The underworld
Judith shouts this vulgarity over and over. Tries to brush the tree dust off her sweaty bald torso. Dried gore limbs. The dust ranges from slivery shavings to fine, floury powder.
Since smell is a new sense for Judith, finds she wants to think of her nauseous reaction to the dust as instinctive. Gag reflex come alive. Looks up. Thinks must desperately find something to wash herself with. Air's thick with the doubt of rain.
Water would be best. Nothing abrasive. Likes the reflective shine of water on her nudity. Especially in the warmth of the previous sun of the previous world.
"Oils and lotions would also be wonderful."
Thinks she hasn't thought about this before. Or ever. Confusion. Why is this confusing her? Maybe she has another mind working with her in her brain's bone tomb skull. Maybe this world is allowing her mind to move past the always present and forgive her a lack of options in every situation. Thoughts bubble. Her thoughts? Maybe just noticing thoughts.
Being wet is as new a feeling upon her skin as the recognition of scent molecules upon her brain. The graveyard girl's not so enthralled with this moment's shiny, dusty sticking sweat; wearing the itchy dark forest mess. Annoyingly uncomfortable. Harder skin be damned! Her back and legs itch like they sting. Her first knowledge of pain is of her skin enduring such crawling pins and needles. She scratches. Serotonin. Makes the itch worse.
The graveyard girl composes herself enough to witness her surroundings in the movement of the lineal, back and forth watching. Foot twirling. Body moving in circles. Searching for something. Somewhere else.
From behind the many thin branches, she makes out a large, cement cylinder built into a root covered wall. Rusty bars block an entrance. Can witness the opening beyond the bars. Perhaps a sewer. A dark place that may be an entrance for a descent. Maybe it's a descent that exists for an entrance...who knows.
The twirling tiny bush branches surrounding the circular fissure give the impression of pubic hair. The concrete orifice lays wide for her body to penetrate.
"A tunnel. Is there an underworld to this upper tree trunk place? I wonder what ancient surprises might be down there? Maybe there's a ladder for my precaution against motherfucking gravity."
Judith looks up at the tree tops. Curses them with her eyes. Wrinkles her nose due to the smell crawling along her skin. Decides to try her luck beneath the roots and trees. It'll be disappointing If she finds such topography underneath her current landscape. Although, she wonders if the trees grow upside down in the below, with branches reaching down to pull up whatever meal they hunger for. Maybe there's a better chance of finding water down there. Might be that the underworld sky is made of water. Can hint at the freshness of the body of liquid smelt from before. Though, the stench of putrid tree dust coating her skin overpowers all else.
Old Sol flashes above the horizon. Heat like hatred. The humidity swells almost instantly. Hotter and hotter in this place. Molasses sweat beads off her backside. Itch exceeds her composure. Excruciating. Scratches. Burns.
The woodland's feverish from within each trunk. Hollows groan. The sick forest smells worse and worse. Places a hand on a mimic tree. Wooden flora feels warm. Warm becoming hot.
The graveyard girl turns. Scratches her back against a tree's rough flesh. Huge mistake. The tree's a mimic. Collapses into shavings. Sounds like a sand sculpture disintegrating on top of her. Dust coats her flesh again. Sits in her fingernail wounds like fibreglass. Screams into her frustration.
"Motherfucker! What place have I found? I was of a purgatory and then a utopia. And now...perhaps what I smell has the loins of the master of Tophet. I am a cool and moist grave, drying out and being eaten by metaphorical ants in this closed door oven sun. Time to find some shadows."
The grave yard girl crashes through the thin branches toward the circular cement orifice. Grips and bends the rusty bars out of her way. They're easier to flex than the monster's broken black ribs. Steps through the contorted metal rods. Finds her feet at a ledge with a ladder built into the concrete drop. It's six feet away. No use to her since it's rusted on the opposite side of the hole.
Peers over. The only direction is down into the dark cylinder. Tilts her chin up. Meanders her focus on the cement ceiling. A circular six feet above. The perimeter might be four feet in its near vicinity to Judith's face. At the centre, a big x-eye smiley face watches her with its red, spray paint dead grin. There're also letters carved in a perfect modern font upon the cement at the dead smile's stick figure face forehead.
