even harder.
The conversation faded into the background, becoming nothing but muffled noises when DIE stopped listening and used the magic vision he now had to search the house, looking in every room, when he was looking in the kitchen, he noticed that the knives all had an aura around them, none of them looked special to DIE though so he moved on. As he was looking in the living room, he noticed a glow through the vents of a video game console and snapped the vision back to the fight where he was met with Slenderman holding each one of the thrashing boys in a tentacle. Ben was laughing and the attacker was trying to stab him, to no avail since Slenderman held him further away.
"It's inside of the second from bottom video game console on the left side while looking at the television." DIE announced, the attacker looked at him then at BEN who looked amazed, then back to DIE who was just standing there.
"There's no way you could've known! I hid it last night and you were unconscious." Ben pouted and DIE smiled.
"You can thank Slenderman for my weird smoke vision." DIE waved a hand towards the taller man, who was now letting down the two boys. The attacker ran out of the room but Ben stayed in and looked at DIE with curiosity.
"What do you mean? You can't see without it?" He clarified.
"Um, no. If course I can't idiot, I have no eyes." DIE rolled his eyes. At least he would have had he any.
"I was just asking, EJ can see without your weird smoke magic vision and he also has no eyes." Ben pointed out defensively.
"Who are you anyway?"
"I'm DIE." DIE smiled, the strain of smiling caused his stitched on fabric to pull as his 'open' flesh but instead of pain, he felt the need to laugh.
DIE flinched then started to laugh uncontrollably, choking out words as he laughed.
"Pain.. is... h-hilarious!!!!" DIE screamed as he fell to the floor in laughter. Ben slapped DIE in an attempt to get the laughter ro stop but DIE just laughed even harder. A passing clown smirked and popped his head in.
"I guess he's slap happy" the clown started to laugh and DIE slowly stopped laughing.
"Shut up L.J.!" Ben growled, annoyed by the bad pun. DIE smiled at the joke.
"I like that actually, I'm gonna go by Slap Happy now, DIE can be a nickname." Slap Happy grinned, but no laughs came this time.
"See, Ben! My jokes are useful!" LJ smiled victoriously and Slap Happy stood up, walking over to the clown, held out a hand.
"Slap Happy, can also be called DIE." Slap Happy introduced. LJ grinned and took the newcomers hand.
"Laughing Jack, mostly called L.J. ." LJ took a piece of candy out of his pocket and stuck it in his mouth.
"Candy would love you, Jason too. Slender, in stealing Happy to introduce him to Candy and Jason." LJ stated, dragging DIE as he did.
"Not again...." LJ muttered as he watched DIE fall to the floor with laughter, it was only a month of him being a proxy but his insanity took him once again. LJ had heard the familiar laughter and rushed to find Slap Happy only to see him stitching half of his mouth closed, the other half was burnt shut. But if that wasn't horrendous enough, Slap Happy had also cut his skin from his body and nailed it to his shoulders like a bloody skin cape. Slap Happy continued to laugh even when his mouth was completely shut. DIE's smoke was flowing around him in smooth circles as he slowly calmed down.
"For the love of Slender, can't you not laugh for one day?!" LJ exclaimed, but even as he said it, he could feel his own laughter bubbling. By this point, all of the Proxies knew who DIE was and it was no shocker when EJ came into the room, having followed the smell of blood to DIE and LJ laughing together in a pool of DIE's blood.
"I.... I think I'll just go get Slendy....." EJ muttered to himself and ran, returning shortly after with the 8ft creature in tow.
"Not again.." Slenderman groaned as he took in the bloody and insane scene before him.
"Slenderman, what a pleasure to see you." DIE grinned, or at least he would have had he not sewn/burnt a permanent smile into his face.
"Do you like it?"
Slenderman wanted nothing more than to discourage the boy from this level of insanity, but with the amount of blood he saw, he couldn't deny that he enjoyed the gruesome sight before him.
"Yes, child. I love it." He admit, the need to kill was too strong at that moment so he teleported to the forest to find a victim.
"Well then, I see you guys had fun" Jeff smirked, walking towards the scene, upon seeing DIE's new smile, he laughed.
"Yes!! We match! Kind of.... I like the new look though." He commented, pointing at Slap Happy.
"Well thank you m'dear" DIE accepted, making Jeff jump slightly, a shiver running down his spine from the smoke that whispered in his ear, seeing as Slap Happy's mouth was closed, his magic did everything for him. Well..
Almost, everything.
DIE woke up in the infirmary, again.
What'd he do this time you ask?
Well, that's obvious, of course he just had to go and rip off his arms then burn the stumps closed.
Most people would be annoyed by this but not DIE, nope. He loves it, he tried willing his smoke to form a hand the purplish color swirledmorphing and changing until it settled on a three fingered, one thumb form. DIE decided this would be good enough and didn't try to change it, instead letting the form melt back into a flowing circle around him. It was almost like a snake, the way it coiled around him with one whisp up at the foot of the bed so he could see.
The swirling stopped when foot steps approached and the door opened to reveal E.J., L.J., Jeff and Slenderman.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from my four favorite people?" DIE expressed his sarcasm clearly as his whispies whispered in the ears of the other four. Jeff, L.J. and E.J. shivered, still not quite used to the silky feeling of DIE's smoke against their necks, talking to them and tickling their ears.
"To the fact that you're a psychotic son of a bitch who ripped his arms out then burnt the stumps, you realize we can't stitch you back together this time?" Jeff asked, his eyebrows scrubching together and his smile straining, the closest thing to a friend he'd get.
DIE forming his hand again, making two of them and doing finger guns towards the group.
"You got it." He agreed, meanwhile, a little girl with a pink dress was passing by, but apon seeing the smokey display, gasped and jumped up to try and climb it. Slenderman was concerned buy this, not sure if the smoke would hold and got ready to catch little Sally if need be, but found there was no need when the smoke sunk a little but otherwise held the child up.
"Slappy!! You're awake!" The child smiled, jumping off of the smoke and onto his chest, where the smoke attached to DIE's stumps and formed arms that hugged the little girl back.
Sally pulled away suddenly and slapped his chest with surprising strength as she pouted.
"Don't do that again, it scared me and made me sad. You hear me Slappy? You made me sad!" Sally exclaimed dramatically, Slap Happy nodded understanding and put on a smoke display for her while he apologized.
"Sorry Sally, I didn't mean to make you sad, could you ever, possibly in your whole life find it in you to forgive little ol' me?" DIE asked, just as dramatically. Sally tapped her pointer finger on her chin in fake thought before nodding, only to be assaulted by tickles from Slenderman as he took the small child back and teleported to her room, making the squeals of laughter go from deafeningly close to much more distant and muffled.
The other three who were previously just bystanders walked away, leaving DIE to think happily.
Now his magic did everything with him.
^^ 2747 words
I told you I'm fucked up.
The best part is that I wrote this at night in a cabin in the middle of the woods.
I'm actually insane
Oh well.
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