Chapter 8
As Kavya & the man got lost in each other's eyes, Kavya was the first to come back to her sense. She quickly pushed him away from her.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kavya yelled.
"What did I do?"
"What did you do?" Kavya scoffed, "Ha...please, dont even try to act so innocent! I know you rich boys. You just see a beautiful young girl and think you can take advantage but Im not like other girls! If you touch me, Ill burn you!"
"Are you crazy? Your stupid hair got stuck, I didnt do anything!" The man protested.
"Whatever, I dont have the time to argue with you." Kavya said and then left.
Once she got back to Oberoi Mansion, Kavya went to her room (Piya's room) to think about what she can do about the engagement.
"Kya karun main....What do I do.."Kavya paced the room, thinking. "Seriously Kavya? Of all the times, now is the time you have no ideas?"
"K...Kavya?" Kavya froze and spun around to see Gauri standing there in tears.
"Phail gaya raita..." Kavya mumbled, making Gauri chuckle.
"I knew it...I just knew it." Gauri stepped towards Kavya and touched her face, looking at her emotionally. "You were behaving so differently...but I didnt think for a second that you were...Oh my god...Kavya?"
"You're so big now...the last time I saw you, you were a baby." Gauri cried. "But...but your eyes, when you were a baby they were like Jiju's but now..."
"These are just contacts Maasi." Kavya explained.
"Come here." Gauri hugged Kavya tightly and smiled. "So...this means Piya is with Di?"
"Haan..." Kavya nodded.
"Does she..."
"No...Ma doesnt know, even Mama doesnt know, only Gia...my friend and Isha knows."
"Isha knows?" Gauri asked. Kavya nodded again. "This all happened during that trip? You two met there?"
"Yeah Maasi...we met and we decided to switch places to unite our parents again...."Kavya explained, "Are you mad?"
"Pagal ladki...why would I be mad?" Gauri sniffled, "Im so so happy. I always knew you girls would be the ones to bring your parents back together."
"Why did they separate? What happened?"
"Its all because of that Nidhi and her mother!" Gauri exclaimed. "She blackmailed you father into kicking Di out. We had no choice because we love Di and we wanted her safe and now we are all living in Nidhi's fear....if only we had the proof to show that she killed Ansh, then both mother and daughter would be behind bars."
"Dont worry Maasi, Ill find proof. Nidhi killed my brother, she tortured my sister for years and she separated my parents...I wont leave her. Nidhi Das and her mother will have to pay for their crimes." Kavya said, determined.
Meanwhile after talking to Kavya, Piya went back upstairs to see Viraj still talking to the girl. So she just went into his cabin and waited......and waited....and waited. An hour later he finally came into his cabin.
"Hey...there you are. I was looking for you!"
"Where? In that girl's desk?" Piya mumbled to herself, annoyed.
"Sorry what?" Viraj leaned forward.
"Nothing....we should get to work." Piya replied.
"Haan Haan, we will. First I just have to watch the game for a bit."
"Yeah its just the end. Wont be long."
Piya watched in disbelief as Viraj took the remote and walked around the desk, plopped down on his chair, swung both his legs onto the desk and turned on the TV.
"Shhh..." Viraj held up a finger sushing her.
"How rude! He is Kavya's friend? How does she put up with him?" Piya sighed. "Enough...Im leaving."
So Piya got up to leave when she felt a tug on her shirt and...RIIIPPP! Gasping, Piya clasped on hand over the rip on her back and using the other hand she picked up the jug of water that was there and..
Viraj sat there, soaking wet and very confused as to what suddenly happened.
"What the hell Kavya...What was that?"
"What was that? That was what you deserve! What do you think you are doing!" Piya furiously asked.
"I...uh....watching the game?" Viraj pointed to the TV.
"You ripped my shirt!"
"Kya?" Viraj made a confused expression. "Have you like completely lost it? Why would I do that?"
Looking around Viraj then saw the real culprit. "Look there."
Piya looked and saw a nail sticking out from the desk.
"See? Your shirt must have snagged on the nail." Viraj explained. Piya became silent with embarrassment. Viraj took off his shirt so he was only wearing an undershirt and walked towards her.
"W...w..wa...what are y..you..do.doing?" Piya backed away until she hit the wall.
"Whats wrong with you Chipkali?" Viraj laughed, "Why are you acting so weird?"
"Main...I...uh...woh..." Piya stammered. Amused, Viraj pulled Piya towards him making her hold her breathe and her eyes open wide. Then he tied his shirt around her waist to cover the rip.
"Ive never seen you being so affected by me..." Viraj smirked and stepped closer to Piya until their noses almost touched. "But its very entertaining."
Finally Piya ducked under Viraj's arm and moved away as he laughed.
"Im...sorry." Piya apologized. Turning around, Viraj placed his palm on her forehead. "What are you doing?"
"Do you have a fever? Since when does Kavya Trivedi apologize?" Viraj asked.
"I made a mistake, I thought you..." Piya shook her head. "It was my mistake so of course Ill apologize."
The rest of the day went by and Piya ended up doing most of the work cause Viraj was busy watching the game. Then Piya went back home with Anika.
"Kavu...Ill help your Mami with dinner. You go freshen up okay?" Anika told Piya.
"Haan Ma..." Piya nodded and walked into her room to see Sahil sitting on her bed. "Mama? What are you doing here?"
Sahil looked at her with a smile and shook his head. "I really didnt think Kavu would be this stupid."
"Wha...What do you mean?" Piya looked around nervously. Sahil held out a few documents.
"If you were gonna switch places, maybe you should have also switched the passports and Ids?"
"I...how did you know?"
"I grew up with Kavya...she has never hidden anything from me because she cant. I know her better than she knows herself. It was clear to me from the start that you were not Kavya...especially when you called me Mama instead of Mamu." Sahil laughed. "I just needed the proof so...thats why I snooped around when you were at office. Sorry."
"I...I...Im sorry..." Piya looked down, thinking Sahil was angry with her.
"Arre arre...why are you crying?" Sahil wiped her tears, "Piya...what happened?"
"You...you're not mad?" Piya asked.
"Why would I be mad? You are also my niece....I love you just as much as I love Kavya." Sahil hugged Piya, "Im so happy to see you after so many years."
"Mama....pls dont tell Ma. If you tell Ma and she tells Papa then it will ruin Kavya's entire plan!" Piya begged Sahil.
"Shh shh, relax Piya. Remember I suspected you ever since you came back...If I was gonna tell Di I would have already told her. Dont worry, your secret is safe with me."
Note: Hey Guys, Since Jamai Raja is done, I have restarted Judwaa. I also plan on starting a sequel to Jamai Raja but I wont start that until maybe this weekend or next week. Anyways how do you like this chapter?
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