This is the way. Step inside.
The lettering looms over Judith's emerald city eyes. Does an exhibition of atrocity exist in the below?
A loud bang from somewhere behind, deep in the dusty, soul eaten forest catches her attention. Another bang like metal bending when something walks on monkeypod over a ventilation system. The bang sucks in, the bang breaths out. It's like pressing down on a subfloor in the right spot numerous times. Like tin ductwork breathing out its noisy warping lungs.
The sound grows louder and louder. Faster and faster. Banging wobbles become legion. Moves closer and closer to Judith.
Peers back and side eyes the landscape. The entire forest curls and flexes. Moves toward her position like hundreds of krakens reaching for her body to feast upon her graveyard soul.
Judith jumps backward into the darkness of the hole just as a root brushes by her turned cheek. More roots try to catch her but fail in their tangly intention. One whipping, hairy tree toe almost grips her ankle as she drops. It's no serious adversary against timing and gravity.
Judith's now a penny falling into a dry well. Who made her the object of a belated wish? The forest coming to Dunsinane? No, Judith isn't responsible for that kind of angry eclipse of good and evil. There must be something else toiling with Judith's afterlife. But is it even an afterlife anymore, since she's breathing now? Was the moving forest alive as well? Was that banging the sound of it's breath or the sound of the upstairs boiling to death? Both?
Judith hears a million wood scraping screams come from where she just was. It's like a keyless piano hitting the ground from a great height over and over again.
She plummets in darkness. Down. Down. Down.
Splashes into shockingly cool water. Deep crisp water. Frigid like jumping from a hot tub into a pool. All the sounds of above disintegrate in the initial clap her body makes upon the surface. Silence prevails in the depths of the liquid darkness. Lets the slow gravity take her down until momentum ceases. Hovers upside down in the deep.
The graveyard girl looks around in the murky tenebrosity. Wonders if she can breath underwater. Wonders if she necessarily needs to. Can she hold her breath with no affect on her heart or lungs? Judith decides to breath in the water to see what happens. As she does, the water flows into her windpipe and fills her lungs. Respires water in and out as if the liquid is the air. Breathes underwater as if she's always had a watery respiratory system. Finds the feeling weird. In a few breaths, becomes benumb to her new nature.
The graveyard girl is reminded of something she's not sure she's ever been familiar with. Hits her imagination. Brings about a feeling of joy. She must be familiar with the idea. Smiles pleasantly at her situation. Grins like a child because of where her mind goes with the feeling.
"I can be a mermaid!"
She feels around her whole body. Imagines turquoise scales upon her thighs and belly and breasts. Perhaps her shoulders as well. Her hair could remain how it is in this moment, wild like a gorgon with the grey and the copper of green waves above her Emerald City eyes. Judith watches her feet and thinks of a giant fish tail, but the idea of it doesn't appeal to her, since she likes her feet and legs too much to change them, even in an imaginary, mythical transformation.
The water's cool. Cleansing upon her itch scratch skin. Rubs every inch of herself to make sure the dusty woodland semeny sweat's gone. Satisfied.
Judith lets gravity have its way. Twirls right side up, whatever that is.
Decides to swim in the depths, like she swam under the snow in that foreign, apparitional lake and the lake in her lost graveyard world. Except she can feel it all now. Her nervous system allows for the sensation of pleasure.
The water is the air around her. Feels it encapsulate every tender bit of flesh which is situated in a thralling relief. Torso and legs and arms and breasts and feet and rump. Alive with the contact of skinny dipping freedom. Loins are aroused by wet touches. Likes herself this way, swimming in the dark. Not knowing where to go or where she should be, if she should be at all. No one's calling for her. She's no one to call to.
In this underwater moment, Judith's content with such a glorifying realization. Wayward and unbound. An untethered traveller without a care for a destination. Alone. Notices how her loins quiver at these thoughts. Blood's moving.
She finds a feeling between her legs and in her belly. Presses fingers upon where she aches. Holds digits there. Slowly rub the soft sensitive flesh surrounded by coppery pubic hair. Her other hand squeeze a hard nipple, crushing it in a painful pleasure. Lets go. Dips fingers into her crotch. Gets more than wet one way. Judith searches for the sponge throbbing within her. Motion of her digits force her legs to quiver and spread widely as she contacts and violently rubs her Grafenberg spot, all while floating in summersaults and moaning water from her mouth. Her external fingers frantically rub her pleasure nub, hitting the heights that come just before the climaxes. Her pinkie touches and circles her anus before entering her quivering backside orifice friend. Little bunny nose clamps onto her smallest finger. The moment goes faster and faster until Judith witnesses stars and thousands of green glowing eyes watching her in the void, witnessing Judith take care of herself. Swells her. Shudders and her eyes grow wide with an overpowering pleasure. Whitish froth squeezes from her loins upon her fingers. Screams out the heavy water of her orgasmic female ejaculation. Time and space vanish like an isolation tank. Judith feels thorough, even as her fingers continue to rub and press. Brings her knees to her chest. Slowly ends her new favourite past time in spasms. Floats like marionettes. Calms. Smiles down at her lower self. Eyes witness in the dark depths the glowing green. Watches the froth float away and disappear into the watery darkness.
Judith curls into a ball for a few moments. Somersaults. Extends her limbs. Stretches long her arms and legs. Places her hands on her breasts. Green eyes dim and close into the darkness and the cool deep feels nice in its all encompassing, soft grip.
Judith will want to have this experience again when the time arises. Loves what she can do to herself, which is something she's done before, but not nearly as satisfyingly intense. This time felt perfect. Did her new appetite for a revenants heart and brain cause this? Make these physicalities more pronounced? Maybe it will be hard to outdo what she just did but that's no barrier to a challenge. Wonders what else she can do to herself to find more adventurous emotional, physical pleasure. Who or what does she have to eat to obtain such intricate and all encompassing delight? Judith closes her eyes and rests upon her floating jouissance, smiling at everything she's never really known.
Eventually, Judith's nighttime eyes begin further opening to the world around her. Like they're evolving to accommodate her in her present vicinity. Sights come into view. Where she exists opens up in ways she understands completely and knows nothing of. It's like she's in the belly of a world devouring leviathan.
The very large and distant walls of the underground are like the inside view of a cavernous rib cage. Bottom of this stomach place is littered with toppled machines. Dark orange metal pallets with tiny hills of wrapped mechanical rustings and sealed bags of unknown stuff stacked in rows like that of collapsed dominoes. The belly side of this gargantuan, horizontal sternum is made of muck and metal. Concrete but also flora of black blood and grey skin. It's a vast cavern for Judith to explore.
The skinny dipper swims and swims in the dull, slow motion void. It's a whole new world encompassing her. Again, imagines herself as a mermaid, living forever underwater. Never letting her feet touch gravity again. Might forget how to walk like a hairless primate. Might forget what it's like to breath the air of the upstairs. Would that be so bad?
Swims to the bottom. Acts upon popping her ears due to the pressure. Comes across a cube. Broken glass enclosure resting in its shattered grave. Looks like it might have contained someone for an experiment in a simulation or some such scientific torturing. There're pipes coming out of the bottom of the busted glass prison cube. Judith wonders if all this water, over a vast amount of time, originated from those pipes. One of the tubes has a symbol on it of what might've been a blue eye. The bottom of what was the chamber also seems to have a giant symbol of an eye carved into it. Half covered in muck. This particular hieroglyph is definitely blue. Judith likes that colour. Calms her. Places the feelings behind her thoughts at ease. Like that specific colour knows everything about her.
Climbs into the broken glass enclosure. Plants her feet in the muck. On the eye. Someone was definitely placed in here. Seems certainly made for a particular someone. Who? When? Why? Judith shrugs to herself at the uselessness of such questions in regard to such assertions.
There're many consoles and shattered glass walls not far from the cube's remains. Where the scientists would've been.
A skeleton sits at one of the consoles. Wears different shades of blue attire. Bones don't relate to any specific gender, or so Judith ponders due to the feminine cut of the jackets embroidery and fit, which is somehow in vastly better condition than its owner. Could be a meaningless observation to ponder. How does she know that the jacket's confines of gender aren't also an illusion in this place. Or any place.
Gender and its capitalism are an ever changing cloth, sewn into the mirage of history's simulation.
Mind rests in the darkness of her visual perception and also the other watery senses she's becoming accustomed to. Mind watches itself for a moment and takes in an internal apparition living its life before her, existing externally on the inside of Judith's eyes. A vision lingers in front of the cube that she now recognizes as a broken cage. Like ghosts, she watches a woman and a girl hold each other. They don't float. A mother and a daughter. Both crying. The mother brushes the daughter's hair with her hands and makes no sound when she says, "I love you." They both stand and run away, disintegrating into the darkness of the cavern. What once was. Maybe into the disintegration of their lives. Were they the beginning or the end or the nothing of what's left?
The graveyard girl wonders who's vision it may be. Why is it in her head? Something she can't remember but somehow her memory does the nostalgia for her. Which way in the distance is it? Past or future? Can she even know the future? Is it a horizontal memory in her vertical mind? No more and no less than the memories of someone else's past. Maybe she's a "someone else." Judith's brain teases.
Exits the purposeless cage. Swims along the bottom for a while. Grips and pushes off ancient machines with their square edge limbs and shovels and forks. A dump truck lays on its crumpled heavy metal side. Exposes its broken fissure undercarriage.
Feels a sort of underwater wave. Very faint but noticeable. Distant. A currant?
Judith slowly ascends. The wave of motion touches her body again. Realizes there's something moving in the great distance before her. Creates a pseudo example of cause and effect. Another wave beckons to her curiosity. Rolls of motion caress her body.
Judith peers at the darkness. Notices two dim, green glowing, oddly situated eyes. Aren't on the front of a face. Situated on the sides, closer to where the ears should be in regards to human physiognomy. Human? Maybe what's out there isn't a human.
The graveyard girl realizes that what she's perceiving exists at a great distance from her and that whatever it is, it's extremely big.
The rolling wave motion becomes stronger and the gap between waves becomes shorter. Whatever it is, it's speeding up. Swimming toward her.
'Maybe it's a dogfish within this cavernous, giant dogfish?'
She witnesses. Swims with its head moving its body back and forth. Slowly but faster than anything Judith has known in this swimming world. The graveyard girl also views a large round body to go with its green glowing eyes. Lengthy fins and a sharp dorsal. Above her position in the short distance. Can witness its frown of teeth within partially open, upside down lid of a mouth.
"A motherfucking revenant shark?"
How is it that Judith recognizes something she doesn't ever recall coming across? Nothing like this existed in her lake with the house at the bottom. Is her inductive reasoning reminding her or teaching her? Both? Judith's convinced enough to be confused about this knowledge and about herself in terms of knowledge. But now is not the time to be in such a way, since an extreme danger approaches like a child of God.
The megalodonic creature is far bigger and much faster than Judith. Teeth alone are a proportional quarter of her size, at least. Can figure in her head with her size up against its size. Distance between as well as the height between them.
Swims closer and closer. Moves vibrationally. Sternly. Like a grizzly titan. Sharp purpose. Begins to descend upon the level where Judith lingers. She's not afraid. The shark's menacing but its movement doesn't suggest an attack. Not yet.
The dinosaur comes upon the graveyard girl but doesn't open its giant arrowhead razor mouth. Swims past Judith as if it doesn't notice her. She touches its bright black skin. Feels an armour coarseness like cobblestone. Maybe it's a combination of a Megalodons terrifying round, gray body and a Dunkleosteus' wicked armour. Maybe it's neither. Maybe it's an undiscoverable fossil.
The giant fish circles back to Judith after taking a wide distance to turn around.
The graveyard girl watches. Floats still. Imagines it as an asteroid orbiting an invisible planet. Faces and notices it speed up significantly, like it was pretending to be slow before. Shark face and eyes and protruding teeth loom closer. Enormous mouth opens. Teeth seem much more massive than Judith thought. Eyes roll into its brain.
Judith witnesses inside its horrible mouth. Notices many dead fleshy things hang between its teeth.
The megalodonic mouth becomes the ceiling and the floor. Eats Judith whole.
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